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IA TA Tuesday's: Elliott Wave Theory Trading Secrets $BTC $AAVE $GOOG $ILMN

https://www.patreon.com/InvestAnswers #ElliottWaveTheory #TechnicalAnalysis #Bitcoin #Google #AAVE #Illumina Elliott Wave Theory: IA TA Tuesdays(InvestAnswers Technical Analysis) Elliott Wave Theory Trading Secrets featuring Bitcoin, Aave, Google and Illumina 0:00 Intro 0:10 Disclaimer The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry. 1:00 Elliott Wave Theory Market trades in repetitive patterns Can be found in any chart Based on Herd Mentality It is subjective 2:00 Elliott Wave Theory in Simple Terms 5 up 3 down - herd mentality. Divide price action into trends and corrections. Called a 5 3 move. Can be found on any chart. 3:00 Sub Waves Found in Waves 5 up 3 down - herd mentality. Divide price action into trends and corrections. Called a 5 3 move. Can be found on any chart. 4:00 Elliott Wave Theory (in not so simple terms) Cheat sheet here is #1 basic, #2 is clear sign things are ending #3 shows the top #5 are all corrections #6 magic rule is we need wave 3 to be above start of wave 1 7- 10 are all danger signs. 5:00 Elliott Wave Theory (in not so simple terms) Cheat Sheet 6:00 Why I Use Elliott Waves To get a feel for where we are I always liked 3’s and 5’s 7:00 Longer the Time Frame the Better the Signal Elliott Wave Tips Charting Tool TradingView Elliott Wave Charts Bitcoin Since 2017 Bitcoin Over Last Few Months Google & Pitchfork AAVE Illumina 11:00 Elliott clarified that the observed patterns offer no certainty about potential market movements and that they were better used in combination with other technical analysis indicators to identify the best opportunities 12:00 BEWARE: How Accurate is The Elliott Wave Theory? Do not trade on TA Alone. Make sure you take into account all fundamentals.



Watching it now! 😊


Missed this. Thank you! ❤️


Nice!! Thank you


It's crazy but you know my TA videos get very low views compared to my other videos but the core believers have been begging for them to come back so I do what you guys want


Love the technical stuff. I’ve learned more in the past two months from your videos. Thank you!


Thank you kind sir!


Thanks James! More TA please :)


Can you have 5 waves down and 3 up in bear cycles? Or is it always 5 waves up and 3 down?


Thanks, great video, So after the 3 ABC down it reverts back to starting a 5 1,2,3,4,5 up?


It's a TA indicator, and a somewhat controversial one at that... So with everything else beyond TA taken into account, yes absolutely that can happen... But when it does it has likely invalidated these patterns anyway.


It might... It does look fairly certain that for the time being the "bottom is in" for bitcoin/aave for example... But that does not necessarily mean it must or will conform to another wave fitting that pattern up, at least over the short term... Walmart or who knows what could announce a massive buy today and fire it straight through 70K in a matter of hours for all we know.


I always enjoy your TA vids. Much appreciated. Cheers.


It’s nice to have TA Tuesday I appreciate the knowledge and it practical use cases.


I had no idea it is this easy. Thanks! It seems rather rearward looking but I guess it can be good for seeing trends.


Love it! Thank you!


Thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge James. love TA Tuesday.


This is fantastic! I am so excited for future TA Tuesdays and am going to go back and find the content you've already done on this. Thank you!


Thank you James... i went through that video with my finger on pause and pause again... taking it all in .... sloooooowly :)


The same for me, watched as slow as can and seemed easy then:-)


Thank you James - So conclusion is that the Elliott wave is used to identify possible tops and bottoms ? is that what is most important ? or did i miss any other general benefit of this method :-) ?


Thank you James, you are a star. EWs will help with the over view and will help with having a better perspective over the 3/6 month time frame. I have been struggling to identify the waves but your suggestion about using the oscillator really helps.


Hi, that is how I understood it to. Also a good source of information. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/111401.asp


Great video, thanks! My husband is really into EW but has been missing the other tools to put it all together. So happy my toolbox is filling up now ✨


The Biden administration released their proposed budgetplan now. Seems that they want to spend 80 billion dollars to hire 87000 IRS auditors to go after the American people. Some sort of record when it comes to IRS auditors. Now that the tax levels has been raised, they want to cash in the dough. Hold on to your Bitcoin dear friends in the US.


Thanks that is another great educational video!!


One more time for us slow folks. I’m a capitalist. How do you get on the discord?


I think that's the first time I've heard you curse James! Bullish indicator for sure!! 😃


In the welcome email at the bottom there is a link to connect your patreon account to Discord. Download Discord to phone first and Sign Up/ Register like you did Patreon...once you do then go to welcome email from Invest Answers and scroll down and the link will allow you to link your Patreon account with your Discord account and away you go. Will be self explanatory.


I have been a capitalist member for 3 months. That email has been long gone. I didn’t think I would need it and I try to keep my inbox clean.


TA is back 🤸💃- thank you, James.


Go to top of this page, click tab 'My Membership' instructions there.