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Full #Solana update and what the last 24 hours mean for investing in #SOL. Is #Ethereum still the 800lb Gorilla? Is SOL the #EthKiller dead? Let's find out live at 2.30pm PST https://buff.ly/3nBGigp


Solana Game Over? Is the ETH Killer dead? Let's find out

Solana #SolanaHacked #SolanaOutage #SOLANA #EthKillerDead #SOLIA Referral Links: Celsius referral code get $50 with $400 deposit: 1315105ca2 Voyager Depo...



I'm personally still holding. Curious to see what James thinks for strategy.


SOL. Store Of Love. ❤️


testing… testing… is this mic on? Of course we should. SOL ain’t going nowhere.


Not sure why he would flip his position from last night even considering the network issue.


i got shaken out yesterday. i admit it. sold for profit but i admit the 7-hour shut down and the tumbling price spooked me. can always buy back in, but i’ll await your sage advice.


I got more Solana. Lol and waiting to get more on a dip.


I’m definitely still holding for now, and hoping to pick up some extra on a dip. But at a cost basis in the 30s that’s an easier decision to make than if it was in the 100s


He wouldn’t put a title like that if it was actually bad news….I hope 😂


Ok let’s seeeeee 😀😃🏖


Always on point James. You read our minds. Was hoping that you are preparing something like this and Boooooommmm! You delivered. Waiting and looking forward to a brilliant presentation as usual.


lol I see that comment on twitter .. is the eth killer dead lol no way... just fixing a few issues while it breathes


Fantastic this is what I need to see - a whole blockchain down for almost 24 hrs is deeply concerning and just as deeply concerning from centralisation risk perspective was the developers able to pull a kill switch on the network


I need more vitamin D (SOL)!


Once TPS resolved it’s going to go back up to new ATH , the numbers vs visa were still amazing so it’s hold all the way


My Spidey Senses are tingling in anticipation…


Oh James, talked to my financial advisor.... he wasn't quite sure yet about crypto ("Still learning" he said). So, I had to let him go and stick to my faster horses (You!)


Thanks James


Love it when you commence before midnight European time!


Great project. But, don’t you think the reason it didn’t tank more significantly is that people are forced to be waiting the 48 hours after unstaking before they can sell? Also, does it not prove the centralization of the project as it can simply be shutdown? Thanks.


I’ve got a fever and the only cure is more Solana 🏖🚀


Im still Hodling! #SOL #ETHKiller


Can you convince people to sell, so I can get a better buy in?


I bought more I hope I made the right move lol I'll hold anyway


Hahahaha I know. At least that is what I am telling myself to quell the anxiety


I’m going to guess that James says yes.


Let's do this! Ready to learn.


I’m definitely holding my SOL bag. I’m wondering how SC platforms in general will stop a bad actor from spamming the system and effectively doing a denial of service. It’s not currently a problem on ETH because of the high gas fees. And there’s no general solution, because of something in computer science called the halting problem (you can’t write a computer program to detect if another program will ever terminate). I feel like this is something that will get hashed out through trial and error so, I’m still bullish on SOL


Please stop spreading FUD. Solana had a software bug that caused a denial of service outage. There was no kill switch. They released a software update to fix the bug and then it took many hours to coordinate a worldwide system update and restart.


They say SOL peaked around 400k TPS when it crashed....does that mean its better than the planned ETH 2.0 upgrade or is that irrelevant?


Yay ! European time, normally i watch you in the morning:) thank you x


I think it would have tanked more if people could sell. Maybe not a bad thing for price stability though?


Ain’t selling 😁🤦🏻😂


Nothing changed…ETH still king of the road and SOL still strong challenger. Stop panicking and stay invested in both at the right risk reward ratio for your situation


James, do you consider yourself a trader who is frequently changing positions or more like an investor who is identifying the best positions (and entry points) and hold?


Hi James, Do you know when we might see a video about how to transfer crypto to a hard wallet?


Thanks James for the update on SOL.


I don’t feel confident in SOL. Is it truly decentralized. Why did it take them so long to get the network back up? Perhaps this is a short-term moneymaker, but they ain’t no stout BTC blockchain.


PowerLedger POWR what do you think about the Australian token???


Has anyone noted how the graph played out since we came out of the accumulation phase in late July until now? Its uncanny the moves to the ATH to 30k in May but it's on a smaller timeframe. If it keeps playing out this way we might expect another retracement come this weekend when we hit 50k back to 38k and then back up from there. Source Coinskid


💕💕 Love 💝💝 This Patreon group has really been a blessing words can't express how valuable this has helped me. I didn't know how to put limit orders in until learning from this Patreon group and now know how to set my traps I really do enjoy all the positive comments from the community, and the hard work James and his team put in into helping us, many hours of commitment must go into building this group and from the bottom of my heart ❤️ I really can't put into words how much I appreciate everything you do Thanks for all the positive juju 🕺🕺 PS. We are a family of four and have all just tested positive for C-19 two days ago, my wife teachers children with disabilities and I'm self-employed the extra money I have managed to make through the help from this Patreon group will help us greatly


Thank you, James!!!


Sir James - again - you Rock. Much, much gratitude!


BTC or SOL, faster horse?


Realistically - do you think we will see a dip on SOL going forward to $142 again? Wanting to add a big chunk, but don’t want to miss levels between $142 & $155 if $142 is an unrealistic target?


What % of y'alls portfolios is SOL?


Great Question. Everything runs in cycles. SOL had bad luck with the DDOS attack and was highly overbought. I think it will run faster than BTC again sooner or later.


Must admit I am a little concerned. James is SOL decentralized? I saw a video today that said 50% of the tokens went to the founders and SF venture capitalists. Did anyone else see this video from trader University? https://youtu.be/EMOv7zOHv44


Hi James, ILMN hit the traget of 451 accumulation? But I don't see any action from you. Can you comment? Also, can US investor buy FTX and voyger tokens? If so, how/where?


Pls explain pros / cons of using VPN to access Exchanges/tokens not avail in a given location, like all of US or CAL/NY.


Sol uses CPUs requiring 12 cores / 24 thread or more. The chart does not reflect that, showing Ghz does not show the full story and hence the cost. I own Sol and looked at becoming a validator however, for me the cost was prohibative.


James, Besides being so knowledgeable and helpful you’ve got to be one of the nicest guys out there. I mean, to spend time answering many of the same questions again and again is just pure service and compassion. Not to mention being willing to look up some of these alt coins and talk about their tokenomics when they are clearly not worthy investments. I hope folks listen deeply to what you say and do their own research.


Just growing pains which all tech companies/ software go through. SOL is barely 2yrs old so its safe to say they’re still in beta really. Plenty more room to improve and grow. Keep the dancing shoes on though;)


VGX can be bought right on the voyager mobile app, not sure about FTT though




I brought 2 more dips recently. James did mention it was an eth killer the other day. I cant see that changing with a minor setback. Without a setback how could it improve?


He's already covered the tokenomics in his first video on Solana. Says it doesn't concern him and that the distribution resembles similar projects of this type


A lot of people have been unstaking which takes 2 days so tomorrow could be interesting and have a lot of volatility. Best to keep your LOs ready


Unless we have some big unexpected news I think that’s unlikely. Also we’re unlikely to see another country ban mining like China did which precipitated a lot of the summer free fall


Yes, I did too...same outcome $2800 AUD for just the processor !!


Check the older videos out and he talks more about it. But he doesn’t do outright tutorials but there are a ton out there for hard wallets like ledger and trezor.


Does anyone have a recommendation for Yubikey? 5, 5c, or 5ci? This apple hack has me paranoid now


All projects experience set backs, code is rarely perfect- btc, eth and many other projects had hiccups along the way and still do. I'm solanda will figure it out. They have the devs after after 😀


Rite of passage for SOL.


interesting space, but tokenomics seem weak, lots of inflation and lots of concentration no top 100 addresses.


if DDOS/Bot Spamming is uncommon in blockchain and happened in the past in another blockchain they should learn and apply it before deploying in the mainet


Sold my AVAX today for more SOL…missed the live video today, wanted to super chat and ask about HUT8 today… did James discuss drop today? Have a large position at 4 dollars just wanna make sure I didn’t miss anything major about it… thanks community!


And, just to reinforce what James is teaching. Those limit orders WORK!… Got a fill on SOL at 143 yesterday.


SOL will be just fine....I might sell some ETH for SOL.


As ethereum rises, shouldn't that raise MATIC's price along?


Hi James. Did you change your mind on Link? I was under the impression you liked it more than DOT?


Question: WHAT is WRAPPED coins? WHY are they wrapped?


To allow them to go onto other non-native chains, i.e. wBTC can go on Ethereum network.


From what you said previously about SOL, I never had any worries…however, I love this deep analysis thank you so much for the time and dedication you put in. If I hadn’t have found you, Inwould have probably not bought SOL at $22, Chased it and now be considering selling it 🙈 You have taught how to ride these choppy waters, and everything moves in cycles, SOL will come back stronger….follow the money!!! 💰


Thank you James. Because of your t.a videos I have been hitting those limit orders nicely. So much that I have 4 new guitars in my house without my wife complaining😄 The best thing I ever did was to stumble into a bitboy-video,read a comment saying "IA is the best in crypto-info",and head over to your channel😄 Love the T.A,and that you give us the tools to do the research! And can't believe the huge amount of emotional investers. But a good thing for us👌 Cheers from Norway


He did. They announced they were going to sale more shares and that typically causes a 15% shake up. Didn't sound like a long term drop. I am no expert. That's one that I wanted to buy a leap on back when it was 5ish.


Will you be selling if it drops beneath $150?


For Forks Sake !


LO set for more SOL this evening but am wondering whether the unstaking will force dip, albeit temp. under $150? LO set for $151 but am curious whether next 48 hours will be even better (I know we don't want drop < $150). Just curious, thanks.


Everyone but James community is in love with their coins 😂💜 were just here to make money 🤷‍♀️


Hi James. Any thoughts on ONE? They’re branding themselves as the other ETH killer and as new SOL. Thanks.


James has an old post. Run a search by typing Yubikey in the search bar top right (search posts)


Thanks Jame$ Patreon folks, if you like ska and reggae music from the 60s and 70s check out “wake the town radio” on patreon - the best music 🎶every week. Support real music. Sorry for the plug if u don’t like please remove.


This video would help lot of people to retain SOL else they would have regretted few months from now. 🙏🏼 Thank you for this video James.


So far only one person got this joke, come on people.......network fork on Solana, instead of 'for f*ck sake’ This is completely hilarious and deserves more likes. I hope Crypto panties gets more recognition for their efforts.


What would be great, is that James and the team show how they put together their models. What tools, calculations and sources that are used to create them. Thanks for you and the teams efforts.


I took a huge skim of all my profits and moved my biggest chunk into SOL the day before everything started to tumble. Happy about the first bit but gutted about SOL but I’m holding them until the next ATH and then I’ll move them. In the mean time I’d like to back to having a few ETH


I just bought in


Mainnet Beta. Problem fixed. Crisis averted. Improvements being made. What doesn't destroy you makes you stronger. I hope I've got all the main points. Awesome presentation as usual. Thanks James.


Hi James, NFT set I own a dog, donate also to charity, very good project with nice community! https://topdogbeachclub.com/club-information/


Where is the best place to Stake Solana?


no I didn't sell. I'm in this long haul until your maths says different :)


The SOL-ETH ratio looks pretty good on tradingview this morning. I'm going to do a little rebalancing to SOL.


Stake SOL on Exodus. 6.35%


Random question: Has JAMES given any OPINION on CHZ?


Does the value of staked coins stay matched with the market or are they locked in the % of the platform they are on?


Ssaid it was a speculative play i believe. Also side note, Raoul Pal admitted he hasnt got CHZ even though he has talked about it alot in the past. For clarity I do have a very small amount :)


FYI James said he stakes SOL on Exodus and rewards paid every two days. It’s very easy to use too…


After watching this video, I started feeling unsettled re: GBTC comment. Many subscribers have GBTC b/c of 401K and other tax-deferred options. I would welcome more information about the impact should Grayscale create a new ETF vs. just converting GBTC. James mentioned such a move would be "stupid" + something about 4% (arbitrage) and not being that bad. I'm holding onto GBTC b/c of the impending ETF but am concerned about getting kicked in the gut by Grayscale. Just perplexed, given #s of BTC and customer base (retail/institutional investors), about the potential for such a move. See mark 29:00 in video.


I'm holding my SOL, probably will stake it as well. Thank you James!


I'm right there with you, very concerned about this, especially since Greyscale still has not applied for an ETF and has stated they are waiting for one to be approved before applying. Further, other trusts have done similar things so it wouldn't be that unprecedented in the market of Trusts & ETFs. Here's an article presenting the counter argument. https://www.thestreet.com/etffocus/market-intelligence/grayscale-plans-converting-bitcoin-gbtc-to-etf-why-thats-not-good-idea


https://youtu.be/EMOv7zOHv44 this is all you need to know about SOL


@James. Would be interested in your rebuttal of this video. Seems pretty well reasoned and calm but I really don't know much about this space.


There are reasons some of the main exchanges are still not accepting SOL deposits. If they open the floodgates it will tank, people are being forced to hold at the moment.


This is bad logic. If the exchanges are corrupt as you're implying they would short SOL, open the floodgates, and make money off the transactions fees.


$1.49 at the Moment !!


Hands up if you managed to get out of Sol in time?


SOL is tanking just like I said. Just wait until CB and Binance start accepting deposits again (if ever)...it going to drop hard. This coin has been shilled to death by YouTubers and now the chickens are coming home to roost. Classic pump and dump!


SOL down to 136. Not hearing this is a change of thesis. Sounds like a good opportunity. Are you all holding and buying at this level? Simon, not sure why SOL would drop simply because deposits are permitted. The network crashed at an alleged 400k transacts per sec. that’s pretty insane and bugs do happen early on.


Simon, why would it tank? This network is faster than anything else. Bugs happen and it could also be an opportunity…


on Celsius my rewards wiggle with the price of the coin paid's value. I would think the value would be whatever the price is at any moment.


After SOL went > $200 I created a limit order for it at $150. Nothing happened. Then, late last week (I think) James said he was hoping it might go down to $131. So I immediately cancelled my limit order and created a new one at $131. It just got filled! Patience paid off! Hopefully SOL will continue to do well!