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I hope everyone bought their tickets for the rocket ship!


60k by the weekend


Fingers crossed ! Will blast through $60k 🚀🚀🚀🧨


Can’t believe it....will you post when you feel the right time to buy again pls?


Lots of resistance to 58 after flirting all afternooon. Wouldn’t be surprised to see an f2pool dump


Don't leave without me~ (j/k You can go to the moon now)


Don’t we want it to consolidate around its ATH so that the ALT coins can have a nice run?


So no one thinks we're gonna dip down tomorrow with the 19k Bitcoin options expiring?


Jinxed it! :D ... I think if it gets above the ATH for more than a half hour or so today, it'll just blast off from there as those stimulus cheques start hitting bank accounts...


Could be a very strong month with the newly printed money. With your knowledge I've been able to convince a few freinds to get one board the bitcoin rocket ship.


Hi James, do you have a guess at what one BTC will cost in one month from today? (with assumption that stimulus checks have been fully distributed at that point)


What’s the name of the Indicator with the blue and red horizontal bars on the chart?


I’m grateful that at least I’m going to the moooooon in economy class, but I’m going ✊🏻🔥🚀


We all going to the moooooon babyyy :D


Going Moon now is not what we want.... I assume We are all longtime buyers here so personally I want a huge panic sell right now to get the bargains. Probably unlikely so today will likely grab some more on a 1/3 1/3 1/3


My outlook is from the perspective of someone hoping to have the choice to retire early by 2030. Obviously the trick is to build a debt-free, income-producing asset base by then, sufficient to meet living costs plus small luxuries. Like everyone, I get very excited when I think of the prospect of a $500K BTC price – or even a $1m price – but there is a dangerously human reaction to it all. We focus only on the good news and we ignore 2 elephants in the room: inflation and compounding. For the past year I’ve been modelling my retirement position. Knowing since 2010 that central banks would refuse to stop the printers going brrrrr, long term inflation has been key to my mental planning. In short: a $500K Bitcoin price won’t necessarily get your average grey-haired HODLer out of trouble in retirement, even with the help of pension income. Don’t get me wrong: I love the prospect of a mooning BTC price, but we need to put our enthusiasm into context. Ask 1m people for their inflation & BTC assumptions, and you’ll get 1m different opinions. Mine are -: 1. BTC price I’m assuming that this will hit James’ prediction of $551K by 2030, then maybe $1m by 2038. Thereafter, as volatility slows and the mania phase starts to switch to blow-off, price appreciation falls. 2. Cost of living inflation I’m assuming that short term REAL inflation will be 12%. It’s already around 10%, and it’s not a big stretch to believe that Biden’s imminent $1.9tn spree will add another 2%, at least. Assume 12% to 2030. The compounding impact of this will be a bitch for anyone who’s never lived through it. Maybe longer term inflation will taper off, maybe it won’t. I’ve assumed that it might. So say 8% until 2040, then 5% thereafter. 3. Median house prices Unless we have a global population event, there’ll be more people. Also, all the $1.9tn of stimulus [and all future printing] has to find a home. If it’s not in stocks then where? Maybe crypto, but in the past property has been a big winner too, whether for individual investors or funds. Assume 15% property inflation ‘til 2030, then 5% thereafter. 4. Investment ROIs Pre-tax ROIs on investment assets will not be so easy in a high-inflation environment, even if they’re debt-free. The days of 7%+ returns may well be behind us. I’m assuming 3% ROI to be safe. You have to model these things alongside your assets [crypto included]. In an inflationary environment you cannot ignore them and choose instead to fly off with the fairies when the BTC price moons. Conclusions….. Unfortunately Patreon won’t allow patrons to upload images, so I can’t show my modelling here [and I can’t host it elsewhere]. However, my calcs suggest that a 5-coiner [say], who retires in 2030 with a half-decent pension, a debt-free home, and a US$1.5m asset portfolio generating 3% -: a) will need to sell 2.16 BTC coins before 2060 to fund the shortfall between the cost of living and all his/her retirement inflows from pensions and investments; b) will see the value of his/her BTC portfolio fully overtaken by a typical Western median house price by 2060 How to prepare? Grow your own food, generate as much of your own energy needs as you can, and be sure of your exit point [it any] out of crypto once you think the price has run its course. That’s my 2c anyway.


What's the guess on the $ amount from the stimulus invested into BTC?


I saw something that said 18-24 year olds plan to invest 37%. 25-34 plan to invest 50% and 35-44 plan to invest 37% of their stimulus checks. No idea how much in crypto vs traditional, but I would guess heavy on crypto.


Plenty of alts have gone crazy this week. ZIL, HBAR, and ENJ have been cruising for me the last few days.


When you talk about inflation you also have to keep in mind the rapid deployment of new technologies that have a deflationary affect on products and services. Robotics, gene therapy, block chain, etc, etc. are going to have a huge impact on most things. I think Bitcoin will have a world wide adoption and there will be a ton of advancements to services attached to the block chain. Think about a global trade without currency manipulation. As central banks continue to print Bitcoin is there as a more fair means of exchange. It may take time but IMO it will take the place of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. How more fair can it be... no government controls it. This may push it way higher than 1m per coin.




Europeans can’t print fast enough too


Steve, I still have a nagging feeling that those who have way too much to lose from an obsolete USD are going to move heaven & earth to stop BTC's progress, whether that's near term or not. That said, the task becomes a much harder one once the billionaires and those with [collective] clout dig their heels in en masse,


Looks like POC lines or point of control, for a market profile or volume profile indicator, poc being the point for that section of time or candles where the most trades occurred.


I´m in the baggage compartment... Will also get there...just not as comfortable...


Big drop over the past hours, YES! I’ve been buying!