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IA Weekly Q&A: #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Solana #CryptoBorrowing, #Swapping, #Tokenization, #Tax Implications, #TA, $MSTR $TDOC and more https://buff.ly/31uvSqj


IA Weekly Q&A: Bitcoin, Borrowing, Swapping, Tokenization, Tax Implications, TA and more

Crypto #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Solana #Celsius #TA #Tokenization #Teledoc #Microstrategy💰Celsius IA PROMO Code get $60 in Bitcoin with $400 deposit: IA60 (new...



Noice James ❤️. James I love that pic in the background. What is it ? Love the colours. HAPPY SUNDAY everyone.


Light up the world, James!


Thanks James!


Thank you. 💙


Thanks so much, James.


So happy to have resolved my Patreon subscription glitch. I’m now reconnected although I felt a little isolated over the past 48 hours with the big dip (without having the comfort of this amazing place)


Do not ignore Luna, clearly the fastest horse last week not Matic!


James, should I panic buy?!?!?!?!? LOL


I’m a little bit afraid of the market opening tomorrow in the USA, is it sensible to sell some alts today to have some more cash options when the prices falling again tomorrow at opening. Thnx in advance


Always look forward to your content, so wish I found Crypto and this channel 9 months ago.


Thanks for building an incredible community!


Thank you James


Dear James, do you accept invitations for public speaking. I run an international Art platform in Netherlands focused on Digital Culture, called: TodaysArt, and every year we invite artists, makers and speakers. Have a look at the recap video of our last festival edition, pre pandemic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TAGwcunQwQ&t=3s (and yes we are building a metaspace ;)


Hi James! What's your opinion on RADIX?


Thanks James, listen everyday


Good job , it is comforting. I feel if I didn’t land here I wouldn’t be holding some winners and I would have shit the bed and panic sold recently.


Good to see you today 😁


Hard to say how we will open, I think there could be a big more selling but lately the stock market just keeps going up after a dip but I think we could go below 4500 on the S&P 500


Thank you for your time today, James!


Hi James. I know you said swapping BTC for ETH or SOL is not best due to tax implications. Do you have to pay taxes when you swap on Coinbase but don't actually sell? Thanks


Yes. Every buy swap sell is a taxable event. Total bummer. Sorry :/


Thanks. Appreciate it :) One of my wealthy clients just swapped. She said she just won't tell her accountant and even if she sells 0)


Any update on the Cardano/Sundae Swap test…or whatever was supposed to be taking place? Thanks


James post some sniping prices unless u think this might go much lower? 🤔 thank you so much.


Hi dear James! What do you think of LUNA? I currently have some and I'm not sure when to sell. What is the reason for the current spike?


Bogadita Del Medio?? Love that place! Signed my name there 20 years ago. I have a photo of Hemmingways note hung there behind the bar. My Mojito in la Bogadito, my daquiria in La Floridita.




Taken loans on AAVE in USDT , should I be concerned with all the question marks surrounding Tether ?


Yes! Rolling sniping targets would be extremely helpful. Yet even more compellingly necessary, IMHO, fractional (i.e. portfolio percentage), SELL targets. Why? Because when the market starts nosediving like it did on Friday, SELL targets would: A. Ensure there is dry powder to buy the dip - or fill the BUY Snipes (at least for those of us that followed the prior SELL targets that filled); and B. Protect against panic selling (geting FUDDED out) by those of us that are already 100% invested and fear losing too much.


When a market thunderstorm threatens to wash you away, James is the FUD control.


I agree with maybe sharing your sniping range? SOL dropped to $151 MATIC to $129 ETH to $3173. All on kucoin. I bought on the way down but I would like to know how you calculate the bottoms. Thank you!


Great video today James.. we all appreciate your hard work and daily updates. I especially appreciate you mentioning a top for ETH this cycle and an exit... Is there a possibility you will do that with your other holdings?


Where do you all have stop losses?


Quick question: Will Twitter now back away from Bitcoin, or go bigger on Ethereum with Bitcoin maxi Dorsey out of the way?


I don't have any. Only long term holding the big 3. Better for keeping my grey hair in check. 🙃




James uses some serious TA. Personally I buy at 3 levels, 15%, 25%, and 35% from 3 month highs. Increasing the amounts at each level like James does.


Futures are Green! Should be a good Monday. I think BTC follows the NASDAQ more so than the S&P…but either way I’m ready to realize some serious gains soon!


If your borrowing tether you're safe. If tether goes to zero you can pay back your loan for free and keep everything you borrowed


Ethbtc above .080 meaning altseason is go for launch


The shout-out about quality, credible sources for online training hit home for me today. Does anyone have any recommendations for LEAPS material? Interested in videos, books, papers, online training anything that might help me get a point to actionably have a handle on the tools and processes to make my first purchases.


I love this channel 💖 . Only recently got into crypto


James what's your view on BTC chart looking like a broken parabola with the double top?


With James, no fluff. Just the good stuff My Takeaways from this session. He’s said thus often , but it bears repetition. # rule of thumb for everyone. When investing : Preserve capital first then grow it . Therefore “rule of thirds “ 1/3 hard assets ( eg real estate ) 1/3 medium risk ( eg sticks like google “ it always goes up “) 1/3 speculative ( btc and crypto ) # therefore the overall crypto allocation per James of investable capital is 33%, and that portion is ideally allocated 👇 # crypto portfolio construction basics 65 % btc , 28% Major L1s ( Eth & sol are Js pref conviction plays , but others can also fit the bill) & 7% for nft & Metaverse plays ( eg Enjin ).


Thanks Sushaan 👍


My microstrategy cost basis is around.685…guess today it is gonna bleeding! So decide to sell monthly covered call strike pricearound 750 to reduce cost…is this a wise move?any idea?


A while back I sold put contracts, 580$ strike, thinking I was safe, I don’t want to be assigned in this environment. I’m now wondering about my 480$ puts


Feeling a bit negative about the market this morning …. The weekly close was below the bull market support band… annoyed at myself for not taking some profits off the table… that said, if things boom this week I’ll be happy I didn’t.. rollercoaster journey in crypto!!


Do you really think so for BTC? I mean, I thought it couldn’t go any lower. But it keeps going down . Which is destroying my alt positions


Who is buying the Dip? SOL,AVAX, EGLD, MATIC, FTM, LUNA


thanks rainbow and RGB I don't know press which button to reply under your comments


No more sniping for me. Pulling out the heavy artillery when the prices tank.


Im eating ramen this week


The way things are going and tanking I think I am cutting my losses and leaving this realm. All end of year predictions are gone. and 22 is supposed to be a Bear year looking at some charts seen here and elsewhere. My heart can take this anymore. i am loosing right now. I am waiting for a break above my average costs and quitting. Second time around is too much. We have grim times ahead with all the testing and C-19 business going on Work is fading fast and so is income. I am not rich and i need to live further. I am too old for this. :((


I am off myself. My FIAT tree has dried off and I need to eat.


Ramen soup ?


Steady diet of almond milk and Cocoa Puffs for me. 😁


HUT getting killed again. It's down around$7 now lol


ethbtc above .080 -- this bullish for alt season


Hard to be on hopium right now. Need things to turn around please. My gains are dust.


Anybody picking up more miners


This morning sold 2.300 matic to lower my 45% altcoin position. Maybe a little bit early but I don’t think in a very bullish case matic wil more than double, probably bitcoin will double so no brainer to me ( i sleep better😅)


also I thinking of a swingtrade from polka to FTT or to CRO. Polkadot 😤 I don’t know have the feeling it won’t be going much higher then 35$, and i reacon FTT. CRO have comming some bullish things ahead. Has somebody some thoughts about this?