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Trading & Personality Types This is part one of a two-part video that goes deep into understanding which personality types are most successful at making money and trading in the market. We look at why certain personality types when and why others lose. And how to overcome any weakness with processes and systems.


Which Personality Types Make Most Money + Have Most Trading Success

#PersonalityType #Trading #Success #WhichPersonalityTradesBest Trading & Personality Types This is part one of a two-part video that goes deep into understanding which personality types are most successful at making money and trading in the market. We look at why certain personality types when and why others lose. And how to overcome any weakness with processes and systems. 0:00 Introduction: 1:00 70-90% Of Traders Lose Money Various websites and blogs even go as far as to say that 70%, 80%, and even more than 90% of traders lose money and end up quitting. 2:10 Lifespan Some traders only last 90 days in the market. 2:55 How They Lose 70-90% of stock traders lose money because: Over leverage on their account. Or they play with high beta (risk) equities like penny stocks or meme stocks. 4:30 No TWO Traders Are Alike From a survey of 1500 traders and their trades, everyone is unique. 5:20 3 Frameworks Wealthy Dynamics The Enneagram Myers Briggs 6:30 Wealth Dynamics Henry Ford Richard Branson A King Warren Buffett Donald Trump Jack Welch Oprah Winfrey Elon Musk Ray Dhalio 9:30 The Enneagram Enneagram: Type 2, The Helper STRENGTHS Enneagram: Type 3, The Achiever STRENGTHS Self-assured, goal-oriented Friendly, energetic, optimistic, upbeat Recovers quickly from setbacks, charges ahead to the next challenge Enneagram: Type 5, The Investigator STRENGTHS Thirst for knowledge, curious, analytical, and insightful Generally introverted Ability to view topics from many different angles Perceives causes and effects WEAKNESS Holding back presence, feelings of inadequacy 12:40 Meyers Briggs Types 16 Personality Types - Myers Briggs 15:50 Average Income by Pers Type 16:40 Income Over Time by Pers Type 17:00 Income by Pers Preference 18:00 Trading Profitability by Personality Attribute Source: humanmetrics.com 19:00 Patreon



Pretty good Sr ✊🏻🙌🏻


Mega content 💪🏻


Love this topic and can't wait to see part 2. Had to pull up my old test. I'm an INFJ and I hope there is hope for me lol


This is brilliant. Arguably your best set-up and thought-provoking content to date. Such broad material research and my wife and I had a lengthy conversation afterwards about the ramifications of how we saw ourselves vs. our Myers Briggs. I love that you challenge us to zoom out and think about who we are, how we think, through an ultra rational lens. LOVED this one.


Definitely going have to watch this again. Very thought provoking James. Thanks@


This is going to be fun...... mmmmaybe 😬


This is great! I've taken all those tests except Wealth Dynamics (never even heard of it). I had no idea income growth and investing stylings could be assigned to them but it makes so much sense. #4, INTJ.


Only ever briefly looked at Wealth Dynamics, I think I'm somewhere along the left column :) rest is INTJ and #5. What Myers Briggs are you James?


apparently I'm a Steve Jobs personality !! I'll take that thank you. ENTJ-A ( commander)


Excellent video and top notch content! Thank you!


I like your content . I am glad I am part of this.


I am ENFJ or INFJ.... it depends. I think I am extroverted but others say I am Introverted. It happens quite often when folks straddle the fence in one area.


As much as I enjoy the content, I also love watching you process the questions posed by us as your Patreons. I definitely appreciate how this was a challenge for you but I can also see that you love challenges 😉. Very interesting framework. Can’t wait for Part 2.


That was really interesting , especially the pie chart showing the difference in the genders on the Myers Briggs types - would you be able to share those slides?


ENFJ - The Teacher. That happens to be my profession 😂. Though I would have thought I was INFJ... I go through long stretches where I prefer time alone. Excellent video, can't wait for part 2!


I took the 16 Personalities test and ended up with ESTP-A. Interesting that this was the least common for males. Looking forward to part 2, as always, great content. Easily the best Patreon membership I've subscribed to since Patreon began. Thanks.


Thank you! Your work is outstanding! Learning from you is a joy and I am grateful! Keep up the great work! The world needs you!


This is my first Patreon subscription. For just ten dollars a month I've benefitted more than some of the subscription services I paid for in the past to the tune of thousands of dollars. Highly recommended.


Thank you James. I am INFJ and 4/5 Enneagram so my biggest wins are always intuitive. I use stop-losses, but I could benefit from a plan for my F-side.


So I am a ISTP that would make me the super ultra rare NFT of personality types 😁


Great content again! The first and only patreon subscription I have. Unsubscibed Amazon prime for this and I'm happy with that choice. Keep up the good work, It's appreciated!


Lol I'm an INFP.


INTJ and 9/5/6 on the Enneagram. This was fabulous and I'm excited to continue. Thank you for your commitment to high quality information for a thinking and eager group. Excited to see part 2.


My results were ISTJ.


Great video! I'm a ISTJ


Help I'm a ENTP! Any cookie cutter plan I can follow??


This was fun, thank you!


James, let's test your theory that you find it hard to say "no". How about you send me all your BTC for my birthday? In all seriousness, I wonder how many people's perceptions of their own personality types are different from their test results. I did 2 tests which seemed similar to each other. One result was an ISTJ-A while the other leaned towards INTJ / ISTJ. [I'd always thought I was firmly an INTJ, but who knows for sure?] I think what's most important is that people take the advice in video 2 i.e. be honest with themselves about their weak & strong characteristics, and adopt supportive strategies to compensate for weak areas which could undermine their chances for financial success. Sounds easy in theory, but probably quite hard to execute.


That was really insightful and quite a good tool for grounding and self learning. I was INFJ and INTJ on Myers Briggs and 1,6 and 9 on the enneagram. Loving the content so far James 🤝


Thank you for this series. I found that my Myers Briggs has changed - could be a year of isolation has caused me to go from an INFP to an ENFJ also enneagram was 7, 9, 5. I would also like to ask how do you define a trader. While I have been investing in the market for a while and recently started buying crypto not sure I would classify as a trader. Keep up the great work - I do love learning and your content is super helpful.


ENTP...Type 5. Hence my subscription and request for a follow on video! Great work, and Forward thinking on your part!


Just finished part 1 and 2....a serious amount of time and effort has gone into this...thank you. I recently went back to University as part of a Management Practice and Leadership degree and there was a whole module on this....fascinating!! Anyway! Thanks again. Look forward to the next one. 👍


ISTJ & 935


INTJ 1,3 & 5


I have known my MBTI type for years and I find it fascinating to learn about the different types. Loved this content. I'm an INFJ, but I test very close to INTJ. Almost a 50/50 split. If you are interested in delving into the cognitive processes a littler deeper, check out cognitiveprocesses.com for some interesting material.


In first model, I’m probably a Creator / Innovator (tho also, my Timing is pretty good if and when I’m present), and in Enneagram I’m 5 with a 4 wing, and am ENTP. ENTPs are the most Introverted of the Extroverts (so I used to think I was INTP, but now I’m clear I’m just a very Introverted Extrovert).


My involvement with market trading began in July 2013 when, as a technologist, I became increasingly interested in Bitcoin. Although I didn’t yet fully understand Bitcoin, my intuition (N) told me to throw some money at it. I was fortunate to catch the 2013 upward cycle and ... wow ... I never knew it was possible to make money like that! This *really* caught my attention, so I then really began to research blockchain, and it’s changed my mind and life. Since then, I’ve been mostly self taught in blockchain, cryptocurrencies, trading, finance, and economics. I’ve even taught some courses and talked at conferences on the future of value and blockchain. From an investment stand point, I’ve done very well over these years, and learned ALOT. But honestly, I’m surprised I have not done WAY better in this timeframe. Must be the P in ENTP!? I’ve somewhat crafted a loose system that is mainly applied during bull markets cycles. Mainly, I just do a TON of research, find conversations and information on the fringes, and am pretty good at finding and identifying (T & N) early trends (NFTs for example), and really great projects very early, and HODL (tho sometimes I’ve HODLed too long). I also do some shorter term trading on weekly or monthly time scopes. I use indicators like RSI and Ichimoku to take short positions or sometimes go long with modest leverage in high confidence conditions. One thing that is not working for me is that I often find myself with 20 - 30 assets in my portfolio—and it’s just way too much to manage and keep clear track of. This is my immediate goal: scale down to perhaps 10, and then free up my mind to focus more clearly on opportunities and execution (sometimes with leverage) ... and also toward innovating projects in this emerging economic space.


Enneagram 6,1,5. The BM was INTJ and ISTJ, both showed very good match. I agree with both and was slightly higher in Sensing 58% vs Intuituion 42%. This was an outstanding post and lesson, both part 1 and part 2. At first I thought it was going to be fluffy and woohoo voodoo stuff...WRONG! That's the judging part in me I guess..lol! I was seriously impressed with this insight.


It was one of the hardest ones and I want to make it even more scientific as I am an absolute believer in the power of personality types when matched to the right person or right activity. Cheers


Haha I am a bad trader! I love when you describe.. doesn’t like rules, schedules, deadline.. But on a serious note I like how you say these people need a simple system! I agree and am learning a lot from you already, i guess a cool topic would be “a system” you would teach? Maybe a basic, intermediate, advanced? Or even a passive (hodl), active, trader.. just some ideas. Anyways great work on the 2 part series!


Enneagram Types 5 (Investigator - 98%), 1 (Perfectionist - 93%), 8 (Challenger - 76%). INTJ for Meyers Briggs. I was really heartened to see that 81% of INTJs are profitable traders on your Part II video. I'm new to trading, so I want to learn some effective rules.


Similar to mine. I was pretty much 50/50. Thanks for the interesting link, I’ll delve a little deeper. 👍


Newbie to investing and come out as INFP which I think you say is the least likely for success 🤣. Therefore I’d be really interested in your strategy suggestion for this group within your part 3 video please 👍


6w5 INFJ. I actually do Enneagram assessments for money! And other ones too. Fun stuff.


ESFJ here! Also, might be a tad off topic but any thoughts on the huge premium discount on GBTC at the moment? Good buying opportunity or possibly the beginning of something worst as premium continues to dip?


I would buy GBTC if i had more cash in my account. fire sale from my perspective but your right we have never seen negative premiums so we don't know how long we live in contango, but i will always take it over premium..?


Just picked up more GBTC when it dipped below $40 and BTC was ~$48K. Is there something baked into the discount that we don't know about?


According to their website each share of GBTC has about .00094685 Bitcoin


I understand that you need approximately 1000 GBTC shares to equal 1 BTC. The discount is still 20%. Picked up some more GBTC at 39.9


So interesting, my wife has taken an in depth enneagram class. I am INTP The Architect...So based on your analysis the IN and N are good and the P not so much. Just means the takeaway is to have a strict ruleset in place and work on discipline. Interestingly enough in the past when I have struggled it was because, guess what? I broke my rules! Thanks for all the great content.


Awesome. I have always thought that from the type of personality one could understand the potential in different sectors, which I have confirmed with experience. Thanks for this interesting video.


Awesome stuff! ENFJ-A. The A must explain why put some people off with my passion. Looking for part 2? I see in the comments it's even more fun