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Look fwd to hearing from the team to help us prioritize the next set of tokens we have not yet analyzed. 



Can you please look at persistence token as well.


$EGLD $CEL best two on that list


I wish you would look at FTM. Guy (Coinbureau) said he was going to add it to his own portfolio after reviewing it.




$axis axis infinity


PLus top 5 Gaming NFT coins


Thanks for all you do! Much appreciated 🙏 Atom, how and when are the staking rewards calculated? Time-frame?


I would buy CEL, but can’t in the US :(




I bought INJ and HOLO in haste a while ago, any thoughts? Thx


GREAT. HOWEVER, even in your audience, I am very sure that many/most DON'T know how the various "Coins"/Tokens/Projects "MAKE MONEY"/generate revenues/creates value - and the 4 different kinds of of Tokens (I am sure you can sub-categorize them further...). I'd say that is VERY LIKELY a video that MOST/MANY will appreciate : )


Just my opinion, but I've gone as deep into alt coins as I want. James has covered most if not all good projects and I am extremely proud of him. But at some point we have a gem of an intelect digging through garbage to make a video of something we saw on yt or Twitter... I will wait patiently to hear his views on trying to take profits and improve my standard of living... I need some money to make the next winter comfy. I have a plan, but respect James views so much would love to hear him talk about doing the near impossible, time that blow off top (we all know is coming) and then buy back in if possible (increasing holdings through a great trade of market anticipation) or just having a big, big stack of cash to live on invest with in the couple years.


…XLM not on the list…it’s consistently trumping short term intensity…worth a look IMHO 🙏👌


TBH I'm not really that into any of those/many more generally... I voted for Yearn, CEL and BAT... Yearn I'd be a bit interested in, but not THAT much, same with CEL... And BAT is a very interesting *platform*/concept, but it isn't really something I would buy... Because you can 'earn' it for free via Brave browser, for ads... Which is very interesting, and BAT/Brave really could be onto something there... But I don't see BAT token ever being a fantastic investment in and of itself... It's great for converting into Bitcoin though!


Theta, please. Rob has been a big supporter so it will be interesting to see you two’s conversation on Theta review :)


Harmony One please Even George likes it 🙏🙏


I am torn. I am happy to never analyze another token but the majority are hungry for it. I do feel sometimes it is rifling thru the garbage looking for that lost diamond or hard drive with 7500 BTC on it :D - I dont know what to do. Thoughs Jim?


FTX token seems has good potentials.


ANKR 👏🏼👏🏼


Hi James.. Im curious about CEL ever since your interview with Alex Mashinsky. I use Celsius but its so slow but I trust it more than Blockfi. Mainly cuz after interview he came across as a straight shooter.


LUNA is not on the list, too new a DeFi project I guess for most people. It’s a promising project built on ATOM. Hopefully James can cover ATOM and its ecosystem.


How about a look at Axie Infinity? Not only just the token but also the concept in general.


Thank you for your work James! So many solid projects and scams out there to keep up. Even Anonymous is shilling a coin 😂🤷🏻‍♂️😁


No ICP? This project aims to disrupt the cloud and already has a better tech than eth, or ada for that matter. Web speed blockchain and it works. Also, it might have found it's bottom so good time to buy.


Please do BAT!!! Money making in crypto is a peripheral benefit, I’m hoping to be able to support my family trading these assets in a risk averse way, but the REASONS I’m in it are humanitarian and philosophical. BAT is one of these potential tokens that could change the way we interact with media, one another, and regain control over and rights to our personal data and attention-value.


If your looking at Theta, can you do its small cap clone AIOZ?


Also Ecomi for an NFT play


James, after you cover COSMOS, might make sense to take a look at BAND which is the 2nd biggest oracle (started as ERC-20 but then moved to COSMOS) . At least to see how much of a threat it could be to LINK.




I second on Ecomi.


I Would like a serious mathematical analysis of Gamestop and your honest opinion of weather a short squeeze is inevitable. Genuinely would love your input on this. Thankyou James


Dfi chain would be awesome.


Theta, would be amazing James.


HNT Helium….. don’t sleep on it


XLM - Stellar


Why not bsc chain? Pancakeswap? It's massive - it used to be on your list.


Dent, VRA please James


Too many coins, maybe an update of the coins we already have in the stable would be nice. I feel for myself after 10or so coins I loose interest.


QNT! Let’s get something before it entirely explodes! I see at least - 7-10X in this.


Interested to see thoughts on Dent future potential


I totally agree with Jim. It would be fascinating to look at the stocks that you like James and how you analyze them. And more options lessons, technical analysis etc. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Thank you 🙏 James.


James all this is coins is famous atm. I mean everyone have some of this, and all of this is already at big exchanges like binance, coinbase, etc. Why not search for a hidden one. Like you did for you with the stocks. This is the only question i have for you. You have coins and stocks from the presales. :-) I think one section about this whould be amazing . Anyway for this poll i vote ENJIN!


Dodge xrp and shiba not on the list. Lol 😂


Would love a deep-dive on Synthetix Network Token (SNX) at some point. One on the most intriguing ones in DeFi - and highly volatile at the moment.


Would love it if you can analyse NANO... 88% of my portfolio is NANO, Just because i was so early. But i'm thrilling to know what your opinion is about it, and especially if i must sell it for other cryptos!


Would love to see a deep dive into EOS


James, you may find Numerai (NMR) interesting. It is a hedge fund whose price prediction models are sourced from anyone who submits one. Fund return is distributed to staked tokens.


90% of these altcoins will not be here in a few years. Be careful guys


@ Jim Schofield… Hi Jim, I’m new to this space and found your summary above about what James has covered so far really interesting and helpful. @ James… thank you for your efforts and all that you do to help us better our lives and especially for being so decent and genuine in how you go about it. I think I will cry if you ever do a clickbait thumbnail with a gurning face and multiple exclamation marks 😁. I think myself very lucky to have found your channel (and a bit unlucky to have found you so late after having invested in many Altcoins without really understanding what they do!).


Please bring back TA videos, option techniques and stock trading videos!




Interested in MANA, virtual reality platform Decentraland


I agree that MANA would be interesting to hear your take. Virtual reality meets crypto with endless possibilities for the future of entertainment, auctions and digital interactions. Would be awesome to hear your 10 step process for this type of token.


I really believe in THETA and it was the primary reason for me to get a biance account . before opening yet another account and going through the verification hoops I would love your thoughts on this


Kusama will be here in 5 years time, and it's clear by now that it's following Eth & Ada's route into getting big investments from funds for the infamous "$40bln staking market" coined by jp Morgan


Yern please


I get 20 BAT ($15) last month from Brave browser just by turning on Brave rewards!


CRO is the Crypto.com token and its another one to watch. Crypto.com announced major sponsorship deal with UFC. Where CEL and Celsius is for HODL, Crypto.com is good for spending with Visa card with 3%-5% cash back in CRO from Visa purchases and Gift cards with up to 10% cash back in CRO.

Chris D

I'm at my limit of the different coins I wish to hold. In fact, I'm likely to cut one or two of the smaller projects out of my portfolio and put that money into BTC. Even if those small altcoins are currently at a (small) loss for me


What of Haven, XHV?


I’ve cast my votes and really appreciate all the very hard work you put into these videos. They’ve proven very helpful for me and others I’m sure. That said I wonder if you’d consider a video on the psychology of investing. Many (like me) have struggled to learn how to put our emotions aside and learn to be patient and not chase stuff. I think we’d really benefit from learning what you’ve done to build your psychological disciplines for successful investing.


I have held QNT for a few months now and while all the drops and consolidation were and are happening in the market, it has held its place and price has gone up from approx 40 to 70$ in the last 90 days. Its been a good hold for me :) thanks James!


If it isn't on CB Pro or FTX don't bother....


I can’t believe Nano is so down in the poll! For true massive adoption of crypto payments (in day to day use), this project is a gem! Take a quick look on YT or go to their website.




Please James give us some good TA


Definitely Theta, it will be hundreds of $ within a year


Btw, XPRT will be massive too, still micro cap now but it will explode; 30% return on staking too for first two years (~1.5 left)


100% ELROND. MIssed the VOTE..


Litentry LIT, I would love to see if can actually provide value to the defi market!


I have known about THETA while it was under $.50 but kept putting it off again and again till I finally bought some. Then I was in profits and took them, but if you really think in the hundreds I will just have to purchase more.


I would love to hear some good fundamentals about theta I know is on the NFT side which to tell you the truth have not much knowledge about it I participate at kusama parachain auction on two different projects . Kusama maybe in a distance future might be a good one to cover thanks James


missed vote. Enjin.


Would absolutely love to hear your take on whether Celsians should earn interest in-kind or in CEL token


Would you ever consider covering Helium (HNT) ?