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I love this!!!


I'm averaging 52k a coin and in real pain at the moment. Keep strong everyone!!!


bought that dip baby yeah!


I bought the dip !


How will we recognize the start of a crypto winter, only time?


Unbelievable manipulation this morning. The fact that the exchanges went down too was just crazy. Disappointed I couldn’t get in at the 30 level.


Incredible. My guess is margined longs were liquidated, with institutions buying up instantly 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well as long as we see the long term gains we shouldn’t concern ourselves ♥️


I did get some of the dip but not much at around $36 which is already up :-)


I’m new to the crypto space so your analysis is grounding. Thank you for what you do!


I’m scared to 🥴


Dittos James …. They want your coins….they will Never sell them….They want to control every financial asset in the world … !


Hundreds of billions in movement in the market cap within hours, wreaks of institutional manipulation. I hope everyone here had strong hands today and maybe even bought the dip. What a rollercoaster this was... and it's still going!!


@investanswers, how do the big guys force the price down to shake out the weak hands?


Good for me. I've been staking while they play their little reindeer games.


I totally agree. June will either show a boom, or consolidation. But no matter, the inevitable is for Bitcoin and crypto to keep succeeding. I don't see much more of a consolidation, max 3 more months to shake everyone out.


Times like these make the DCA and HODL strategy really effective. I always keep dry powder for extreme selloffs, and today was a day to spend some of that. All roads lead to Bitcoin.


Wonder if manipulation will become more frequent or less frequent as more big institutions move into the space.


Standard for bitcoin. I don't buy the narrative that institutional investment will stabilise the market.


So sad I missed the dip 🥲


Patience is key :)


Very interesting.


I had to walk away today and disable price notifications. It’s weird waking up down 7 figures across all investments. Gotta say I’ve never had that happen. Also sometimes ya need to zoom out and realize where we are compared to a year ago.


Thanks again for everything you do James, the research based insight you provide helps a “new to crypto” investor like myself ride out the storm in peace. Just wish I had more dry powder. Cheers, and please ignore any FUD directed your way. 😊


Manipulated? I do wonder and found this link https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/35710754 Basically saying, this was perfectly coordinated to liquidate an individual who bought dips they manipulated. Whether it's true or not I don't know.


Bought more MSTR at 20 % discount to BTC


I think I made about 30 purchases this morning. Fun times. Last I looked almost 8B in rekted positions on bybt


A lot of wheat sorted from the chaff. All Roads lead to BitCoin !


Unbelievable, so bizar to see this. Crazy… Im happy the trend is now upwards, I was able to add some today, managed to find so money somewhere 😁


Is it me or are we potentially forming a giga-hammer candle?


Absolutely incredible day. Flash crash. Huge amounts of money lost and made. Trigger was FUD from China (old news). Flushed put a lot of weak hands?


-ran thru my usd on exchanges and no way to reload for an hour or so. Lesson learned keep more usd on exchanges 😀


Yup it looks similar across the markets tbh. Destroying leveraged positions and then coming in and sweeping up!


you rock. Speculators are running for the hills All indicators say this is capitulation - and Richard and I are running into the burning building. This is where the real money is made


Hopefully Meme coin mania does down after the bloodbath...


yes i have my theories, doing an update video as soon as I can gather all my proof points


That was fun though! Got to add more to my btc average.


always have that powder ready.... imagine yourself in a multi level Galleon and pirates are coming for you. Would you keep your powder kegs in port while at sea? :D


I hope the crypto zombie, mm crypto and ben from Bitboy are all ok. I have a feeling they need to re mortgage their houses now


i will explain in my video later and have done that a few times.... it is fascinating and very orchestrated


Bring it on. I’m buying more wooohooo!!!


I start a new job on Monday for the first time in 8 months. I kind of hope it stays a little rough for a little longer... that said, I bought a little more BTC and Eth this morning. Not much but funds are low!


In it to win it!


Please include in your update video how the ability for a few to manipulate BTC (and frankly all other cryptos) plays out for cryptos as a class worth investing in, especially in the long run and for real meaningful growth. The likes of Henry Blodget are forever going to use today's flash crash as a warning to not get into cryptos.


Yup. This is just STUPID. HOLD/HODL your BTC TO $1.5 Million. I am no Ph.D. Economics, but I've got an MBA and the more I think about it, the more I am 100% SURE that BTC will be the new world reserve currency that some others will be layering, but like the Bretton Woods USD/Gold, the BTC will be the "gold". If that happens, BTC to MANY MILLIONS each. Mainsteam media SUCKS.


Mstr @ $450 dollars


ALSO, TESLA is on total BARGAIN PRICE now! Could you do a "James - says that we need this many TSLA to retire in 10 years" like you did BTC/ETH - since they were very good??? I KNOW many would love it and also HELP THEHM HODL 10 YEARS. Getting some 2 year Tesla Leaps now.....should be good?


Tried to get more ethereum. But could not get through on the exchange. It was right around $2,100 at that point. Was going to look at hbar but no binance. US in Texas. Oh well. HODL!




Playing devils advocate here...isn't CBDC a massive threat to this idea that BTC will become the world's reserve currency? For example, if the Fed creates a CBDC, they could simply prohibit BTC from being exchangeable. That may be fine as long as people decide to transact completely external to a CBDC, BUT - governments could (for example) issue permits to operate a business contingent upon transacting ONLY with their CBDC - or a select list of approved exchangeable currencies, of which BTC might not be one? Or they could simply outlaw it, and come tax-time that could get very awkward, no?


Exactly! I’ve been dollar cost averaging out of my FIAT savings account and only leaving a little money for any emergency car or home repairs.


Got BTC @ 33,900 and ETH @ 1915.00 this morning. Any thoughts on Wyckoff Distribution?


Thank you my friend for giving us Support & keeping bright and cheerfull. To all our IA Family: Have a great, happy , sunny and prosperous day and year! Stay strong, positive and together. We are here to help each other. United we stand against big manipulative investment management corporation ! Cheer's to all😁🍷🎶❤️


Elon tweeting that TSLA had diamond hands didn't hurt the rally either. No doubt he was told to tweet because TSLA were at a loss with their BTC reserves after the price collapse ....."Credit to the Master of Coin".


make bitcoin great again 🙃


Just a Boomer who believes in BTC I bought at 60 and 37 and inbetween. HODL


I guess Gareth Soloway was right BTC $30K how about that!


Does this mark the end of Alt Season? If so, it seems that most of the alts are holding up pretty well in their BTC pairings versus the US Dollar. Should we consider converting alts to BTC to prevent further bleed out in the coming days from alts?


I am not sure if I will be kicked here in ass but I still need some drop in price as I didnt have money on exchanges and needs time to transfer from bank..:)


Bought the dip. DCA'd ETH and purchased my first BTC direct. Have been on Greyscale for my BTC position (in a Roth, no less, so I'm never tempted to touch for many years). I feel like maybe I'm doing this....uh...right?




Can we obtain a collection from IA peeps on what exchanges went down and were unavailable for trading during the peak of the downtrend?


Something not really being discussed is how well DeFi handled the past 24 hours. While certain centralized exchanges had outages, liquidity issues, downstream provider issues, DeFi handled everything perfectly. No swap outages, no LP issues. I know DeFi is going to be big, but I thought that CeFi might still give it a run. With all these events I'm no longer as sure. The amount of liquidations, amount of money that changed hands, this was a very good test and DeFi passed with flying colors. I'm now really leaning towards DeFi is going to kill CeFi. I think I'm personally going to slow down my exchange investments and significantly up my DeFi investments particularly in the LP/DEx space.


The list of things I bought today is so long. LOL. Hut8, Micro, Galaxy, ETHE, ETCG, GBTC. If this turns out to be a bear market my wife won't talk to me again until the halving.


James, you need to read this as you collect your evidence: https://boards.4channel.org/biz/thread/35756600?s=08


James, Is China banning btc a big deal?


Thank you James for your information and work to keep us calm on these rough days. You’re in a league of your own when it comes to what you do. Extremely grateful lifetime supporter here


China banned BTC etc back in 2013. While, India looking to open the crypto market and creating legislations around it


Amazing day— 1.52 BTC at avg. 31,125; 3+ ETH, 2580; 110 SOL, 44; 6517 ADA, 1.50; 40 IPC, unfortunately avg 165.... then exchanges froze! Thank you James for creating a community to go through these times with!

Chris D

Had limits set up on Fib Retrace levels all the way down for a few coins. Woke up to all of them filled :D Learned about Fib Retrace from IA, thanks!


Wycoff anyone? Should be fine long term though


Wassup with sol, got some at 48 but dang


it's a power struggle


Anything specific in defi ? Just curious what you think are good opportunities 😀 trying to decide best way to take advantage of this dip


Thank you James. I am also grateful for how well you prepared us for the DAY. I have been a member for less than a month but I've learnt some basic BTFD skills just in time. :) I hope to be a lifetime supporter, and look forward to learning and earning more from you and the team!


Thank you James for the clarity in these crazy times.