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Quick Crypto Market and Macro update - Who Let The Bears Out?? Let's find out and dig into the best course of action going fwd. Is this the end? #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Solana #Matic https://buff.ly/3Ep3LqF


Who let the Bears Out? Best course of action going forward

00:10 Who Let the Bears Out01:00 Omi Update01:30:00 Markets Trimming02:50 BadgerDAO Hack Hits Celsius04:00 Bitcoin Futures Open Interest down 4.4BN05:00 Bitc...



Awesome. I almost went into hibernation. I got a good 2 hours of sleep. 😎 James ❤️ much respect 🙏🏽 and love for keeping us in non panic status.


Who who who


I need some IA this morning.


Thanks for helping us keep cool heads through all of this craziness!


I need some more dry powder


Yeah I feel like the Grinch stole Christmas on us😂😂😂😂😂


Do we get trading face again 😬


How much sleep did y’all get last night with the bears on a rampage?


James, hope you got some sleep last night!


Sending positive vibes out to all of you. Life happens in cycles. Ride the waves and growth is inevidable!!! ❤ & The market is used to transfer wealth from the impatient to the patient. Let that marinate for a while...


Be like a blade of grass. A violent storm is capable of taking down the mightiest tree but nary does a blade of grass bend its knee to the god of wind.


I couldn't afford to buy the dip BUT I did snipe the Patreon! No spots left now - what luck! Stoked to be here - Thanks James ❤️


All will be well guys. Stay the course and please don’t use leverage! Make life changing wealth at a slow pace.


Anyone else sitting at home thinking, "Just keep hodling, just keep hodling...when this sucker hits $100k, I'm out!" lol


NO!!!! I will NEVER sell.... but I'll buy yours 🤪 I just spoke to my Highschool Economics teacher yesterday. Keep in mind, I'm from a small German town and graduated 29 years ago... This teacher is in his 70's now... HE knows & and OWNS Bitcoin... this beast reaches the smallest pockets of Earth... I'm holding 4ever 🤣🤣


Incredible DCA with Ben Cowen... Especially the LTC comment... It's almost a lullaby to the red candles and soon the green. James, you're the CryptoSherpa.


My wife and I, became whole coiner today! Never thought it would be possible ✨💥


I got in at $47, 200!


Namaste. Love it!!! Life gets so much easier when you trust the Universe.


My BTC and others up over 10% from my buy points today.


WTF i swear you get your comments in before James releases his video!


Damn growth stocks and crypto getting hammered. Wonder if anyone is taking out money eyeing the equity markets


Love your new 3d wallpaper


Thanks for soothing my troubles with this video .. I'll have a better day because of it :)


I needed that! Thank you James!


James - if shaking off the loose change from the over leveraged longs is going to be here for the long run, do you think this in itself plays a critical role in the lengthening of BTC cycle? Love to hear your take.


SOL went to 168$ on Coingecko! Missed it though, because I was watching a movie.


Love the title.


Yes well done James. Thanks for managing my emotional state of affairs. On the path to freedom and taken in a flash….buckling up!


I got normal amount of not enough sleep but the tension and stress I was feeling all day yesterday .. it's not like me to get worried over a dip but this one had me feeling so tense :S


Thanks James, good to see your upbeat energy. These are tough times in general and crypto markets are still apart of the larger uncertain times but I know hanging tough is the right thing.


Finding you & your channel & these amazing followers was the best EARLY Christmas present for me !! … Blessings to all of you & keep accumulating wealth & have fun at it :)


I'm going to ignore my portfolios for a few days until I hear some green chatter again 😎


LUNA also survived


Slept through the whole thing. Learned my lessons and have sniper buys in place. Thanks James.


Yeah, just wondering why LUNA escaped relatively unscathed despite not rating too high on Crypto Compendium🤔


Sol and Eth are hardly down much really Btc worrying


**Note: less barnyard terms in this version of my rant. Sorry if it offended some earlier** Many people talk about the market... but...We are the market. At the end of the day, we're just taking about ourselves. I wonder if because they're so many people online making "predictions" about prices, marketcycles, stock to flow, etc. that the whales just sit back and wait for the perfect time do the opposite. The number of good quality crypto YouTubers like James, Rob, and Ben in proportion to shillers is the same ratio of quality crypto assets to crapcoins. The amount of crypto YouTubers and tiktokers is growing as exponentially as the crypto market cap. I hope dips like this shake out the socialmedia-shillers who are long on laziness. I hope their audiences rush to quality assets like this channel so we can get back to markets that are based on reality instead of hype. Cream rises Thankful for you James!


Be a bald eagle when Grizzlies go fishing, there will be plenty to feed as long as you are more than a paws length away from them and have strong wings to fly 😀


Thank you for the valuable content James. The whole market seems to be down. However I’ve noticed that some tokens seem to be immune, even going up by 100 percent, Such as BabySwap( #288). Have you looked at this token ? Would love to hear your thoughts on it.


MY PF is worth 1.3 BTC now but only have .29 BTC most of its Solana


Hi James do you recommend to sell Solend?


My equity is .98% of Btc. 50% in Btc... i am starting to think I should too put more into Solana !


With James only the good stuff … ~The “Who let the bears out”episode~ Here’s what stuck for me. # it’s always dumpiest before it gets pumpiest! # always have some fiat reserves, generate them by harvesting profits # know your entry and exit points # when the market dips but the scale is disproportionate to the “ news “ know tge 1 asset you are going to snipe, and set your traps… have fun with it . You’ll get good at it with practice , but you’ll never get all your snipes in . Sniping is not being greedy, it’s putting your pattern detection skills on steroids. # the market is a mechanism to shift Weakth from the impatient to the patient … and we don’t need to be as patient as Warren Buffett! It took him 50 years to get to billionaire status … With crypto,Sam Bsnknan F has done it already , he’s not even 30! # The quality coins show their mettle under stress: Bitcoin , Eth, Solana , Matic …characterised by their rebound potential. #always look at where the ( smart )money is going. # don’t write December off yet , James thinks it will still end well. # market cycle lengthening , deep into 2022 and quite possibly into 2023, per Ben Cowen.


Solend was a small experiment for James. He doesn’t like solend at all.


You made me sad James apologising at the start! No need Buddy!!!!! I entered into Crypto with eyes open and an open mind. Volatility comes with the territory! Take care and stay strong guys!


I'm barely above breakeven on my DOT right now. Is there a faster horse I should switch it to? I'm happy to sell if anybody has identified something better.


Yes & thank you, James! I sniped also a nice chunk of BTC again.


Hi James. I am dying to get a spot in one of your tiers. Capitalist, Investor, etc. I am an Econ major, worked at the Fed and then followed my passion to medicine. I have volunteered all over the world (Cuba, Calcutta, Indonesia, Peru, Cambodia). Now I would like to hit big money because it has been a dream of mine since medical school to gamify learning and now I really see that happening with virtual reality. I am assistant prof at Albert Einstein Med school and would start there. I am taking CTO Larsson’s course and friends with him and looking for more ways to learn about stock and crypto investing. You are amazing and I am dying ti trade ideas with like-minded individuals.


Avax on binance right now is about $108, everywhere else about $93????


James, what are your thoughts that there may be price manipulation going on by whales & institutions. It is said by Raoul Paul that BIG institutional & sovereign money is coming in 2022. They’re not going to want to buy BTC at all-time highs. So we may see a correction down to the 40k support. Thoughts?


I’m with you James…that saying is so true Cream will rise…as fire heats a piece of metal and only the purest steel stands…I have a Friend I finally convinced to get in…as he buys he says…. Might as well get more…Nothing else worth investing in….So he’ll end stating at the End…IM ALL IN IF SHE GOES OR BLOWS UP!!!! Long story short me too..Stay strong !!!Your the hardest working Guy I know Professor 🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪


Hold if you can. As soon as I can hit freedom, 110% give back land. Until then share everything I know. That changes every day.


Good news is btc is not being diluted to bail out failed leverage. This has been a rollercoaster but I’ll take this over an inflationary credit system that funnels our energy to the ultra wealthy.


Is anyone Bullish on ADA? I am looking forward to the SundaeSwap launch but, wondering if it is a buying signal before the launch? i know James is not an ADA fan but, I have been for yrs. Any shares or thoughts. Not seeking F.Advice.


Thank you James!


Same here. But sleep is golden too as health is wealth 😁


Starting to feel like I am going dippy. Thats all I have heard since I entered the crypto world in April this year.. buy the dip 🙈


Hi NYCDrMom -- Patreon renews all members at just after midnight Pacific time on the 1st of every month. It will attempt to charge their credit card or paypal and if that doesn't go through it will attempt to charge their alternative payment method, if neither goes through it will cancel their membership to the Patreon creator. The best time to snipe a spot as a Capitalist or higher is then. Best of luck to you from one medical professional Mom to another~


I am unable to get my money out of Celsius????? Support is not helping :(


Who let the bears out 🐻 woof wood woof Woof


You could consider turning your money into crypto and transfer it out.


Put Sol profits in BTC now( to become almost a Wholecoiner)..or wait when sol becomes higher in price? Anyone suggestions? Thanks in advance


So grateful for all you do James! Thanks to you I now hold 1.8 BTC and another .8 BTC via GBTC.


I had the same issue what to knock out first. So for me I went whole coiner first goal done. Now plowing into Sol. Not financial advice just my story :)


Thanks James!!!


James, or anyone, I’m tempted to take a loan from Celsius acct to only buy more BTC. Anyone else doing this? I can cover a margin call, so it seems reasonable play to buy on the cheap. M Sailor style.


Thank you James. So clear and non hype and non fear based. You cut right to the heart of the matter. I loved your interview with Raoul Pal. The vast amount of money has yet to enter crypto. When it does, it will be simply amazing to step back and watch! I’m thinking of putting more into SOL. Bought at 40 and again at 180. This winter/spring will be amazing. Keep up the great work!


I'm also thinking about doing this. Any suggestions anyone?


I'm thinking about selling, but it's such a small portion of my portfolio (3%) that I guess I'll just wait it out for now in case there is another pump. At least I'm getting 12% on it on Kraken.


I watched the dip last night. I placed an SOL order in the low $180 with the order confirmed but an hour later, I got an email from Itrust that my SOL order did not go through. :-(


Bye bye ADA -> +10 more SOL at 183USD ❤️


My fantom limit order filled at 1.55 I set ages ago, wasnt looking to buy Fantom but I guess I have it now


My girl had hip replacement yesterday. I was up most of the night taking care of her and sniping btc, sol, and picked up some ftm too for a song… love the sale


No, please, no. There are way more important things that James could be doing with his time. Do some preliminary research and you'll see that it is, as James would say, “garbage”. I’m not suggesting that you don't ask questions: I'm simply encouraging you to do some of the legwork yourself. James is only human and we don't need to overwhelm him with stuff that we can do by ourselves with just a little effort.


Praise those who are able to harvest dust and play on the dips. I never can and when I do It is far too late. Sad story.


Thanks James for the calm words during a red storm 🐎🐎🐎


Thanks for all you do James! Whole-coiner and layered in more BTC at 48180 with dry powder and very happy to do so!


Who let the bears out? Who, who, who, who, who? Sorry, but I had to sing it... 😌 (trying to cheer myself up after checking my portfolio tracker)


Wish I had put more in reserves to buy every coin's bottom. Oh well. Look forward to the next one.


James what’s your stance on Luna??


Had a standing limit order filled on BTC @ 46,111. An homage to James on the price and credit to him for helping me learn to set limits. 😉😎


I hope it's complete BS, but still scare when they saying BTC could fall below 10k ;-( https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/crypto-market-loses-500b-after-investors-fed-warning/2438467


Anyone into IOTA yet?


It hasn't hit it's ATH this cycle..(last ATH was 2017) and in all probability, it won't. It might (a slim chance) have a future, but not this cycle. Avoid... Buy something top 20


@joshC255 have you read all what is happening in their system? European Union projects, many partners out of the economy like dell, jaguar and so on. And their smart contracts platform? Shimmer? Assembly?


I'd like to thank James for making this crash a great experience for me. I purchased a large bag of Polygon a few weeks back at a good price thanks to his advise. Then as Bitcoin started tanking, polygon, oddly enough, was going up. I sold poly at near the top and then almost immediately put the profits into BTC at $46,700. Since I held the poly in a Roth there were no taxes on the sale. His training taught me to monitor regular and be ready with tap dancing shoes. James, you are a true scholar and gentleman. I look forward to tap dancing through many more crashes with your crafty direction! Viva la Vida!!!!!!


I have a Self directed Solo 401k that includes a Roth. You have open a bank account with the name and EIN# of the IRA and open a Crypto exchange to match. Then, whatever crypto you purchase is inside the 401K, and you can buy and sell as much as you want without capital gains tax. Just google Solo 401K and there are many different types. You can pick the type that works best for your circumstances. Not many people know about the Solo 401K but it seems to be the one with the most options. Most CPA's dont even know the Solo 401K exists- but it does! Hope this helps.


Thank you Brian!


Yep, something to do with autobahns / VW........ I stand by my first comment. I highly highly doubt that a project that hasnt hit it's 2017 cycle ATH yet.. isn't going to. It could be a good project for 2025+ but no point investing now when there's faster horses.