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They are all

1) billionaires

2) visionaries

3) buying the dip

I always say follow the smart money and follow the money. I did a very deep analysis of on-chain metrics and charts and history today and yesterday - Net Result was I became super bullish and that's why I bought so much today it just seems right and I think 45 days from now we will be very happy.  



Love being part of this community!


4) All of the above.


Luna pumping now 😂💥🚀 the IA pump 👏🏻✊🏻🙌🏻


Thank you


Maximum Conviction


Pull out the pump!!!!!


James, thank you for all you do 💚


No brainer


Let's fucking do it Buckle up


James your kind words of wisdom are reassuring, also brought today. Hold on a tight and relax.


Like mortgage the house dip because that is faster than liquidating other discretionary assets to buy more?


James my fiat is going to 0 buying all the dips. Soon I won't even have money to eat 😅




Thanks James. So glad to be a part of your community. I bought the dip today too!


In James we verify (not trust)!


Sid anyone see something about solana being attacked again today?


Was hoping you’d say have been interviewed by you!


Did not si


Same I bought as well today


Only a dollar, but he did say to wait and put an LO for $60. Patience will give it to you at that price 🙂


#4 , They've all been interviewed by James?


Thanks, James. Bought the dip again


I have been using the Saylor Bukele buy indicator … pretty accurate so far 😀


Not really a fan of Thiel, but 2 out of 3 ain't bad!


Don't know how to post pics here, but HODL! https://imgur.com/a/oCStlGG


my thing is I can’t decide whether I should get Solana , Bitcoin, or both


All of them :D


Buy the dip and chill


Thank you James for your constant guidance and support. I so appreciate your companionship on my crypto journey


All In! Literally!


james r u more bullish on LUNA than FTM? im considering selling half my FTM bag to buy some LUNA .. small bags on both NFA yadda yadda yadda :)


Even if we had to hold longer than you are anticipating sir we are all grateful because we know the end game. Thank you for all you do.


Door #1: I don't know your net worth and it's none my business. Door #3: If we've learned one thing from you it is "BUY THE DIP!, Door #2: In my book you are especially a VISIONARY! You have offered to us your expertise learned over 30 years to secure our retirements and the futures of our families... expecting nothing in return. In my book you are both a visionary and saint. Thanks James.


I'm not a billionaire, I'm not a visionary but I buy the dips. So does one out of three qualify me to be in that club???


you should see how I live. I shop once a week at Costco and buy a ton of vegetables..... simple life for me


Out of dry power. Hodling 🙏


Peter Thiel is a fascist; you forgot that one.


Yeah that's right


Daily DCA


Wish I could! I’m out of money. I sold off everything except BTC ETH SOL MATIC LUNA - and own them in that order.


Eth is closing the gap on BTC and getting closer to James thesis of ETH capturing 10% of BTC value


I love it here!


Bought the dip and became a whole coiner today. Will keep buying the dip.


I'm 28 SOL away from my goal. So glad i got most of my bag in the 30's (thanks James for talking me out of my ADA) the last 25% will cost as much as the first 75%. Buying the dips...


Volatility is My Best Friend-I keep layering in as my favorite Cryptos dip :)


Right on!


Are they all rocket scientists? One thing that they all have in common is that they are not idiots. They all see a serious problem and have all come to the same conclusion on what the solution is.


You are including in that group of fine men James


Just remember James - markets being down isn’t your fault. You are an inspiration and a wonderful teacher of financial freedom!


Interesting, I can relate to them!


Love it.


I am going to be blunt, and given James is such a nice guy it feels out of place, but I will anyway. I am feeling very sorry for all the people that unsubscribed yesterday because they are ignorant. I think people should work hard to be less ignorant. The irony is that James spends his life trying to help ignorant people be less, and they STILL unsubscribed. It is difficult for me to get my head around a world with so much wealth how the majority of the population can still be like that. Oh, I know, cue Jeff Booth and all the others.


Bought more SOL totally agree with James


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin


Yes agree with Mr White. James should have at least 500,000 subscribers.


The comments from ‘James’ do not seem like James comment?!


They are all not welders:-)


Call me FOMO dipster. 😆


What is James price prediction for LINK? I am not eligible to join the $9 tier yet, so if anyone is in there, can you let us know?


I’m out of dry powder man. Blew it all on GRQ


Timely reminders, as always. An aside if anyone can offer insight. Within James TA series, he mentions he sets his BB indicator parameters at “100,” however in screenshots of charts that he shares, I often make note that the parameters are set to 200. Could anyone clarify suggested settings to this indicator? Ty


His BB is basically a 200-day MA with 2 standard deviations. Most people use 20 or 30-days, so this is curious to me. Obviously he must believe 200 days is more appropriate for crypto.


I lost all. Deaths to my kids ,my business of 30 years creating.Debilitating mental health issues,family estrangement.In the depth of my depression, self-destruction, and self pitty.I found hope for my future when I watched his u tube channel.Im all in.Eth,Sol,BTC, Polygon.Only 15K.But Im a good student.Im an old basturd but Ill do it....Thank you, James.A genuine man who has certainly gained my trust.


Same here. I caught James' ROC video a few weeks late. He bought at $22 and I bought in the low $30's. My last buy at $150 cost me 3x more than my first buy, and I got less! Now I'm just staking and doing a little trading on it since I'm out of funds. Wish I had allocated a larger % in the beginning, but I'll be ok.


My love for James and crypto is becoming deeper every day… Yet, let me keep 50% of my savings iN FIAT! Bought the dips in the past 3 weeks…now chill and watch till January/February


You are the shepherd James, thanks for guiding us through this crazy market and giving us the confidence to buy dips and the knowledge to see real value.


James, what stoping the top 1% you mentioned and others like them (whales)to dry up supply of Bitcoin and effectively control the market . In other words of course they are buying more because they are invested already and I don’t think they will back off even if BTC becomes less attractive as they are already waist deep. Like Raul Paul “pumping” ETH . Saylor pumping BTC. Are they looking at different data? I don’t think so. They are just interested in “their” choice coin. And then they can just dump it all when time is right


I kind of feel like I crashed the party. All the tiers are showing as sold out, but it looks like I got connected. Or, are there some benefits I will be missing out on? Either way, really glad to be here. Just found James on YouTube thanks to CTO Larsson.


This dip is making me dip into my dry powder. More Sol and Btc.


Did thiel buy and announce it.?


James, your channel has been incredibly informartive so thanks for putting out this awesome content. Do you consider Jeff Booth a visionary? I’ve been consuming his recent content since your interview and interested to hear that he seems to have strong convictions in layer 1’s but not necessarily ETH. Thanks for your commitment to keeping this community informed.


James, Is AAVE dead? What is your take on it?


I sold more XRP bought more Sol nearly at 200 sol now!!


So James you keep adding Sol and Matic 🙂


thanks jimmy! love you man! love you Bitcoin!


swapped my DOT for BTC


OMW this post has given me light at the end of the tunnel after entering the crypto world in April. Thank you Jim !


Hi James, I have coins and fall into one of the ‘clubs’ but very nervous of where to save them. Currently they are on a horned exchange but what to do is the question and where is the best place to save them?


Hmm 🤨🤨 https://rorodi.substack.com/p/the-biggest-crypto-lending-company?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct Anyone please verify whether this is true ? Any cause for concern? Am a tad worried


Really good to get this insight James - many thanks !


I was shocked my bank actually said in a news letter that now might be the time to do interest only payments on house mortgage and invest what you would have paid in stock market funds. Not the best investment in my opinion, but still.. Guess I chose the right bank in the start of the year..


James’s opinion is far more valuable to me than those billionaire visionaries. Trust. James can’t be expected to be right all the time, but I believe he will never try to take advantage of us. The billionaire visionaries…. not so much.


Indeed, good questions raised here. I watched this interview with Alex Mashinsky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbnibyhNd6M Watch from min 27, where he is asked the question "How can you make this yield?" and his answer was first a comparison to his competitor BlockFi where he said they have only one strategy (how does he know) compared to Celsius which has 6 different strategies (more is better?!) and immediately after that he goes "we have 200 strategies in total". ... What?! Not even Goldman or JP Morgan have so many strategies, it's impossible to manage....


Wauw just got an app Elon Musk maybe leaving Tesla….that’s your hero James…if it’s true he will leave quite a move


Thank you James!


can DOT got back up separately or does it also depend on bitcoin? wish i had that money for some btc lol


Musk selling TSLA shares...


@James, how's SOL looking in the long run; still the same?


Same question! Hopefully the same prognosis…. Been buying, buying past 2 weeks overall at 150usd


Markets don’t do what everyone thinks they will We’re just dealing w a delay. Buy the dip. Don’t freak out and obsess, and we’ll be fine ! Feelin bullish to me every where I look. F@#K evergrandè !!!


Damn the waterfall on the 5min on SOL. yikes


Buy some😁 I just sold some of my slow horses and bought more sol. After watching James podcast last night with Greg. Another great guest.


I just sold a small bit of link amd fsnto. And put into sol


Sol has lost support at the 786 now will it go down to 152?


Hy James, all nice when we are in the position to snipe and the ammo is there. No pun intended. Some of us just look at an empty purse and prices tanking rapidly...


Feeling real depressed. James always calms me down a bit


This picture needs no explanation: https://investoramnesia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/cut-throat-business-in-wall-street-how-the-inexperienced-lose-their-heads-j-scaled.jpg


I added to my BTC today and staked some SOL. Feeling pretty comfortable!


Bought some Sol at 171$ 🙌. My only problem is that i never have drypowder left 🥲


Added SOL, BTC, and a lil ETH under $4k. Staking my SOL on Socean and Marinade. BTC in Celsius.


Nah, he is not leaving Tesla until his home on Mars is built 🙂


Bought Solana at €151.21. Hit today when I was working. Had a LO I sat a couple of days ago when price was around €180. I saw the 0.786 fib level at 151 and thought I bet it'll hit that these coming days. Thanks James for teaching us newbs.(edit: changed $ to €)


I feel fortunate to have found James