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Well Hedgefunds are not. Since they cannot buy SPOT they buy Proxies like MSTR same way ARK buys GBTC and not BTC.  Regulations. 

400M Junk Bond Sale

4 x oversubscribed. 

This doesn't get any more bullish. Everybody hang tight stay strong the end will be very positive.   

Oh and whales just bought another 20K BTC on top of the 50K over the last few days.  BTC is moving from RETAIL to INSTITUTION. 

They are shaking retail coins loose right before Saylor stacks a ton more BTC and a bunch of second world countries make Bitcoin a standard.  I mean the news and macro backdrop is insanely positive. 




What does this mean?


Time to load up on those leaps!


Isn’t micro strategy already a public ally traded market?


It means 💥🚀🚀🚀🚀


Incredible…he’s a legend!


That’s good news since MSTR forms a very large proportion of my 1/3 retirement fund invested in high volatility stocks.


They don’t buy on exchanges though, they buy somewhere else, otherwise the price would shoot up. Can you please open up on this topic?


Thanks for the perspective…I’m HODLing strong.


Not my coins! This is the preamble of something big! You can’t continue to read the great fundamentals and FUD at the same time and think this is going to last for too long…


2 d 🐮n


Dude no one calls it junk unless they want a headline :D. "High" yield my friend.


That means all IA Family will get together in 5 years and celebrate in Bali together with my friend James! Can't wait to see you all. Thank you my friend for everything ❤️❤️❤️😁😁😁🎶🎶🎶🍾🍾🍾


Thank you. I’m HODLing. Also bought some gbtc and ethe in my retirement account.


When do you think these big institutional moves will eventually affect the price? Since it’s “behind the scenes” I’m kinda new to how that will eventually manifest in the mainstream price.


@james: thank you for this post.


So which proxy is better? MSTR or GBTC?


James, why doesnt ARK buy MSTR??


I wish all this good news was leading to BTC's price increasing. LOL #sleeplessinmilwaukee


Anyone have a term sheet? I'd like to incorporate it into my MSTR model. He should be able to get at least 11K more BTCs if he can close fast. He got a conversion rate of 0.6981sh/$1000 on the last round. I'm guessing that on conversion of all 3 notes dilution will not exceed 28%


MSTR looks great in the long run. But do you think we have enough runway for the Jan. 2022 calls in the 600s?


I hate this ride 🤣


It's a public company. They've run of of their own cash to buy more BTC, hence the offering.


I really needed to read this message, it helps me continue to hold in confidence.


...and Mike Saylor immediately went out and bought 1.6 B in BTC.


The price might be driven sooner by extreme scarcity of traded volumes, rather than by institutional cash moving in. The two might arrive simultaneously, though.


The ride sux, I think you will love the destination ;-)


Unless I’m mistaken the strategy would be to buy ATM leaps for as far out as poss. Maybe even Jun 22s or Jan 23s are available. I don’t have the headroom to sell ATM puts at the same time even though it would reduce my cost base.


After buy signal on 4hourly btcusd chart now MACD Cross if I understood James correctly must be a sign to buy.


If the big institutional money comes in and they all buy off the exchanges (as we have seen in the last weeks) and it doesn’t affect the BTC price how is the price going to rise significantly ? What am I missing?


Wow, 4x!! Insane and great news 🥳


Picked up some more this morning.


Sounds great--I just can't understand why all the recent bullish news (BTC Miami, El Salvador, etc) doesn't move the price at all but one negative tweet or FUD can drop it in minutes. I have no doubt the future is bright, but I would have thought these events would have a sudden impact on price.


All sounding very positive James 🤞🏻


Have to tip your hat to Saylor (I'm sure the BTC bears would say differently). The guy turned the company into a de facto BTC proxy in just over a year and no other companies are bitcoinizing their B/S anywhere close to the scale he is. Sure TSLA has a decent amount of coins but given Elon's recent waffling and the spring sale of some their coins I wouldn't buy them for their BTC. Plus they have a much larger market cap with less coins so really can't call them a proxy anyway. Also, if there is one CEO I trust not to be shaken out it's Saylor. The guy has bet the company on BTC (and beyond given leverage involved) and transformed himself to an icon in the space. So he really can't sell or waver in his commitment to BTC or he risks vaporizes a super-majority of his enterprise value....and his wealth. BI revenues looked sluggish pre-BTC so falling back on them now seems impossible. HODL or Bust for MSTR


Hi James, like i mentioned with those bonds earlier - copy/pasted from MSTR website "MicroStrategy’s existing approximately 92,079 bitcoins will be held by a newly formed subsidiary, MacroStrategy LLC." I am unfamiliar with the terminology but if Microstrategy transfer the BTC over to Macrostrategy LLC - Does that negate our proxy exposure ? a real concern if it does, it's the only reason we have MSTR. Would love to hear your thoughts.


Whether this is a bullish indicator turns on two major questions in my mind (1) Is 4X oversubscribed unusual for a junk bond sale? (2) How much of that oversubscription is attributable to the interest rate MSTR is paying (6.125%), which strikes me as quite high?


I know that James bought BTC when it went down to $3K. I was too scared to do that. I am not so scared at $30K+, but am not very liquid. And I am riding out COVID in New Zealand, which means that I can only add new BTC/ETH through Paypal or Bakkt -- so very little control, but at least I can add to my position..


If this LLC is wholly owned by MSTR, I should think not.


Agreed that income-hungry funds are buying the yield not necessarily BTC. Still hard to justify buying the offering if your fund is bearish BTC given MSTR mkt cap will be closing in on 80% BTC value after proceeds used to onboard more coins.


4x oversubscribed from initial $400 million offering. Upsized to $500 million but $1.6 billion is amount that wanted to participate in offering (4 x $400 million = $1.6 billion). Still MSTR gonna hold over 100k coins once they allocate the funds. Saylor is fearless...


https://amp.ft.com/content/34ec1a8e-97c1-49d8-ab83-a9bcb47b340d Will be interesting to see where Bitcoin takes the MSTR share price this year. Might plan some entries 😬


What is SPOT?


Does this mean that those holding MSTR will indirectly be holding more BTC or will this new purchase be held apart of MSTR “ticker symbol”?


Hey Folks, do you mind me asking possibly a silly question. A friend of mine and I received this strange message about an ICO for a Cryto named EME. Is that another one of the idiot get rich quick scams? Apparently they use Owllex.com as the exchange and I’ve never really read anything good about that site.. incidentally I am pretty much stick with bitcoin Ethereum, ADA and a few of the smaller cryptos like Poly and Solano.. Can someone elucidate me on where I can find info on probable scams like the EME offering? Thanks in advance for anyone who answers and really I’m just looking to understand the scam process. I’m not looking to make a quick buck but when my friend saw it, he went crazy and I’m like hold up dude! Thanks 🙏🏽


I'm not sure if to buy a whole BTC or add another property to my portfolio. Thoughts please fellow Patreons


That's a tricky question, depending in part on how much btc and how many properties you have. (Property must be relatively cheap where you are.) You could try to work out ROI and also think about the diversity of your investments. I know we are hodling, but BTC is more liquid (assuming a price rise). That might be a consideration. One advantage of the property option is getting a low interest rate mortgage, assuming you are in a country where you can fix the rate for the length of the mortgage, and so taking advantage of inflation. Anyway, a good position to be in. Yes, think about your overall portfolio and your plans over the next decades.


Are we passed a good MSTR entry point ? Any chance it will dip back down under 500. Or will it likely take off from here and follow BTC up ?


@james: I hope you can answer this odd question: how many shares of MSTR would equal one btc? I hodl btc but in my Roth, I hodl MSTR since I can’t buy btc there and would love to become a MSTR “whole coiner.” Thank you for all you do and for your kindness and grace.