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Hi team

two weeks ago I went into an SL for COIN in the Retire on Equities Portfolio.  It was an earnings run-up play. I normally do not enter short-term options but my goal was for COIN to hit $300 and exit.  Well it did very rapidly. 

I bought the Jan 2022 $220 calls and sold the Jan 2022 $220 Puts for a net debit of $6.  Today I sold the Jan $300 calls for $30.45.

This is what I call the third leg of the stool.

I now own an $80 spread for a net credit of $25. If COIN goes above $330 I will roll up by buying the calls back. If COIN tanks after earnings I may buy the calls back. 

I am now also taking risk off the table and harvesting cash once again



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