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I had a clear enough vision of how this one started, so why not? 3ish Sedna/Titboxer In Training posts within the month. 

I'd set it up at the very end of the last chapter, so felt like leading into it right away. Mostly having Sedna geek out in front of Masha when they meet face to face was too cute not to want to do.


Titboxer training Sedna vs Masha

The next few weeks flew by for Sedna. Between her preparations and keeping in contact with Lonnie and her league (she learned it was called the Oregon Busty Boxer's League, or just the BBL for short), she was plenty distracted from something as unimportant as time. She had a titboxing career to t...



I don't know if the theme of seal predators is intentional, going from megalodon shark to polar bear, but I love it, of course colored by my niche love of jacked Russian Cold War stereotyped female fighters. Masha is such an established fighter in the Hellbridge universe, the possibility of a "seal clubbing" feels appropriate, and I love that Sedna asks for it from her hero. Yet again your awareness of real world issues like arctic ice melting threatening polar bears and seals resonates and enhances the theme so much.


Not an intentional theme between them both, but the shark vs seal was definitely a predatory idea from early on. I think they're technically in an alternate far future, hence the animal people, but ice caps felt like probably still an issue to keep an eye on and the best theme to match