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REAL active few days! Most of it not even related to taking a day off work. But another chapter of a closet goblin dominatrix, a retired adventurer, and their formerly mob-owned bloodsport turned staged wrestling pit. A tiefling general shows up with a kink for losing after winning countless duels and battles. I remember some old quote about every dom just looking for someone who can dom them harder. I can see that in the fight fandom, but don't always subscribe to that.

When Gale had been given ownership of The Bloody Barbarian, she’d accepted it without knowing what else to do with it. One thing had led to another and now it was a steady business. It wasn’t as lucrative as adventuring, but it came with far less risks and costs so it evened out besides getting used to sitting still for so long. The aches of their practice and staged fights at least gave the elf something to assure her that she was doing real work out there. She hadn’t even considered the fact that she was content to settle into this life and leave her adventuring days behind her.

A startling reminder came walking through her door one day. She was surprised to recognize anyone that wasn’t just a regular patron, but the tall, red woman with arching horns coming from her head was unmistakable.

When you lived long enough as an adventurer, you knew about Commander Korrid Skar. She wasn’t the biggest woman but she had scars and muscles that spoke of her storied life. Pinkish gashes marked her chest, arms and face most notably, and she dressed in patchwork armor of leather and steel over much of her apple red skin. Darker red hair was kept short and slick, and she wore a longsword at her hip notched with many mismatched patterns. An arrow-tipped tail wove around behind her solid frame.

Tieflings were uncommon creatures, given their (usually sparse) demonic heritage, but there was no mistaking Skar. Gale had been approached by her to join her mercenary forces, as apparently most notable adventurers had,. Gale had decided she wanted to keep things simple by fighting smaller threats herself rather than join a whole squadron.

“Afternoon! You must be the owner, eh?”

“One of them,” Gale said with a reserved nod, setting down her paperwork. Skar replied with a wink of her eye that had a scar going from eyebrow to cheekbone, just missing the eye itself.

“Well you know me, I’m sure. And you know my business.”

“Taking down dragons, devils and behemoths, with the occasional kingdom for the right price,” Gale noted dryly. “What’s that to do with us?”

The warlord sniffed and picked her ear with the casual carelessness of a woman powerful enough to bypass manners. The word was that she had enough skilled warriors and wizards that if the whole realm broke into civil war, Skar would be on equal footing or better with any royal army.

“Well that’s my problem, really. I’ve been in more battles than I remember, and I’ve got the scars to show for it. But you know what I’ve never tasted?”

“The pretzel bites at the bar?” Gale asked without cracking a smile in her continued veil of caution.

Skar laughed anyway. “Oh, nah! I tried them the other night when one of the boys brought a doggie bag in. What I’ve never tasted
 is defeat.”

“Well we don’t have actual fights here, commander. We stage them.”

“Good enough for me,” the tiefling quickly agreed.

“Stack the deck however you want if you want to be sure. But I want to know what it feels like to be truly bested and conquered. This seems like the best way to do it without someone who wants to poison a blade and make sure I don’t get back up. I’m getting old and reckless, but I’m smart enough to tell that won’t serve me well in the long run. I’m looking for someone to make me humble, if just for a night.”

Gale saw an earnestness in Skar’s ice blue eyes. She didn’t look old, but it was hard to tell with some races like elves and tieflings. Regardless of her age, she had clearly experienced more than most on the battlefield.

“So you seriously want us to beat and humiliate you? Really do a number on you?”

“I know an enchantment that would shuffle up my features and stifle any rumors about it being the real me. Other than that, do a number on me. I can take your worst and then some.”

“Perfect. Hey, Kash!” Gale shouted back into her office. The goblin stuck her head out the door.

“Yea?” she asked before freezing, eying up the battle-worn tiefling, and looking back at Gale.

“You got any goblin friends with a nasty side like you? Our friend here would like a public beatdown.”

Kash adjusted her spectacles that she only wore outside of the ring.

“Honestly? I think most goblins have a ‘nasty side.’ I’m sure I can find a few.”


“Now we have a very special guest with us tonight! For one night only, the fighting champion from a far off kingdom, please welcome Commissar Korry Star!”

Korry emerged with her features all mildly adjusted by her shallow illusion spell. A smaller nose, her horns slightly further apart, her hair a very different shade of red, relocated and duller scars that almost looked painted on
 she looked like a self-parody or an Elfis impersonator of herself. The audience laughed and applauded, easily convinced that one of the world’s greatest warlords wouldn’t stoop to the locally popular fight pit. Just like a dwarven noble wouldn’t stoop to fighting for them either

Kash paraded around, speaking into her amplifying wand of a microphone. She wore her pink corset that boosted up the shortstack’s boobs and paraded around on a pair of high heeled thigh-high boots.

“Now she came to us asking to fight our best. Our meanest, our nastiest fighter we had! She was that confident, the loudmouthed piece of Hell shite! So you know what that means, don’t you, fightpigs?”

Kash threw up her hands with a wicked grin.

“She’s facing ME! Mistress Kash, the owner of this whole collection of sluts and sex slaves! Won’t you all love me breaking in this new piece of meat for your entertainment!?”

The audience chanted her name while a handful booed.

“And since I’M the boss around here, I make the rules. And that means
 no rules. You ready for that, you red hot cunt!?”

“Bring it on, squirt. I’m not afraid of OHH!”

Another curvy goblin with two huge, blue twintails, high heels and a skimpy bikini suddenly leapt over the barrier and suckerpunched Korrid in the crotch in mid-sentence. The metallic clank of her blow made it clear that the leather glove lined with plates of metal on the knuckles was a very effective foreign object. Two more goblins piled in after her to gang up on the tiefling at Kash’s signal. Kash had little luck with actual friends, so she’d resorted to finding a few of the down on their luck hookers down on Crooker’s Lane to help her out. They knew it was all fake, but Korrid was tough enough that she could handle the curvy runts botching the occasional move.

“Oh did I not mention? I brought some sisters along. I decided that family’s allowed to get involved when you challenge the boss.”

Skar had barely gotten to her knees when the trio of goblins dogpiled her. Two pounced right on her, pulling her hair and horns as they tackled her bodily. A third straggled a few steps behind, just to jump into an elbow drop onto her back. It wouldn’t have taken Skar out, but she still yelled in surprise as the childish amount of weight slammed onto her spine. The other shorties started stomping away at the downed tiefling, and the jabbing pains made it clear that they were perfectly capable of moving around in their pointed heels.

“Get fucked, ya stuck up skank!” one of the girls with a head of big curly pink hair snapped at her.

She spat on the red woman’s face for good measure. The shocking insult would have gotten a proper opponent’s knees broken, but it was exactly what Korrid had ordered.

“Now now. Shanky. Stietta. Backie. Go easy on her,” Kash urged them in a bemused tone.

She stepped up and threw a kick upside Korrid’s chin. Her head snapped back and her eyes went glassy before she dropped back to the dust.

“We gotta make this one last! Make an example outta anybody who comes challenging the boss!”

Kash reached down the front of her corset, pulling out a vial with a noxious green liquid inside. She uncorked it and showed it off to the audience to boast about her foul play before she pulled on one of Korrid’s horns. The other goblins piled onto her arms, holding them behind her back so Kash could force the poison into her throat. Korrid coughed as it slid down her throat.  It was little more than a stronger type of over the counter painkiller, but it came with a side effect of weakness and lightheadedness. It was enough to make Skar give in to the potion between her surprise and willingness to submit to the goblins. She groaned and shuddered, enjoying the numbing feeling from her mild but rapid movements.

“I normally don’t let my sluts sneak drinks during matches, but for you I’ll make an exception. Make sure that drink’s kicking in, would ya girls?”

Kash forced the listless tiefling up to her knees. Korrid winced as her dense muscles tingled from the forced movement, emphasizing her weakness in the moment. She could barely hold herself up while kneeling, so she was defenseless when one of the goblin hookers socked her across the face. The hard little fist caught her in the cheek and sent the warrior queen’s spittle flying from her face. She grunted as the muscle relaxers weren’t potent enough to numb her from the beating. She reeled away from the blow, just to get a sharp uppercut to the chin. Her fangs clacked together as she reeled back, just to get grabbed by the hair. The third goblin pulled her head down and bashed her face into her knee hard enough to get a trickle of blood trailing out. Korrid had taken far worse from far bigger opponents, but the fact that she was being torn apart by the shortstacks in front of the audience just made it more devastating and arousing. She could feel her ego breaking down already.

“This’ what we do ta cheapskates, ya overgrown bitch!” Stilleta, the one with the blue hair and brass glove, snapped at her.

“Yea! Stiffin’ us on your tab and callin’ us shit backstage! Who you think you are!?” Shanky with the pink curls added as they juggled Skar’s body between their fists.

The third new hire, the one Kash called Backie with a bad blonde dye job that gave her a lemony green shade, grabbed the back of Korrid’s armor. She yanked on the straps, pulling the loose buckles off with ease so she could tear the armor off of her. The proud warrior was left topless in front of the crowd that cheered in approval.

“Let’s see how you like gettin’ treated like trash and tossed away!” she hissed as she grabbed Korrid’s hair.

The runts were clearly taking out their frustrations on the tiefling, which worked just fine for her if it meant they went all out on her. Goblins were too small to hit that hard, especially with the untrained street walkers, so they knew where to hit to sting and stun an opponent rather than get into a real fight. Their fists and feet kept finding her sweet spots, mixing with the numbing toxin to really mess with her senses. It made it even easier for her to adore her beating.

The two goblins ahead of her latched their mouths onto her exposed tits, their needly little fangs jabbing her nipples. Korrid screamed as they twisted their heads like vicious dogs, dragging her to the arena floor.

“Leave it to goblins to know how to use their mouths, eh, boys?” Kash teased, winking at the crowd at the violent innuendo.

The lead goblin stomped her heel down on Korrid’s hand, leaving her unable to pick a single pain to focus on long enough to stop it. She shrieked and thrashed, but Backie stood over her and dropped her plump green ass right on her face. Korrid writhed and moaned with the tiny prostitute only rising now and then to let her gasp for air and scream for the crowd. Kash sat down beside her, grabbing her arm and pulling it back between her stubby legs. Korrid’s hand rested between the goblin’s breasts as she wrenched it back in an arm bar, digging the spike of her high heeled boot into Korrid’s tender underarm.

“Now that she’s all loosened up, let’s help her with her stretches, girls! I’m sure the audience will love the view on my new furniture
 I mean challenger!” Kash cackled.

The goblins went to town on her, tearing off the rest of Korrid’s armor. She was left naked and battered before the crowd as they started grabbing and stretching out her limbs. They’d bend her legs back behind her head or rip them into a split, straining her tenderized muscles while showing off her pussy to the crowd. They put her through a variety of mocking and painful poses before Shanky produced a length of chain. She lashed it around Korrid’s neck like a makeshift leash, looping it into place and pulling tight. Korrid was dragged out of her latest hold (two goblins on her back yanking her legs and neck up above her), pulled out from beneath the pinning goblin girls. The already lightheaded demonic fighter gagged and clawed at the choke chain as she stumbled after it, struggling to stay on all fours.

“Hey, line up! This slut’s givin’ it away for free!” Shanky announced.

“You heard her, girls! This brimstone bitch is on me~!” Kash announced.

Shanky led the tiefling up to Kash, who grabbed her by the horns. She gave them a hard yank as she pulled aside the crotch of her corset, forcing her to stuff her nose and tongue into her pussy. Korrid’s chain was barely loosened to let her breathe through the act, though her precious air came tainted by the musk of her mistress’ crotch. She choked down her pussy juices as her hanging red tits clapped together beneath her chest. Shanky gave her various verbal and physical jabs, kicking her broken pet while she was down and her mouth busy. Kash’s forced guiding of her tongue and her choking efforts made the mistress quickly squirt over her face, spraying her with a pungent load of goblin cum. She had barely coughed and drooled it from her mouth when Kash jumped on her back. She rode her like a pony, squeezing her ribs with her thighs and jabbing her heels into Korrid’s breasts like a sadistic set of spurs.

“Keep goin’, you little hell whore! I don’t leave my customers unsatisfied!” she demanded.

Korrid mewled and weakly crawled over to the others, forced to eat the other three goblins out. Stiletta made a point of turning around, sticking out her wide, plump booty and forcing the tiefling to clean out her asshole. They were even fouler tasting than Kash, and they seemed to noisily appreciate the extra attention on their overused holes. She tongued deep up the green ass cheeks until Stiletta gushed down her thighs and into the sand like the rest.

“UGHHH! Gods
 please, stop. I yield!” Korrid finally wailed miserably.

“Too bad! You fuck with the owner, you aren’t done til we say you’re done! Wait right here!”

Kash went off to a corner of the arena and pulled out a set of shackles she’d buried in the sand. The audience piped up in excitement as she latched the chain onto a corner of the ring and clasped them onto Korrid’s wrists. She was truly defenseless as she was left on her knees, her dazed face staring witlessly at the crowd. The goblins attacked her lower half, pulling on her tail and roughly feeling up her hips.

“Let’s see if this mouthy bitch’s scrawny ass can get any redder!” Backie shouted as she smacked it rapidly.

Shanky jumped on Torrid’s back, facing and grabbing her ass cheeks. She dug her nails into the soft flesh and pulled them apart, exposing her asshole to the crowd before Stiletta stomped her high heel up it. Korrid howled at the invasive intrusion that made her back arch, pushing her tits out towards the thrilled crowd. Kash stepped up beside her, caressing the agonizing demoness like a proud owner of a well-trained horse.

“That’s a good girl. Learnin’ your place as a brainless piece of eye candy right on schedule,” Kash mused.

She reached under Kash’s hips and gouged her nails into Korrid’s pussy. The tiefling warlord howled in primal pain as the numbness, arousal and intimate pain all mixed together. Kasha’s probing little fingers didn’t have to be strong to make her clit sting like hell between her fingernails.

“THIS is why you don’t fuck with me. And THIS is why ya pay your workin’ gobs right, or they show up and pull THIS shit when you least expect it.”

“YEA!” the trio agreed happily.

“So just to top things off
 let’s run a train on ‘er, girls!” Kash called.

She kicked one of Korrid’s legs out from under her, twisting her around to land with her back to the barrier. Her arms hung over her head on the shackles as her weakened legs splayed out in front of her. She moaned as her head lolled to one shoulder, slumping low to lay her lower half on the ground. The goblins lined up in front of her with Kash leading by example, running at Korrid and leaping up before stomping her heels down on the tiefling’s clit. The tiefling bucked up as her boot went deep enough to be buried up to the ankle. She withdrew it coated in Korrid’s wetness as she shuddered violently beneath her. Kash backed off and as soon as there was room, Shanky came rushing in and went into a flying stomp of her own.

The goblins went on with their gleeful cunt-crushing twice over apiece when Korrid finally broke. She never stopped screaming and thrashing until her libido won out over her willpower. She spasmed and broke into a babbling fit as she came her brains out, humping Shanky’s heel that nearly impaled her clit. Her numb muscles twitched all over as she bucked hard enough to throw the goblin back out of her. The pink-haired hooker went tumbling to the dust, flinching as Korrid’s hot cum sprayed over her barely dressed body. Korrid gushed herself empty until she fell ragged on the ground dangling from the chains.

“So much for the bigshot warrior! Looks like she’s better off as a living trampoline,” Kash cackled.

She wiped off her cum-stained shoe on Korrid’s listless face as she threw up her hands in triumph. She grabbed hold of the binding chains and pulled her up.

“Alright! Well I’m gonna bury a strapon into every hole on this dirty red twat, and maybe drill a few more into her while I’m at it. So have a round of drinks on me, ya pervs, cuz she’ll be drinkin’ way worse than that tonight!”


“Oh my FLAMING gods! That was perfect! Everything I was looking for!” Korrid ranted to the staff backstage, grinning from ear to ear.

Kash and the rest of the goblins sat around them having coffee. Korrid sat back in her chair dressed in a comfortable robe and smoking a highstick.

“I haven’t cum like that in fuckin’ years. Even better than banging a guy who thought he was dying tomorrow.”

“Glad you liked it. You more than paid for it with the income tonight,” Gale assured her.

“You ever feel like putting on another, you let us know.”

“If my jobs take me around, could be,” the tiefling shrugged before looking over at the trio of hired hookers.

“Hey! Speaking of, if you three are willin’ to travel for work, I could use a few concubines to beat the everloving shit out of me once in a while!”

The goblins perked up at the offer.

“Are you kiddin’?! I was waitin’ for when we could turn the tables again. Felt good to be dishin’ out the rough stuff for once,” Shanky chirped.

The others quickly agreed, nodding rapidly.

 I wasn’t expecting us to play matchmaker to masochists here, but I’ll take that as a bonus,” Gale shrugged.

“And if you ever feel like making a show out of one of your little sessions, we’ve always got room on the roster.”


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