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🎃 IA Q&A: Your Q's Answered. #BTC #Ethereum #DOT Exit Strategy, #SOL $COIN $TSLA and more - live in 5 mins 🎃 https://buff.ly/3buTMTU


🎃 IA Q&A: Your Q's Answered. BTC ETH DOT Exit Strategy, SOL $COIN $TSLA and more 🎃

CryptoNews #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Solana #Polkadot #ExitStrategy #Portfolio $TSLA $COIN💰Celsius IA PROMO Code get $60 in Bitcoin with $400 deposit: IA60 (new...



Well done James!




I love it!


Can't wait


Happy Halloween! Very scary 😀


Professor X would be proud James


Ha! Love the picture of you and the 🎃


Yes!!! Hahaha. Did not see this coming! Happy Halloween all!


Wolverine’s real name is actually James!!!


Awesome picture


I see the resemblance


Hahah Wolverine!!!


Fantastic thumbnail, thanks for that good laugh!


Hi James. How do you see at present Doge and FET?


More James ! Awesome.


Like it, roll over, Hugh Jackaman, ….let the real wolverine hold sway


Wolverine is based on James life …..he can definitely smell stock / crypto price targets ….


Thank you james!


Love to see him grow the beard out a little more, making him much more Wolverine-ish!




That’s awesome James, on the very first video I watched of you I commented and said “is wolverine from X-men giving technical analysis?” I’d like to think that’s what inspired the pic.. 😁




Halloween cheers. Dunder Mifflin style.


Totally with on the single mom portfolio. Well done sir ❤️ Oh and by way , you desperately need a manicure


Link to the exit calculator? :)


Is it too late to get into SOL?


What a wonderful human being you are James .. The moment with bears was very touching


Only YouTuber to make me shed a tear when watching - so happy to be part of this. Be proud James.


James, thank you for sharing your tender heart with us. It only makes us appreciate you more.


Weinen ist Ohkay und normal besonders wenn es um Tiere geht!!!! Animals deserve our tears!!! They are the better humans. We ❤ You!!!!!


Hi James. Thanks for helping Ben


James your vulnerable authenticity is very much appreciated. Caring about those animals how you do is inspiring. Thanks for being yourself don’t change that no matter what!


Our dearest James, we’re so sorry for the teddy bear also. We love animals...sometimes more than people! We all love you so much!!!


Definitely a body double for Wolverine


Ohhhh, and loved DCA this morning!!! Crazy world that is being created in the Metaverse. Trying to go with the time and not be dumbfounded when my kids start to "live" in it....


Your animal friends are lucky to have such a committed benefactor. I want to find how we in the Capitalist can donate to one of your funds.


I have a question about DCA'ing out. I am a newbie and have never been in that position, but I think it might be coming. You say when it gets to a certain price, to sell a percentage, such as 12%. What is the percentage of? Is it percentage of it's total value or of how many coins you have? I assume it's the price but not certain. I hope my question makes sense! Thanks James. Anna B


James ♥♥ Thank you for helping the animals and I hope you get to rest a bit. Sleeping is important so remember to 💤. Don't work too hard for us humans 🤗, we will be ok.


Kudos James for taking the time to chart for CryptoMom. Beautiful gesture. 🙏


James thanks always for the solid content & your jacket is awesome.


Sometimes in life you know you stumbled upon someone really wonderful. It's usually in person, but as our society evolves, it is increasingly virtually. James is that person for me and I am sure most on here. I really appreciate stumbling upon his YT last January. I feel like I've found a virtual friend. And that would have been a really weird thing to say for me 1.5 years ago. I don't always agree with him, but I feel like everything he says comes from his heart and with the best of intentions.


Much respect dear sir - no need to hide your emotions!


James your empathy and humanity are humbling. Kindness and integrity are the two traits I value the most in people. You are literally making the world a better place everyday.


Such an amazing man with a huge heart! So lucky to be part of your community.


James. 10k of GBTC in a Roth ira. is it smarter to take the10k out and get BTC to earn yield? will have to pay small penalties to take money out.


Watching now, Happy Halloween all! +1 for sharing some exit strategies but what about people holding less than 12 months (re: taxes)? I assume that most would be in this boat re: DOT (example from video). In short, term or not, is recommendation (NFA) to start layering out at ~$60 (e.g. 12.5%...)? Just seeking confirmation re: execution vs. tax realities. Thanks, James.


So much respect for this man .. The Goat of humanity ❤️


I feel like so many people would pull the plug if they got emotional during a live stream, but you're always keeping it real and that's exactly why you're so respected and admired by this community. Thanks for being authentic and putting in all the work you do to make the world a better place for people and animals.


Hi James, I could pick up very high levels of emotions when you were talking about one of the pets that died from cancer. I also remember that you have spoken emotionally about your Dad who passed away from cancer and how much of your time and effort you sacrifice towards educating many about this terrible disease and the devastating effects and burdens it leaves on loved ones who have seen their family member friend or relative taken away by it. Just remember that you are doing a fab job and making your parents proud. Moments like these reminds us all about the extraordinary connections we have with those dear to us. It’s okay to cry and it’s okay to express emotions. It’s not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength. If you don’t, it get bottled in and comes out the wrong way and the wrong time. Please stay strong and remember we all love you loads my man. Remain blessed💙




Thank you for being such a real person with the bravery to be yourself no matter what. The world needs more with this type of self confidence and big heart 👏❤️


Oh man missed it! Happy Halloween!


You should make this thumbnail into an NFT! Haven’t watched yet but looking forward to as always!


Hello Anna Burns. The 12.5% DOT example means 12.5% of your holdings or coins. You'll notice the amounts equal (value vs. # of coins). For example, assuming one has 100 DOT, the value at $60 would be $6,000 (minus fees/taxes). 12.5% of that amount is $750. 12.5% of 100 coins is 12.5 coins (x$60 = $750). I just posted a question about investors (US) holding assets less than 12 months re: tax implications. I hope this helps you.


I wish there were more people like you in the world. You are an authentic, caring human being. Love you


Don't! Your GBTC will grow tax free in a Roth forever, zero capital gains, and you can retire on it or pass it on. Which is a much better deal than the temporary yield you could get at Celsius. Keep it growing in your Roth, and don't pay penalties either! Try and have a separate taxable account to get yield, but don't sacrifice your Roth money.


Thank you for being real, you are a great person making great things for all of us living things


Great show. I think the piece that James is missing about decentralization is fair launch. For SOL to add nodes now is nice, but the insiders have all of their positions, and they had them before the coins were available to the public! All of the coins at SOL’s initial offering were owned by insiders or the foundation. That’s a big difference from BTC, ADA and ERG for example, which had majority of coins open to miners/community investors from day 1. This will come back to haunt projects like SOL long term, as they will always be seen by regulators as “Andreessen coins”.


We love you, James! Thank you for answering the question from the single mom. You are really making the world a better place. I am so thankful and proud to be part of this community. You have us terribly spoiled with the great work you do. Mil gracias.


Love your heart dear dear James xx


We love you!!! Even the cat loves you! :)


Brilliant mind balanced with a Big Heart... I love the animals also... and you too my brother


My first comment.... Been a member for a few months now and learning/enjoying. James you have really helped me so much in my crypto and stocks financial life and strategies moving forward. The best thing is that your demonstrated your vulnerability with the video today and showed your genuine care. Kudos from me and keep with the 'edutainment'


Sensitivity is the most intellegent gesture. We love you James! Not many intellegent people are sensitive. You are and that's god's gift! May God bless you with health, wealth, happiness and kindness!!


Im lovely like James as well but have zero talent to offer the world.


Someone please educate me how to donate for great cause on super chats or on patroen. I am newbie!


Your love of animals are just incredible, we definitely feel your sadness and commend you for doing something about it! Any plans to set up a Non-Profit? This would allow people like me to take advantage of employer match mine is 100% Thank you!


Lots of love to you James


would you consider giving us names of books to learn finance and economics "easily"? I ordered "The Fiat Standard" and thank you for it, but when I hear you talk about macroeconomics with Beedlove, I realize that I really need to educate myself in the subject but I'm not sure where to start...


Appreciate your sensitive heart, James! We all love you and the animals are grateful to have you helping them out. You are creating freedom for us all!


a big thank you, you help us to rise ourselves! :)


You truely are a great person James! Been a huge fan since i found your channel in late July


James, no fluff , only the good stuff: 31/10 Takeaways: * biggest one is entirely nontechnical! Real wolverines do cry, and when they do , it means a lot …🙏 * q: best to finance property purchase with a “little fiat down payment “ borrow the rest, and invest a large chunk of freed up funds into BTC. James models purchase of $400k property 20% down payment , assumes free investable amount of $60k . Concludes properly will be give profit ( after loan repaid) of 550k and btc will give return of $ 650k, at 10 year point. Moral: do both! * Q: Solana is centralized (strong centralized FTX exchange) …. A: Every project at early stage is centralised , best measure is the external validator count. Eth scores very well, EGLd next it’s 5 yrs old , then Ada at 2.0k validators , then sol at 1.1 k validators … but solana s just a year old .. & will overtake Ada in Q 1 2021. * Spreading 3rd party risks: never more than $250k on any one exchange ( it would be good for me to get that stage of decision making & execution).😀 * When investing for children’s future funds. Remember btc is the pristine asset * Dot: bullish in the short termed para chains 11/11first launch , price targets are laddered - $ 60/70/80. Up To < 100. Ladder out profits based on risk appetite Eg 12.5% for every $ 10 movement. Be disciplined. * Link : sell at $ 60 ( advice in single mom portfolio) * Why Ark has to sell Tesla : it’s still bullish on it ( same weighting in the fund ) but Tesla price is doing so well that the “excess” returns have to sold, per the rules of the fund. * James investment thesis : bulk of portfolio in btc & Eth , but 30-40% in the newer chains ( new cf to btc: Eth that is) * Tools to hedge btc now in the portfolio mix , BITO, video on how to use shortly available • Copied with thanks from post below : Bull run ( assume March 2022 )target prices : btc 108,Eth 9.8, sol 450, dot 99,Matic 4, link 80


Our sensei James is the best crypto investor in the game bar none, and also one of the best human beings who love animals! You're my hero sir - I don't say that lightly. One day, I want to be like you, super successful, achieved FI, lived a full happy life and giving back to the community both humans and animals! I will continue to spend my resource fighting for animals more so on dogs against dog meat trade in Asia against the evil Yuling Festival in China and meat trade in South Korea!


A good point about the longer term impact of these early stage decisions …


You are just a decent human James.....the world is better because you're in it.......


We love you James! Big heart, great mind and super kind ❤️ My biggest inspiration in life 🙏


James, I really like your jacket...


James…So sorry for the loss of Your Bear 🐻😭😢😣😖😫 and I’m super touched by how much you love these animals and grieve their passing


Stay healthy you are an inspiration to all of us! It’s not that often you find someone as caring and humble as yourself it is refreshing and I value what you do for our community. Thanks Jim


Loved the single mom portfolio. Whoever you are GOOD FOR YOU that you are investing for a better and brighter future!!!!


Are you close to the 12 months? It would depend when u bought. If u bought in the summer, you wouldn’t come close. I bought things like ADA, LINK, and DOT in the summer of 2020 with the intention of holding them through the bull run for the LTCG rate. Other coins/tokens I’ve traded in and out of.


You are truly a genuine human being James, I got emotional when you mentioned the bears 😥 It takes courage to do what you do and I will always support your channel and glad to be part of your patreon community. You have my utmost gratitude for all the knowledge you are sharing. Thank you sir


James we love you!! You made an awesome Wolverine. Stay blessed. May you always be protected.


Dear James! I’m new to Patreon and new to your channel. I regret not knowing about you n wasting all this time trying to find a right financial tools and education. I’m so glad I found a genuine, authentic, and a brilliant soul like you. Thank you for what you do and know that I’m letting all my friends and family know about your work so they won’t have the same regret as I do. Bless your heart for guiding us in the right direction. Best Youtuber on financial edutainment everrrrr!!!


I’d suggest “what has government done to our money” by Murray Rothbard, “money and banking” by Ludwig von mises.


James you are a incredible human being. The amazing work you do for us and your animals is second to none. Hearing you upset shows how much you care…. Please take a break we all understand. You give us so much how can we give you something back….


Hello IA friends. Can anyone help me with target prices this cycle (MAR 2022) for what I call the IA Top 6. BTC 108k, ETH 9.8k, SOL 450, DOT 99, MATIC ?, LINK 78. Do these targets exist in any document? NFA of course. Thank You.


Math money freedom 🚀


I must admit, growing up how I did, i am a natural cynic. I had sometimes wondered if you actually had time to deal with the animals or if it was like a "future fund." Jim you sure showed us all nhow much you care today and how involved you are with savimg these precious beingsbroke my heart....in a good way.....today. God bless you. We Irish feel with 20 ft feelers.


Matic $3.50-$4.00. I think LINK is a few bucks higher...


Thankyou for everything you do James. I know you hear this all the time but everyone who says it genuinely means it. Sorry for the loss of your bear. Hope I'm not overstepping, but I think there is other things (which you have told us) in your past which may also bring on such emotion? As someone who has also lost very close family to cancer, I hope one day it will be cured and a thing of the past. Keep doing what your doing mate 👍😉


Thank you Germangirl_inVA


James....your emotions today just proves to us how devoted and compassionate you are about your animal projects. Today solidified that. Never apologize for what you do is truly amazing. I am am animal lover just the same. We lost our sweet Boarder Terrier Milo this past July. He passed away in my arms. I know he loved his life with us and left a huge hole in our hearts. I wear his ashes in a bracelet I found online. The organization donates proceeds in saving gorillas, turtles other sea life. So when you got emotional today, I did as well. We are human. Please continue to do great things both on and off your channel Sir. With love and support. The bracelet is from www.legendbracelet.com


What exchange is best for beginner options trading ?


Please comment on the future of altcoins. Are they going to be converted to securities status and traded on the market?


Thank you for a great show as always James! Your vulnerability really touched my heart. We are all so lucky to have a little bit of your light in our lives 🙏❤️


James, you're a legend. I'm sorry for the suffering you've endured. I've been watching for long enough to know it's not just about bears. I really appreciate what you do and you wouldn't believe me if I told you how my life has changed already (more to do with confidence than finance). So thanks. Please take care. The only thing I've ever disagreed with you on is that sleep is important. Google Dr Matthew Walker and his book "Why We Sleep".


Hi James, I'm so sorry to hear about Winston. I cried with you. I lost a cat named Crystal after 22 years and it felt as if part of my heart died. The only thing I want to do is set up an animal rescue shelter in East Europe in her honor. My dream. Our animal friends teach us so much about love and life before they leave us way too soon. I believe they are the purest souls. Thank you for your kindness, empathy and for making this world a better place, one donation, one animal at a time. Much love. Chad.


James i want to give you a big hug xox


Been a patreon for about a month or two now, I've been watching you for much longer. I've been in and out of many youtubers/patreons/discords trying to find the perfect one. I always come back to you, you are so genuine about what you do. I usually don't leave comments but after todays video I just wanted to let you know that you are genuinely helping me, not just in crypto, but in having someone to turn to each day to keep me in check and be real about what's going on. I really appreciate you, and while I haven't made much gains yet, and I haven't got a lot of money I will be sticking by this for the long run, I will without a doubt make sure I can contribute to your patreon. Thanks for everything you do! Sending my love, I know how devastating the feeling is loosing a loved one like that. <3 I really appreciate you and everything you're doing! :)


Dear James, big thanks for everything you and your team are giving back to us all in the community, very much appreciated. You given me so much positive energy


My 12 year old son is extremely sensitive and stoic. I often tell him that one day, he will recognize that his vulnerability is where his true gifts lie, and on that day, he will take off his masks and armor and step into himself. (It took me until I was 21 to wake up to the fact that my power comes from my deep sensitivity.) Thank you for sharing yourself with us, James…


James, sorry for your loss, take care.


James many thanks for the update. very reassuring and informative


Much respect for you James. Thank you for all you do.


James big hug 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗


Our hearts go out to you, James! Thank you for everything you do.


I bought Solana and Clean Spark when you advised! Thank You Thank You


You're awesome! Appreciative of all that you do. For sharing your gifts with us. For sharing your passion for the animals and just wanting to make the world a better place for *all* enjoy. Thank you for letting us be a part of that. 🤗🤗🤗


So I heard Satoshi is a founding father of Bitcoin. Who is Satoshi? Are you telling me my homeboy created Bitcoin? Yeah I wish. 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously who is he?


Stay true to your slimey self QW and you never know in a few more lives you might even be a snake!


James, so sorry for your loss. You being open with your emotions is what defines some of your character; it validates what we all who belong to this wonderful group could recognize immediately when we found you. The 'realness' of this person reached across the digital world and touched us from the very beginning. Though many of us never will meet you in person...we can still feel your loss and know we all reach back to you with our support. Take Care.


Or a condensed version is podcast #1109 on the Joe Rogan experience


Noone knows if its a he, she, or team of people.... 🤷‍♀️


yes many see it, i had to look it up. Hugh J is also a skin cancer survivor so he is the real hero


Yes “ everyone who says it genuinely means it “ well said🙏


James - you just inspire us to be better humans! Your empathy is contagious - thank you 🙏🏻


James, I’m so sorry to hear about Winston. Your vulnerability, honesty and transparency is what makes you special. I hope you realize that you’ve not only created a popular channel but you’ve actually created a community. I think Satoshi would be proud of you and the IA community.


Yes second that, ‘best youtuber on financial edutainment everrr!!!’


Dear James, one can truly see how authentic, genuine and supportive you are. The ones you've lost must be so proud of you, watching you from above. You're leading by example and inspiring all of us how to become better humans in every step of our lives. Thank you for everything you do. I have learned so much from you. Lovely greetings!


James, similar to the sentiments of others here, I'd like to personally thank you for opening of your heart to all of us. This goes way beyond the numbers and spreadsheets and truly demonstrates your character and the caliber of person you are. I've learned a ton from you over the last 4 months and look forward to hearing your daily words of wisdom. Thanks again for all you do for this community and for the world. Please let us know if we help out the IA mission in any way. Best, Jeff.


I was deeply moved today. You are a gem of a person. You are truly selfless and I am so grateful for your (not) financial advice. I now appreciate your ability to create a community of selfless people even more. Thank you for not editing out your emotions. It is in showing our weaknesses and vulnerabilities that we become stronger as a community. You are truly inspiring! Meals on Wheels donation just sent in response to your example!


Following what a lot of people in this great group said. Your the real deal James, My respect for you just 10x’d. As an X-Man fan maybe even 11x’d. As always thank you brother for all that you do, and as soon as I hit my goal I look forward to giving back just like you


You are amazing James. Thank you soo much for all you do. Heart warming response to the single mom, i am also a single mom, and my life have been transformed since I found your channel! Specially with that SOL call, got in at $24 and will continue to layer in.


James: Thank you for all you do and share with us, including your love for animals and your insights on the financial world. You are truly a class act and we are blessed to have you as part of our world. Thank you so very much.


James your compassion inspires so many -that’s an exponential gain for the animals and others. Few humans understand death but all too many humans and animals know suffering. Year after year alone in a small chain link fence enclosure to me, is worse, and you have offered us an opportunity to help liberate Ben, and that’s what brings tears to my eyes.


I know how deeply touching the innocence of animals can be... we are so lucky like that. Really appreciate all the good work you are doing to make the world a better place James.


Great video as always. Thanks for making us laugh and as always great work with the donations. Much love 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺


Is DCA just another shill-fest for Rob? It sponsored by iTrust? It’s going to be hard to take anything on that show seriously. Please don’t say the special guest next week is the Voyager CEO :(


James you are a sensitive soul. I feel your sadness towards the loss of a great animal. Bears are wonderful creatures I had a sow and her two cubs living in my backyard some years back. We respected them and always kept a safe distance. Never had any problems. I spent many evenings on the back porch observing the two cub at play, the sow always keeping them in her sight as she foraged. If the animals could talk I am sure that they would let them know how much they appreciate what you do for them.


I shed a tear with you James! So much love for you. You are in inspiration in my life, thank you so much.


Lots of love IA. You are priceless. You are such an inspiration for humanity.


Where can I find the DOT exit strategy spread sheet ? Anyone could point me to the location ? Thank you !


Really honoured to be part of this community, especially after today. Thank you, James!


Greetings fellow member of the animal kingdom, Im not sure but am thinking it may be a prototype thing James is working on that may be released to the community at a later date?


James, thanks so much for sharing your authenticity, your love for the animal is true and vivid. You have such a big heart not just for the animals but all of us in general ... truly blessed to cross path here and i embrace this opportunity, i promise to share like you, as always, oodles of hugs and kisses!


How fitting the Halloween costume of the man who loves animals sooo much would be none other than... WOLVERINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Awesome thumbnail! You always seemed pretty indestructible.


James, you have a heart of bitcoin: "Pristine!" Thanks for all you do. Cheers!


James, great content as always. By the way, I have been trying to move up the membership tier but no luck so far. Would you consider opening up more slots for higher tiers or allowing more access for the lower tiers? Being at the altruistic tier feels like I made it into the carpark but not allowed into the ballroom for the party.


Anyone trying to get into capitalist tier and been refreshing the page for the past hour? Did I miss the cut again?


Hi All, James’s and the team, I think a scam account has been put on Instagram and has requested to follow me. I’ve tried to report it but having trouble Doing so. Hopefully you can get it shut down soon.


It’s called Investanswer. Your official account is InvestAnswer? Great video love the fact you’re such a real dude. Much love everyone Many thanks Sam


Time line on the photos is the give away


I’m confused tbh 🤷🏽‍♂️


May I suggest that James and the IA community consider allowing everyone in the altruist tier to convert to professional tier so that we have access to more actionable tools? We are common folks trying to attain financial freedom during this transformational time, and we may not have another chance like this. Those of us late to the game need all the help we can get. Thanks in advance for your consideration.


Where is the sweet spot for your ATH model?


James with the continuing rise in TSLA price what would be your recommended cover call options to sell this coming week ? Do we sell the Jan 2023 $1200 call now that the price is above $1100 ? Appreciate your early guidance.


I dont think there is an InvestAnswers insta page so its a scam. And he will never message you, so good job on reporting it


Remember James will NEVER FOLLOW YOU on social media and he will always be following 0 people. I’ve just had a replica InvestAnswers account try to follow me on Instagram. Please report and keep our community safe. They take James photos and replicate the whole profile. Stay safe! https://www.instagram.com/investanswer Please follow link above and report their page! (Missing an s at the end, cheeky).


Any success? Also looking to upgrade as well and have been checking.


James I love that you took time to help single mom! Is SOL stake on phantom wallet or fantom wallet? Thank you!


James- you mentioned that you stake SOL using the Phantom wallet. Not familiar with staking there. Could you do a short segment about that by chance for all of the SOL holders. Thank you.


You're awesome as Wolverine : D


I’ve studied CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) with Boston College Continuing Education and I think James is our CSR (COMMUNITY SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY) OFFICER IN CHARGE! Agree?


It is pretty easy. You just have to pick a validator group. Click your Solana position, click "Start earning SOL" and pick one of them. Be aware of the time it takes to stake and unstake, could be a few days each.


James is incredible. I’ve literally 5x’d my Cleanspark options play in just one month. I love the way he analyzes everything with such a meticulous yet open mind. Amazing!


Any thought of allowing the “Investor” Tier visibility to the Discord without the capability of participating….sort of a “read only” benefit? I think that would be awesome.


James posted a DOT exit model in this vid, has he posted exit models for major coins in the Patreon somewhere?


Oh no.. Upon credit card renewal I dropped to professional tier from capitalist.. How?


BITO moves in tandem with BTC?


No I didn't have a backup method but I had renewed my credit details a few days ago and it successfully used that card.. Just not at the tier I was at before. Hoping James can help me understand what happened


No, he hasn't yet. He said he does not want us to exit too soon. Also took notice of his exit strategy during the q&a.


The bracelet is a lovely idea. Would you mind sharing the link?


Cleanspark was such a gem by James, at this point I would think James is so good I would get used to his genius but he continues to impress. I was even a little late on buying my 1st ever options on $CLSK but still looking a great investment and a good way to learn options. I am the type that just needs to dive into the deep end and learn as I go and $CLSPK was a great stock to learn from because of its low price. Thanks for the great insight James, I need to watch that video again and to fully understand how you value mining stocks.


Neil. Discord is only for capitalist members. So if you’ve dropped a tier you will no longer have access to it. 😢


Been trying to snipe a capitalist tier membership because of the discord but how much are we really missing out on? I wanted to just pay for annual Investor tier so I don't lose it 😬


Also can anyone here please give me some advice? I only started investing in crypto in August. One of the YouTube channels I was watching was hyping ADA so I bought in at $3 I'm holding about 350 but just wondering if I should just cut my losses take the hit and move to a faster 🐎?


Same - bought at $3 - cut my losses and transferred to SOLANA and gains far outweighed my loss. NFA Always hurts to walk away from a mistake though.


Hard to say if there will be a bounce. The ADA chart is trending down, while BTC, ETH, SOL trending up for the same period (past month or so). Personally, I got out of ADA and ALGO while they were still profitable, even if just small positions.


I would definitely buy shares in investment answers , hopefully one day we can ..... :)


Hi Team, Hi James, Would you consider this smart? Instead of getting paid 3800€ on Jan. 1st 2022 for a professional service which I am currently delivering with much success (have to avoid crossing a certain income limit this year and brought my client lots of revenue), should I ask for the favour of a "gift" of around 0,5 ETH (1867€) tomorrow, directly sent to my wallet on my newly created Coinbase account with 0€ balance. "Gifts" are tax free here in Austria up to 15000€ within 5 years. Thank you for your support as crypto enthusiasts and experts! Stephanie


love the idea! It's not how much you make, it's how much you keep! 😉


James vulnerability shows character, and yours is above reproach.


Hi admin! I’ve joined the capitalist pool but seem to have no access to some articles, can someone please help me out? Cheers!


Thank you for the fast response, Andy! We know where ETH is going and where it will be in Jan 2022. I would not buy at these prices. But receiving it as "gift" would also bring my average price, which is already quite ok (1800€) down.


Congratulations! Did you snipe ? Write a direct massage to IA, the support can help you faster there, I suppose!


How did you manage that? I've been trying to join and all the tears in to be sold out


On the 1st of each month 12am PST refresh Patreon site until one comes available. I was chatting with another Capitalist here and it took him and myself about 3 hours for a few to show on the 1st of Aug. There are other days also as Patreon emails a few times if your card etc has expired etc before it cancels someone. A good time is at the same time over the next few days as you see a new people joining early each month after the 1st.


You are our superhero..... just because you are real! We love XMAN too..... I am superkokos


Hi James, can you advise on the short call options for tsla