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So is #Bitcoin #Inflationary or #Deflationary? The answer will surprise you. Let's check the real supply out to the year 2048 and more. Live at 3:20PT https://buff.ly/3pT1Gxp


How Scarce is Bitcoin? Inflationary or Deflationary? This will surprise you

Bitcoin #BitcoinDeflationary #BitcoinSupply #BitcoinScarcity #BitcoinSupplyProjections #LostCoins #BitcoinPerPerson💰Celsius IA PROMO Code get $60 in Bitcoi...



Good morning from Perth


First nice work 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺


Good afternoon!


Looking forward to the answer!


Good evening all - UK


Isn't deflationary?


I was once scared of the future of money, now it excites me even with money printing and inflation. Thanks to you James, we love you ❤️ #bitcoin


I think deflationary, hope Im not too surprised.


“The answer will surprise you” not clickbait at all James 😂😂😂


Good afternoon from the Snipers tower :)


Does James pull questions for the show off Patreon or YouTube? Thanks for your help!


Great job ….ETH is deflationary & so is Btc … it’s like rare Diamond or pure gold & it will go up unless we get Whale FUD !! …. BUY BUY BUY!!


Its both. More Jeff Booth please. I almost have a hard time reading comments because realizing people either don't watch your videos, don't understand your videos, or have really short term memories, is difficult for me in my Asperger's nature. However, I am EXTREMELY thankful to you for having the patience to keep building the bridge.


OH!!! Did you see the interview with Jason Lowery on Pomp yesterday??? Just wow, my favorite interview in several days!


Great info James. Working for that whole coin. Sitting at .7 and this info is making me fomo.😳🤣🤣🤣


Great show James. Liking the short format


James, your calming videos always reminds me to relax, stay focused, and hodl on. Thanks always for the amazing soothing energy 😍


Hey James. Green BTC miner TeraWulf lists tomorrow. Highlighted by Mr Saylor. Your thoughts? … and thank you for being the voice of reason in these interesting times. Love from Melbourne 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺


Thank you James from Norway. As always great informative update.


Thanks James. We appreciate your hard work.


Thinking about your Future Supply chart. At what point do you think the supply is so small that demand overpowers it surging price geometrically upward? Before the next halving or some other inflection point? Thanks as always!


well the Twitterverse was talking about BTC being inflationary at 1.88%. I like to go counter to what the world is thinking being a typical contrarian.


I did and Jason wants to be on my channel but not sure.... I listed to first 15 mins and then could not anymore.


literally there will only ever be 12-14 M BTC... having just one in a global population of 8bn will be very special


Nice - not sure if I told you but my sons girlfriend is from Norway and they live together in Copenhagen.


oh yeah..... When I start modeling money supply growth and money supply acceleration and the basement things get real crazy real fast


As always, very interesting! Probably once there is more adoption, tech will will facilitate people to not lose their crypto.


If the price is being held down for more institutions to get in next year … wouldn’t it make sense that we are going to see a second leg down before we move up?


Great video as always!


Thanks James. Appreciate your expertise and insight.


NY New York HI James! Any thoughts on BC Vault


Almost used some btc today to get more sol.... but .... nahh 😋


James, does your crystal ball still lean toward a positive jump this month? Wondering if pulling out tax money will drop us at the end of the month? I wonder this, because it is on my mind, so it must be on there people’s minds. I will hold everything I can after taxes (which are going to hit me hard this year). Thank you for all you effort, James. Never feel bad about not replying. You get 10,000 questions. No idea how you juggle everything.


Nice post James. Would've been more complete to mention how many Mt Gox coins are locked up.


Great vid as always. I can never quite do live. Even when I am on "at the time", it sometimes never starts and I reload after 10 mins and realize I am behind. I have teens, and they have issues like "dad! I have to buy minecraft dungeons right now! I have Christmas money!", etc. Anyway, great as always. My biggest worry through all of this is security, no surprise, right? I am staking all my SOL and MATIC now and I stress a bit about that a lot. I have some BTC and ETH in a hard wallet. I stress less about that. How do we deal with this going forward when this will probably become the biggest FUD play considering even us faithful (I am 2013 vintage where I mined my first coins) have legit concerns? I lost my first .25 BTC in a lost key since that time. It is a really scary thing, and honestly this MUST be dealt with in the BTC community before this will be widely adopted. I do challenge you to take up the torch in this preaching. Everything else is indeed pristine, but this is absolutely not. Agree totally that care is key, but we all know that the masses are not going to be case careful as say engineers or people like James. Oh, and for context, my .25 BTC lost, when I realized my key was "lost" (may turn up one day as it was on a piece of paper that was put "somewhere safe") was worth maybe 500 bucks.


Deflationary. Extremely scarce. 14 million total currently after adding in lost keys and immovable coins.


Thanks James! My nephews and brother-in-law’s are questioning my sanity but wealth comes to the patient.


I sniped a bit of Sol and btc today. Officially no more dry powder. Still thinking of concerting Sol to btc at one point. Be well!!!


Bitcoin is a meme. ATH at 69k and support at 42k


LFG!!! Thanks James.. I’m fired up, ready to flip my boss’s desk over and run through a wall. BTC is a taking a quick pit stop to load up on more rocket fuel. 🔥 🚀


Does James own AVAX? What is his take on AVAX? Is it good to own?


I mean clearly some early whales are playing games. Someone decided to set the ATH at 69k and sell hard. Now they are moving us to 42k. How much you wanna bet we bounce off of 42k just because why not, someone with billions is just having fun with this?


Thanks for this video James! This reaffirms to buy BTC and HODL because BTC is so scarce!


From his recent statements, he held it for a while but sold earlier


Anyone know how to get access to the Discord server? If there is one?


I just looked at 2020 and 2019 and that didn't happen then. But it did start to rise in the last half of December.


Hi, if i want to ask a question to James, how do i do it? tyty


James: Have you ever tried the Grand Hotel Tremezzo in Cumo?? Simply amazing property.


Thanks for this great video. The logic must ease everybody if they are experiencing mixed emotions currently.


Does anybody know how much BTC are stolen via devices they also use to steal you car (where they transfer the code of your car key to a device to take your car without having the actual keys)? Is there a (new) trend?


Hi Antony, just ask me as im seeing James later and can pass it on. James’s second passion after investing is that he loves doing life drawings of me. Hopefully he will have the heating on as it was a little cold last time, judging by his drawings....


When I hardly sleep myself... I can only deduce James either super human or not human.. I can no longer keep up with the updates and videos ..lol


He’s actually AI and not IA and runs on nuclear fusion. You wont see him in real life.


Aye .. 💯 %


An interview with crypto sniper would be great. Have feeling that would be a good fit.


I don’t know about you guys but I’m buying like crazy, my 5 year old daughter will thank me while my wife is asking me what the hell I’m thinking. No wonder, she works in a bank.


I’ve just bought Solana at 157 with a few scraps of Fiat I have left! 😂


Good news for Australia. https://www.aap.com.au/news/treasurer-moves-to-regulate-cryptocurrency/


Bought a few more sats today every little helps


I’m curious to know…if and when “whales play games” to drive down BTC, how come those moves aren’t reflected “on-chain” as we continue to see the liquid supply of BTC going down…without a corresponding increase in BTC. I’m sure there is an answer…but it escapes me. Also, at what point do the whales want BTC to go up? If the answer is never, then why bother?


GRQ gang checking in- see you all on the moon! (from a lambo)


I've been wondering if the exchanges are also influencing the prices, something isn't adding up.


Guys i am planing to stake my Sol. Can you guys give some recomendation? Exodus wallet, phantom wallet? Any athor place? Thx you


Nabbed some MSTR at 560 just before the open.


Unbelievable bargain! What do you use to trade the pre-markets?


Hi James. Just watched the show and thought the information was very good. Kind of disappointed that you didn’t add the Grand Duchy Of Pikeland to your country chat. Pikeland has about 0.03 BTC in reserve.


Just grabbed some MSTR in my IRA for $575 a share. Could only catch 4, but still pretty chuffed.


What do you think of Bitcoin being flipped and what a lead investor in SOL said. Basically, once BTC is flipped it’s game over for BTC. https://beincrypto.com/solanas-kyle-samani-predicts-game-over-bitcoin-flippening/


Elon tweeted out they'll start accepting DOGE for Tesla merchandise soon. It's been pumping


Perhaps that's why tesla share price is still going down 😉


Interesting take. On an alternative thought train, but also negative about BTC, I've heard it expressed that Millennials aren't really that interested in BTC, they consider it a "boomer coin". Going back to your link, here is a key paragraph (being positive about ETH/SOL): "The train has left the station: all of the tech builders and investors have underwritten tech crypto as having a meaningful probability of reshaping commerce, finance, and the fabric of society at large. And they are comfortable meeting on that and holding for years. There is a huge amount of capital out there that will never believe in BTC because they don’t believe in owning non-productive assets.”


Bank of England thinks BTC may become worthless, https://bankunderground.co.uk/2021/12/14/what-is-a-bitcoin-worth/


If it will take 40 years to mine the last bitcoin, what price would BTC need to have to make it worth the effort? 100 million? 1 billion?


Does that mean it will take 40 years to validate all these transactions on that last block? If so, that's not going to work. Good thing, BTC can be updated if enough miners and validators agree.