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#Bitcoin Q4 Price Predictions by Month and #BitcoinETF #SolanaETF news, #Elrond #OrcaDex, #FOMC update and so much more https://buff.ly/3zyzBxW


Bitcoin Q4 Price Predictions + Crypto Market update

CryptoCrash #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Solana #Elrond #BitcoinETF #FOMCMeetingIA Referral Links: Tradingview referral link $30 off: https://www.tradingview.com/?...



u the man!


Thank you sir for all you do


Great. We need some good news 🤪 Vielen Dank für alles 🙏


I cant wait till I can make it to a Capitalist


Hurray I can catch a stream live! Appreciate you and your insights James


Let's jump right in. love to see it


Like we forecasted in here after your recent Evergrande research, all YouTubers are jumping on it after your presentation.


Thanks sir .


Portugal crew represeeeeent


👍 ready to tune in! Thanks!


In last week's video you mentioned that you had your eye on nvidia, what would be a good price point to buy?


Good evening from the East Coast. Thanks James for all your hard work.


That's a tough call James!


tuning in for some insight and analysis from my main crypto man James


we are live !!


James! Always enjoy these videos and the tremendous amount of work you put into them. Thank you, thank you!


Do we DCA into Orca?


Thanks for making me laugh. The other news. :) MUCH APPRECIATED


Anyone else not getting notifications about new posts from Patreon?


SELF DIRECTED IRA - Changes being discussed in congress - have you seen this? https://directedira.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Everyday-IRA-Savers-Hurt-by-IRA-Provisions-.pdf


Would love to see a video on Palantir. Thanks James.


Thanks again James.


Today I listened to a financial analyst that strongly believes the financial upheaval is due to the federal reserve. He suggested that federal reserve wants to control the money and anything that threatens that is considered their enemy, gold, silver and CC being some of the threats. I just listened and took it all. I don't know enough to draw any conclusion, but I will say the feds are dishonest, and corrupt and I don't trust them one bit!


Very excited for the next few months


Permit express my interest in the Palantir video you mentioned in this presentation. Thanks


What is a good entry for Hut

Rajeev Nagabhirava

Thanks for all the update James. Seems like the negative variables are behind us in short term. Have a question: given there is solid inflow of funds (retail, institutions), what portion of it is to offset the inflation of crypto? May be a model of top-300 crypto daily inflation would be a good indication.


James when you sell EGLD at $300 will you sell it all? And for what $ or BTC or unsure yet - thanks


Thoughts on LINK , thank you


It's Dunder Mifflin time! :)


yes on pltr


Off to bed you. Shoo. The flash pullback is all over. It’s okay to sleep now James lol. I’ll wake you up if it’s important! 🙃


"my dream is human companionship in the pool" 😂 - James 2021


i sold off a bunch of stock on monday to gear up for this dip and it only cleared into my bank today. i spent all i could buying dips yesterday. will there be one more dip before bullrun? i have .25 BTC 25 ETH 140 SOL .. i sold off enough to buy 80 more SOL and .25 more BTC but not after the run up today. open to any help or words of encouragement .. im bummed and was hoping i had until at least friday to catch this last dip.


Is super chats only accepting Paypal now? My credit card wasn't even an option. I don't like Paypal and won't use it.


Watch James TA video below from yesterday and set limit orders to those numbers just in case we do get wicks down.


yes sir .. i have LOs all set .. thank you happy aussie!


I am glad you see it.... we try to weave a nice story every day packed with money making ideas


we have not analyzed it, if it is like any of the other Dexes the tokenomics will suck. But it is great for the mothership Solana


Already done. If you search for LINK in James' YouTube channel you'll find it. His outlook on it was positive at the time that the video was done.


What's your opinion of DCA each week James? Does it suit a certain profile of investor? Is it too late in the run for this concept or as you say we are still early in the grand scheme of BTC


James, as mentioned in the video. Please consider looking into spotify as they have certain content with video such as JRE podcast. I would love to listen to these videos during my morning workouts. Thanks brother!


James, you are one of the nicest podcasters I have heard. You are polite, kind, sensitive and smart. You are not offensive. Some people can be jerks and very critical. Please ignore them.


james will crypto options that expire on friday play any part in price action over next 72h?


September 22 is the Autumnal Equinox. On the 22nd at 4:02 p.m. EDT, the sun will denote this annual event. W.D. Gann noted that markets tended to reverse on these days. From my friend Paul Macrae Montgomery, I know that the only physical support that we have for this phenomenon is from the Yale Medical School Department of Neuroanatomy. They discovered that the human nervous system typically undergoes measurable perturbations during late September and in mid-March. More recent studies found that violence tends to spike prior to the autumnal and vernal equinoxes as well as shifts in blood chemistry. On some occasions, markets bottom on this date, especially currencies. https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2017/09/22/is-there-something-special-about-september-22nd/


Tom Brady tweeted, I’d like to get paid In BTC, ETH and SOLANA!!!


Still have a big bag of cash. You mentioned "maybe" another dip might happen before going upwards. What would you suggest buying? Would you advice to add more SOL (my entry price was $40)? or keep safe and keep adding BTC? BTC is one third of my portfolio (used to be half of it, but SOL and AVAX are growing so much)


If JP Morgan says that ETH price will be cut in half.....you better do the opposite and buy more ETH!!!


This dip was a gift 🎁 to us who bought the dip, got some BTC, ETH and SOL. Now just focusing on SOL, I have my last dry powder ready to be deployed for $100 LO for SOL, didn’t fill waiting. Thanks James for all you do for us, you’re the best in the space sensei!


Hi James, another good vid today. Any thoughts on NCR stock?


That was brilliant and 3 more reasons to absolutely love you more. 1. you mentioned the word "math" 25 times more than usual.... just in case, you upset people yesterday.... 2. OMG you are into astrology.... I LOVE that so, so much, that you are so open... 3. wanting to be an elephant.... and take people for rides...


Wonderful content as always, James! You know I'm grinning now that you mention Elrond, daily!


great video


You make me smile, thanks James! I’m so grateful for you and the time you put in.


Anyone staking Solana? If so, where is the best place to and what percent can you expect?? Thinking of picking up some. Thanks in advance.


I stake mine using Solflare, currently getting 7.8% APR.


The Spotify question was on point! I had a dream last night that you had your own talk show.


Also, PLTR video is a must. Please.


I'm such an investment ludite, I would love a video on the lingo and what ait ctually looks like in an investment window...puts, synthetic longs, cover your shorts etc. I kind of get the general gist of it but what does it actually look like. Now I type it out it sounds more like a clothing business.


Fantastic video as always. Long day at work. Just finished video at 12am lol. Up again at 5:45 am. LOL. I live for these ! Thanks for everything you do James. Love this community. I’m going to try to catch a live and post some fun questions 😄


Loved the video as always thank you, very sad that I thought we can go lower and missed the dip, just got alot of dry powder to deploy, any hopes of more volatility to the end of sept?


Yes really interested in PLT I have not bought yet have been following 1 yr or more. Thanks for all you do.


How do you keep track of which projects give the best ROI to DCA? I maintain a spreadsheet for my holdings that's a little different than yours in that I have columns for "2030 Basis ROI", "2030 New Purchase ROI", and "ROI w/Staking". Also important to look at 1-year and 5-year of course. As prices move this helps me see which projects will give the best ROI for new tokens bought now. For example, after SOL shot up, it became clear that DOT was next in line with the best ROI when including staking rewards, so that's where I went next. Let me know if you'd like to see it.


Great video James. You mentioned Palantir and only investing with squeaky clean companies - I have huge concerns about ethics and Palantir, in terms of how they use peoples data. They exploited NHS data in the UK due to the pandemic, please research a bit more before your video to show all sides. https://bylinetimes.com/2021/07/30/revealed-the-involvement-of-palantir-and-faculty-in-the-uk-public-sector/


I would like to see it!! Thats a new way to look at and use ROI


Let me see if I have got this. SOL was $129. Buy some. Couple of days later it is $148. Up 15%. Is that good ? BTD people 🤣


Yes pls PLTR video :)


got lucky to snag in the low 120's ! Snipped!


Asking you for a job , damn ! Why didn’t I think of that .. I can build bunkers 😁👍


Thank you once again with your uncut and unbias analysis. God Bless James.


All i need is a Patron membership with James. I am getting ready to quit my job step by step. Sold my cars except one i use, paid off my debts, minimized my expenses, bought, BTC, ETH and Sol as per James suggestion and will be keep adding. James, please open the membership to your patron. thank you...


We would love to see videos on stocks such as Palantir. Those of us who are Patreon Professional would love to watch a recording of the weekly Capitalist meetings.


Yes. Palantir and calls videos!! Let's do it.


Could you also do an OPTIONS video, straddles, Iron Condors, sell calls, etc???