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Quick update due to the crazy run on ETH my portfolio has gone from 85%:15% to 75%/25% BTC to ETH.  Note over the last 12 months Bitcoin as compared to Ethereum has gone up  285% well Ethereum has gone up 670%.  I continue to hold. 




I used to be at 80 20 BTC to ETH and now I just made it 30 70 BTC to ETH as I believe the run-up for ETH will WAY outperform BTC in the short to midterm. Will adjust at a future date back to BTC.


0% bitcoin, 73% ETH right now. I'm up enough in Alt Coins that if I moved back to BTC though, I'd be up almost 2 full BTC. Trading pairs is the way to go.


I’ve never owned ETH and tied up most BTC in low performing alts (back in early 2018) and have waited for the rise since... What a silly move that was! The question is, when do I buy into ETH?


60% btc, 30% eth, 10% Alt


I don't like chasing - rather get in early and ride the train. BTC is the safer asset and I see Ethereum as a hybrid between AltCoins and Bitcoin. And we all know how volatile and risky the AltCoins are. Remember in life slow and steady wins the race. I bought more ETH on 11th Jan at $950 and that is how fast this stuff can move. Not sure we will see that level again but sub $1500 for sure.


63 bitcoin 37 eth.


Ethereum seems to be leading BTC, when it runs, I will take some profits and roll into BTC.


I have ZERO exposure to ETH as of today. It looks red-hot. May be I just take ice-bath and dive 5% to start with? Suggestions?


Your BTC:ETH ratio looks very close to Raoul Pal's. Nice work IA :)


35% BTC; 25% ETH, 35% ALTs -> taking advantage of the crazy runs and moving profits directly into BTC to adjust the allocation over time. Although it looks risky most of the alt portfolio is table’s money, just need to be disciplined to take profits all the way up and down.


My overall strategy is trading pairs against each other, and then when I'm in profit, I move that in to riskier ALT Coins. Litecoin has bounced back and forth against BTC in 20% swings for the last 6 months or better. I'll trade BTC for LTC at .004 and sell it for .005. Then when it dips again I trade again. I'll then swap my "extra" LTC for something like Chainlink, ADA, or DOT.


55% eth, 40% Ada, 5% btc.....


It might be fun to keep this going and all post of allocations (over 5%) so we can give on another a sense of where we all stand: ATM I am 55% BTC, 22% ETH, 11% ADA, 6% DOT, 5% LINK. I'm actually effectively larger in BTC and ETH due to MSTR, GBTC and ETHE holding, I try to get that sorted for the next post.


Makes sense as the ALT season seems to pick momentum.Just careful water are choppier at that side. I dont have great memories from Jan2018...Remember BTC, so far ,is on its own gold tracks, getting its speed from insitutions+retail . ETH has several trains competing for the lanes and not sure if institutions are gonna be as involved ,at least on this Bull run.


I may jump 20%ETH from 15%.., but dont want to juggle too much unless 2.0 accelerates ,too much headache with taxation,etc...


Actually, I'd add a bit more here. A lot of the swings are close to .0037 and .0052. I wait for confirmation that it's really moving in the direction I'm wanting to go, so hence the .004 and .005. I'm definitely not good enough to perfectly time the moves :)


Super new to crypto and investing generally. So 100% BTC right now. Though I am wondering if I should move on ETH or be patient. Leaning towards being patient.


Can you discuss the applicability for Hodl'ers who will never sell their BTC to avoid CG taxes. Instead borrowing against it say 5-10% and refi every year, and carry the principal debt at never greater than 40-50% LTV ratio. My thoughts are as BTC settles down in the next 5-10-20 years so will the volatility and so will the massive 900% annual moves or the -70% drops. Even if we taper things down but still follow the 4year cycle around the Halvings until approx 2140, we should more than likely over the next 40-50 years see a mean avg return of 18-24%. The jumps will be still pretty huge in the next 10 years but after that things should taper off especially after 2040. Anyway, my thoughts are borrow against the Asset at a lesser rate than the growth of that Asset (BTC), considering LTV ratio and a interest rate of 10%. Paying interest only and each year adding to principal owing using the loan to pay the Interest and living off the balance of the TAX FREE loan moneys. I ran a scenario for 50 years used an initial Loan of 10% the value of my BTC in 2030 and tapering to 4.2% by 2040 then consistently tapering the borrowing to just over 1%. In the end my LTV never exceeded 49% and my estate can sell some of the BTC to payoff the loan which should fall somewhere between 40-45% loan to value. This way I never sell an appreciating asset, I never pay taxes, and I leave my family a solid growth asset. I guess its like the whole life insurance model or the Smith Maneuver in a way. Please lend your thoughts, what you thing the rates of return will look like over the next 10 years (I won't hold you to those, lol), considering tha Halving cycles and the overall thought on a 20% 50 year mean return on BTC.. Thanks in advance.


75/15/10 - BTC/ETH/ALT


100% DOGE


Super interesting! I'd love to see the math on this. I've had thoughts around this, but not as well laid out as you have.


94/6 btc/eth


I'm also curious about adding more ETH, just sold my VET bags and want to put it all into ETH however we've had a huge run up recently an are at ATH


AI, Thoughts on timing for rebalancing your portfolio to reduce risk with eth? What’s your decision process/indication for the best time to move from eth to btc? Love to the spreadsheet for that one.


I'm about 60% ETH, 30% btc and 10% link


% Cost Base ADA 5.67% BNB 0.82% BTC 63.11% DOT 3.75% ETH 23.09% LINK 3.55% % Current Cost ADA 7.28% BNB 1.03% BTC 56.58% DOT 4.41% ETH 26.67% LINK 4.03% And for anyone interested, I started in Jan and this how its going so far. I was surprised at BNB. % Profit in Play ADA 62.65% BNB 59.50% BTC 13.54% DOT 48.66% ETH 46.28% LINK 43.80%


btc 75.87% eth 20.55% etc 3.58%


BTC = 75.5% ETH = 22.5 % ALTS = 2%


BTC = 91% Eth = 2.4% Algo = 3% (that has delivered massive returns; only put a wee bit in!) Dot/LTC/ADA/XLM - remainder


Last night's volatility was interesting. Was able to make some decent moves. Moved out of some ETH in to BTC, but then AAVE took a huge dive. Swapped that BTC in to AAVE. It made a great recovery this morning.