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InvestAnswers Live News: Bitcoin Options Expiry, Ark, Elliot & Wyckoff Combo, Paraguay, China, +++

https://www.patreon.com/InvestAnswers#Bitcoin #BTFD #ARK #Paraguay #China #Mining #BTCvsGold #Wyckoff #Bloomberg $TTDLive Crypto Market Update and Q&AThe opi...



Hi James looking for a good entry price for Bitcoin ..not finanical advice of course


well the price already is really good. there was a time James was saying eth below 2k is a very good price, why to wait for a lower entry?


Thanks Christopher BTC quarterly future s tomorrow may drop price


James, can you share your perspectives and insights on inflation/deflation going forward? Thanks for your grounded/mathematical insights!


Has it started? Blank screen.


This lighting setup is better James


Hello James - I don't understand the wash sale concept and hope you can explain whether or not it's an appropriate strategy to use in times like this. For example, my whole coin purchased recently at 55K is now worth 32K. Does it make sense to sell that coin for a loss now and then immediately turn around and repurchase another whole coin at the new lower price? What are the advantages and disadvantages? If this is a good strategy why doesn't everyone do this? And if it's a bad strategy please let us know! I think this is a question many of us in the US might have. Thank you!


I remember when the internet was, "just a fad"


I remember when snowboarding was, "just a fad"


There is still an echo


James is a DJ


ok now


no echo


James, thoughts on $vgx, the voyager token. It’s actually down less than BTC this month. It is a utility token and seems to be holding better than any other Altcoin. Including eth and Ada.


Echo was very slight and (at least) didn’t bother me FWIW


Well done James it was still a great live session ..... not your fault at all tech glitch is a tech glitch ... thanks again legend


I diasgree w Cathie Wood on this one - I see more inflation than deflation . You benefit from deflation if you buy luxury items like flat-panel TVs and Tesla vehicles - but if you're buying apples and blueberries and paying for utilities and buying houses you're screwed.


thank you - trying... I spend mayne 3 mins a day on light and sound and the rest on content and you all here :D


It is a token that's been chilled quite hard I haven't dug into it but I think there are safer places to invest


I am so sorry about that * I thought I was making people irate so I couldn't continue something weird happened like another version started playing and I don't know why because I do have a bunch of software running on maybe something got corrupted - it's the first time it's ever happened.


The echo was minimal - but I really miss having you just in your office in front of the bull, and hate that black backdrop


You didn’t finish your sentence. Something about that when you trade often you have found. . . I’m guessing that you were going somewhere along the line of if you trade often “you miss the big gains?”


delay/echo sounds like an fx patch on your hardware mixer - if you use one... it's dialled right down but you should have a mute button on the fx channel fader - or better still just switch off... I very much doubt that it's a software bug... still great content as ever! let me know if you need help mixing!


That Echo was so psychedelic 🤘🏻🔥🎸 Rock on pal!


Thank you. We are in early stages of crypto, I think that is the main take away. I guess that is why Mike Sailor is buying all levels hands and feet.


My impression is that the echo started when you put the question on screen.


The echo was not bad - it only started when you pulled up the questions at the end. Thanks for the great info :)


James, on the Celsius Network story, in the same coindesk article, it lists the T&C, In its terms of service, Celsius states that it “may lend, sell, pledge, hypothecate, assign, invest, use, commingle or otherwise dispose of assets and Eligible Digital Assets to counterparties or hold the Eligible Digital Assets with counterparties, and we will use our best commercial and operational efforts to prevent losses.” I bet BlockFi and others have the same terms. To what degree each of them using hypothecation is anyone one’s guess.


James loved your Q and A today. So much great information. Thank you so much for all you do for the people!


Echo. NP. Great show anyway. Hope you figured out the bug : )


Yes, I prefer your cozy home background with all the art work


So Warren Buffet calls Bitcoin and Crypto "Rat Poison Square" in public then invests in Parent company of a Bank in Brazil. Few weeks later the first bitcoin ETF in Latin America is launched by that bank... https://cryptosrus.com/warren-buffet-backed-bank-launches-first-bitcoin-etf-in-latin-america/ https://twitter.com/DocumentingBTC/status/1407707496555372549 These Fudsters are pure garbage. Keep buying the Fucking Dip!


no problem about the echo I enjoy hearing what you have to say say so much so having it played back twice is a bonus


Hey James - just got funds to clear and am going to increase positions in BTC / ETH and a few others. With Crypto shooting up hard the past few days should I wait for a pull back? Thanks for all your help. Have a fantastic day!