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Trying to sell some stuff on eBay to free up some dry powder




Love this quote haha


Everything is on sale right now so we should be happy!


OMG I did that last April 2020. I sold everything. The funny story is I sold a Rolex and got paid in Paypal and bought ETH with the proceeds. It is now worth 65K but went way over 100K a few weeks back - hard to think a piece of metal that sat in a box for 13 years could blast to 100K in value....


Also another one is “Buy when the cannons are firing and sell when the violins are playing”. This is a very old quote and was a French saying in the 1800’s


Agree, but have already spent all my cash at the past lows which kills me. I was the mom that stressed over paying cents more for baby food jars at one store and seeing it on sale at another. Love the prices, just wish that I was experienced enough to had seen how low the dips would go.


I definitely didn’t truly understand what a “dip” was when I started buying. Down about 1/2-1/3 on pretty much everything. But I ain’t scared! …5 year HODL ✊🏽


The streets are hemorrhaging blood! Me included!


Just listening to you and cryptosRUs.... you know your stuff on finance, but didn't know who KISS were 🙂


I buy the dip once again, hopefully long until 2030 and beyond


Entered at the top at 64 and I've bought most dips Just asked the question on another post whether to dca or just lump some Anyway I did my calculations and figured with the money I had available to buy more would take me to half a coin It's not a lot to some of you on here but I feel great in having achieved that! It hasn't been easy and there has been a lot of doubt and still is but the more I researched and with the help of James and this group it's made it a lot easier Thanks everyone


I like to think of it as paying for an education that we now have😊 Plus, we’re also getting a priceless gift of education now from @Investanswers 🙏🏼


Not selling anything don’t want to lock in any losses, confident in the long term.


If the whales are still buying up BTC, why is it dropping so much? Is there a lot of other institutional sell off?


But let's face it, it's a lot harder when it's your blood running in the streets. HA!


Update.... I found the source and correct quote Nathan Meyer Rothschild Quotes Buy when the cannons are firing, and sell when the trumpets are blowing


I like violins playing better


George mentioned that 79k BTC was sold on Coinbase last night 😳


“Buy when there is blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own!” - Lord Rothschild


Having joined the crypto game and IA at 37K on the way up earlier in the year, I would FOMO and freak out every time BTC twitched one way or the other. I DCA'd on the way up and now I'm doing the same on the way down. I'm obviously down on BTC at this point, but don't even sweat it anymore. Powder is low, but I'm still scrounging what I can. Funny how over just a few months I seem to have adopted more of Michael Saylor attitude - as in: Q: "When is a good time to buy BTC?" A: "Yes."


looking under my couch for extra FIAT :)




Best one I've heard lately: "When it's time to buy you won't want to."


He kept going back and forth. One time he would say that it was simply deposited on Coinbase, and then another time he would say it was actually sold. His statements were ambiguous at best.


Truth, but sometimes people think blood is in the streets when btc has dropped to $54K or $45K or $35K. We as a community need to get better at defining blood in the streets. I have heard it said that it takes till the third bull market to make great money in crypto. The first one you are typically too late to the game, the second one you don't know when to get out and haven't learned the mindset needed to deal with your own fear and greed and the third you learn to time the market with swing trades and when and how to enter and exit the market. They key thing is time. Don't leave in the bear market. Learn from it. Get ready for the next run. I think we still have a long way to go in this long term bull cycle. No matter what. Time is on our side.


If it was a good bet when everything was going up its a better bet when its not. The same theory applies. Its not easy i agree, but have the faith you had on green days and double down now. This is (imho) a rare (in the course of a much bigger picture) buying opportunity. The only ppl who miss out are the ones who say "i wish I'd thrown more at it when it was in a bearish sentiment, then I'd be balling" Don't miss out. Zoom out... Look back at the charts and the general direction and the predicted final destination and see this for what it is. The only choice to make is "Do i buy x or y?" "What gets the most returns" Monry in the bank is money propping up a decaying system that only works for the elite running it.


Unless you believe that cryptocurrencies and DeFi platforms were a failed experiment and will never recover, you should be feeling a bit like a little kid in the candy store at these prices.


Thats why I will buy in Sept or Oct:)


Even when the blood is your own!


The only problem with that is it's hard to put away some money for such a time. I usually buy as soon as I can, feeling FOMO.


Have the buy orders in and waiting for some more blood to lower average


Man, I wish I had any money left...


Who’s panicking? It’s not so bad yet


Quite a bit of the blood in the streets is sadly mine. Although, I am finding watching and listening to James quite calming and reassuring (as I continue to bleed out…!) 😄


I’m reminded of the knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail… “Tis just a flesh wound!” 😄


You da' man, James. It's reassuring to have your words.


Quick and matic are definitely priced right. I am buying 4500 a day. Wells Fargo declines if I try anymore. Does anyone happen an opinion on Quick? I have 76 and want to accumulate 200.


Exactly. No need to panic. The bottom that has been in for two months is being tested once again. The more tests of the bottom and the longer the consolidation phase, the higher and more sustained will be the move up. People with deep pockets are pushing price down so that they fill up their bags at better prices, fully expecting a move higher. So, have a drink, relax, and coddle and HODL your coins.


Also, I am staking with matic. It is growing slowly.


"Bull markets make you money, but bear markets make you rich."


Words of wisdom during this dark cloud of FUD!


If in doubt, zoom out ! Look at the bigger picture. I think we won’t even recall these moments 5 years from now!


not sure if this was the best way to do it, I didn't have a lot of available cash except in my IRA so I averaged in to 1080 shares of GBTC at the discount to get a whole bitcoin that way. Hopefully it will convert to an ETF soon.


100% in!!!!!


I'm loving moments like these. They don't come often, but when they do come, this is where fortunes are made. We got this folks.


Just watched an episode by CryptoRUS, seems that last dip was orchestrated by just one wallet with 80K BTC. And since they did it thru Coinbase instead of OTC market - George feels it’s a bullish indication. Somebody desperately trying to bring the price down below 30K James, what are your thoughts?


They also say “The markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent “. DCA is my greed filter.


This quote is so true. Been holding since 2017.


Holding some dry powder when should we buy James ?


I like how dark this one is.


I first started DCA in 2015, so I’m as much a HODLR as anyone, but does anyone else tire of “manipulation” being attributed as the cause of price bring down? (And if it’s being manipulated to the down side, would it not be as manipulatable to the upside?). Can an asset be “pristine” let alone “the most pristine” if it’s subject to constant manipulation?


Hello, Cel token is the top ranked Crypto on token metrics using their numerous criteria. Perhaps it would be worth your time as a stand alone breakdown. Thanks for your consideration.


Not moving.. Interesting how the sentiment indexes are positive for both ETH and BTC.. What a stupid game? Hang in there guys! Don’t get fooled and don’t get scared out unless you really can’t afford it! I consolidated my holdings and I like the numbers. My goal is to own a BTC coin and several ETH




I too struggle with this thought. It almost sounds like a poor sport on the playing field, refusing to accept a loss so they blame it on the referee. In my opinion, the market is just down for a number of reasons, it will rise in the future and it will all be worth while. There is also a lot of hype regarding bitcoin as an amazing store of value and the most sound money…. But how can this be true if the price can fluctuate so drastically and in turn be manipulated to this degree? That’s not so sound to me 🤷🏼‍♂️ Yet, I hodl on and will continue to do so.


Jim. I am only concerned about two things right now. The limit order I set two weeks ago at $12.8k with the price going lower. $30k seems to be the floor of resistance but if the stock market plummets BTC will see a temporary drop


Sorry $28.7k. Not far off that now for a big purchase


But in the last run up two months ago the lesson was step back and let the bitcoin price come to you


Me too, but have it in a limit order buy - might want to take it down before it fills


Buying the low dips is a great long term strategy in my opinion. Problem is what if your short on gun powder??? Right But you can make money on the down turns with buying puts on stocks like (MSTR) It gives you a great opportunity to cash in on some profits on the downturns and gives you more capital from put profits to buy into the dips as well. It also gives you a better perspective on peaks & valleys of BTC Something I’ve been playing with and trying to help become more profitable in a bull or bear cycle.


I think I'm a Bitcoin Maxi cuz all I want to buy is Bitcoin. I have a busy day job and it's the only Crypto I know enough about to feel comfortable investing in. Picked up some more today with what little dry powder I have left.


The rest of the quote is - Even if it's our own.


James. Smart move. Pick the number 1 crypto with the track record and more importantly a finite supply. Happy stacking


Baron Rothschild, an 18th-century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that "the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets." He should know. ... The original quote is believed to be "Buy when there's blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own."