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Some nice and quick reward art from https://twitter.com/ARTIODAINLARD. Technically for a story coming up this month, but I think people have been hungry for seeing art of Sedna in a fight for a while.

Lots of great details, and strangely love how big they made Megan's tail. I had a lot of little quirks about her build; things like making her weirdly muscular, making her brown instead of gray, having her face a bit more angular than a usual shark to show she's actually a megalodon. I'm still a little unsure on the difference in this setting besides meaning she basically HAS to be huge and heavy. But Hellbridge drew dinosaur girls before, and I think some folks would enjoy it.

So expect that story early to middle of this month, depending on how long I end up making it. The google doc is already up on the $3 tier while it' in the works. It should be her biggest fight yet!

“I never did beat Jasmine,” Sedna pointed out to her.

Her coach rolled her eyes. She’d heard a little of what happened from contacting the muscular mouse herself, and the countless injuries Sedna had come back with told her plenty.

“She doesn’t count and you should know it. On the other hand, there’s some underground boxing circles that operate further out west.”

Sedna’s eyes lit up. “Oh! So I can just fight them instead, right?”

Lonnie shrugged. “To be honest, most of them are amateurs. There’s not a lot of official rankings or even a proper circuit. It’s a lot of whoever they can get to show up, and most of them aren’t even up to your skill level. They wouldn’t even be worth the trip. Megan though… Megan’s different.”

The name didn’t strike a chord with Sedna at all. Lonnie pulled up a photo on her laptop and turned it around for the seal to see. She still didn’t recognize her, but much like when she’d fought Bianca, she could immediately identify her as a boxer.

Megan Ladonna was a huge shark woman; a megalodon, technically, she’d learn later on. She was a solid mountain of muscle; fully bald and taller than Sedna and roughly as wide. She was topless with watermelon-sized tits and wide, fat nips, her skin an oaky brown color that paled around her chest and belly. She had a short, thick neck and a long, narrow face that was mostly muzzle, a high, scarred dorsal fin just barely visible past her bulky shoulders. She had a thick set of abs, black and red gloves, a long, fin-tipped tail, and a sharp, vicious grin on her long face. Narrow eyes gleamed with a mocking, flirty look of challenge towards the picture taker.

“That’s Megan Ladonna. Unofficial top of the indie boxing circuit. I didn’t want to bring her up too soon for you, since she’s used to underground fights and doesn’t tend to go easy on her opponents. She’s strong, cutthroat and not afraid to play dirty to win. The word is she’s out here because she’s running from some assault charges from out of state. But I can arrange a match and I only bring her up because I think you can take her now. And I think it’s the perfect opportunity to show them what you can do.”

Sedna nodded, quick to agree with her coach. She’d never steered her wrong and didn’t have any reason to doubt her. The last part of her offer sank in a moment later.

“Wait… when you say ‘show them,’ who’s them exactly?”

Lonnie smirked. “I reached out to some of my contacts back on the mainlands. There’s a place not too far inland that’s going to be recruiting for their titboxing league next month, and if we’ve got footage of you taking on a beast like that, you’d be a shoe-in to get picked up. It’s still the minor leagues, but it pays decent enough that you could make an okay living on it and get some rep for moving into the big time.”

The chubby seal was clearly bursting with excitement. Her big sweet eyes were even bigger than usual as she failed to stifle a squeal. It would mean Sedna would have to move away from home, but she was prepared to run with it. It had always been on the table if she was going to become a globetrotting titboxer. There were the usual continental leagues and titles, but the real stars like Masha Nikolaeva and Marie “The Silicone Slugger” Dupont traveled frequently between promotional work and international bouts.

“I’m so ready! Any tips for me? Know anything about this Megan lady?”

“Not much ladylike about her. She’s a megalodon and she’ll pull any trick she can get away with. Even these random matches have their rules but they run fast and loose. Just be ready for anything and plan on fighting somebody bigger and nastier than you.”




Woah, you're getting art from my man Artio now? Awesome! Love to see his stuff!