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Longtime list I've been working on. Not related to the Pokegirl Adventures I've written, I just wrote a bunch of entries for original pokemon girls. Kind of like when I write up a roster and leave a lot of hints of stories and ideas. 

Welcome to the world of Pokegirls!

While humanoid in appearance, pokegirls are a strange and even supernatural species found in nature. They come in wide varieties, but are almost universally female. Many rely on humans or other species to mate, creating a symbiotic nature with mankind.

They are commonly caught and trained by humans in pokeballs, used as companions or trained to battle in teams for sport. When humans around the land come of age, they tend to travel the world catching, training, bonding with, and discovering new pokegirls.

Feel free to use this Pokegirldex to help you plan your adventures and teams, and be sure to add your own entries to the national Pokegirldex should you find others! Happy travels, trainers.

Types: most pokegirls can be categorized under one or two Types, which describe the theme of their powers and how well they get along with or combat other pokegirls.

Goth, Thicc, Amazon, Wrestling, Bimbo, Milf, Soft, Dom, Glasses, Oral, Demon, Monster, Pure, Legs, Corruption, Beast, Creepy, Magic, Thot



The imp Pokegirl

Demon type.

Appearance: a small, skinny pink humanoid with fangs and wide hips. Floats around on bat wings and wields a short pitchfork. Wears tattered rags for a top and loincloth.

Environment: dark spaces like caves or alleys

Disposition: prankster

Base Moves: Prod, Tease, Prank, Chomp

Evolution: evolves into Succubulent by leveling up. Evolves into Incubabe when exposed to a Gender Stone.

Data Entry: always confident despite its small size, knowing it can fly and flee from its victims. It seems to enjoy the suffering of others and feeds off their annoyance. Despite its hellish and annoying nature, ignoring it long enough will cause it to grow more desperate before finally leaving its victim alone. Wickedicks will even resort to begging or making wild promises to get attention before this happens.


The seduction Pokegirl

Demon Type

Appearance: a dark red humanoid, its bat wings and horns grown larger and more impressive. Highly curvy around its hips and chest. Wears spiked black leather.

Environment: dark spaces, highly magical areas

Disposition: seductive, confident

Base Moves: Flirt, Flame, Haunt, Prod

Evolution: evolves from Wickedick

Data Entry: having abandoned its awkwardness, Succubulent is infamous for its cunning and pride. She manipulates lovers and opponents alike to get what she wishes. Trainers who fail to catch her may be bound to serve in her hellish harem.


The seduction Pokegirl

Demon/Magic Type

Appearance: a dark purple humanoid with slim, femboy build. They possess a rarely seen penis, forming a notable bulge in their skintight leather armor bikini.

Environment: magical areas, downtown urban areas

Disposition: flirty, teasing, submissive and breedable

Base Moves: Ram, Squeeze, Flirt, Prod

Evolution: evolves from Wickedick

Data Entry: a rare evolution of Wickedick that are formed in certain rocky areas. Their former companions either drive an Incubabe from their home or keep it closely guarded for mating purposes. While they act defiant and huffy, they quickly yield to those willing to intimidate it into its place.


The stalker Pokegirl

Creepy/Dom Type

Appearance: a pokegirl with long, greasy hair, dark skin, and red eyes. It stands 8 feet tall and wears an ancient, torn, but strangely clean dress.

Environment: Seclusion Cave

Disposition: clingy, obsessive

Base Moves: Snatch, Sneak, Capture, Vengeance

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a legendarily rare pokegirl. Few have reported back on it, suggesting it slays or abducts any humans it encounters. Its eyes and body seem to turn to always look at anything moving within line of sight. Its rarity and life in empty areas means it either prefers being alone or that it destroys all others it encounters.


The tongue Pokegirl

Oral type

Appearance: a blue, chubby biped with a tongue that reaches its chest. Often travels on all fours. Commonly seen in just panties and a shirt.

Environment: any

Disposition: submissive and curious

Base Moves: Slurp, Suck, Tongue Slap, Drool

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a pokegirl with a phenomenally strong sense of taste. It can detect prey from several yards away with only its sense of taste. As it becomes more intimate with another creature, it will use its long tongue to gradually acquire their taste from all over their body.


Pony Pokegirl

Bimbo/Beast Type

Appearance: a bubbly humanoid with glittery blonde hair with hooves for feet.

Environment: open fields, shopping malls (closed or active)

Disposition: blissful, cheerful

Base Moves: Charm, Squeeze,Glitter, Stomp

Evolution: evolves into Bimbash by leveling up.

Data Entry: a speedy specimen with an obsession with shopping. Its forgetful nature leads to it often forgetting to pay and flees with whatever it grabbed in search of the next. It commonly bumps into humans without even realizing it.


Pony Pokegirl

Bimbo/Beast Type

Appearance: similar to Bimboni with much bigger and wilder hair, a tougher look, and lightly torn clothes.

Environment: office areas, wealthy areas

Disposition: acts tough but has a softer side

Base Moves: Stomp, Clop, Dash, Glamor

Evolution: evolves from Bimboni from leveling

Data Entry: growing as strong as she is fast from carrying so many shopping bags. Known as a rampaging shopper, she can gather her favorite goods and leave before the owner knows she’s there. Her constant travel and browsing leaves her wild enough that she has little time to actually change into the things she bought.


Booty Pokegirl

Thicc/Bimbo Type

Appearance: a round and curvy catgirl with a particularly wide and juicy ass in tight leggings

Environment: woods, clubs

Disposition: flirty and constantly showing off

Base Moves: Bounce, Butt Bump, Jiggle, Crush

Evolution: none

Data Entry: any weight it gains goes to its hips first. Larger figures are seen as signs of fertility and strength among their kind. They audibly mark their territory with a distinct clapping noise created by bouncing their cheeks together.


Lipstick Pokegirl

Oral/Beast Type

Appearance: a pouty-lipped humanoid in a feathered boa and tight, revealing dress. Has colorful shades of blue wings.

Environment: open-air alleys

Disposition: mouthy, orally fixated

Base Moves: Pecker, Suction, Dive, Flap

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a creature with incredibly strong and sensitive lips. They can detect the presence of other creatures and their moods when they are nearby, making them experts at detecting their master’s needs. When they’re especially attached, they will attempt to latch onto a human’s genitals to fully grasp their desires.


Bottomheavy Pokegirl

Thicc/Pure Type

Appearance: tan, long-haired woman with a short skirt, ass sticking out beneath it

Environment: fields and forests

Disposition: territorial and physical

Base Moves: Charm, Soothe, Rest, Smokescreen

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a naive and bubbly pokegirl. They flaunt their large asses in various ways, shaking them in a complex and subtle language. The direction and pacing of their jiggling can represent them marking their territory, demanding attention or even threatening other creatures. They will often sit on other pokegirls or trainers to try and establish dominance and ownership.


Barbarian Pokegirl

Amazon Type

Appearance: muscular woman in several scraps of animal hides and a sharply studded bra

Environment: jungles, mountains

Disposition: overly assertive

Base Moves: Bash, Lift, Flex, Pin

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a pokegirl that is wild and energetic. Even once captured, it can be difficult to control their enthusiasm for battle and indulgence. Especially intense outbursts will lead to them rampaging through a mountainside where they eat, fight and hump anything they can find.


The Orgasmic Pokegirl

Creepy Type

Appearance: a wide-eyed, purple ghost girl that drools over her big boobs

Environment: bedrooms

Disposition: handsy, easily excited

Base Moves: Drool, Stun, Ambush, Haunt

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a ghostly pokegirl who is highly sensitive to the energies of others. She has powerful reactions, easily shocked, aroused or surprised. She can harness and unleash these energies on enemies, attacking them with psychic force or altering their minds with the subtler waves.


The Thief Pokegirl

Corruption/Thot Type

Appearance: short, wiry, always with an impish grin. Short, wild purple hair

Environment: bars, clubs

Disposition: flirty mischief maker

Base Moves: Snatch, Taunt, Jiggle, Copy

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a flirty and pushy creature. Cukwee likes little more than to take from others and flaunt what they have, to where even mating becomes competitive with their partner. Cukwee may cooperate to tame or defeat other pokegirls, but they will inevitably turn on each other when infighting begins anew.


The Legendary  Pokegirl

Monster/Soft Type

Appearance: a towering, silvery blue woman with a dragon tail and wings. Commonly scowling

Environment: Mammary Manor

Disposition: grumpy

Base Moves: Glare, Cold Shoulder, Crush, Taunt

Evolution: none

Data Entry: considered one of the most powerful and rarest of pokegirls. Some even worship her majestic form, unable to fully comprehend her complex and often contradictory wishes. It is said that a hero who will fully bare his heart to her will melt her cold exterior and expose a “princess” waiting underneath.


The Mousegirl Pokegirl

Beast Type

Appearance: short and curvy girl with mousey animal ears and tail.

Environment: fields and tunnels

Disposition: giddy but shy

Base Moves: Nibble, Dash, Squeak, Bump

Evolution: evolves into Titarat by leveling

Data Entry: a common pest, especially in cities near fields or forests. Titmouse use their small size and speedy muscles to sneak into hard to reach spots and snatch things for attention. They like to tease, but will quickly cave and return what they have if caught.


The Ratgirl Pokegirl

Beast Type

Appearance: a punky mousegirl in a tattered dress with studded leather bracelets

Environment: Tita Tunnel

Disposition: sassy, crass

Base Moves: Nibble, Bump, Smother, Glare

Evolution: evolves from Titmouse. Evolves into Tittynope by leveling

Data Entry: tougher and more organized than a Titmouse, Titarats are much quicker to fight or steal bigger targets. They use their studded bracelets to mark their status while using them to block and punch harder and harder. It is said that every year or so, they will all gather for a huge battle to determine their local queen.


The Rat Queen Pokegirl

Beast Type

Appearance: a stern mousegirl with a crown and thick hourglass figure

Environment: caves and tunnels

Disposition: foul but pretentious and regal

Base Moves: Bump, Block, Smother, Glare

Evolution: evolves from Titarat

Data Entry: a more mature and stern mousegirl, Titarats and Titmouse will always yield to her will. They can even use their piercing stare and commanding presence to intimidate other pokegirls into fleeing. Trainers must either outperform this air of authority or cater her regal needs to earn her respect.


The Mermaid Pokegirl

Monster/Creepy Type

Appearance: a cheerful grayish blue mermaid covered in slime and mud

Environment: muddy areas and swamps

Disposition: cheery, slightly spacey

Base Moves: Splatter, Mud Wrestle, Dunk, Lubricate

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a type of mermaid that dwells in landlocked bodies of water. They cover themselves in mud and water so they can travel on dry land without suffering any harm. Their slipperier nature makes them playful and difficult to target in battles. They enjoy laying out sunbathing before slipping away, giggling at their would-be captors.


The Alluring Pokegirl

Corruption/Glasses Type

Appearance: flirty pink creature with thick curly hair and a pocketwatch as a necklace in her cleavage

Environment: any

Disposition: awkwardly flirty

Base Moves: Suggestion, Staredown, Hypno, Warp

Evolution: evolves into Mesmurmur by leveling

Data Entry: an inexperienced but eager flirt. They are persistent and will escalate their advances, growing less subtle over time. If one does not leave or escape them quickly enough, they will resort to hypnotizing their targets into dating them. It is not uncommon to find a missing human in their presence, safe but stuck following them around.


The Hypnosis Pokegirl

Corruption/Thot Type

Appearance: a mature woman with thick curves, a long black braid, and a large talisman necklace resting on large breasts. eyes are often closed

Environment: any

Disposition: mysterious and charming

Base Moves: Siren Song, Hypno, Warp, Command

Evolution: evolves from Temptrist

Data Entry: having grown far more confident, a Mesmurmur is far more liberal with her hypnotic powers. They frequently enjoy seizing someone’s mind to make them obey their wishes or simply humiliate themselves for her amusement. Their control is temporary but powerful. Some say these spells will sometimes go wrong and turn themselves into a mindless hypno slave.


The Social Pokegirl

Thot Type

Appearance: a chubby blue humanoid always playing with a cellphone. Has a frilly feathery tail

Environment: households with wifi

Disposition: chatty and affectionate

Base Moves: Flash, Taunt, Block, Smack

Evolution: evolves into Camgurl when leveled up at Online Stream

Data Entry: a pokegirl who is a mix of social and reclusive. They crave attention but are quiet by nature, preferring to send texts and other messages to anyone who will take them. Once they gain enough confidence, they will bombard their contact with selfies and nudes.


The online Pokegirl

Thot Type

Appearance: tall, leggy blue woman in a short skirt with a cellphone. Has a large blue tail like a peacock

Environment: households, online

Disposition: showoff, cheery

Base Moves: Flash, Taunt, Banish, Support

Evolution: Evolves from Tweetle. Evolves into Orneryfans

Data Entry: forever fascinated by second-hand contact. Camgurls obsess over cameras, mirrors, paintings and pictures. They will spend many hours preening themselves, and are easily manipulated using compliments and rewards. Plucking one of their feathers will earn their outrage for days.


The Celeb Pokegirl

Thot Type

Appearance: a supermodel figure with blue skin and hair. Grows a peacock tail of many colors

Environment: online, big events

Disposition: entitled but horny, eager to show off

Base Moves: Flash, Block, Rage, Putdown

Evolution: evolves from Camgurl

Data Entry: having stroked her ego and flaunted her image enough to have gained a strong following. She harnesses this into a powerful telekinetic aura, feeding on the adoration of others and wielding it against opponents and haters. When they grow powerful enough, their fame becomes mystical to the point where even those who haven’t heard of her recognize and become jealous of her.


The Shorty Pokegirl

Thot Type

Appearance: 2-3 feet tall, round and curvy. Comes in various colors

Environment: forests

Disposition: constantly hyper and horny

Base Moves: Smother, Low Blow, Tackle, Chomp

Evolution: evolves into Shortplap by leveling

Data Entry: a sneaky little pokegirl, she is hotheaded when it comes to mentioning her size. They quickly learn to compensate, using their low stature to take cheap shots on larger opponents. They tend to strike sexy poses to show off their curves for their size, secretly hoping for a tall partner to help them.


The Shorty Pokegirl

Thot Type

Appearance: 2-4 feet tall, especially bottom-heavy build

Environment: forests

Disposition: playful bully

Base Moves: Squash, Teardown, Low Blow, Bounce

Evolution: evolves from Shortclap

Data Entry: while they don’t grow much taller, their species grows thicker and curvier. It makes them deceptively solid, able to wrestle down far bigger targets. Few things excite them as much as sitting on someone larger for them, making them feel taller and superior to those around them.


The Stomping Pokegirl

Legs/Dom Type

Appearance: a leggy young woman in high heels. Blonde hair, wears a very short skirt and thong

Environment: malls, online

Disposition: moody, elitist

Base Moves: Crush, Low Blow, Dash, Leap

Evolution: evolves into Stompower

Data Entry: Hiheals are spoiled by their parents from an early age. They become highly entitled, expecting the same treatment and for others to remain beneath them. They are quick to kick, stomp or otherwise bully those they decide aren’t paying them proper respect or attention. They use these powerful legs to fight opponents in battle.


The Stomping Pokegirl

Legs/Dom Type

Appearance: a taller, thicker version of Hiheal in black leather dominatrix outfit with bare feet

Environment: online, dungeons

Disposition: cold, demeaning

Base Moves: Crush, Insult, Conquer, Smother

Evolution: evolves from Hiheal

Data Entry: they wear a specialized corset that increases their weight through unique gravity fields. Stompowers can stomp craters into the ground by properly harnessing its power. They take great care in maintaining their bodies, and will treat humans it cares for by allowing them to worship and tend to their feet.


The Mentor Pokegirl

Milf/Magic Type

Appearance: a tall and very busty woman in a silky green dress and small pointed hat on big black hair

Environment: swamps, castles

Disposition: calm, calculating

Base Moves: Curse, Flame, Soak, Protect

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a master of magic, some say that Milwich are never seen before they’ve practiced for a hundred years. They are powerful but unused to social situations. One can often convince them not to attack by throwing them off with flattery or especially harsh words.


The Banjo Pokegirl

Bimbo Type

Appearance: a messy, long and shaggy-haired woman in overalls and a stray hat. They carry a banjo

Environment: swamps, humid areas

Disposition: jolly, dopey

Base Moves: Pluck, Racket, Mud Wrestle, Kabong

Evolution: evolves into Juggyband

Data Entry: a simple-minded but strong pokegirl. She enjoys playing music on her banjo, entertaining herself and others at any opportunity. While dopey by nature, they have a talent for performing and aim to please others. They seek other pokegirls who recognize and can play along with their tune.


The Band Pokegirl

Bimbo/Thot Type

Appearance: three cartoonish hillbilly girls led by Bimbanjo to form a jugband

Environment: swamps, abandoned stages

Disposition: rowdy, playful

Base Moves: Gang Bang, Racket, Mud Hole, Hoedown

Evolution: evolves from Bimbanjo when carrying the washboard and jug

Data Entry: a team of Bimbanjos who find harmony with each other. They’ll never leave each other’s sides, teaming up to play lively music or to pile on enemies together. They will even share lovers, cycling between them or joining all at once. The nearly psychic connection between them makes the league recognize them as one pokegirl.


The Rookie Wrestler Pokegirl

Wrestling Type

Appearance: a slim woman in a pink leotard and wrestling mask.

Environment: locker rooms, gyms

Disposition: anxious, determined

Base Moves: Grab, Slam, Dropkick, Botch

Evolution: evolves into Luchit

Data Entry: a strong but very clumsy fighter. Their inexperience makes them almost as likely to hurt themselves as their opponent, but they can rapidly learn with their trainer’s help. Many find their inexperienced attempts at attacks more cute than dangerous when acting as sparring partners.


The Masked Wrestler Pokegirl

Wrestling Type

Appearance: a tall, muscled woman with tanlines, red and pink leotard and lucha mask. Bandages wrap her wrists.

Environment:  locker rooms, gyms

Disposition: focused, aggressive

Base Moves: Lift, Slam, Grab, Submission

Evolution: evolves from Luchit. evolves into Champit

Data Entry: a brash and competitive pokegirl. Shedding their shy side, they attempt to overcome it with raw confidence and power. This makes them similarly prone to accidents, but with much more success in battle. They quickly bond with any trainer who catches them, considering them to be like their manager.


The Champion Pokegirl

Wrestling Type

Appearance: a tall, buff woman with a lucha mask and a very long ponytail. Wears a black and red leotard and boots with kneepads and a title belt.

Environment: rings

Disposition: confident, challenging

Base Moves: Flash, Flare, Low Blow, Hurl

Evolution: evolves into Luchit

Data Entry: a very cool and confident figure, Champits consider themselves the strongest and most dangerous opponent. They allow few to grow close to them besides their trainer, who they think they share this title with. Any who mistake their pads for protection quickly find them to be used to amplify their blows rather than shield them.


The Angsty Pokegirl

Goth Type

Appearance: skinny girl with dark, baggy clothes and black hair over her eyes

Environment: malls, dark rooms

Disposition: quiet, gloomy, dismissive

Base Moves: Curse, Glare, Haunt, Charm

Evolution: evolves into Emodar

Data Entry: a pokegirl exposed to a magical darkness. They harness it somewhere in their hearts, drawing on its power for weak magical effects. While this has no effect or threat to them, they tend to be melodramatic about this tradition and exaggerate it to sound cooler.


The Emo Pokegirl

Goth Type

Appearance: pale, tall goth girl. Black and purple hair over one eye, lots of spikes and striped socks.

Environment: malls, dark rooms

Disposition: grumpy, dismissive

Base Moves: Curse, Glare, Lurk, Suckerpunch

Evolution: Evolves from Grimdar. Evolves into Empredar

Data Entry: maturing along with their dark powers, Emodars expand their sense for magic as they expose their eyes. While slightly more social, they tend to be harsh and cold by nature. Even friendly ones tend to use threats, insults and cursing liberally.


The Big Titty Goth GF Pokegirl

Goth/Magic Type

Appearance: toweringly tall and busty. Black and white hair, wears a long silky black dress. Red eyes exposed.

Environment: malls, dark rooms

Disposition: quiet, intimidating

Base Moves: Shade, Curse, Crush, Void Beam

Evolution: Evolves from Emodar

Data Entry: fully grown and empowered by magic, the gothic pokegirl considers herself a queen of darkness. They mostly use this as an excuse to remain secluded and sulk as they reflect on their immense dark powers. They quietly wish for someone to reach out to them and bond with them, joining their soul and life with theirs.


The Knight Pokegirl

Milf/Pure Type

Appearance: a milfy, soft figure wearing a steel armor bikini. Wields a shield and sword

Environment: castles

Disposition: honorable, proper

Base Moves: Shield, Slice, Charge, Shield Bash

Evolution: evolves into Milfite after it learns Boob armor

Data Entry: a noble pokegirl, it fights fairly and does its best not to draw blood. It prefers to beat its foes into submission or humiliate them by using its blade to slice off their clothes instead. This also makes them easily tricked for their overall goodness, and they tend to maintain a vow of chastity so they can be easily shocked by things of a sexual nature.


The Queenly Pokegirl

Milf/Pure Type

Appearance: tall, wearing a wide-brimmed dress. Huge bosom with a beauty mark (various places on the chest).

Environment: Sky Castle

Disposition: haughty, charming

Base Moves: Command, Slice, Shield, Bless

Evolution: evolves from Cougarmor

Data Entry: a natural leader, Milfite wields great authority among other pokegirls. They are a patient and cunning fighter, and often hides her true weapons and power beneath her gown. For all her power, they can be lonely and will often seek out a strong partner or trainer to share in their rule. As leader figures, they are very sociable and show a great expertise at flirting.


The Mating Pokegirl

Beast Type

Appearance: fluffy deer girl with short antlers and hooves. Long slim limbs, glassy, ditzy eyes

Environment: fields, forests

Disposition: submissive but needy

Base Moves: Pose, Rage, Mark, Horn Strike

Evolution: none

Data Entry: in a state of constant heat, Breeder constantly seek a mate. They may settle for grinding on trees or rocks, marking them with their scent to claim their territory. While no one has seen Breedeer pregnant or giving birth, trainers are expected to catch them to prevent them from overpopulating areas with their large families.


Boxing Pokegirl

Wrestler/Bimbo Type

Appearance: short-haired, tan, lean muscled build. Boxing gloves and trunks

Environment: gyms

Disposition: focused, sporty

Base Moves: Jam, Bash, Combo, Beatdown

Evolution: none

Data Entry: constantly trying to train and better themselves, Booboxes rarely sit still. They will punch at any target they can find harder and harder until it breaks and they move onto another. They will only stop when they are exhausted, resting comfortably against anyone nearby. Supposedly the only other way to make it stop training is with funky music.


The Greed Pokegirl

Thot Type

Appearance: wears skimpy gold panties and top, big blonde hair and heavy makeup

Environment: malls, mansions

Disposition: ditzy, shallow, flirty

Base Moves: Snatch, Scram, Slap, Ambush

Evolution: evolves into Goldsugar

Data Entry: a pokegirl easily tempted by anything shiny, expensive or even gold colored. Not prone to stealing, they will do anything to get more to add to their collection. While not terribly strong, their desperate motivations can make them very vicious competitors.


The Rich Bitch Pokegirl

Thot Type



Disposition: lazy, flirty

Base Moves: Bribe, Ambush, Scam, Flash

Evolution: evolves from Goldig

Data Entry: armed with a nearly bottomless well of wealth, Goldsugar lords her money over others. She casually gives it away to solve her problems or hurls it at enemies to distract them with a pelting cloud of cash. Trainers who raised her from a Goldig quickly find themselves with a new sugar mama as she repays them with her own smothering.


The Librarian Pokegirl

Pure/Glasses Type

Appearance: incredibly tall and lanky with large breasts. Wears thick glasses and very long hair tied into an elaborately dangling bun

Environment: libraries

Disposition: quiet, calm

Base Moves: Shush, Scan, Scold, Smack

Evolution: none

Data Entry: she speaks in a hushed tone for her large size. While very wise, her bookish nature makes Libarge awkward at finding the right words for the moment. Her knowledge is extensive, even read in several forms of wrestling and martial arts. Her mix of knowledge and ineptitude often lead to her reciting anatomy lessons rather than flirting.


The Grinding Pokegirl

Amazon/Wrestling Type

Appearance: sling bikini, bright pink ponytail

Environment: strip clubs

Disposition: sultry, flirty

Base Moves: Shake It, Pin, Grind, Smother

Evolution: evolves into Vibabe when exposed to Vibrating Stone

Data Entry: a pokegirl obsessed with grinding up against others. Comparing bodies appear to be its main interest, sometimes competing but enjoying it no matter how it stacks up to the other pokegirl. When it comes to males, it has nothing to compare to and so will indefinitely grind and lapdance on them until stopped.


The Vibing Pokegirl

Amazon/Wrestling Type

Appearance: taller, thicker, more muscled figure with sling bikini barely covering nipples. Pink twintails

Environment: strip clubs

Disposition: seductive

Base Moves: Pulse, Shockwave, Pin, Smother

Evolution: evolves from Tribabe

Data Entry: so much dancing and grinding has empowered its body. It’s said that its thighs and vagina muscles can crush fruit when it chooses. Its muscles have been honed to vibrate so rapidly that it can create shockwaves of vibration to use on its foes.


The Goblin Pokegirl

Monster/Thicc Type

Appearance: short, round, cartoonishly chubby figure. Green skin and loincloth

Environment: swamps, woods

Disposition: rowdy, hyper

Base Moves: Jab, Low Blow, Chomp, Splash

Evolution: evolves into Goboobie

Data Entry: a lowly but happy go lucky creature. The pokegirl’s thick, rubbery hide can take large amounts of physical damage and still bounce back for more. Its dulled senses make it come to enjoy rough treatment like spanking and squeezing. It enjoys anything messy, from lovemaking to swimming to playing out in the wilds.


The Titty Goblin Pokegirl

Monster/Thicc Type

Appearance: mohawked goblin girl with a loincloth and club. More properly human/shortstack shape.

Environment: swamp, woods

Disposition: rowdy, wild

Base Moves: Jab, Bonk, Smother, Low Blow

Evolution: evolves from Gobounce. Evolves into Goboss

Data Entry: a more warrior-like creature, Goboobies are still simpleminded things. They rush at threats with sheer numbers and brute force, looking to overwhelm them quickly. If they are defeated, they are quick to grovel and beg for mercy by any means necessary.


The Chief Pokegirl

Monster/Thicc Type

Appearance: war-painted goblin girl with huge breasts and a spear. Fully nude

Environment: villages

Disposition: bossy, wild

Base Moves: Bark, Curse, Bolt, Conquer

Evolution: evolves from Goboobie

Data Entry: embracing its natural side, a Goboss sheds her clothing to harness basic wild magic and a warrior spirit. She commands the rest of her tribe with ease. While nowhere nearly as cowardly or stupid as her kin, Gobosses easily overestimate themselves and aim for wildly high or simple goals.


The Nun Pokegirl

Pure/Soft Type

Appearance: chubby woman with huge breasts and hips. Wears a nun’s outfit and a veil over her eyes with big pouty lips

Environment: urban areas

Disposition: pure, easily flustered

Base Moves: Purify, Divine Wind, Heal, Flash

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a creature that pursues purity and goodness in all that they do. Exactly how varies from one to another. Some seek to help others while some seclude themselves in meditation. They often refuse to act in violence or anger, but protect themselves and allies with powerful holy magic. Even exposing more than a small amount of skin is considered very embarrassing for them.


The Mommydom Pokegirl

Dom/Milf Type

Appearance: tall, soft featured woman with big, curly pink hair. Wears leather that she’s a bit too plump to fit into.

Environment: households, clubs

Disposition: sweet and doting but thinks that she’s firm

Base Moves: Soothe, Squeeze, Smother, Soften

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a powerful but protective creature that seeks to shield and shelter all other pokegirls. While powerful, she acts gentle whenever she can to subdue opponents. Her goal appears to be to gather all pokegirls together and to live with them all as her loving family, punishing those who need it until they play nice.


The Oni Pokegirl

Monster/Amazon Type

Appearance: tall, broad, red or blue skin with wild hair and a club. Tiger print bikini

Environment: mountains, caves

Disposition: wild, nearly feral

Base Moves: Trash Toss, Bash, Horn Jab, Grab

Evolution: none

Data Entry: wielding demonic strength, the pokegirl loves to show off her power. They love to eat, drink and compete, and these vices can easily manipulate the otherwise vicious pokegirls. Some have even been fooled into thinking they were captured by a pokeball when they weren’t. While their horns can break and grow back, their thick skulls are unbreakable.


The Dominatrix Pokegirl

Dom Type

Appearance: hourglass figure with high highs, corset, commissar cap and riding crop

Environment: clubs, alleyways

Disposition: fickle, cruel

Base Moves: Whiplash, Glare, Crush, Slap,

Evolution: none

Data Entry: an ambitious pokegirl seeking to reign over all she encounters. She pelts others with confident insults and strikes with her riding crop, assuming they are beneath her. If she is beaten by them, her dominant nature immediately turns submissive and even begins to enjoy yielding to the better opponent.


The Sheep  Pokegirl

Beast/Soft Type

Appearance: golden blond hair, puffs of wool on her body like bracelets and leg warmers. Stubby horns and hooves

Environment: fields

Disposition: timid, laid back

Base Moves: Bump, Rush, Fluff, Stomp

Evolution: evolves into Ramlet

Data Entry: very tame and calm creatures, they are easily used by beginner trainers. They like to gather together and huddle up in fields, cuddling into each other’s warmth and softness. They will quickly learn to do this with their trainers if not prevented. They can be somewhat airheaded, needing to be ordered to fight rather than instinctively like other pokegirls.


The Goat Pokegirl

Beast/Soft Type

Appearance: black and white, fluffy wool around her body like a bikini. Hooved feet, horns on her head.

Environment: fields

Disposition: grumpy

Base Moves: Bash, Stomp, Slam, Smother

Evolution: evolves from Shyeep

Data Entry: a gruff alpha female of the Shyeep, protecting her ditzy and docile kin. While stubborn, that same willfulness can make her a determined opponent in battle. They may act pushy with those they’re fond of, used to pushing around the Shyeep for their own good.


The Hungry Pokegirl

Oral/Thicc Type

Appearance: medium height, chubby stomach. Wears a tight dress that swells and stretches with her body.

Environment: buffets, fertile areas

Disposition: lazy, hungry

Base Moves: Chomp, Grab, Lick, Swallow

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a pokegirl that finds pleasure in anything related to eating. Its insides and mouth stretch to hold anything. It can even hold attacks and even other pokegirls inside its stomach. It has incredibly slow digestion and is never actually hungry, and would rather spit out its victims when it’s done. It is always happy if it has something in its mouth.


The Kickboxing Pokegirl

Legs/Wrestler Type

Appearance: tight shorts and MMA gloves. Very muscled athletic build, short afro

Environment: rings, gyms

Disposition: competitive, aggressive

Base Moves: Low Blow, Grab, Smack, Pounce

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a creative and quick learner, a Kicknocker only cares about anything related to violence and fighting. It refuses to pay attention to anything else, though it can be convinced that unrelated things are forms of training or competing. It is said to only engage in sex or pleasure if convinced that it’s a unique form of wrestling. She has a strong distaste for magic, and practices techniques specifically for countering it.


The Weight Pokegirl

Soft Type

Appearance: a plump and cheerful pokegirl with pink hair and skin with a bare midriff

Environment: bedrooms, digital areas

Disposition: happy, clingy

Base Moves: Growth, Crush, Smother, Soften

Evolution: none

Data Entry: Weightshifters rapidly digest their food, so they have evolved to absorb energy from the air itself. They can accelerate this to inflate or shrink themselves, evading attackers or intimidating them with their bulk. They grow incredibly affectionate with anyone who feeds them regularly.


The Vampire Pokegirl

Monster/Creepy Type

Appearance: a tall but hunched over woman with pale skin and long black hair. Wears a revealing silk dress

Environment: castles, urban areas (night)

Disposition: awkward but affectionate

Base Moves: Nibble, Drain, Suction, Curse

Evolution: none

Data Entry: a pokegirl who is desperate for attention but awkward around others. They prefer to approach from behind before they grab or bite on their target. This is used for both tracking prey and bugging trainers for attention.


The Dork Pokegirl

Glasses/Magic Type

Appearance: a dark-skinned, deceptively thin pokegirl in a wizard hat and robes

Environment: towers, comic shops

Disposition: awkwardly social

Base Moves: Flash, Shock, Curse, Sleep

Evolution: evolves into Magirl

Data Entry: A highly intelligent pokegirl, Wizards bond by sharing information. They will babble about any subject to whoever will listen and grow frustrated with those who try to ignore them. Their magic robes contain many objects, including making their large breasts look smaller.


The Magical girl Pokegirl

Magic Type

Appearance: tall, dark-skinned woman with especially long pigtails and a frilly, skimpy pink skirt

Environment: magical realms

Disposition: supportive, brave

Base Moves: Blast, Warp, Flash, Banish

Evolution: evolves from Magirl with the Suggestive Wand item

Data Entry: unlocking the power of its confidence, a Wiznerd’s magic turns it into this heroic new form. They are rare to find, though it is believed to be because they spread out to protect a larger area. They selflessly help any who ask them in any way they can.


The Style Pokegirl

Bimbo Type

Appearance: dark-skinned girl with bright blonde hair and colorful, heavy makeup. Dresses in animal prints of unnatural colors.

Environment: malls, shops

Disposition: aggressively playful, ditzy

Base Moves: Taunt, Flash, Slap, Smother

Evolution: none

Data Entry: considered to be a jinx by other pokegirls. It seems that spending time around her causes others to go through money quickly. It decorates itself in bright colors and makeup to attempt to attract new friends.


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