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Hi Team I just want to congratulate those who have held polygon Matic since the summer. I know it's been a long wait but again Patience is rewarded. we are now up 320% since July and we are approaching my target of $2.98 for the year end. 

A lot of fundamentals have changed and it's made the chain even more valuable so I may be updating my exit target above $2.98. For those who are concerned and want to swap out to BTC this could be a good time. 




I held on and glad I did 👍🏼🥳


New target 1,000,000$ rivaling GRQ coin!!!


Thank you! We've been looking at the information and talking about if we should hold above three bucks.


What do you mean two above James x


Rock on James! Love the content and how engaged you are. Thank you!


@James #BEASTmode. Thank you for your expertise.


Thanks James but I’m holding on. Too much good news to let go now.


Hope Link follows!


I just sold enough to pay back my Aave loan I took out way back. A profitable experiment with the blockchain.


I swapped 1/3 for SOL yesterday. Seemed like a good time to rebalance my portfolio as my Matic was too high and SOL too low


Ohhhh gréât to know! I am so looking forward to all your exit strategies! Merci James☺️


You’re amazing thank you James! Are you thinking of holding all of your position or exiting some of your position? NFA of course. Thanks!!




Matic invested 1B in zk rollup research. I feel like it has a huge potential. Not selling at 3 or 5 . My two cents


sold my MATIC for SOL a while back. I don’t regret it.


Agree. Two above meaning please. Thx


I swapped my Matic for Solana a few days ago✌️


2+2.98= 4.98




I love how realistic and honest you are and I’m sorry for the moonboys who will get left holding the bags because someone told them MATIC will go to $10


Yeah I sold today at $2.54. A nice double. I figured it's a high probability that it gets rejected near the all time highs again. Definitely some other better deals right now.


Proud member of Bought-O-Matic club here 🙂


I heard that Uniswap is moving to Polygon. That sounds bullish


Just exited at the top today, usually after events, the hype dies down. With the zk Summit tomorrow, I could see a $DOT deja vu


James, please clarify the last sentence. What do we have to be concerned about?


Nice work. I held off on MATIC even in September when it was down and James said get it while below 1.15. I still waited too long, but jumped on after researching and "discovering" MATIC's value myself. It's good to have at least a couple of horses running this month!


If only I could be a master crypto ninja like you! Thank you!! 🙏


So exciting 😊🙏


Swapped 50% out for LINK and SOL a few days ago. Did anyone see the 11% LINK spike?


I'm looking forward to the Exit Strategy videos...


I got in because of you Thanks James


I would normally agree but they are also making a big announcement so I’m holding for $5


Thanks James. What about UNI?


Would you look at getting more ?!


He is probably saying that there may not be too much upside for MATIC north of $2.98. I could be wrong on my interpretation.


Thanks James. Took some profit due to worries of investors selling the news like it did with Ada, El Salvador & BTC etc. I have set a limit order for 181 to pick up some more Sol with my profit. Will the rest to run to any new max limit you review to as about 80% of of my bag left is basically free after I took some profit today.


You are an absolute (spelled ab-SOL-ute) rock! Thank you from all of our hearts!!


I've been layering out of Matic into some Avax. Still holding some till sell above the new ATH that I'm sure is incoming.


Are all initial exit plans in a doc somewhere? I know he was working on it.


What do you mean by “2 above $2.98”?


James, thanks for that but I was not clear on what "updating my exit target at two above $2.98" meant. Please clarify.


I keep hearing great things forthcoming for MATIC...unless we need the cash, why not hold LT? Or will it retrace so far after this bull market is over that it only makes sense to punch out and bank profits, knowing we can re-enter later on around the same point as we did, originally?


C Can you clarify what you mean James?


Panic sold in the summer before discovering this channel yikes


Sorry for the silly quesstion but what does it mean "my exit target at two above $2.98"?


Stuck with it, may layer out 50% in to SOL and hold the rest just in case


Thank you James and IA Team! You were right to stick to your conviction concerning POLYGON... glad I listened.


Yes! I'm up 93%, however, I don't want to incur short-term capital gains by selling. What is your longer-term look at the price of Matic?


MATIC is so much bigger than most realize. At a cost of pennies per transaction vs. ETH while offering the security of ETH, it's a no brainer. They've also been acquiring other projects and tech. Very interested to see what is announced at the ZK roll-up summit tomorrow where Vitalik Buterin is scheduled to speak. BIG things coming for all ETH and MATIC hodlers I think. James... that year end price and the 2030 price of $18.10 for the retire on crypto portfolio... maybe too conservative at this point? PS- also rumor that the new Coinbase NFT marketplace will be using MATIC... if that happens, we may shoot past the moon altogether and beat Elon to Mars ;-)


In the retire on crypto spreadsheet, you can find it using the search tool


Thanks James and IA team, I followed your advice and both it. I am 94% up. Holding on to it for long term. Thanks again - Jitesh


Just what I needed to hear Hodl matic and layer more for long term


Is James the riddler?


NFA - I only have: 0.35 BTC 1.65 ETH 25 SOL Would you guys just sell the cute little BTC position and dump it into something else for more moon juice on SOL or ETH/MATIC?


Sorry, I don't know what you meant by 2 above, judging by other people's comments, I'm not the only confused person. Your grq video scrambled my head, as you we're totally contradicting your previous themes. Then, I twigged that you must be joking or being controversial, ironic,, then you confessed that you we're making a statement. Very funny, well done for being contrary. When you mentioned the funderss are holding most of the tokens, it sounded like a dig at xrp. I know someone who is convinced that xrp will do well he believes that xrp will be a saving grace for the triffins trilemma (I think its called.) Switching gears, have you seen the datadash channel. Nicholas Murton? He has stood by he's conviction that the cycle top will be November 2022 and he has never been a moon boy for this xmas hitting a 100k btc


It never hurts to take a profit! Been buying BTC with Matic sales.


sorry typo.... A lot of fundamentals have changed and it's made the chain even more valuable so I may be updating my exit target above $2.98.


I bought many thousand bc of you, James in mid July and have held - again, bc of you. Thanks many times over!


that one is a turd - not moving. ETH is the issue. Apparently UNI is moving to MATIC and then it will take off. Gas fees are killing it


NFA. But as James says BTC should make up at least 60% of your portfolio (he’s 83% BTC). It’s our pristine and safest asset. Never sell your BTC. HODL. Preserve capital. Zoom out and think long term.


From memory the ‘2 above ‘ james means $3 He always mentioned that $3 was his exit point


sorry typo.... A lot of fundamentals have changed and it's made the chain even more valuable so I may be updating my exit target above $2.98.


sorry typo.... A lot of fundamentals have changed and it's made the chain even more valuable so I may be updating my exit target above $2.98.


sorry typo.... A lot of fundamentals have changed and it's made the chain even more valuable so I may be updating my exit target above $2.98.


Would be good to swap my matic to BTC, however when I transfer my matic to Celcius to earn Apy, it somehow got lost in the process bec they only accept polygon from erc 20. Bought my polygon fr cex. Celcius said they could retrieve it but have been waiting a month now and still haven't retrieve my matic. :(


sorry typo.... A lot of fundamentals have changed and it's made the chain even more valuable so I may be updating my exit target above $2.98.


sorry typo.... A lot of fundamentals have changed and it's made the chain even more valuable so I may be updating my exit target above $2.98.


Thoughts on XLM?


I've got a big bag of Matic that has an average price of $1.31 thanks to James.. one of my best performers!.. Will be hard to sell :(


Yes I bought Matic in the summer


Yes indeed! I backed up the truck on Matic for the summer. So, do we sell the cycle and take the capital gains hit, or let it ride?


James, what is your next "Should I Buy" series going to be on?


do you have a snipe target for tonight James?


Thanks to you James we bought it when you said to buy it. You never fail us! Thank you again. Wishing you and your family good health. 😊


Many thanks to James for MATIC


im hodl matic


James, I have a bag good size bag of Matic since early March under $0.30 and have been accumulating every dip under $1.10 and have never sold. Should I sell some and put it into BTC ? Enjoying staking rewards of 15.49% on OkCoin, 12% on CRO and 5.25% on Voyager


swapped ada for matic in my roth ira a month ago. kept hearing James voice...."Matic is a faster horse. "


So close to end of year so waiting until January 1st to sell. Dont want to pay capital gains on this year's taxes. I first bought Matic when it was at 4 cents in 2020


Matic is earning a nice 9% in Celsius.


I’d like to hold it until 2030. I’m just afraid that in 5+ Years from now I won’t recognize that it’s not going to survive until 2030. How will I know which year to exit if I’m trying to get to 2030 with it?


All due respect, great idea selling MATIC for Bitcoin; but then our luck, MATIC pops like AVAX did. I'm holding.


Circ supply is 7B with a Max supply of 10B, so it won't repeat what AVAX did or what LUNA is currently doing. But it could certainly go higher than the original conservative estimate.


I'm thinking $4.98? James writes in conversational-style coz he's on the go, multitasking dynamo!


James says we should try and focus only on the next five years as this space is moving so rapidly. Keep your tap dancing shoes on aa he says 😉


Ah Matic...My first holding to hit 100% profit 🙌


I found MATIC b4 I found James, but after hearing his insights I added more months ago - WIN:)


converted 1/3rd of Matic to BTC. Thanks James for what you do to the community. Can’t thank you enough..


If one were to convert from MATIC to BTC? What are the best ways to do that? I hear Celsius is launching a swap feature. I assume this might be worth waiting for due to the low/zero fees they said it will feature. Anyone have suggestions on how best to swap b4 that happens?


@investanswers any good snipe recommendations for SOL?


@investanswers - this IMG blog post was very telling. Countries are drowning in debt. The obvious answer is they need to take on even more debt. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/markets/bitcoin-and-macroeconomics-imf-warns-of-collapse


Sold my Matic holding yesterday. Will continue to layer in on Bitcoin, now my only crypto investment having previously sold all ETH and SOL. I am following a much more conservative approach from here. I may gain less but can relax more.


About to smsf , could you please start a new retirement portfolio ? Or is it not a great time in the bull run to do so ?


ZK.Rollups here we come 💪🏽 The only reason I own Matic is because of James. If you didn't know already James , you rock ! 🙏🏽🙏🏽


I am in big with matic and will hit the target goal per Jame's goals for 2030 as long I stake on poylgon matic and restake the rewards every year. Now I am onto finish BTC 1.24 ETH and SOL. Thanks, James I am close to 1 BTC and then work on SOL and then ETH. Totally agree that MATIC is underperforming. Also agree with LINK and will be loading up on them too. Keep them tap dancing shoes on.!


Thanks James! I picked it at one point when you did and am probably gonna sell into btc and never sell my btc


Hello friend, i was wondering if you could help me. I made a comment in James's parody video and the comment was 'Great video on CBDC coins'. Then i got a reply from LoadsaXRP 'Where's your wheelchair lol'. Problem is im not understanding the reply and i dont want to ask them as it may make me look really thick. I wondering if they rereferring me as drunk or old? Could you help please.


Is it good to switch FTM to MATIC?


I played a bit with Solend platform and now that the market has crashed, I’ve had to stake in more crypto. Like James mentioned it’s high risk play.


I think I'll swap my matic cost basis to btc and capture that at least. I want a moonbag of polygon in case ETH 2.O is a flop .. ETH would have to layer into it I would think if that happens.


James is it stil a good time to buy poligon?


Walter James set his conservative price model @3.00 Maybe wait for a better entry point? Link has a better entry at today's prices but its lagging ETH.


Grandpa BTC is drunk again at the moment


Question - what is likely to happen to Matic after Eth 2.0? I have my Matic staked for now so can't take profits


Thanks James. I bought and held when you spoke about it.


I would love to have James do an update for Link, Sol, Matic, Dot etc etc.. the top 20 coins and what we should be thinking about for this run which may only be about 3 more months.


Michael Saylor YOLOing again MicroStrategy has purchased an additional 1,434 bitcoins for ~$82.4 million in cash at an average price of ~$57,477 per #bitcoin. As of 12/9/21 we #hodl ~122,478 bitcoins acquired for ~$3.66 billion at an average price of ~$29,861 per bitcoin.


Any truth to the rumor MATIC will be used for CoinBase's NFT platform? If so, would a model be in store - can this be predicted? Once again, thank you James!


GRQ gang checking in


UIPATH price action, Wells cuts price pred. to $50?


Looks like this is the MATIC announcement they mentioned would be coming today 12/9. Polygon to invest up to 250M MATIC into zero-knowledge tech “Polygon plans to focus on ZK cryptography as the end game for blockchain scaling,” said Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon.


James is it a good time to buy MSTR leaps?


Thanks ever so much for this update!


The correct question is what is the sniping point for polygon?


Hi James , thanks for the matic alert .please give us a regular sniping range for btc,eth and sol.


Funny you should describe it this way. I was watching a Blockwerks or Blockworks video the other day and the young host said something about how Millennials aren't all that interested in BTC, as they consider it a (Baby) Boomer coin.


Thank you, James, pulled our sell order for the time being


Is it still a good time to get on Matic?


if you want quick return, probably not. if you can hold it probably is (NFA) I got MATIC and holding on for now


I just became a whole coiner with this trade 😊🙏


Matic will move up a lot just like SOL, now we only need SOL also added to Celcius 😎


Holding MATIC since .03!!!