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BTC needs to hit $75K to overtake Google.  Full disclosure I own Google, Tesla and Apple. 




Flip gold please.....


Humm .. I own 9 of the top 10. Still I do not think I will buy Saudi Aramco to complete the collection ;-)


Overtakes TSLA thanks to TSLA !. 😂


#TooBigtoIgnore #NetworkEffectTooBigtoFail


Mind blowing!


I'm surprised by Silver! Had no idea market cap is that big


The trick is, it’s not what is is right now..it’s what it will be in 5 years..


What makes this list even crazier is that Michael Saylor gave an interview today where he said that Bitcoin will be 100x larger than Apple or Google.


What would BTC's price have to be to match the rank of each asset currently higher on the list? How do we think BTC's rank will change by the end of 2021? When will BTC be crowned as the king of all assets?


If my math is correct, BTC only needs to hit $50k to have a $1T market cap...?


The real price for 1T market cap would have to be BTC at $54,000. I arrive at this by dividing 1,000,000,000,000 x 18.5M (Total coins issued). In reality if you ask me the true market cap based on the true number of coins based on my calculations that would be $1 trillion divided by 14 million coins = $71,400 But that's for a more complicated discussion over a few beers..


The number of coins lost will turn out to be much larger than most expect. I lost around around 10 BTC in 2013 just being careless. There are countless stories like mine..... what I find interesting, is that no one really talks about the total active float very often. It seems like it will be trending to 0 very quickly. Once the price stabilizes and becomes boring people will always be taking profits and trading, so there will be float in the end, but the journey there is sure going to be something.


Oooooer... Hope you've got some left!! Ouch. The problem is there's really no way of knowing how many are lost... Other than guessing from when last active... Though coins from 7+ year dormant wallets do sometimes move... More will be lost over time too... Though 'cos nobody will ever really know, they'll continue to support/stabilise the price, and make everyone elses bitcoin worth more :D


Continuing my DCA into BTC. Last night a bought a little bit at an average of ~45K GULP. 2 days earlier my cost was 37512 BLINK BLINK. $7.5K delta in 2 days GASP. Maybe I need to slow the roll. While I have a nice >100% in BTC it is my worst crypto performer behind ADA, DOT, ETH and LINK among the positions I hold which are not of a trivial size.


Breaking: Twitter *considering* buying bitcoin