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1 Trillion.  It is hard for us sometimes to imagine how much this is.  But to give you an idea - Mr Yusko describes it as “T” in trillion - You need to spend 1 dollar every second for 31,710 years to cost you one trillion.  Think about that. 100,000 years 

The US Fed - will continue to hit the button to print miraculous money. 

The rest of the FIAT world will follow.  

No FUD in the world can extinguish the value that Bitcoin Brings. 

Sorry to rant but this is really getting out of control.  FIAT is being seriously debased at a rate nobody could have imagined Pre COVID. 




Another one? H*** S*** BTC bull run just got pumped 🔥🧨💥🚀


Let’s stack sats!!


This seriously worry me. 🙁


Definitely craziness. It’s almost like it’s all by design. I wonder how much BTC Ole Pelosi and CO have. We all know they’re not too incompetent to understand the consequences of their actions.


All roads lead to Bitcoin and that's the bottom line cos James says so!


Let them KO the fiat system


Ok, All Road Leads to ?? 🙂


Aaaaaah-mazing. So all the more we should convert fiat. Can't take this anymore 🤦‍♂️


Just as a question the spending bill doesn't mean they print that much, right? Just that's what they spend, I'm sure with some printing. Anyways long story short, printing machine go....BRRRRRRR


We need to hope the fiat system survives - our lives depend on it at the moment!


And all I can wonder is who will be left holding the bag...


Setting up my business to accept stablecoin and store my business income in crypto...This would be an interesting video perhaps..More...how to be compatible to the CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency) if at all possible.


While it's fun to watch number go up because of this, I'm not selling because I know what my Bitcoin is worth apart from the Fiat system. It's obvious what will win as Bitcoin the asset will eat all other stores of value and Bitcoin the lightning network will eat all monetary transactions on the planet eventually. And so I will wait until I can spend the most perfect asset to ever exist, for anything I could possibly want, anywhere in the entire world using lightning. That's when I start spending, when I can't find anywhere that doesn't accept Bitcoin or lightning any longer. Because by then, I know I will not be drastically overspending by using sats. I expect that to look something like dollar to Satoshi purchasing value parity. Might take 20 years, but open decentralized networks always win. I expect that in my lifetime, I will be able to buy dinner out at a nice restaurant for 20 sats a plate. We shall see. But no one's getting my sats for their dirty Fiat.


2 T on war . So 3 T for America doesn’t bother me. Over due because they can’t cooperate on sh#t. Fix the D rated bridges in blue and red states. It’s pitiful the lack of investment here. Only gridlock up in the capital


US economy is in emergency care unit. Money printing keeps US economy alive.At least 4 now. The question is : How long they can go like this?


she has over 100M and very well hedged with insider information. Pls do not worry about Nancy - she will be just fine.


When do we stop thinking in terms of $ and think only of sats? I don't think it is possible to be irresponsIbly long / heavy on BTC.


Inflation is a great moral evil. Nations that lose confidence in their currency lose confidence in themselves ...lord Howe


Hey Jeff, it will survive, but be heavily debased into this downward devaluation spiral. Math says so


They are including ways to gather tax revenue to pay for parts of the plan as part of the bill. My question is, how long can they print into existence 5 times the amount they got from tax revenue within a year before people realize there was no reason to tax that portion when they could have just printed a bit more. And of course, that's not true, without removing cash from the citizens then inflation will rise too fast, but the average citizen doesn't care. They will just see, government printed 6trillion and taxed 1 trillion, why'd you take my money when you could have just printed an extra trillion?


1 million seconds = 11.57 Days 1 Billion seconds = 31.71 Years 1 Trillion seconds = 31,709.79 Years 3.5 Trillion seconds = 110,984.27 Years


The infrastructure bills is over 10 years, and it will not even be close to the yearly spending of the military... Recently, The Defense Department is asked Congress for $715 billion in its fiscal 2022 budget, an increase of about $10 billion from what was allocated in 2021. Congress gave them $740 billion overall... both democrats and republicans voted for this... They print money for military....


James I was in a shop today with a Bitcoin ATM ...what's your thoughts on these


On Russell Brand's channel: $16T on wars over the last 20 years. 1/2 has gone to the defense contractors. Wow.


Agreed James.


Unthinkable. But the gap between the rich/ poor will continue to widen. The rich can buy bitcoin(s) after bitcoin(s) whereas the majority of us is trying to find money under the couch to buy the dips... who is actually the recipient of the money that is being printed? Its not going into my bank account... Can the average joe ever catch up? Even with BTC on our side?


It’s really sad, as someone who loves America and the opportunity and freedom it brings, it saddens me to think about the world my 3 year old will grow up in. Media pushes this huge Democrat vs Republican blame game but incompetence is incompetence no matter what party and neither have all the answers . I might be joining James in Bora Bora at this point.


Read this to my family and friends that are visiting right now. Got a great conversation going too. Thanks for sharing!


No wonder the whales are trying to shake out the week hands so hard.


Boggles the mind! I guess its good for us crypto investors


I figured thing would start going to hell in a hand basket, its just going at a faster pace than i expected.


It is only a problem if there is too much currency created. Fixing our infrastructure has been ignored for decades, while many other countries are continuously advancing theirs. Look at the high speed rail in many other countries and look what ours looks like. It is embarrassing.


Wow! Nice perspective to envision . That’s Crazy !


It's 3.5 trillion over 10 years. That's less by far than the defense budget.


I do get the issue with over spending and printing of money but we do need to improve America’s infrastructure that is broken.... The 3.5 Trillion billion is like the new deal, it will have a huge impact on American society... The other infrastructure bill is a gift to corporate America....


It makes me sick too James. Reckless, endless printing and flooding of the money supply will end badly for all of us with high inflation and significantly lower dollar purchasing power not only for our retirement but for our children. Wages won't keep pace with 15% percent inflation. As one of your models ponts out , 1 Million in 10 years could be about 300k in real purchasing power. Tech will displace jobs. The only way out or to lessen the inflation (if not too late) would be extremely high interest rates at 20 percent like they did in the 70s. That was painful. And I think we are too late for that but I am no economist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Volcker


$1 a second for 100,00 years, that's a concept even Sleepy Joe may understand!


Is there an end to it? May some of these Ts were needed but all my poor ears hear is dozens of T. Nothing less. M seems to be pennies for these printing authorities !!


True - we live/travel around the world and are so sad that our US infrastructure is neglected and politicized. Fixing bridges, roads, DMV, USPS, public schools + hospitals, recreation centers should be a daily norm and not need a massive one time partisan over-haul. Look at any well run social democracy like Australia and Denmark - they are constantly upgrading infrastructure utilized by the population - it's not ever up for debate by either left or right leaning party. Maintaining infrastructure puts people to work and keeps money circulating in the domestic economy, and quality of life makes everyone a bit more happy - it's soooo basic. Building bombs, propping up puppet governments and tax cuts to the 1% do nothing to improve quality of life for main street. All Americans should want to have upgraded amenities and maintained infrastructure. If we're going to print $, I'd rather spend it on that bridge I'm driving over imho.


We spend our lifes working for something that governments can devalue at any moment rendering our lifes energy and time worthless enabling them to stay in power and and wage endless wars. Bitcoin solves this.


Homo Erectus, the large-brained toolmaker, lived 110,000 years ago , and went extinct shortly thereafter, so acting like a Neanderthal today by spending the equivalent of $1/second for the next 110K years ($3.5T), but spending it in a single day, essentially, only leads to one conclusion: Bitcoin (extinction of fiat.). An interesting coincidence 110K-years ago and spending today like there’s no tomorrow, much less than 110K-years in the future. The numbers are so incomprehensibly big that most people won’t be able to think about them, so they’ll probably ignore the issue and let someone else deal with it, perhaps 110K-years from now.


That woman owns a 60k fridge with any luck and a good bull run I can afford that fridge lol


What about the debt ceiling??? How are they going to deal with this?? Major changes coming ahead


I wonder if the Republicans can do a better job? Maybe yes, maybe not. But they had their chance now the Democrats will just print money and lead our great country to even more financial challenges, scary times indeed. However, I can’t control the money printing, but I can control my actions, I’ve never been so bullish on Bitcoin and crypto.


Sorry to disagree. Where do you think all the already spent trillions have went? Unless you are one of the 1% you won't see a single cent of it. In fact your taxes will increase to pay for what you won't receive.


The recklessness of our governments that we are not in control to stop is infuriating. I still vividly remember the scary inflation/poverty in Russia in 1990s as a kid. ( the hyperinflation peaked at 2500% in 1992!) Not only did it devastate lots of family live savings but also the lives of so many people . I would hate to see the pain resulting from hyperinflation happening here now as well. #Bitcoin


So true. I have some dear Russian friends that suffered in the 90s too and I remember their stories. Painful to hear what they went through. Terrifying.


I have completely lost count of all this QE and money printing since GFC. Romans, French and lots of Chinese dynasties went down this path and we all know how it ended. Also for a second imagine a devastating effect it will have on emerging market countries. Inflation is massive in these countries 30-40 % and top of that their currency is also getting debased with insane amount of money printing. It’s a vicious cycle and unfortunately it will end in tears. We need Professor from money heist to restore balance in the system. People around the world are loosing trust in their leaders and governments.! James love your content and thanks for helping the uneducated People! Like James says so Many times. Keep your tap dancing shoes on guys and be ready and vigilant…..


Hopefully after sending us free cash to buy food and pay our rent they can increase our payments to enable us to buy SUV's for transport and rail tickets to use the new infrastructure. Robots should facilitate this. They can even build themselves. Job done. Bidenomics-America's future. Pity you weren't president for these past 50 years, Joe. Saving and working would have been unnecessary. You could have simply printed more green backs.


I'll spend that one dollar a second on Solana ☺️ give me more fiat BRRRR


It’s hard to not go all in..to refrain at a ‘responsible’ portfolio percentage.


@InvestAnswers Since government has painted themselves (us) in a box and have to keep printing money to keep economy going…they have no choice…what do you think should have or could have been the better choice or route to not be in this situation of out of control money printing? Thanks for your insights.


Trump passed a tax cut aka spending bill that was unpaid for, added trillion to the debt...




If you can pay with cash, then stick it in a new wallet and im guessing no one (government) would know you have it, how cool is that! Im assuming the exchange rate wont be as good though.


Yes, it is very hard. Sometimes I think about what Michael Saylor said: The problem with buying Bitcoin is that you get scared........of not having bought enough.


Biden= World Economics Wrecker 🤔. .. or would this have happened regardless of who was in office!?? Why can't we be in a world where pro DeFi is in the office? It's because we will never be able to get enough like mindedness in this parliament committees methinks...🤔🤷🏾‍♂️


Sad to see the direction the world is continuing to take both economically and environmentally..


The World Economic Forum says in 2030's 'You will own nothing but will be happy'. I wonder how this little prediction will come to true, i just cant quite put my finger on it.........


Is the funding from this infrastructure bill all newly created money through QE? Silly question I guess, where else would it come from but just wanted to be sure.


Is there a scenario where this money printing doesn't lead to currency debasement to the extent that you expect? Ie can can you play the devil's advocate to your own thesis?


Not quite the same figure but apparently $400 TRILLION (alleged US pension shortfall) to visualize is: Thickness of a US dollar bill is 0.11mm, 1000 is 11cm this 376,385,000 m / 0.00010922 m or $3,446,117,927,000. $400 trillion is ~117 times the distance to the moon.


Or you could put it this way : USD 24.000 every day for 1.000 years


By design to lower the standard in the USA. This all has to do with the filthy criminal central bank reset. You know there is a tax you by the miles you drive in this horrible bill. Many other bad things. Mostly not infrastructure. Read it before you say I watch too much news or I am a loon which some of you have posted before. Very bad things monetarily are heading our way. I will never give up on gold and silver along with my btc and crypto.


printing and keep on printing


Did they just print more than the entire market cap of all Cryptos combined?


History just repeats/Rhymes. +600 FIAT has gone to ZERO in the last 4,000 years and before BTC there were no options, but if you failed a test 600 times and are about to fail another 150 and suddenly a much better solution that is tried and works......you'd be pretty retarded not to try that one: BTC to the moon!


it’s almost like they want the US dollar to fail 🤔


Nancy looks like she sucked on a lemon- surprise surprise. 😏


Nancy looks like one of those aliens from 'They Live' with a wig on. Its a good look.


Thank you James for helping me and my family prepare. Our life dream has been to move to Costa Rica.. Maybe the time is coming sooner than we imagined.


Fascinating to watch all this play out from New Zealand. James you love maths I have a question Do the Whales play at night? This is a 24 hr. arket I notice when I am sniping best prices are often around 10am in the morning NZ time NZ is 20 hours ahead of LA which sounds rediculous but I think there maybe something to it. You often comment your traps go off at night your time


$1 trillion is a solid stack of $1000 notes 67.9 miles high, So changing this to Pounds Sterling (I'm in the UK) our Debt is £2.34 trillion. If we started to pay this debt back at £1million per day since the birth of Christ, we would not have even paid back the interest! No country has every recovered (Financially) from where the UK is now 6.5 times its credit card!


Truly unbelievable and IMO criminal what our gov is doing.


Would republicans do the same? Wasn't this what Trump was warning against? I am in disbelief that so many most intelligent people are standing up for this across the USA. I don't understand politics.


Republicans spent $2 trillion on tax cuts for the rich, so yes.


And every year they raise the debt ceiling. If they were a company, they'd be long gone.


Communism is their dream... where the politicians are the only rich and us comrades will live of their handouts so they can control us. Like the free money in the US now.


James, this is my theory: The US will continue printing and printing money and let the crypto grow with more rules but let it grow then in a few years launch the digital dollar leaving the country with the "old dollar" extremely devalued and the new dollar ( digital) . This way the debt will be in the old dollar and as everyone will be using the digital dollar and be only interested in the new digital dollar which will be backed somehow, who knows, maybe by bitcoin, the old dollar will be trash and low in value as they will be collecting tax in the digital dollar so the debt in the "old dollar" will be cheap and much easier to pay. If at some point in the future the digital dollar is at least 2 times more valuable than the old paper dollar then the debt (in the old dollar) will be 50% cheaper. Crazy theory?