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A surprise done by https://twitter.com/LuigiTheDuckN64. Their lioness Vittoria against Nora "Potbelly" Rayes, the surprisingly popular bbw pig from Titboxer In Training. They asked on another discord chat for BBW fighters so I tossed them a few and Nora stuck. We brainstormed how it would go for a few and then I wrote the little narration to go with it. Just Nora doing her usual strategy: taking her time and taking a beating until her opponent tires out and then using her energy reserves to crush them from then on.

What an incredible turn this match has taken! Vittoria started this match in complete control of her opponent! Nora “Potbelly” Mayes looked like she was completely out of her league as the lioness slammed her around the mats, mounting and milking her at every position she could think of. Now it looks like she was playing right into Nora’s hands! The heavyweight rookie has taken a lot more punishment than Vittoria was expecting and now the powerful pig has sprung her trap! Being forced to lift and move her heavier opponent has exhausted Vittoria and made her easy pickings for the meaty Nora! It’s hard to believe that Vittoria had such a crushing lead in points before Nora turned the tide. She’s powerless to stop the pig as she grinds the leaking lioness into the mats. Nora’s bodyweight gets put to good use as she shows off for the cameras, flaunting that she has energy reserves to spare while her opponent is trapped underneath her. It’s clearly getting to Vittoria as Nora’s just racking up the orgasms now. Her confidence from the first half of the fight is long gone as her eyes roll back and she sucks on her opponent’s breast, lost in her out of control lust.

AND THERE’S ANOTHER! Nora’s fat hips grind another squirting orgasm out of the more muscular Vittoria! The pinned lioness looks like she’s barely able to remain conscious as Nora racks up another point. Potbelly’s keeping up her pace and showing no signs of slowing down. Vittoria drools cum and milk onto the mats as Nora drags herself into position for another assault on the proud lion’s pussy.



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