Caption Pic: Angry Wee Scotswoman (Patreon)
"Oh, ya think ye're a right fine stud there, don't ya laddie? Ya arse-lickin', cum-suckin', chronic-masturbatin', limp-dicked, no ball-havin', panty-waisted lightweight fruitcake! Ah've seen wee schoolgirls with bigger cocks than you and your half-mast, wet noodle, clit-missin', bite-size dicklet of mini-man meat. I got half a mind ta go down the way and see if there's any schoolmarms who'll do me better'n that!
Ye what?! Ye know how I get when I've had a few! I'm right gantin when I'm pissed! Now git yeself back in gear afore I lose me other leg inside yer arse! You go an' find one of them wee twigs of a harpy if'n ye're lookin' for a cuddle like ye mum would give ye. But if'n ye want a lass who'll fuck ye right, then drop ye kilt and stick ye'self back inside this hard-drinkin', hard-limpin', big-eatin', wide-arsed, slut-punching, copper-headed, freckle-teated, cock-garglin', cum-lovin' healthy piece of woman, ya big, beautiful lug, before I come over there and take it m’self.”