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I’m so thankful of joining this community and your advise has been very encouraging. Thank you!


Wow! Better late than never!


Does anyone here own a time machine? I’m asking for a friend. 😂


People got their stimulus checks early and are putting it to good use.


What a great ride it has been! I can only imagine what 2022, 2023, and beyond will look like...


as anticipated. would love to see the $ of $1400 transactions going thru the crypto exchanges right now :D


4 years up followed by 1 year down, then 3 years up followed by 1 year down, now 2 years up .... ???


Giddy up


Wow! Amazing. Could have, should have, but at least I’m in now and ready for the ride!


Love the channel Jim! Thanks for making math fun!




I agree with wishing I had a time machine. I’m excited to get on this ride now though.


I hate to ask on a Saturday night! We have money waiting for a dip. Should we continue waiting or buy now before people buy in with their checks sending the price even higher. When Tesla came in it jumped up very quickly. The next dip never went went back to the price where Tesla came in. Will these checks create that same push upwards? Is now the time to buy?


In it since $700, HODL is the way! Also looking for that Time Machine...


If you're on zero, get off zero! If you're above average (which is still only a few hundred dollars worth), DCA. Dips happen, so you don't want to blow all your dry powder at an all time high... Particularly as the risk of panic and selling low is so much higher if you've never been through a dip before. When one comes, you want to have the "buy the dip" mindset... But to get that, you first need to get off zero :)


Thank you! We started in November. Very new for us. First dip was brutal 2nd almost as bad. 3rd was ok. The rest of them we slept. DCA we will try this for the first time 👍


I celebrate the day I found you and joined the 'club' - now I believe this nice number is just a milestone before new highs later this year.


This seems surreal ... I have been a BTC DCA addict & HODLER since 2013 and counting ! ETH and LTC since 2016. And guilty of ICOs and shitcoins 😂 Needless to say ... This has been a ride beyond my wildest dreams. Made all the mistakes in the book but managed to keep most of my bags and I am so glad I did. Anyone who listened to my madness along the way to just DCA are celebrating 🥳 🎉 RIGHT NOW! So glad to be part of this community now since I never really could relate with hype and scams ...but with this community I love the fact that IA is all about Math! IN MATH WE TRUST 🤑 Buckle up !! 🚀 lift off to infinity and beyond has begun !! 👽


I looked at my orders yesterday. Last year today is when I started investing in Bitcoin as a asset interested of using it just as discount for online merchants. I put 3x the money in stocks then I did in btc.... Big mistake lol who would would have thought making over %100 roi on stocks in one year would be considered a mistake. still blessed, still grateful to be where I am, and happy to say I persuaded my brother to buy in too.


Speaking of math and inflation... NZ's M3 money supply has increased by ~380% since 2000... Official inflation figures claim ~2% average over that time... I.e. it should have increased by ~48%... I come up with a real inflation figure of ~8%... And basically nobody will even talk about *that*; too scared I guess... But considering this is happening globally, no wonder Bitcoin is doing what it's doing. They keep printing more and more monopoly money, we keep stacking real money that cannot be inflated, and we keep getting more and more people off zero... This is the way.


Hi Jim, I plotted this data in excel and starting checking the US money supply back to 2010, it starts looking parabolic from 2010 then goes exponential from 2020, kinda looks allot like the BTC plot I got also. So obviously the smart money knows this and we have been heading this way for some time, if we look forward at what the cost of COVID could be, required stimulus, can we infer further exponential growth? As we are also all about Risk Management, what do you think are the key things we should consider from this aspect.


Started DCA April ‘19. Used to think I didn’t want to buy anymore over 30k. Got over that.


Just recently joined here and so glad I did. Started DCA at the turn of the year but so many friends/family are not interested or think it’s a scam. I’ve done my DD and also think it would be great to find that time machine BUT I’m just glad I’m in rather than out.


Splendid Sir Larry! The animosity is ramping up - those those w no bags vs those with.


Was there a discord today on the options subject?


On another video you mentioned EU printing massive amounts of money paralleling the US. Is there a link to that somewhere? Couldn’t find it


Now BTC as reached 60K, do you think its value will drop or dip? I heard a Youtuber stating it's value is over priced and only inflated because of new investors with FOMO? What's your thoughts?


This Bitcoin bull run reminds me of the run on silver back in the late 1970's. Most on this forum were most likely not around then. The Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market driving the price of silver up to over $50 per share. Inflation was rampant and there were lineups outside of banks to get silver bullion. Any thoughts on this ?


When the BTC market reaches the cycle peak do you think the price will fall abruptly and bottom out with 90% + down trend? I think there is a possibility for more smoothing with all the corporate investors getting involved or they could play right into the usual pattern and swap their longs for shorts.


Looks like I might have to nick that pic and create an NFT with it....


Just learn a new term in Bitcoin space this morning—CME gap.

