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Hello all,

This week I am going to be releasing the candidate version of Scene 5, which is roughly 27 seconds of new polished animation. I plan on posting Scene 5 for patrons on Friday the 28th, as well as posting the Scene 2 candidate onto the public trello board on May 4th.

As of now, I have been working on polishing Scene 6 as much as my motivation allows me to. Currently, three out of the five shots for the scene have been polished -- and with the time I may have for next month, I plan on dropping both Scene 6 and Scene 7 candidates as rewards for May 2023.

We are very close to the completion of the first polish pass for the entire project. Once that's complete, most attention will be towards the environment, VFX and lighting.

I am still disappointed in my lack of new content this past while, but because of my IRL workload the amount of personal free time I get nowadays is something out of my control. But if it still means anything at this point, I sincerely appreciate everyone's patience while this project takes its time.

See you soon,



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