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Getting a lot of hate from the internet.  Today is the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century so I was a little more open with my TA Tuesday.  

I firmly believe the physical universe is not merely driven by mathematics, it is math! The secret is people believe in the equinox (it stems back thousands of years even pre religion) and that makes for a self fulfilling prophecy. Hence I love numbers, math and predictions..... or else I am darn lucky or it is all one hell of a coincidence.

Oh by the way I backed up all my beliefs w Data :D 



Don't let these clowns bring you down.


Just let the full moon do the pump 💥🚀 In James we trust ✊🏻🙌🏻👏🏻


Be bold my friend


Love you all the more for believing in the mathematics behind nature!


Fuck the trolls, James


Haters will hate anyone with a YouTube channel figures that out after a while


Ignore the haters. Your changing our lives, and a few animals, as well.


People that know you love you. Be yourself and fu*k the haters.


James you rock. I love Chinese astrology. I’m a believer. Keep up the great work and ignore the haters


With your channel becoming bigger and bigger, you’re not going to be able to please everyone, but we’re still a family.


Keep doing you James! Love everything you produce - I follow you for your knowledge AND opinions!


The internet loves to hate, ignore them James!


Honesty always wins!! Thankyou for that James


James, check that last pump candle…. At 21:20 UTC…. The overloads that are into the Day Star God like numbers too


I loved today’s video!! Please ignore negative comments on the internet and keep doing what you doing! 👏🏼


Be you James! Howl!


Folks on the internet need to chill. Listen to everyone and every point of view, do your own research and then form your own opinion.


You do you James, trolls will do what they do brother. We appreciate all you are and all you do.


Don't let the hate get to you James! We love you and the internet loves you. Don't let the haters win. They can't stand themselves so they look for anything to tear people down. Shake it off and stick to your guns! We are here for you!


In Hinduism, we strongly believe Astrology and Science are closely related. Don't back off from your beliefs!


Can’t believe you’d get hate for that video. What a world. Carry on fine Sir.


U tha Man James, I love math myself 😁👍🏼Came from a German elementary school.. you had no choice 😂👏🏼 but I love it !


James we are here to learn from you. What you believe is part of understanding what it takes to become successful.


Asbsolutley loved it!


I used to surf, guess when the best waves are out? Big mass object have influence in small mass object, that’s physics ✊🏻


Being yourself makes you a great YouTuber! Don't stop!


The universe is many forms of energy


Loved it James. Keep it coming brother.


Made me open my eyes to astrology for sure. I want to research it some more! Sounds interesting!


Everything is maths James, except love, which is complex numbers hahaha. Complex alright . Keep it up mate


To hell with haters, keep being you james! 👏🏻


You graciously share your information, it's up to the viewer what they take and keep. Thanks for staying true to yourself.


Ignore the hate James. You are changing lives without asking a thing in return. Nature is all based on mathematical equations! Anyone who doesn’t get it, does t get much anyway.


Be you! WE LOVE and APPRECIATE YOU. Eff em all as they sit there covered in Cheeto dust in their moms basement! We got you. As you’ve had us!


Easy for us to say don’t worry about haters— but no one with an internet presence can be liked by 100% of the people. And if YOU can’t be, then that proves even more true. Your community loves you! Take care!


Don't stop being you brother!


James, Always stay true to your beliefs, I admire your conviction!! It takes strength to be honest and if someone does not like it, it’s okay. You are the best!!


You’re the man, James. Haters will be haters.


BTW, Shanghai exchange only down 0.5%. Perhaps the lows are in?


Keep doing you! That's what most of us here appreciate according to the poll numbers🔥


Every wise person with good intentions has been doubted or ridiculed at some point. Stay Strong James! Cheers.


I loved it!


First I’ve heard of this and found it fascinating. The nasty people are loudest albeit far and few between. Thanks for being open!


Be your glorious self!


Youre the best James, dont change to please the unpleasable!


BE open… your fans will understand and love you for it. Haters gonna hate; it’s not you, it’s them.


There’s always going to be haters on the Internet. You can’t please everyone. But you are definitely pleasing the masses. No one brings it like you do, James. Keep doing your thing because the ones who are really paying attention know that you cannot do wrong By us.


I happen to agree with you. If someone doesn't that's fine but if they give you hate for it that's on them not you, people need capacity in there brains to think maybe just maybe I don't know everything and have a open mind to at least entertain someone else's opinion


Just do u mate


I may not agree but I certainly appreciate and value a different perspective! I always learn something new from your channel! Thank you James for all you do!!! 💯👏🏼


There’s always hate from trolls. That comes with the territory. There’s more love and positivity by far I believe.


James you are fantastic! I was sucked in the very first time I heard Math ! I love math and the universe is totally math. I love that I found you on the internet as yon are completely on my wave length!! Sooo delighted 😀 (Please ignore the haters)


You are best at what you know and what you are doing. Math is every where... Like air...


Ignore the trolls! There are unhappy ppl everywhere just looking to bring everyone else down. I watch you BECAUSE I value your opinions and am interested in your thought process. Dont stop! The more open the better


James, fuck the trolls. If you can’t express your thoughts, no point doing it. People who don’t like it, they can go away and not watch your channel!! Good riddance really! Love you and what you do ! I don’t have to agree with everything you say but I really find it hard not to agree with you 🥰


I have the same issue with non duality. We are just out of apehood so expect resistance but needs to be said. We create our universe and each has his own.


I want to say don’t read the comments but most of the time I skim the comment section looking for your responses. So I would say don’t give negative comments any of your energy. Focus on comments that ultimately drive value or insight. You’ve created a community that looks forward to your content. Also, haters gonna hate!! Haha


I don’t believe in astrology. But I am an Aquarius and we never do.


The charts don't lie Fishing is best done according to full and new moons Waves are effected by the moon, etc


It’s a hard one. But I think you need to be your authentic self. You are what brought all of us here. You are an amazing person. If people don’t understand that they are nothing but trolls and can go away. Know you have thousands of supporters for every one negative asshole.


Be yourself but protect yourself. I do enjoy your insights!


Bold is beautiful. I found this video fabulous James. Astrology astronomy astrophysics all have a common denominator. Math.


James, I think a big part of your following is your integrity. For me, it’s your integrity and your quantitative analysis. I can easily tell when someone is “talking out their ass,” and you sir never do that. Man, I sure do feel lucky to have gotten into your group early. Ignore the haters. What’s the old saying…”haters gonna hate.” Thanks for what you do.


it is your channel. your channel should be with your genuine voice. it is your genuine voice that draws people to you. and for those who are not drawn to it, the humans are always free to click away from it and just watch animal videos.


Don’t let simple minded trolls ruin your freedom of speech. At the end of the day, those trolls are on YOUR channel watching YOUR content.


The haters need to go back too bit boy!!


Please keep sharing James. I found what you had to say fascinating. Dont let close minded people get to you. It will be our communities loss if they do!! Thank you for building this and for taking us on the journey 💪🏽🚀🎢


Lol. No worries james, you been trading 30 years, and now siting on the throne, while them still chasing money, and you give us lesson for nothing, ask nothing to return. Im happy that im in the community and found you. Thank you from my heart


Ignore the negative. I can only imagine the hate you get when people can simply not watch. You can have videos of tarot cards…who gives a shit. I don’t understand why some people are cruel to others for no reason. Thanks for all you do James.


I loved the video. Just because we don’t know how one thing connects to another does not mean that there is no connection. I do not understand electricity, but that doesn’t stop me from flipping the switch. I observe the connection between the switch flipped up and a room filled with light. That’s enough to know. I appreciated your humble presentation before the connections you observe. Thank you for being you.


James ,we love you for being you.


I am careful what I share in yt. Don’t feed pearls to swines was Jesus’s way of saying it. I am not religious but he was a smart cat.


James who cares what others think how many people have 30 years under there belt and there will always be haters bro I love what you do keep up the great work.


Great video! Totally fine sharing your belief! Haters make you stronger


The most important thing is You be You!! I love the spiritual connections. Being curious. You’re an awakened individual, keep connecting those dots. Stay curious! Ask the hard questions. 🙌🙌


Haters will hate




Don't be afraid to express yourself.


Well let's just say that if the haters listened to your advice they would already be up 5% on their money in the last 4 hrs. Lol


Ignore the trolls, the vast majority of us support and appreciate you!


I loved it! It was just brilliant! ❤️ Let the haters hate, their loss if they don’t believe in math or influence by nature. Don’t let them keep you down please!


You do you, James. You do a great and thorough job every time you create this great content for us. If people don’t like it, that’s their issue not yours nor mines. Keep bringing the heat. Thank you for all you do.


Couldn’t appreciate you more and then you throw down some deep wisdom. It’s not their fault (the haters), their frontal lobes haven’t evolved yet (and they probably haven’t spent much time observing nature, either).


I agree keep it up ignore the haters


You do you. We like you. Keep it real. Billy Joel "Don't go changin".


I love the fact that you keep it real James. Nevermind the haters. Remember what they say about opinions. They are like aholes. Everybody has one:)


…concerning the connections you observe.


Doubt you’re alone , there is guy on YouTube into fractals and trading haven’t gone too deep into it but hey if it works ……. :)


You do a brilliant job James. I am very thankful for your wise advice.


I don’t think you need to worry about others. Do you! That being said I think when you put it out to the entire population, some may not follow your mode of thinking and I am sure will be offended . I would say certain things that can be controversial you may just want to share in the close community like patreon.


I loved this perspective backed by data! Keep being you James, we all love you! (Except the haters…you can’t please them 😀)


King James 👑 you don’t have to worry! Good juju from all the people you have been helping shall help overcome all small road bumps. #allroads is a bumpy one 😆


I really appreciate your content and tune in every day. Thanks 🙏🌷


Thanks James. Appreciated it and loved it. Cheers.


James I would LOVE. A subscriber only vid with more info on these topics. Love what you do sir. Please teach us! 🙏🏻


I think back to your Fibonacci video from April. Everything from celestial mechanics to biology form patterns. Cycles influence cycles etc. I think it was perfect fit for TA Tuesday.


James you have a solid community here that appreciates all you do. You have changed my life and my family’s for the better. I’ve learned more from you regarding financial freedom and for this I will be forever grateful. Ignore the hate, you have far more in support of what you do! Thank you !


Haters are always loud. They are usually miserable people. Keep your positivity; the silent majority are huge fans. Your work is making the world a better place and we are thankful you invest your talents in this community. Don't let the haters suck you into their misery.


Don't mind the haters. Bring on the SOL!


James, it was perfect and original thought. Please keep sharing, and NEVER change. Haters, gonna hate!


1st there is nothing. The alive void we are beyond form. Then the math we call the universe.


There's always a benefit to the truth


All good James, everything in the Universe is connected in ways most don’t understand. Maybe cancel the Bora Bora meet up and we’ll make it Egypt so we can contemplate math, connections, and the Universe in the presence of giants. I’m in!


I didn't mind it but if you get alot of hate maybe limit it to the Patreon group with those videos.


Modern people also completely dismiss mythology as if it has no basis or value. It's a sign of the times and will shift again and again.


Look- if you don’t tell us, I will find it somewhere else. Is it bizarre that my 2 biggest areas of learning are crypto and astrology? I’ve bought 34 astrology books and 8 currency/crypto books since April!


Everyone watching your videos should be critically thinking the information you present anyways. Trolls can chill. Keep saying what you believe and don't sensor for the minority complaints. Much love 🙏


Meh stand by your convictions James. Love your work you are the professional. Stay strong 👍


James I may not share your belief but I love that you shared it! Humans are a whole (mind, body and spirit) and therefore the truest connection we can have with each other is as wholes. I find it selfish when people want to pick and choose the components of you that benefit them and then reject the rest. Don't worry about the masses mate, we who are with you are what matters...


Do what you think is right and what Will let you sleep most soundly. Life's too short


If you listen to the internet Trolls it won’t end positively. Be yourself and always tell it as it is. The data/math over emotion.


You can't please all of the people all of the time James....keep up the good work!! You are the "tip of the spear" with your TA and research compared to the other YouTubers out there. I'm glad I found you first! #campIA


We don’t want you to be like Everyone else we want you to be James!


You have been the light for me and my wife. The internet is full of trolls who have nothing better to do with their lives. I always say if you want to make everyone happy - open a ice cream shop.


People should be able to believe what they want and express it openly. If someone has a problem they can go somewhere else. I'm not coming to you to get a religious or non religious belief or point of view but I am glad that you feel comfortable sharing what you want AND it's your channel and Your outlet to do what you want with it!!! BTW i have a different point of view than you and that's okay too. James, you have amazing gifts and talents and skills and you are so caring and loving towards All (as far as I can tell) - i don't have to agree with you on the religious or philosophical reasons of your giftings/skills/talents/etc....for us to get along. This is America, saw what you want when you want. It's my choice to listen to what you have to say. By the Way, i know the creator of Math ;)


James, you're a good guy and you know your market stuff. That's undeniable. *Disclaimer* I wasn't one of the "haters". However... if in 2021 you discuss how the sun, the moon, and the stars have any influence whatsoever on your decision making, you might want to manage your expectations with the "feedback" you get when you do so. Thank you for all your help


James, I thought it was something you tried to give a different spin to lighten up the mood ... it was a surprise, but not shocking or anything 🙂 I honestly thought you are seriously joking about the correlation between astro and markets. You are fine divulging your thoughts .. but it will attract a lot of trolls and that's been normal even when you only talked about math! Please be yourself and don't let the haters get to you.


Hi James, social media can be harsh, it is impossible to please everyone. Do not worry , be sure that the big majority of people are grateful and have lots of respect for what you do, only that sometimes we do not post our appreciation. Thanks for your hard work, try to ignore and forget the negative comments, 99%+ of us admire you.


Freedom of speech, expression and belief is a cornerstone of democracy


Many people are anxious and simply venting, seemingly in this case you're the release valve. This frankly says more about them than you.


I jumped for joy when I saw the headline and heard your program…so much respect and love to you for being brave! Yes it is math..the Fibonacci and flower of Life…astrology..it’s all based on math and spiritual principles. Bravo for being brave and courageous to talk about the new ( ancient) ways of thinking and being! I’m solidly in your camp and will protect you any way I can.


People who are hating are just projecting there inner frustration onto you James. I thought it was quote fascinating and even my wife was like, “see James knows” it was great. You presented a pattern that you noticed.


Don't worry too much about the keyboard bullies. It's your channel, your ideas, your beliefs. Go for it. You got to be yourself and YouTube and these channels are such a huge part of your life you gotta bring your genuine self to them. I don't understand why anyone would give you shit for that when they can just not watch.


We love you James! Haters gonna hate.


What’s to hate?? Seriously? Im guessing if peeps FOMOd in at the top and used all their dry powder- this “ buying opportunity” is going to piss them off. 😏 Its a case of learning the hard way- and applying the lesson to the next opportunity. No sense in getting pissed about it😉


You do you James. That's why we love you and the team ❤❤. You keep mentioning SOLANA and whatever else you believe is worth talking about. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺❤❤❤


Haters are always haters James. You be you. No one can touch that. It is why we are all here in this group..because of YOU


I appreciated your video, James. There is so much in the universe that simply can’t be explained by modern science. In fact, the more science progresses, the more it comes to terms with home much of the ancient wisdom is actually true. Take meditation, for example, practiced for millennia, 25 years ago, people scoffed at the notion. Now nearly everyone I know practices it. In short, never feel reticent to share your beliefs and ignore the ignorant buffoons 🙂


I love the Equinox, chance to buy.


I liked it. I like everything you do for this community


Man be yourself….I’ve been told over and over I’m blunt and straight to the point…Who wants to be a pretender in Life…James there will always be haters …Your a Rare find as a Man and Scholar…so don’t sweat the small People…I’ve found in my study of the Human race they will stab you in the back at a heartbeats notice…Even if you have bought enlightenment to their Life’s….People praise you when things are running smooth ….Then gut you the second things go awry…So yeah James again I appreciate your none ending devotion to us an your Wisdom…You’ll never make them all happy…Again Sir My family and I are more grateful than words…THANK YOU!!!


And FYI: Venus retrograde conjunct Pluto dec 19, 2021, days before winter equinox. It’s important, like the shift from central bank system to the new system. I’m not saying it will be good or bad for us that believe that all roads lead to Bitcoin.


Creating that video took courage and conviction and may have destabilized some people’s belief systems but that teaches people to keep their dancing shoes on for all occasions. So many people have so much respect for you and your generosity with your expertise that you may have opened some minds today. I am an Astrologer and an Animal Communicator and have worked in Finance, so I know what it’s like to cross-pollinate with sharing beliefs…can be brutal but you can also inspire some people. Bravo-keep going!


Don't even waste your time with haters. Be thyself. All of us have learned a tremendous amount from you. And I love all your fresh perspectives. As you say, MATH MONEY FREEDOM.


In India also people look upto Moon to predict the pattern in stock market and Metal prices. And that too Since ancient times. Point is that Moon affect large waterbody like Sea and You are also 70% of water and hence it impacts your decision making in every aspect inculding Financial decisions 🙂


Jason, I have spent the past few weeks watching his past TA videos. If you take the time to learn a little TA it’s a game changer. The content is all there, he also does the weekly Discord videos for Patreon Capitalist Members.


Freedom is our Birthright! You do you James. Thank you.


Forget the haters, some people just aren't happy and can't stand when others are. I love the openness, honestly and heart put into your videos! Thank you so much for your hard work to help us understand more everyday! You are very appreciated!


Even if the moon ect is a crock of shit... I bet a bunch of billionaires believe in it... And therefore its relevant 🤣


Ignore the trolls. I really admire your knowledge and how you unselfishly share them. I told my kids about you too. They said they want to be Youtubers, I told them they should become highly educated first and become a professional expert at something just like you!


I felt a knee jerk reaction to the word astrology, but what you included under that label was totally reasonable. Plus your results speak for themselves! Anyways lots of my friends have different beliefs. Thanks for the awesome TA video. You rock. 🙏


Hello James, you should check out the 1998 film Pi by Darren Aronofsky. "The story, about a mathematician with an obsession to find underlying complete order in the real world, contrasts two seemingly irreconcilable entities: the imperfect, irrational humanity and the rigor and regularity of mathematics, specifically number theory."


James try to not get sucked into reading comments or people’s opinions. You need to do what you feel like, this is why you have grown such a massive following. You need to stick to your roots and to who you’ve always been. Let the haters hate and find somewhere else to go, no need for their negativity in your life anyway. Wishing good vibes your way my friend.


FWIW, crypto OG Davincij15 shared some potential astrology/moon phase correlation to BTC on his YT channel earlier today as well. Human behavior is predictably irrational.


I love how open you are and back up your comments with numbers. What is more open and expansive than the universe. We all need to be more open minded and simply think ourselves. Please continue to be you!!!


This is your stage. Speak your truth. We are all here for it


Hey James. It’s totally fine to share your beliefs on YouTube, especially if you find them relevant to what you’re teaching. I personally have a lot of believes, and though astrology is not one of them I’m still able to value others beliefs. Take no stock in the inability of people to view and learn from differing opinions.


Hi James, I know it's hard but please try to ignore the noise from haters, tribes and token armies, as we all try to do with FUD associated with crypto. Be you, follow your heart, and always speak with brutal honesty. That's why we love you. Math, money and freedom!


That was an awesomely unexpected video, thank you. Make it Patreon only next time f the haters.


James do what you do best and ignore those haters. I appreciate all your hard work and advice


James some things you can keep for us in your membership if you’re concerned. As a spiritual teacher myself I am careful sometimes who I share that with. We are here as your team to support all of your perspective from all angles. Some on YouTube might not be. I think a third question could be ‘shall I withhold some info on my spiritual and intuitive perspective on YouTube that I could just share with my closed community?” Just thinking out loud. (Sorry for spelling, cooking for fam at the same time!)


Hilarious!! (Especially since Aquarius is the ruler of astrology:-)))


I thought your talk tonight was awesome!!! Keep doing what you do. You are a exceptional human being. Bravo!!!


Loved to see you share more of your beliefs and knowledge. Keep it up and screw the haters. Keep up the excellent work


Glad there was no Q&A … let us just rest in the moment… it’s all good. James Your the Best practical modern day Mathematician ! Forget the haters.


James, be yourself. That’s what we love! Have a staff person filter out the hate and negative. See only the positive. Ignore the trolls and haters.


James, I enjoyed it, keep trucking! Thanks man!


William Delbert Gann is perhaps the most mysterious of all the famous traders in history. Known for using geometry, astrology and ancient mathematics to predict events in the financial markets and historical events, Gann's trading strategies are still widely used today, long after his death in 1955.


I'm biased. When you shared your beliefs, it made my 💜 happy. Math is everywhere. "How" the universe works can be captured by patterns. I use these patterns to understand ppl and help them actualize their fullest potential. I appreciate the cycles of life, our planet, the universe....so... why not use it to inform my financial decisions if the data can back it up? I respect your authencity and I'm glad our paths crossed through this medium. Cheers from a school principal who owns her beliefs about the patterns and cycles of the physical universe, even when colleagues think I'm crazy. 😄 Is it a coincidence that student misconduct rises during a full moon?? No! We plan for it. 😂 🍻🍻🍻


Yes! You are a true legend… I was happy to hear what shared today. Thank you x 108 for all that you and the team provides us with, it has made such a difference in my life!


Thanks James for what you do, you are much appreciated. I still believe that you will change the world, but there will always be some that have negative views. As a Security guard i know what it's like when haters come up against you, it's hard to get use to. I wish you well.


I respect your belief even though we may be different. This is your channel and you can do what you want. People like to hate and stand behind fake names. But I appreciate all that you have done for me and I am not even in Patreon (trying to get in). I just follow all your YouTube videos and those have helped me so much already in this crypto space. Thank you :) keep sharing your convictions. If we don’t see eye to eye it’s ok.


James, you offer very valuable education, not everyone needs to agree with everything you post, if they don’t like it they can watch something else, all anyone should be saying to you is thank you, short of that they can climb a tree


Thoroughly enjoyed today’s TA, James! I was also finally able to share some TA with my girlfriend that she understood and was genuinely interested in hearing about!


Don't mind the haters!!!! You are making people's lives infinitely better FOR FREE!!! whoever doesnt like it can go buy GOLD and shove it..... :-)))) oh...i bought more Matic- SOL- DOT and almost at 1 full Bitcoin...and some XRP. Dont be mad :ppp Grateful as always for your videos and to be part of this Patreon Community


all good James as always there is always a few in a crowd keep up the great work. regards


King James! I thoroughly believe that every one of us must be true to ourselves with who we are. Not that we need to divulge everything but let the haters hate. “When you are living this good they are suppose to hate.” I thoroughly enjoyed your connective thoughts on these not so obvious universal laws. Be you and your tribe has and will assemble. All rest will filter out! People get spooked so easily.


Can’t even understand why people are hating on the video, I’d love to see any of them make a video with even 1% of the wisdom you put out daily. Lots of cowards online hiding behind their computer, no way around it, I’d expect and ignore most of it. Thank you for all the amazing content James


You're a true gentleman! Please don't let haters change who you are! I watch your videos religiously!


The haters and trolls, hate and troll because they are unhappy with themselves and their situations. It's the few that sound the loudest. Dust them off.


Hey James, being vulnerable is freeing. Hang in there and don’t let the schmucks steer you from whom you really are. I’m proud of you!


Jews follow the lunar calander. It is biblical


Man I appreciate all that you do!


There ! Exactly what I had in mind ... I didn't know there was a Greek version as well


It was very interesting, I think everything is linked , we are all one


Be true to yourself. Your tribe will follow


The internet is a shit hole. Ignore the ignorant masses. Honestly I think that this poll is great. The 24 or so people who vote that they had an issue can easily be targeted and removed from the patreon for one of the countless waiting to join! Not that you would do that... you are too kind and gracious James... but it is an idea....


Some people just love to hate.


Don't listen to the haters. In James we trust!


'“As the cells in our bodies are influenced by our earthly weather, Our bodies and minds are also influenced by the weather of the cosmos. We are subtly influenced by the physics of our cosmic environment” Hendrith Smith, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic


From someone who cleans teeth 🦷 for a living, haters gonna hate! Keep flossing James!


Like I said, I am agnostic but I am open minded and respect everyone’s beliefs, including juju magic. LoL


Steven Mark Ryan calls some youtubers snow flakes and if they don't like his content they are free to unsubscribe. I wouldn't care if you were tripping on acid to get you insights. I am fortunate to have learned a lot from your videos. Keep em coming James! I think of you as my 007! I know you got my 6.


Haters gonna hate hate hate


At the end, your real audience will know the value of your work


James please dont change and just keep doing your thing as we (most of us) love it. I've said it before we are very lucky to have you in our lives 🙏🏼👏🏼💪🏼


Love your work mate, especially how open and transparent you are


For whats it when earlier today I told my 10yr Son, Not to worry about what everyone else around him is going to think.. for it will mostly only destroy him... Suffice to say ... He doesn't quite get it yet....🤔🤔🤷🏾‍♂️


Life would be boring if we all thought and liked the same things. Ignore the haters and keep doing what you're doing James. Love your channel!


I follow you because you offer unparalleled research and insight into crypto. What you offer is unique. Especially as you give the money made online to help unfortunate animals. That says so much. I owe it to you to listen to what you believe in. I thought it was fascinating. What you do has helped so many people. It has helped me, and I am grateful. Fuck those people on the internet.


We are probably living in a simulation. A simulation where all roads lead to... Well... you get it. :)


James, no need to acknowledge the haters. Share away, we are friends here.


the internet is a sewer, dont listen to the haters


Don't listen to the hate James you're doing an excellent job thank you so much


If they don't like it they can stop watching. THANK YOU for all you do for this community. Your videos are a gift.


I found it super interesting.


James! You bring so much value to the community. There is a lot of hate on the internet. The bigger you get, the more hate you tend to get too. Unfortunately. I enjoy hearing your different views, and I know I am not alone. Keep going! What you do is AWESOME! Hi5 from Hong Kong.


I loved this video. Im quite spiritual and it spoke to me very deeply. Keep it up James. Fuck the haters


I have a small bag of XRP as well... That I do not speak about on this channel. ;) (100% speculation play that I will sell pending the verdict) "Who dares wins"


I loved hearing about it! I also believe many things are connected! You keep on being you- please don’t worry about the haters


Personally, I believe that the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century is just a coincidence of our somewhat arbitrary calendar... HOWEVER, I love hearing James' alternative point of view. It humanizes him. No matter what James' personal beliefs are, I appreciate how charitable he is with sharing his perspective with us. Please keep making content like this! Thanks James! <3


Awesome research and extremely thought-provoking. Let the haters hate, forge ahead!


You are part of an esteemed lineage, 21st Century Pythagoras!


Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. - Steve Jobs


James people hate what they do not understand. Cannot tell you how many told me I will burn in hell most of my life. Please remain your essential self and know people who are open minded accept you as you are. You are kind, innovative, and curious. Many in this group are fond of those characteristic traits.


As Taylor Swift once said, “Haters Gonna Hate.” Lol. I personally like that you shared your personal beliefs. It shows that you are a real person, and makes you even more likeable in my opinion. Thanks for all you so sir


So happy to hear you say this. I definitely recognize the spiritual vibe with you. Fuck em!


The more you share, the more we’re enlightened. Please don’t hold back, James.


Live your life brother. I was born and raised Catholic and I still practice my faith. I don’t want anyone hating on me so I make it practice to not hate on others.


Led Zeppelin is one of the greatest rock bands of all time, Rolling Stone review of the band’s eponymous debut was so bad the magazine became like a curse word to the band in the late ’60s. When you listen back to that debut album, it is so different and unique, hindsight it was a stellar album that Rolling Stone got totally wrong, and so does your half minded critics... shake it off James, you are a unicorn like Led Zeppelin. Be True, we all love that about you. Rock On!!


If people don't see your kindness, dedication, and generosity, then their opinions don't really matter. Please keep being your authentic self. Your community truly appreciate all that you do for us 💕


James. You are immaculate. Ignore the loser moron haters. In fact, the fact that have haters makes me love you even more. You. Are. Hope. Can’t express how grateful I am to have been redeemed from loser fat boy Bit Boy by you. Thank you!


Haters are so absolutely boring and uninspired...


I see a whole lot of haters outside the club. Ignore The Hate.


Chuckling, Sir, you navigate mundania with grace my man. I love your clear honest authenticity James. I'm inspired to participate more deeply. Thank you for that! Best!


Self fulfilling prophecy here is a logical conclusion and a useful guide if a pattern clear for all to see. No problems divulging a thought like that.


You rock James.


Loved tonight’s video!! We need more humanity, vulnerability, honesty…I was riveted!


I enjoyed it a lot James, please don't get discouraged! I think there's a lot we don't understand about ourselves and how everything interconnects (or doesn't) so if we never explore and exercise curiosity and theorise then how can we ever evolve. 🙂


No need in being a sheep and following the herd. I joined patron because you and your team are authentic. This is yalls channel, run it how you want. piss on the folks who don't like it. I can guarantee you will never make everyone happy. It's one of the things in life that's impossible. You seem to honestly enjoy your time giving back to the community. In my opinion, if you start trying to please everyone you might not be happy with the outcome. on a positive note, I really like the intro countdown. good way to go from drowning pool to focused.


Yes James some people will always hate. Let it go. You are doing us a favor in educating about this fairly new space. Ignorance will always be present and harmful. We all have a TV with a remote control, if they don't like , they can turn it off, your show is not a MANDATE yet in the world. YOU HAVE MANY FANS. 5 in my family alone, you are doing a great job for us, and we appreciate very much. I also believe in the stars, the universe is very complex but yet all things are line up perfectly. Ignore hate it will ravage your spirit. Salut , nous sommes avec vous tous les soirs.


I enjoyed ever minute of it and I love TA Tuesday’s!


James where have you been my whole life. Your advice and wisdom and views on Math money and freedom are priceless. Do not change, be yourself. Also please adopt me 😉


I found it amazing that you were willing to discuss a topic others would shy away from for multiple reasons and (as usual) break it down a way that brings makes it educational and simultaneously fascinating. Thank you for all you do!


Virgo here. What's your sign?


James ignorant people will always hate, you have helped so many people here stick to your beliefs, stay strong brother.


100%. Let your authenticity shine. You have always presented yourself in an authentic, caring way because of that I subscribed. Remember: Math, Money, Freedom.


It is interesting if not ironic that possibly the greatest of mathematicians articulated three laws of motion to govern the universe and all three in some way or the other apply to the financial markets: Newton’s three laws of motion: (1) that a body remains in its state of rest unless it is compelled to change that state by a force impressed on it; (2) that the change of motion (the change of velocity times the mass of the body) is proportional to the force impressed; (3) that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


No matter what you say someone won’t like it. The moon is powerful. It drags around the oceans. Ask any emergency room doctor, they can tell when the moon is full by the level of ER activity. Just be who you are. Share what you will. Don’t worry about what people say.


You be you James. Haters gonna hate. Cheers!


Must be hard to totally ignore the negative that comes with what you do James. Please stay strong and if you wanna throw in the YouTube towel please don’t ever throw in the Patreon towel. I’d personally pay a lot more just to have your voice of reason and experience available! Thanks for everything you share. The way you handle yourself and it all is perfect 🤙


I always believe that certain ancient wisdom still holds true even when we get to the sci-fi (eg star trek, star wars ages) because even if our ancestors never understood what was happening around them... they observed and respected the occurrences.


James you do you. That’s why you get respect.


Just curious will Oct 21, Nov 21, Dec 21 still be 21/21/21, we got 3 more to go =)


You're fine James, seriously... have a glass of wine and go talk to George, he knows what to say and just be glad you're not bitboy. We love you James, don't be so self conscious, holding back your honestly affects your community. It's a fine balance of Ying and yang. See ya


I voted 'yes' above but think it is important for longevity of this to keep your emotions level and secure. Might be you need/want more privacy and that would be totally understandable. When you post on social you post to the world and its not a pretty picture out there right now. Just a random distribution of yahoos if you will. Don't of course know what kind a blowback you receive so might be totally fair to call them 'haters' but maybe more constructive/ therapeutic to think of them as uninitiated or uninformed. I don't agree with everything you say, much to my detriment I might add but I'm no way disrespectful. You are the real deal in an increasingly shallow pond.


You should only read a few words and deduce from it if it is a comment worth reading. Majority of your audience enjoys and values your time and thoughts. Thanks.


James, you do you. You have changed my life just being yourself.


Well, as you write, it's a self fulfilling prophecy. As far as I can tell that is all that TA is anyway, so keep up the good work ;)


James, really appreciate you being yourself. Pls don’t change for haters.


Dude, that’s what sets you apart from all others. Your incredibly consistently relentless work, your convictions, your math, money, freedom. For any one of the bone head comment’s you’ve got 1000’s of people hungry for your contents and comments. "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot" - Mark Twain


You are free to believe and say whatever you want. I’m a Christian, so I do not believe in astrology. I believe in the one who created the stars and everything else. Thank you for all that you do to help people.


Funny, I looked at the clock today and it was 1:21, and had a similar thought around numbers aligning. Should have made a trade right away, because I also love numbers. Just be yourself I say!


James, great as always. Don't doubt your gift. Haters have issues you have NO control over.


James, your character, knowledge and results speak for themselves. I would continue to follow you even if you voted Democrat. ;) ;) LOL Kidding. Nothing wrong with sharing your beliefs like this and in fact, I found it fascinating. Totally forgot about the equinox and I do believe there are universal forces that absolutely play a part. BTW, didn't Grayscale sell off 8 Billion worth of assets in the last few days? Would that have played a part as well? Evergrande market fear? + Manipulation?


Ignore the haters. Your followers love you and that is what counts. We follow your channel in order to gain economic freedom for ourselves and our families. Please don't withhold things because of fools that are not capable of understanding anything outside their small sphere of comprehension.


Keep doing what you do and make sure you keep enjoying yourself. There will always be detractors etc. but at the end of the day by sharing what is real in your mind you are allowing the MATH to flow. As many are saying, James, do you, and everything else is just noise! 🙏


James, that’s why your channel is so powerful and growing. You are open and honest and truthful. The world needs more people like you. God bless you and all your awesome work.


Max Tegmark said if you accept the idea that both space itself, and all the stuff in space, have no properties at all except mathematical properties, then the idea that everything is mathematical starts to sound not so far fetched ('m paraphrasing). What I love though is that many great thinkers were sold on both math and a little mysticism. Be that Einstein, Godel, Wittenstein, Kant, etc. Doing mathematics is one way to get in touch with the Absolute. In any case James please don't go down to their (the haters) level. You are an amazing teacher and educator and your views are fascinating.


Hi James, authenticity is a rare commodity in real life and social media and I believe it's the reason channels such as yours are so successful and create such a high level of engagement with your followers. Keep up the great work, people who don't want to hear your message don't have to tune in. Cheers


Fascinating and challenge the constructs of human narrow mindedness. Everything is energy. We are energy in a mathematical based universe governed by laws that quantify our existence. Data points cannot be challenged they are binary. You go James !!! This is what we love about you. You may be challenged but proof exists in numbers. Love your TAs James please keep up the great work, I learn so much. Saying thankyou does not serve you justice.🙏🏾


Sprinkling your analysis with bits of personal philosophy adds color and context. Great stuff!


You are the professor, its your curriculum. People should be more open minded. I've watched this video on youtube twice in the last month. Mind blowing. HIDDEN MATHEMATICS - Randall Carlson - Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles


keep giving us the truth james. For all the people in their mums basement instead of being butt hurt dogecoin aint going to the moon, maybe put your emotions to the side and ride some winners regularly found on this channel and you could get your own place. not lifestyle advice ofcourse.


Captain James Ignore the Neanderthal haters… its a sign that Invest Answers is working perfectly in achieving its mission to promote financial freedom through education even if there is some math involved. It also means the haters have been challenged to articulate a considered opinion and failed miserably. Most of them can summon up only enough intelligence to sign their name. One can only lead a horse to water…


I am pretty sure sir that you have been successful in life by learning about yourself and learning from others. You have a great YouTube channel and it is because of who you and your team are as people. Once again, your Patreon members are a part of that team and we are proud to be a part of that I am almost certain. I find you to be a very positive and level headed thinker and for that I am grateful...I have had hate eat me up once upon a time and I can tell you for certain that it was a mistake to let that happen. Stay strong, much love ✌


James, pls ignore the haters, they will hate whatever you do. You added so much value to us. Keep up the great work, speak your truth and ignore the noise. Thank you sensei!


I love that you shared these ideas openly!!! I’ve been suspiciously looking at these “coincidences” recently and it’s nice to have some confirmation. I’m not alone!! 🤣


Not sure why people want to argue with success. I think to many people are on YouTube looking for get rich quick schemes and really they just want to hear an echo chamber about how good the coin they picked is.


Hi James,the haters are just projecting their own issues and negativity.I enjoyed hearing this from you and it gives us greater insight into what makes a lovely human being.The internet is an open field but your Patreons know who you are what what great work you do for the animals and for us as loyal followers.Stay cool!


You are irreplaceable James!! Your passion and sincerity radiates beyond the YouTube screen. Forget the haters as here you have so many of us who love and appreciate everything you do!! Wishing you strength and peace! 💜


Agreed.. Be Yourself. My thoughts are about the SEC vs Celsius ...spending 2 yrs in Court trying to stop the bleeding . When you can't win.. Take em to court. Hopefully, Alex prepared well for this


Read the comments on you tube. They get weirder and more deranged, as you scroll to the bottom. Some people just need a hug, not sure who hurt them so bad. 🤷‍♀️


Continue to be yourself. Nobody will ever appeal to everybody… I think you’re a fine dude doing a very kind thing for others!!!


You are the best James. Forget those few haters, you are doing so much for your community, that's what is your legacy.


Be yourself it's why we love you and your data driven information. I appreciate you.


I salute and congratulate you on your understanding of astrology and how you correlate it with life itself. The hate you receive for your point of views is a great sign that you are making an impact to the very core of their beliefs and are making them think of other possibilities. Please consider their criticism as a compliment. The legacy you are creating for people like us looking for financial freedom is unmatched. You have the respect of this community and the admiration of the YouTube world. You are setting the bar really high and everyone in the crypto world is becoming a better YouTuber because of your influence.


James the first thing I noticed on the first video i watched was your spirt exuding from you I knew this guy was the real deal. The last three month have been an amazing ride. I’m 67 so not your average crypto investors but I want to build a legacy for my family. I have multiple BTC along with Eth Sol, and a few others. Made some mistakes before I found your channel. Into this thing with. Over 6 figures. I have a great life and my kids are all doing exceptionally well but still this will propel them and my grand sons to a whole new plateau that I may never see. Thank from them bottom of my heart, you sir, are the real deal. All the best


James I belong to 2 other crypto patreon groups and yours is by far the most informative, interesting, sincere and heartfelt. A big thank you for being you!!


You do you - That’s what I (we) love about you… Be yourself and ignore the haters and fly-overs. You’ll never please everyone so it’s not worth beating yourself up over those out there who need a hug! (I think Lexi had a good point :)


Thank you James. Maybe the data is telling us that the moon influences human behavior. The charts are a graphical record of this action.


Got here a little late. My 17 year old son and I listen on the way home almost every day. He has a lot of respect for you. He asks a lot of questions and you often give him the answers. Math has always eluded him and he thinks you are the math whiz! We will always be fans, you are a good soul and you think of everyone, including the animals. Keep up the great work and try not to listen to the noise people throw out. Stay safe and thank you for your honesty, always 😊


Among cops, ER nurses, and mental health technicians it is common knowledge to expect an extra crazy time working shifts that fall on a full moon.


Funny timing as I had recently come across the Moon Phases indicator on a TA youtubers video and then have seen that a few crypto price actions can quite often align with waxing and waning moons on a multi-day chart. so interesting!


💯 ✨ we're with you James! Thank you for staying genuine to yourself and so open with us.


James! I'm tracking with your beliefs (always interested in numbers and patterns). As an example, I actually got married earlier this year on 1/21/21. And now you've taught me I should say 1/21/21/21 ! Sincere appreciation for all you do. Incredible. Showing my boomer age by saying, "you can change the record, but don't you change!"


It also happens to be my Birthday James. Not my 21 however. We are all from stardust James. The Ancient cultures were is some ways more advanced then we are.today. I appreciate all your efforts James. Always look forward to your posts.


Beautifully put !!! James always be yourself you are a legend ... this has been my light during the last year or so with we all know what .... crypto and your Channel and our plan to invest has been the light in a lot of dark I love it Jame never stop being you Regards always D.


Hard to argue the empirical evidence you showed


James, the internet is mean and anonymous. You are kind and genuine. Don’t let the anonymous bullies online dictate the drive that makes you excited to do what you do! It’s pretty cool that you can see trends, patterns and can use that information to make informed predictions. That quirk is the same reason people from around the world follow your lead! Please don’t be afraid to share yourself with the world. The world needs you exactly the way you are!


I have studied astrology in my youth many decades ago - a lot is woo-woo but some fundamentals do seem to work just fine. I take what works.


I learned a long time ago you can't please everyone and its just to bad if people did not like it. The information and service you provide is a tremendous value and extremely informative. Keep up the good work!


Ur the man James fuk the trolls


The people who voted "dont be so open". You bunch of snowflakes. Speak your mind James and don't change for anyone. We love you for that.


It is not your problem if they dont understand


Definitely love to hear your beliefs . That’s how we further ourselves by sharing rather than holding too tight to our knowledge


James, you and your Team are fantastic! You created and brought together a community of wonderful people:-). I am very grateful to be here with all of you. Cheers 🍻✌🏼


I've learned so much from you in such a short time. It's definitely not a coincidence and pretty cool you are tapped into that great energy. Keep it up. You're amazing ❤️


James, Please don't change anything about you. Your are the most sincere, pure-hearted and intelligent voice in the cryptoverse. Please know that you are loved by many. The emptiest cans rattle the most--pure noise. Love and appreciate everything about you. Be blessed.


I see there’s already quite a lot of comments in here, but I’ll add mine as well. I’m a Christian and don’t feel offended at all. I personally think God created the universe and everything is based around math, so this fits perfectly within my believe. Also, if it wouldn’t, who am I to judge? Everyone should be free in their believes… There’s a very good documentary/serie by Lee Strobel (The Case series), in which he wants scientific proof if God exists, this serie actually was the start of my personal journey


My uncle with decades of experience in the ER also says this.


Ignore the negativity. Always do what you feel is true to you and, let me tell you, you've changed many, many lives. That overwrites any misguided "hate" you might receive. Eternally grateful, James.


LOVED IT!!!!! I’m such a numbers person that I have 11:11 tattooed on myself. I got it on 11/11/11 at 11:11… so I can totally relate with you. Normally my big $$ days are 5/5 and 8/8 but now I can add today as well. Thanks 🚀🌛🌕🌜🚀


You are entitled to your opinions and beliefs just like anyone else. Stay true to your path.


Keep it coming James!


The video was great. If someone doesn't like it they can skip that video. You are mostly right so who are they to complain? If they are right more often than you then what are they watching you for anyways? Be yourself James. That is the person we love and the reason we tune in every day.


Facts & Numbers don’t lie James. If you don’t provide us with the insights - which YouTube channel provider do you suggest we turn to? Always fascinating listening to you.


This is fascinating and I want to know more. I hope you will share more with us here in Patreon at least


Great video, so helpful thank you. Mid-Autumn Festival here in HK (the moon thing is a thing here too!)


James, DO NOT change anything ... you are the most REAL person on the internet these days and that's what makes you so genuine. Haters will be haters and that is just too bad for them, IGNORE it. If you try to please the masses you will end up pleasing no one. We love you just the way you are.


Love you sharing more fully what you consider! Ha e been noticing the correspondence of the full moons with local bottoms and new moons with loval


thats why im here. transparency originality n no shenanigans. Only channel/person i follow mathematically n religiously :)


Universe is math. You see math in nature everywhere with fibonachi numbers in the number of leafs etc. I believe you can't avoid hate when things get complicated. I don't think this hate affect many people of the channel because your points are always very well put and in a positive way. Only those who have already decide to take your point as wrong would not like it. Overall is a positive contribution to this channel :) Personally i love those moments and i believe the world is more magical than we think, like in the Quantum physics. Light acts as a wave and as a particle sometimes, it depends on how you interact with it, everything is a matter of perspective :)


I don't hold a lot of weight to such things, but yes from a math or fib or self-fulfilling type thing I still find it interest enough to listen to.


Don't let the hater get you down. Some people are just nasty. I hope we don't let them determine the way forward. Don't let them dictate your character. We like you for you, cause you are the only one like you. Peace...


James, you need to remember to ignore most commentary on the internet. Unless the person is posting something constructive ignore it. There are too many losers out there with nothing better to do than hate. It's also easy to spew hate in the anonymity of the internet. Most of these people would not have the guts to say anything like that in person. You are out there sharing great knowledge with people, so please don't let useless hate stop you. Always consider the source of the comments.


You are a pioneer. The universe provides patterns and you are showing people the math that has been ignored for thousands of years. . Step into your leadership and lead. It suits you. 🦁


I was surprised, yes. But indeed it is all maths. (Which I suck at, hence I hang on your every word/video) Quantum physics is real. We are all energy and light. Let the haters hate. I always say that whatever other people think of me is none of my business.


And to add. You are an open honest person that shares your beliefs in the numbers. No shilling no hype. That’s why I am here. You are a breath of fresh air among all those so called experts


Your better off keeping to yourself these days. Everyone is sided with a cause like Spartans to the death on the interweb.... who needs their crap... You're the best investor who shares honest not financial advice on utube ...


Do what you do best! Don‘t give in to haters, commentors and nay sayers.


The deeper one goes in the search for truth, paradoxes and seemingly irrational need to be accepted. Godspeed brother 👍


I just Wold up and haven’t watched the video yet. But now I am very excited to do so. Keep being you, keep sharing, you are so unique and we are all so lucky that you are true to yourself and sharing your believes. If you are getting hate that means you are challenging others beliefs and that is also very exciting. ❤️


Preach it from your heart and soul. Attract those that believe what you believe. Let the rest go. From an exec coach - and believer.


It is your channel and if people don't like your opinions they have the right to go elsewhere. Interesting fact regarding the universe and everything being interconnected. We all share some of Einstein's particles obtained through the air he once breathed out. Some obviously got more of them than others. Lol. Great show as always


There is nothing unreasonable with the idea that the happenings of this universe are determined by… the universe. The video was thought provoking and original :)


Ignore the haters just be yourself and they don't like it they can leave. You are a freaking Rock Star!!


I suspect that more than a few of those who left negative comments didn't even bother to watch the presentation... All of your points were well presented and supported by data. Made me think.


Don’t take too much notice of what people say on the internet 😉


I LOVE THIS EPISODE JAMES! I study Feng Shui and did an Astrology from Harvard online last year in lock down, I can totally relate! In Feng Shui, we monitor stars cycles and predicted a massive earthquake like type of energy would happen from 2020 to 2024 to complete a shift to the next phase. So I sold one apartment on 2019 Xmas, and bought crypto just before the pandemic. Everyone around me were shocked for this decision. in Australia, most people believe in the never ending growth of real estate. But what I see is that we are shifting from the element of Earth (tangible stuff, properties, books, offices, heavy things) to the element of FIRE (non-tangible stuff, crypto, online course, ebooks, VR gaming, art, spirituality...) I even teach this to my clients, so that we can position ourselves with the trends, ride the wave, not against the currents. So thank you so much for showing a bit of astrology today! I love you even more now. You are such a humble kind hearted man,I'm so glad to be in this community!


Your channel is growing, your influence is growing and it's like politics, people hate just because they "have to hate". I learned to ignore " what society thinks". I don't give a s**t. You wanted to build an intimate community and guess what: Your intimate community loves you and trust you. Haters. Do not waste your time and energy on them. F..k them (like others mentioned). I personally learned A LOT from you. So, Thank you for what you are doing and sharing with us.


James you do you. Don’t let bad people on the internet get you down. If they are closed to this idea then that is their loss. Is it a bit eclectic? Sure. There is nothing wrong with that man. You be your best you in the space you created.


Yes, those are the words I would say! You point it! No more to say!!!! Well done!


Stand tall and be proud of what you believe in. That is why I trust you James - your honesty convictions and wisdom. Haters hate because they have none.


Everything you share is backed up with data and not something random. So If you show me UFO sightings correlate with bull runs.... I WILL BELIEVE YOU......... and put UFOs on my Google Alerts :)


haters be hating, losers be losing... if you care too much about what other people think, you be losing and hating too... we love you for being you, DYOR 💕


please just keep doing what you are doing and ignore all the haters. Haters can draw their own conclusions, it's a free world


You do you, James! Your honesty is always appreciated. Nothing but love for you here ❤️


Numbers (like geometry) are sacred. Your video was excellent and generous. Please don't let others bring down your frequency. Transcend and those who resonate will follow. Sending love and gratitude 😊


Loved this episode. Knowing and working with energy backed up by data is a super power and you have it in spades James.


You are a genuine person and I've always appreciated your knowledge and your generosity in sharing it. Tonight's episode provides an interesting angle to look at the trends.


Very simple, we are all individuals and therefor we should just do our own thing. The education system, mainstream media, governemts and the people pulling the strings of governemets want us in a mental box. I have no intentions in being in their box. I admire free thinking people and would like to hear more of what you say. There are too many things in this universe that cannot be explained or proved but one thing is for certain, you are always going to get narrow minded haters.


The video was great AND interesting AND educational AND eye-opening. And yes, lots of people will not understand. How about disabling comments on some videos for your peace of mind? Or promise yourself to not look at the comments at all. I personally disable comments to not deal with them at all if I know what is coming.


You are perfect just the way you are. Do you!


You are always welcome to share more of your beliefs with us here on Patreon.


You have brought more than enough to the table to be supported by us!


Ignore the donkeys James


Hey James, as ever your presentation was absorbing, interesting & informative. Being able to learn from your decades of experience is a gift.


Narrow Minds are Limited Thinkers... Patterns & Cycles are Everywhere!


I believe in astrology. And I was predicted, market correction.. thanks James..


Math. Money. Freedom. Data driven analysis looks at all the relevant data and considers it. Please continue to share your insights, data, and information. It's what makes you so much better than the rest of YouTube.




Maths, everything is maths I was at an event in LA and the lady who said she wrote the matrics and terminator, https://www.cctvcambridge.org/node/209881 She's got loads of degrees, iq of more than Einstein and is everything in numbers and formulas She said in LA everything is maths


bollocks to the haters, total waste of valuable time and energy absorbing their bile.


I thought the video was very interesting and informative. These haters need to have an open mind and/or get a life.


The video was brilliant. It gave me an entirely new thought provoking layer. I really connected with it. Haters are going to hate and it's not easy to read but you are awesome. Please keep being awesome you and don't change 💪


Great video, your content is second to none - please ignore all the haters.


Complex emergent properties - the equinox is the period of the fastest rate of change of the seasons. For the those in the northern hemisphere it is the period of the fastest change towards winter which may be depressing for many. So it is probably natural it brings on a negative market sentiment at the slightest opportunity... Not bonkers ;-)


Ones beliefs should not be governed by internet haters


It’s one thing to say the universe IS maths. That’s clear and I agree. Its a whole other thing to believe in horoscopes and astrology. There are too many hacks making up rubbish based on star positions and birth dates to put any stock in that. TA on the other hand reflects the human condition and where people believe the price will go and therefore has value. Not convinced there is any causation link with birth dates and planets. I’m sure we won’t convince each other. And that’s fine, people can have different opinions and different politics and still respect one another. Love your work James.


WOW, JAMES, I hope you feel the ❤ now and forget about those douchebags. See how much love and appreciation coming your way You got fans dude. You are a good soul . Be james.


I haven't seen it yet, but I always enjoy TA Tuesday.


It’s difficult but try to ignore the haters James. The people that matter know that you are one of the good guys in this mixed up world.


James, don't let a few haters dictate how you operate. You are a special breed of YouTuber. You always mean well, you don't schill and you are transparent. Keep being YOU! By the results of the voting, it is obvious we, your fans want you to continue to be natural and yourself.


After watching your video I even respect you more than alreadyI respected you before. Thank you for everything you share with us. Hope the bad energy of the haters does not affect you too much. Love from Germany


Doesn’t matter what you say people will give hate. Thats just the way life is now that people can hide away behind a keyboard. Just do you and keeping smashing it out the park!


Loved it, totally resonated with me and gave lots of food for thought. Keep shining your light James, it spreads further than you know!


Hi Badger, can I respectfully suggest you drop a note in your diary for Mon 21 Mar 2022 as the date for the Spring (northern hemisphere) Equinox and observe what happens in the markets around that time, after all it is the period of the fastest rate of change of the seasons. I agree horoscopes are a far stretch, but there are other effects 'closer to home' that might be worth considering more closely.


James, BRILLIANT. This is exactly what I need, I can't wait to get home from work and look through my charts replicating what you have just shown me. This is REAL EDUCATION. Thank you soooo much. As for HATE James, I feel your pain. Remember, you do this for free to help people get the most out of their Investments. . . Years ago I taught SCUBA Diving for free to help people get a taste of the underwater world. I taught in the evenings after work. People would come one week, some the second week, then new people on the third week and some people from the first week would come back. This made it impossible to teach a full course as I had to redo lesson 1 AGAIN. My solution was to charge money. The moment I charged money everyone turned up every week without fail. They also studied their books beforehand !! The moral, James, is people don't see value when things are free! You will always get haters on YouTube. It's FREE. We are your loyal community HERE, We love, care, listen and learn from YOU. Personally, you helped me turn a meager sum of money into 6 digits and gave me real retirement hopes and dreams. Thank you again James you and your team are amazing


Some people will always hate, whatever you say. You can’t live your life trying to please others. You do what makes you happy and try to ignore the negative. I appreciate you. Thank you for what you do. You’ve taught me so much.


Buongiorno from Italy… sitting here sipping coffee, watching & learning… with a bit of disbelief, but not in your numbers, but because it’s free of charge on YouTube… I adore you and your way you’re looking at numbers, and I’m glad being Patreon Capitalist. And of course the world is math, no doubt about it. I must confess, I ask myself, shouldn’t these deep insights not exclusive within the community. But I’m might be only selfish and jealous… hahaha. Thx James!


I wasn’t surprised and it didn’t seem anything out of the ordinary - but maybe that’s because we’re both Tool fans? 😊


whereas I guess that some people may find any hint at the metaphysical irreconcilable with your otherwise materialistic, fact- and data-driven, mathematical approach, I find it all the more impressive that your scope reaches beyond the mere material and that your fascination with numbers and your love of maths transcend the boundaries of many fields of knowledge and learning. I found it very brave to allow for a glimpse into your mind on a medium such as youtube- I guess I could not even stomach the bile and glee in the comment section if I‘d post a clip of playing kittens let alone a TA themed video touching on astrology, a feast for the cynical vultures!


They say "haters gonna hate"...you can't get everyone to agree with you and you shouldn't...if you agree with everyone - something is wrong. So, do your thing, be yourself, trust in math and grind on! You do amazing work and you are genuine, you shouldn't change yourself because of the hatters of the internet... 😅


I saw overwhelming love for this video, some people taking the Astrology a bit literally but the world isn't short of idiots


In this day and age to not get hate on the internet one has to SAY NOTHING, DO NOTHING, BE NOTHING (said by some wise man - probably me 😂) I don’t believe in astrology personally but as a First Responder the ongoing joke is Full Moon nights are the craziest! Ignore the haters James 🇬🇧👍


Its great to see you share your TA methodologies and practical approach to how you applied them. This content is "Gold", we all appreciate you and your openness and sharing ;)


Focus on the 99% that LOVE you not the 1% haters who are fake anyway!!!!!


Are you kidding. You got hate? I didn’t look at the comments, but, I like to ask myself from haters, what their ideas are, when all they bring to the table is their dissenting. Call me full of shit, but , if you criticize that cool, but be articulate, teach me why you believe I’m best to redirect my thinking, something more than a poorly crafted diatribe of negativity, & hate which is generally the product of their own insecurity. You already know this stuff James and are so much better than needing to question if it was cool to share a little extra, per your views on the metaphysical world relative to the markets. I love it, and loved simply being told about 21, 21, 21. “. “Stay Gold Pony Boy” -The Outsiders (a classic, no idea why it just came to mind), perhaps Billy Joel Keeping the Faith?. Regardless, one finger on both hands up to the haters and smash the silent button for eternity on them. You know best, eff them…


100% be yourself but consider not reading toxic comments just as you would avoid junk food to preserve physical health.


Haters gonna hate, James. Be as blunt as the truth is.


There's always hate no matter what. I love that you shared this. We're all bought in to you for who you are. You're the best out there!


Continue to stay authentic and creative as you always have; that's a big part of freedom too. Amazed at your insight, wit, class, kindness, dedication, reliability, responsiveness, and mad skills in so many different areas. Honored and thankful to be part of this community and appreciate all you have shared and taught us.


There is little in this world that is stronger than Authentic Vulnerability.


100% in your case outline how you feel Math and data and the situation will unfold. On the internet there is such a mix of beliefs, understanding and the elements driven by people who artificially manipulate or cannot understand or discuss. Be true to your thinking, consider genuine discussion or perspective and take things to a better place. There is a level of toxicity in today’s world fuelled by the less good aspects of social media but that’s why it is actually good that you have your Patreon group set up as you do


There are lots of people out there in the world who will all have different views. People are more likely to complain than praise. I shouldn’t worry as the people who want to watch your videos are free to do so, and do so FOR FREE! Everyone else has a choice to skip the vid if they wish. I personally, (as all of us here) enjoy hearing your perspective and learning from your experience. Keep going James and thank you :)


We can’t control what people say, think or do James…we can’t make people like our work or even us…all that is out of our control. Focus on all the goodness you are bringing to people’s lives. Don’t let the haters/ keyboard warriors distract you from what is your goal for this channel. Unfortunately, the more your channel becomes popular, the more negative comments you’ll get…but they’ll be far outweighed by the love and positive comments you receive We all appreciate you here and your are helping us like not many others Big Love ❤️🙏🙏🙏


@InvestAnswers Hi James, thank you so much for everything you do for us. Just my view: I see wave 1 from July 20th to Sept. 7th and believe we are actually in wave2, between the 0.5 and 0.618 retracement levels. If we rebounce from here into wave 3, wave 3 will extend into mid to end of Dec 21, hitting around US$ 95k. Waves 4 & 5 will extend into early 2022.


Just watched the video James. I thought it was great. It all makes sense and whilst I hadn’t thought about it from a markets perspective I did already recognise the moon phases impact life. I like to fish and a full moon always brings the bigger fish out. It’s something to do with it being better hunting conditions and the moon usually brings a change in the weather. Also, I once talked to a data analyst at the police whilst fishing and we got on to moon phases. He told me that there is a 10-20% increase in crime (depending on the time of year) on the days around the full moon.


If I were coaching you James I’d be curious about why “getting hate” is so troublesome for you at times. Here’s why… It seems to me the world is moving through a major transition. You give voice to this so eloquently: from centralised control to decentralised freedom, from needing the middleman to blockchains that make them redundant and so on. Transitions of this magnitude create polarisation. We see this in many different fields, not just the investing world, but in our politics, for instance, and attitudes to religion, science and more. Polarisation suffers from the tyranny that is either-or, binary thinking. People understandably go there because they want certainty in an increasingly uncertain world. When others’ views don’t square with theirs, threat and fear arises. Whenever any of us are in this state our capacity to be more expansive and embrace differences closes down. Unable to utilise both-and thinking we struggle to be among uncertainty, hold several ideas at the same time and use whatever belief system makes most sense to us to navigate our way through. Your belief in mathematics and its deeper origins has been your navigational guide from a young age. It’s served you well. You don’t have to share it via a channel like IA but your intention in doing so is pretty clear: you want to help your audience to… - front run Wall Street and the big institutions. - be financially secure - have the freedom they need to do good in the world not be enslaved by a system that doesn’t always have their best interests at heart. The passion you have for these intentions is palpable in every video. It oozes out of you. It’s probably behind the many words of love and encouragement in these comments. You’re changing people’s lives in the only way you know how and I applaud you wholeheartedly for doing so. I can also see why those temporarily caught up in uncertainty and fear can’t see your intention with any degree of clarity. Me and you too, when in a similar mental state. And from there perhaps, we’re able to both maintain our passion for our intentions whilst also showing compassion for those whose language might sound hate-like. All power to your elbow sir. Your authenticity shines like a beacon of hope in this uncertain world and I love being around it.


Also, in answer to your question on weather you should share your beliefs or not. I personally think you should as it’s who you are and it helps everyone see other perspectives. However, you will always get a degree of haters that you will have to put up with. If your not keen on that then maybe just share with this community. We may not always agree as everyone sees things differently, but we won’t hate.


This is an hours-long conversation, but the quest for meaning and understanding is primordial. It all started millennia ago when a simple glance upward into the night sky revealed a pattern...and civilization was born.


These people that are bringing hate James........ what are THEY doing to help others and give to the world? I bet, very little. Brush them off your shoulder James, brush them off your shoulder.


Human emotion is a transition. The moon, sacred geometry, mathematical alignment with the universe is ancient wisdom of thousands of centuries where the truth is within. The video was awesome.


Hey James, I was so happy to hear about your views on celestial connections to behaviour, It was well understood by ancient people and has been largely displaced by other belief systems in the current age. Please don't ever stop sharing the real you, we need more Jameses... I am James, we're all James !!!


Really enjoyed the video James and all of the interesting conversation it started. Subscribing to your Patreon is hands down the best decision I made this year. There is so much wisdom and kindness that comes from you and from the community. It means a lot to be part of! Thank you🌼


Astrology has been such a helpful tool for me in my life. I was so thrilled to hear you incorporate that into your videos!


Always be yourself! I think that is why this group has been so popular and YouTube subs through the roof. Authenticity wins the day.


Geez James I’m only seeing a massive amount of love mate


James , please don't let others change you , every day you are helping so many , you are changing lives by what you do , it's very powerful , this was new , different and brilliant , this is why we all join you on this Journey. Big Love Brother from Ireland ;0)


Ignore them . You have an analytic mind . I’m the same , a bugger for facts , anything I don’t understand I study . Astrology, numerology , manifesting, ghosts, UFOs religion. etc .. I do them all . Fascinates the hell out of me .. all these f*cks that right these things off probably haven’t even scratched the surface of any of these subjects.. personally I’m open to your opinion on any subject. I enjoy your content.


Please continue to be authentic, you will attract those that align with who you are and uplift you. You are a pragmatist and do what works as well as holding deep care for all life, we can all see that. I honestly can't put into words how grateful I am for your offering, and the time you put in to help the community, it's truely inspiring! Also, the numbers don't lie, the moon affects the market! Lastly it was on topic so totally appropriate!


Oh and by the way don’t worry about negative comments, it all helps the animals 👍


Just thinking about it now, it was numerology that blew me away the most . 😳


I am a writer and a journalist - there is no way to avoid hate these days, and we all know it mostly comes from frustration. Satisfied and calm people don't go trolling and hating. So good content they might hate for a while, but they might come back to it later and learn from it and start changing their mindset - so never give up giving something good, just ignore haters and let them go their own path. Some day their path will lead them somewhere, hope to some good place. And astrology in trading? I mean, fib numbers are also a thing of nature AND math. So math is nature and vice versa, let's not try to run away from nature of all things around us. :) James, you are a life changer, and this community as well, so please just continue doing what you feel is right!


It was a great video... I learned a lot. Unfortunately, anyone posting an opinion of any type on social media nowadays is probably going to get some hateful responses. Best to ignore it.


We love you, because you are yourself and honest, is the value you bring. Please don't drag yourself down with the haters. In the words of Taylor swift "shake it off" 🤣


I liked it very much!


It was a great video, opens the door for a new perspective to the market and I am grateful you shared it with us. I think many of us went through huge awakenings in the previous 1.5 years, certainly I did. Many of my old believes are shattered and I think I gained a much more holistic view of the universe.


...and BTW: I read only very positive responses on YT and here on patreon.


Keep sharing astrology I believe it effects many aspects of life. Ever been in a nursing home on a full moon ? Chaos and unexpected things happen . My friends in retail see amped up moods of the customers . Full moon brings water in …. Thus I feel more physical inflammation and pain. Moon cycles and changes of season are. Part of TA.


Loved the video and that you are authentic and different. Please keep being yourself and sharing from your heart. I'm sure it's hard to ignore the hate sometimes but we will continue to support you and drown it out. The bull run is coming so this hate will pass.


I really appreciated that you shared your personal beliefs. What you divulged did not surprise me in the least because after all, this channel is about "Math, Money and Freedom", right? If you could share some book titles on Patreon that have influenced your thinking, I would like that. Stay authentic - We love you!


Who are we if we can't have our own thoughts and opinions? You do nothing but good for the whole community and there are thousands on here that appreciate everything you do. I know its hard to brush the horrible comments off but just know you are far more valuable to the world than those keyboard warriors ever will be. 👊🏼


Ignore the hate James. There are a lot of bitter people out there that take their unhappiness out on others. Sad but true.


Hey James. I think its great that you share your beliefs and principals. It really does not matter if people share them or not. We follow you because you are a lovely, kind, humble man who knows more about investment than all of us put together! Your Math critics should spend a little time studying quantum physics to understand how our Universe is a bit more sophisticated than our interpretation of reality. Anyway, look after yourself James. Lots of positive energy and grace from Portugal.


Loved 21/21/21. This kind of info is why I started listening to your channel , referred it to family and friends. It’s what keeps me coming back. Forget haters, some people just don’t get it. Wonderful video, truly learned a lot. I would love more of these! THANK YOU


Ignore those haters James. They don t deserve your attention.


I hope you continue being yourself and don't let a small element of people online change the way you share your content with this community. I see this as planets aligning instead of colliding. Be what you is cos if you be what you ain't you ain't what you is is my philosophy.. Keep up the great work James its always appreciated. M


Thoughtful, clear, multi-paragraph posts are rare these days, but are my favorites. Thank you!


If others are not bothering you and you can tune them out sir keep doing what you do on every level


James you keep on being you. I have so much appreciation for you.. Tall poppy syndrome and jealousy are a curse on those people. Please don’t let them get you down. You are helping so many people I don’t think you will ever know how much. You have an army here to support you 😊


I love the concept you shared James. I think there’s a lot more going on around us that we see or understand!


I respect everyone's thoughts and perceptions. Imagine being a part of a small group with limited believes. We would miss out of so many good stuff.


James, your expanded presentation today provided some additional insight into the “personality” of you, our professor. Bought some additional personal touch into who you are and the influences on your method/techniques. As you always do, stay true to yourself, it has served you and now us, well.


I would have never guessed you were into astrology. Personally I am passionate about astronomy. Humans enjoy and believe in different things, and that needs to be celebrated instead of becoming a source of conflict, condemnation and dissent. I am fully aware of your stellar competence and expertise.


Love conquers all my friend. Thank you for all your doing in my life to teach and coach me in the world of finance. Your a blessing and your love for others shines in your willingness to share your wisdom and experience. You have a kind heart and spirit and it shows through your compassion in your willingness to give of yourself, time & resources in many areas of your life. I’m very thankful to be a part of this Patreon Capitalist group and I look forward to growing and learning, all thanks to your tireless work and efforts to make this an amazing and inspiring community.


Universe is all maths, and like you say its all connected. This ability to see patterns and connect different pieces of puzzles together helped you predict Evergrande and this current dip. Your predictions, astuteness , calmness in face of crisis portrays you as a super human really. Sharing your beliefs humanises you for most of your followers, whilst for some its scary to see this side and hence the devaluation to distance themselves from you. Keep sharing your knowledge and your personality. Most of us love it.


I do not see any reason to be aggressive with the video. It was a small section of it, backed with data and not pushy at all.Thank you for the content.


If (Since) these are firmly-held beliefs of yours, then you should never concern yourself about what others think of them.


You are a most stellar and intelligent human being. Thankyou for your insight and your willingness to help others.


People on YouTube who just just say safe bland views are " ten a penny" I will always look out for the individual thinkers.


James you are AMAZING! Please please please share more of yourself and what you believe in. People don't know what astrology really is and how much math is in there.


True and it isn't easy to ignore all those haters ...


Ignore the trolls. Thank you for all you do!!!


It’s 5782 of the Hebrew calendar - 5+7+8+2 so 22. 21 + 1 extra blessing


Enjoyed the TA Tuesday! :-) It was wonderful


As long as that is not the only reason you sometimes talk about Solana I'm okay with it :D Good work, keep up, listen to the community and not the trolls out there.


I have 1.3 million followers of my Law of Attraction podcast... and of course haters come with the territory. I love that you are so honest, so open, so vulnerable (in a good way). Don't ever temper your thoughts, beliefs or intuition based on a few haters 😉


James don't worry about the haters. Stick with those in the group :)


I watch all of of your videos. I look forward to it every day. You are awesome!


Don't listen to the haters


Those who dont belong to your tribe must hush or move on. Stay the way you are, change for no-one! Are you looking for a wife ? Just asking for a friend 😉


That’s the problem with the world today….. we cannot share our beliefs


I wanted to tick both. I am grateful for everything you post on YouTube, but I really don't understand why people do it, as not matter what is said, you always seem to get hate. However, not everyone can get in to your group, so at least it gives the people who want the information a chance to look at it and make their own decision.


Please don't change anything. Please please just keep doing what you're doing. Plus...people use Fib don't they?


I selected "Dont be so open on YouTube - people will not understand", with the understanding that one must select their audience, just like friends . You are very educated and well-versed in what you do. You may want to speak to like minded individuals instead of everybody out there. Despite our better selves and desires, the saying " Do not throw pearls among swine " still applies.


Fault not those who use tools and methods to succeed other than your own.


The universe is all about energy and maths. It cant be changed it just is. You have done well to point that out and people should look into this more deeply to understand where you are coming from before criticising. You wouldn't be where you are now without it.


those who hate you really just hate themselves .. you are loved by your followers and those that support you and that is what is important


That was a awesome video.


The moon cycles influence human behavior thus influencing their stock decision making. Very simple and proven


You do you James!


Great video James - I agree 'you do you'!


It was also the 21st Month!


Do you James. You are where you are in life from being you. You are sharing a lot of knowledge as well. Please continue.


The Fibonacci sequence is everywhere in nature. We're basically a living mathematical formula and so is everything around us. Keep being yourself James you can't make everyone happy specially the 30% who have had there head in the sand since birth. Cheers legend


It doesn’t matter what you say or offer on the internet: some people can only make themselves feel better or smarter by criticising others. Keep being you James and just laugh it off.


Ignore the hate/ridicule and carry-on as you think best. Humanity is essentially emotional, irrational, and tribal. Without exception, outsiders that can think for themselves are viewed with suspicion.


Tribes in the universe are moving in frequencies to shared energetic frequencies, like kind of like kind moving into the light, leveling up into the light, James, the haters want to silence your light, it’s a test. My observation is for you to detach from a care in the world from the haters, level up into the light. We will follow you. It’s a test. Leave your thoughts on them behind and stay neutral, charge no energy of thought to “those”, ✨🌟✨🌟👏🏼❤️


Roosevelt's "Man in the arena" speech reminds me of you James: "It's not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena..." I for one am here because of your caring, vulnerability and realness, (content goes without saying) and your altruism ~ and this video only reinforced my belief in you.


I loved the video. It was perfectly fine. I always look forward to learning new things from you. You are truly appreciated.


You keep doing you, that is what we are all here! You have cultivated an immense amount of trust through your transparency and graciousness to help others experience more in life through Math, Money, and Freedom.


Everything and everyone gets hate on the internet. If it gets under your skin, you could be a little more discreet, and share certain riskier kinds of thoughts and beliefs only with your Patreon supporters.


James continue to be you, haters will always hate regardless. We appreciate everything you do.


Be you..... we will listen and support you


I don't share your belief on this one, but I was very interested to hear about it and as always am grateful for you sharing. Don't take any negativity on board, you're doing a great thing.


Opened my mind up on that one, I was skeptical until you backed it with the data


Say anything that you want to say James, it’s your channel, and the vast majority of us love and appreciate all you do! x




LOL. You could give these people solid gold blocks and all they would do is complain how heavy they are.


Your video was fine, you took great care to backup your beliefs with data. I'm not personally a big follower of astrology but I do believe the human population is subtly but significantly influenced buy planetary movements that create long period cycles in behavior. We're in a repeat of some past behaviors right now. Irrational over-reaction and conflict have reoccurred numerous times in the past. Sometimes resulting in huge wars and other conflict. People with different views don't seem to be able to accept differences between themselves and their neighbors that were not such a big deal in years past. If you can find it the film, After The Rain, portrays the beginning of the Kosovo conflict. Question: Is the birth of Crypto timed as a way to insulate ourselves from what is coming if there is a full meltdown as has happened many times, or is it just coincidence?


Totally agree. Math


Never understand this in the world. Why does someone feel the need to give someone hate over their beliefs? Fair enough if it actually effects you, but on the internet it really doesnt.


Oops!, I just realized that the film is named "Before the Rain", 1994, directed by Milcho Manchevski. It portrays how neighbor begins to hate neighbor in North Macedonia. Old friends slowly begin to hate and kill. It's a stunning documenting of that process.


2000 votes damn!


Was married to an Astrologer/Social Worker (INFP) for many years. Love it. Speak Astrobabble. Believe in it. No problem on my end. Always ok with me for you to show up as your authentic self. Thanks for all you do.


To be pragmatic, I would give two flying squirrels about anyone’s opinion, joining Patreon is optional, there is the door if you don’t like what James is teaching. You don’t have to accept everything as gospel you should be doing your own research! You can’t fix stupid.


The path of every soul is sacred. Those who wish to impede the journey of others do not yet understand life.


People may think it’s strange that I’m using crypto to fund my micronation or just find micronations weird to start with. Doesn’t matter to me. Like lots of people have said, no one has to be here.


Greece 2015 run on the banks is just one example of an economic self fulfilling prophecy. We 'believe' our savings are in danger thanks to Media speculative bombardment of fear .. we all run to the ATM .. and lo and behold our savings are in jeopardy. Having listened to James for several months now .. the thesis behind the equinox 'strategy' was clear. You can't adhere to the MUH and spout wooowooo.


"Getting a lot of hate from the internet" Really? WTF... there's a lot of dumb people in the internet with to much free time... Don't worry, the ratio is for each 100 people who are deeply grateful for all you've done (like me) there's 1 moron :-D


Thanks for all you do James. Loved the data in your video! You’ve mentioned having a health website. I would like to know more about what you think about maintaining health. Please let me know where I can source your info. Thanks again James!


If you stay silent and don't do anything no one will hate you, but if you are active and speak up and accomplish things, then a lot of people will hate you. Don't let them get under your skin. Best Blake


You’re genuine and true to who you are James. That’s a great trait to have. And you back it up with stellar content as you educate so many with your analysis. Please, please continue the great work!


Listen James you do you that’s why I follow you and we share a lot in common… if you would be some other you tuber probably not so always share with us not matter how hard is it be true to yourself and please share with us I love the content from tuesday


Thank you for all the effort that you put and the team


If you listen to them it's just going to drive you nuts James. There will always be negativity on yt and social, and their fear is what drives the hate. Haters gonna hate, you've just got to shake it off... Don't change. Do you and that's why people love what you do.


I loved your video :) Thanks for sharing your perspective.


🤔 I’m not astrology expert but I wonder if James is in the water crew ? Scorpio perhaps? 😂


Nah, he's so down to earth, slow and steady.. my guess Capricorn !!


Not into astrology but open minded. The way that all lined up is crazy. Was there a different meaning between the red moons and the green ones?


James, you're the real deal for me As a community, you nurture our financial understanding and growth for me Feel the warmth of the comments from the people who appreciate you here; and gently let the rest go, is my take!


There is no doubt that we live in a digital simulation and it happened by design, not chance. I'm not into astrology. Well done James!


Maybe the cycles of the year relate to the winding down of projects, returning to school, finishing travel, and therefore, depletion of funds to invest, as summer ends and the winter starts to show itself, all of which “dampens” the stock market’s mood in September.


Thank you James for all you do. Your help for the community is invaluable. I learned so much from you in this short time. I am so grateful for finding your chanel on YouTube. My whole outlook is changed on many things.


Math is about recognizing and making sense of patterns as a way to explain the universe around us. My understanding is that astrology is similar in that regards. First responders can tell you that there is general weirdness and increased call volume during full moons. No idea why, it just is. Were I to criticize the beliefs of another that would mean I'd have the conceited belief that I have some kind of perfect understanding of the universe.


Just do your thing James and if the naysayers don’t like it then they can just go away. BE YOURSELF PLEASE!! Love you my friend! Stay true to yourself and the rest will work itself out. Shawn aka Hacksaw


I sincere love what you share! It made me love your content even more. Everything is connected. If we don’t see the patterns because of a ‘believe’ then it’s just ignorance.


Love Teddy’s quote! Well said Fiona! ‘…whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who STRIVES VALIANTLY; who errs, who comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasm, the great devotions; who spends himself on a WORTHY CAUSE; which at the best knows in the end the TRIUMPH OF HIGH ACHIEVEMENT and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while DARING GREATLY, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.’ James…I don’t know about the haters but we here…we celebrate your strength and courage and are clearly behind you and your work. Carry on…


Rock on James! I love your sincerity and feel blessed to “know” you! Taking calculated risks is what life is all about! Please keep pushing the envelope! We love it! 🇺🇸❤️❤️👍👍👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻


You be you..that’s what we love.


Great James. It’s the resonance behind the surface personality that’s the big draw, what makes for allies and antagonists is simply the interplay between the patterns that we lay as human “ beings”. Yes , I respect your analytical skills , but more than that I respect your intuitional knowledge. You are democratising the mobilisation of wealth for potential betterment of us all. Kudos. 🙏


Focus on your mission James - ignore the “noise”. You have bigger things to accomplish! Don’t let these Sheep and Energy Vampires slow you down or change your direction. When you are driving on the highway you wouldn’t stop for every new fly on your windshield. Keep leading us - keep charging! Intelligent messages require an intelligent audience to resonate. It is not the messengers fault. Focus on your followers and supporters James. We trust you, we are open and we have your back!


Don’t argue with James, argue with the DATA!!!!!


Personally, I have my doubts about the Equinox being responsible for moving prices. However, prices are human-made things and humans can certainly be affected. We do not need 100% of the market to believe, just enough to move it slightly and the rest of the dominoes will follow. On that note, I am going to put Jame's video on notice to remind myself every September from now on.


I got into numbers/patterns and planetary astrology a few years ago and find them fascinating. They tie well with events that have happened in history and are happening. For my data driven mind. they are factual. Unfortunately, I have realized many just don’t get it so mock at it. So unless asked, I don’t share my views on these topics. But do what works best for you.


Everything is interconnected, ignore the haters.


James, you are giving soooooo much of yourself to this community, Those of us who know what it’s like to “lead” understand your position more than those who haven’t had to “take the lead” …….you will never keep everyone happy. Avoid the negative comments, and stay genuine to yourself and this community. You are selfless, we see it. Cheers my friend


To be perfectly honest I was taken aback when you mentioned astrology. I think in a scientific way and find it difficult to relate to this kind of thing. I will investigate as I have great respect for you.


James, human behavior drives markets and understanding that behavior requires analyzing both causation and correlation. It also underpins the old adage that “no good deed goes unpunished”. Shrug off the negative feedback. By the very fact these people are watching you, they are acknowledging that they don’t know everything. Their judgment rests on their errant belief that they do. As you rightly say, “for every winner in the market, there is a loser on the other end” so opposing points of view are required for us to be successful. We turn away from the shadow and face the sun!! You are helping me improve the lives of my family—-my children will benefit from your generosity of spirit and intellect. Deep gratitude.


Do not listen to haters. 🙉 I cannot hear any hate 🙉 Ignore them and be who you are - a great helper to many. Go James !


It's your channel man. Don't ever apologize.


Astrophysicist here -- Yes. Your consideration of astrological correspondences are another mathematical tool for description. An old astrological adage: the stars do not compel. They inform. Keep doing what you do. Your work and contributions every day are terrific. BTW - whole coiner+ BTC and multi ETH. (as well as others)


As a ghostbuster once said, “If there’s a steady paycheck in it, I’ll believe anything you say”


Sorry to hear you are getting hate hate, unfortunately it is one of the negatives of the fact that humans are a tribal species and is magnified by these social platforms. You are brave and maybe a tad foolhardy to take on this type of education but I love you for it. First do good then do well. You call war you do on your channel Edutainment. A little controversy makes it iinteresting If the haters are effecting your soul then for your own peace of mind yuo may want to be more cautious. However if it is an important part of why you do what you do then keep on trucking on it. It is important work you are doing James people throughout history who fight for freedom and changing what is wrong do it despite the personal risk I believe you are one of those people. Keep. Up the good fight


If you can’t be yourself, what’s the point? (Safely, of course. Not investment advice 😂)


The internet is a toxic environment that promotes negativity and "gotcha shit talk" rather than open, healthy conversations, so ignore the hate. Plus most people put all their useful data in investing behind a pay wall, while you only put a tiny bit on patreon. So ignore the haters, if they don't like it they don't have to listen to that part of your analysis; it's that simple.


James be you ! (Easier said than done ) Genuine and people who sincerely mean well are always misunderstood.


Interestingly I live in New Zealand and in the southern hemisphere it is spring so we have spring fever while you are going through autumn blues. Ying and yang as the Chinese say. The coin has two sides


James, authenticity is the major factor to follow you. Be you! Love what you are doing, and thank you again for sharing your knowledge, experience, and passion with us.


I'm not exactly a believer in astrology etc. And correlation does not mean causation. So something else may explain the September weakness you described. However, it's still thought provoking to hear these things. So no problems from me 😊


Some times when you can not understand or figure out Just why People are pushing hate or just give out negative energy towards you It’s normally jealousy … So as my father said to me ))) If you have some haters out there You must be doing something Wright ;) James your a legend in the making Health is you true wealth Making a shot load of cash is a bonus Love to all ❤️


Don’t ever change James but maybe some things should be kept in the ‘community’ only. There will always be haters out there. They have nothing better to do than be Keyboards Warriors!


James don't look back you are not going that way.(Because you are on the right path. You are true gentleman!


Continue on James. People have the option to not watch and go to another video or they have this magic thing called fast forward to what they don’t want to hear and watch what they want.


You rock! Haters gonna hate 😊


Math absolutely governs the universe


Haters will always hate, that’s their nature. You are a positive force. Forget the idiots!


Everything in this universe ties together. No matter how one believes, with or without religion, we coexist with the universe.


90% of the people are sheep’s. They are brain washed and blinded by the mainstream. Their life’s are so shitty, so they are waiting to pull down other people to feels better about themselves and YouTube/Internet is a great platform to do so. I try to keep all personal opinions/believes of the internet.


As long as you don’t knock on my door at 6am and hand me pamphlets about Xenu. We’re good


Hey James, interesting video, There are many things that can affect a market, some stranger than others, one that comes to mind is in Asia some numbers are lucky like 3, 5 and 8 and others are unlucky, and traders pay attention to that over there. As far as astrology or the full moon, you said I believe "bitcoin is moved or affected by the full moon" I probably would have said that humans are affected or moved by the full moon...Thx for another great video.


Hey James, its your channel ... so do whatever you like and are comfortable with.... My Mum told me to never apologise for being you.... Some people may not 'get you' But that's fine, there are other channels/creators/ways for them - They are just not your people... In my experience in life, it you are willing to put your head above the parapet, 99% of people will applaud you for it, and want to help you - the one percent won't... but you can't help everyone :) Its a choice x Keep on being you, i am learning sooooo much from you ! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us all x


James, Each person has their own set of beliefs. Many times there is some degree of overlap from person to person. You will never satisfy everyone. I think the people moved to push back are insecure in their own beliefs that are in conflict with the beliefs you expressed. If they were secure they would just let it pass or take the opportunity to examine their own beliefs to see how useful they are relative to yours in the context of trading/investing/speculating.


When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it. - Lord Kelvin


Hi James, great video and helped me understand how you plan and get your fills. Keep doing what your doing, haters are only hating because they do not understand the wisdom of your ways, thanks for all you do for our community.


Hey James, I loved the video. I'd actually really like to learn even more about the astrology & TA.


But September 21st, 2021, is not the 21st day of the 21st year. It is the 21st day of the ninth month of the 21st year. It is the 264th day of the 21st year of the 21st century…


obv with humans there are different opinions and beliefs bc they arent cloned robots. as long as the heart is in the right place, diversities are enriching our culture and helping science and society grow. to me your insights are always very informative and entertaining bc you show new perspectives. i do not believe in astrology or religion or anything besides pure science at all. but i am deeply thankful to know you and for anything you share. you are a very special person, human and important role model. you bring change. hope youll share and stay in the internet with us for many more years. fck the h8ters!


I quite enjoyed reading the live chat on this one as everyone tried to work out if you were joking or not. Ultimately showing some correlation to events made it interesting. I watch to see another person's opinion and approach. Keep going.


I think the greatest gift you can give someone is to free them to be themselves. You do you boo! Thanks James


Don't know about anyone else but it seemed only the first few minutes were about beliefs, and even then you were showing a few patterns that were interesting (George on CrU mentioned the moon cycle yesterday and I thought 'that's pretty cool'). The actual TA was based on sound technical indicators - it's not like you said you base your solana limit orders on the phases of the moon and tried to flog us a 2 week seminar. Don't worry about it, people would get critics even if they posted a video sharing that the legitimate cure for cancer was eating 3 kilos of chocolate and drinking nothing but toffee sauce


My email filter apparently didn't like it. No notifications of Patreon posts from you for a couple of days - I thought you were having a break, came here to check, find all IA stuff now goes to my spam!!! But seriously, if you get too much hate on YouTube, just make things private to your Patreon viewers. We think you're amazing, and don't want you to hold back on anything! :-)


Have you seen this new us crypto bill Rob shared? https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4741/committees


Be sure of this, your Patreon subscribers support you in however and whatever you wish to post on your channel! When I look at your videos I never expect to agree with you on everything, I am here because I want to learn! Somethings I will take some things I will not and that is just fine. Be honest to yourself about who you are, what you believe in. Your channel is changing my life for the good.


As Joe Rogan says, don't read the comments. Once you become successful and famous, hate is inevitable. Don't let that change you. Your channel is fantastic!! Keep it up :)


The Fibonacci spiral is a tool used in charting as well as the tool used to create the universe... ironic that many people don’t know the origins there tools come from.


Astrology and planet positions play a big role in everything. They have a huge influence on an individual's life, whether you believe in it or not is totally irrelevant. I loved the video!! Keep up the good work James!!


Im 90% A & 10% B . Everythimg effects effects everything though somewhat ironic the impact of minority. 9 people cheering and 1 booing which is the loudest?


synchronicity is real


You established yourself with utmost integrity and intelligence on your forum and with phenomenal advice freely given to all who watch and listen. The least we can do is let you express some of your beliefs, whether agreed upon those beliefs or not, that is what true freedom is all about and unforntunely lacking so much these Days. Cheers !!


Hi James I personally think you are great , a very smart and humble guy . I think you need to ask yourself if you felt psychologically affected by the hate . If the answer is yes , then protect your mental well being and post your videos here only , where they are truly appreciated .


Where is this video? I would love to watch it!


If sharing your beliefs affects your analysis, then limit the discourse to your loyal team! Carpe Diem


I say fuck what anyone thinks. People come to you for YOU. There will always be someone that gets triggered... but that's a personal problem...not yours :).


James, you’re a breath of fresh air.


Ignore the hate James, they are wasting their energy. Your videos are truly inspirational. Thank you.


James, you are an equilibrium in times of turbulence. Thank you for all your dedication and focus. For so many in your group you are a Northern Star ⭐️ Keep shining bright!!!


Hi James, you’ve taught me so much in such a short time. Stay true to yourself and keep up the great content. Mostly don’t listen to the haters the my are a tiny minority! 👍


Just to play Devil's advocate, it is only the 21st year based on a very 'human centric' and religious basis. It is actually the 20th year. Our Gregorian calander is off by a year. There is a year zero in both the astronomical year numbering system, and the ISO 8601:2004 system.


You are courageous, compassionate, self-aware and rational. That's scares some people. Don't change anything you're doing on our account. And thank you very much.


Hell yea James! All your opinions and beliefs are beneficial to people learning how you have succeeded!!


Any pattern you can backtest is interesting, even if there isn't a logical explanation as to why the pattern happens. I believe gravitational patterns have impacts on reality we don't really understand, as we don't even understand gravity.


Yes it’s fine sharing your beliefs. But also yes people on YouTube won’t understand. Lol


If you like maths and celestial objects, you should check the Moon, Earth and Sun's size and distances, keep in mind we got perfect fitting eclipses, and then try to wrap your head around the number of the chance of that!!!! It automaticaly proves math is the language of the universe, because the universe was out of ideas and just used some school examples from a math lessen it had on ratios ^_^


James, stay true to your values. Hating is the easy path (chosen by those with little knowledge) don't waste time/energy on haters. I view life in "binary" ie: things either drain me (which I let go of) or stimulate me (which I focus on). You definately stimulate and i LOVE your content: It is well researched, more accurate than anyone else on the internet and always justified with numbers...and we all know that numbers never lie (if the math is correct!) . Feed your soul from the positivity and how much you have transformed our lives in this community!


I believe in self development and self responsibility, that's what I teach and use to treat people. Therefore it is obvious, you can and not only can but should share what you think - congruency is otherwise lost. So there is no such thing as we hating one for his/her opinion, but there is more likely an issue with ourselves.


Loved that you included the astrological bent. Outside of the western world these models blend seamlessly with analytics and business decisions.


It's all interconnected. Thank you for sharing


I like you because you are so connected to your spirituality. Please don't lose that, don't worry about others people way of thinking.


Authenticity is like MATIC, it’s undervalued. Bay Area!


Thank you for clarifying. At first it sounded like you were going to say people's personalities are determined by the orientations of planets at the time of birth, etc. You know, "signs", etc. I have to admit I was ready to pounce on that, but your info has been invaluable to me. Keep being authentic.


James always be true to yourself. Loved the video!


James, I was over the moon when you brought data to astrological events! I was hoping for more lol. This is the real deal 🧙🏼‍♀️🔥


I loved it!


Welcome to America people of the Interweb😂


The hate mail writers just need to grow up and not be offended or irritated. Rock on my dear friend!


I've come to the conclusion I can not expect others to believe like me and am fine with non financial advice from such people. What bothers me is when someone plays the hypocrite with their beliefs. I suppose I want non advice from someone who is consistent in their worldview.


First impression, a bit shell shocked as astrology doesn't usually mix well with math. But hey, great to share your observations and opinions. Always enjoy your content! Keep it coming ;)


You are an amazing person and investor. I look forward to all you do. I am a former CPA, CFO and real estate investor. You are the best. Please slow down a little. Don't want you to burn out. One video every other day or less would be fine. Anything to keep you in the game long term.