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Momazon’s always fun to write and makes a nice quick fix of when I want to finish something. It’s some goofy tribal mom jokes, then immediate, no time to flirt sex. The daughters came up from brainstorming in the chat, and probably will have some chapters of their own but mostly like to focus on the mom. Just like how I write about half-goblins, goblins in wealthy positions and mixed species couples, toying with an immigrant amazon and a girl raised half-amazon is just really interesting. Mostly just wanted to more or less define the daughters with this one.

Tanja was a proud woman, but she was even prouder of her family. She had her husband, of course, and two lovely, powerful daughters. There was little more she could ask for. Tanja still cherished her memories of taking her girls out for their camping trips, living off the land and whatever they could kill with their bare hands and teeth. She had her eldest daughter Launni shortly before she met her husband and bore Ganyi with him, loving them both deeply and equally.

Tanja thumped a fist on the dining room table. A pair of letters were crushed out of shape inside her fist.

“What dishonor is this!?” she boomed at her children.

She slapped the papers down on the table; notes sent from Laumni’s advisor and Ganyi’s principal. It was Tanja’s day off, so she was dressed in a positively massive sweater and some zebra print leggings around her hulking frame.

“It’s not Laumni fault!” the tall and statuesque blonde insisted. Her stiff, amazonian accent still tainted her speech, mostly with her difficulty with pronouns, but it wasn’t as strongly as her mother.

“They started it,” Ganyi muttered more quietly. She was Martin’s blood daughter, so she was smaller and doughier than most of her family with duller, brownish hair. She was still taller than her dad and most kids in her school, built more like a chubby football player than an amazon. She had her mother’s tan and wore a hoodie with an anime logo and patches. She hunched and kept her shaggy hair loose, definitely the shyest of the family while still very bold and strong.

“Oh?! Chief principal say you put curse other student,” Tanja pointed out.

Martin sat quietly beside his wife, trying to be supportive of everyone there while still being a firm father figure.

“But I didn’t start it! They were bullies that started messing with me and Alison. So I used some of the magic grandma taught me and I kind of possessed their leader with a chicken spirit.”

Tanja threw up a hand in disgust. “Disgraceful behavior!”

“It’s bullshit anyway! It’s not like the school has rules against totem magic,” Ganyi grumbled.

“Tanja have rule! Ganyi come from long line of warriors and greatest wrestlers in tribe and you use magic? Ganyi have no many year where she charge as minor! Tanja no let you waste chances to destroy your enemies!”

Martin looked up at Tanja and patted her angrily flexing arm. There were a lot of subtleties to how the amazon mom was flexing, and he’d picked up on a few. This was her “very concerned for you and being firm but would never hurt you” kind of flex.

“I think your mom is saying there’s better ways to resolve conflicts,” Martin stepped in carefully.

“Violence,” Tanja agreed.

“Or!” Martin pressed, meeting her eye to get her back on track. “Maybe avoid the fight altogether. Find an adult or avoid somebody that you don’t get along with...”

“And Laumni! What this writing word about robbing a merchant!?”

Tanja was ready to leap at another target when being stern and angry wasn’t being that useful any more.

“Laumni not rob anybody! Manlets just scare too easy!”

The elder Jameson sister resembled her mother, if much slimmer from spending most of her life growing up in the city. She had the genetics and her mother’s training to keep her a towering specimen to anyone outside of her original tribe. She was six foot seven with her flashy, gyaru-looking sense of fashion that kept her wearing minimal but stylish clothes. She wore her golden blonde hair in two huge pigtails, and she wore a fully unbuttoned pink blouse over what was little more than a leopard print bikini top half-hearted containing her huge tan breasts. Her nails were always long and painted some radioactive-looking color, and she was always in a short skirt above her long and powerful legs. Jewelry of beads and hunting trophies dangled from her neck, wrists and ankles, with a gemmed stud pierced into the navel of her slim but ripped abs.

She dressed like a bimbo, but she was fiercely independent and carried much of her mother’s pride. So long as she behaved, Martin had conceded to let her dress however she wanted. Tanja had similarly adapted on the condition that she could still fight like a warrior in high heels and a skirt. It turned out that the college Laumni had gotten into college because their track and field team was struggling at the same time that she was breaking records at the javelin throw.

“So what actually happened then?” Martin asked calmly.

“Manlets are just intimidated by independent women like Laumni! I just went hunting with my pack to 7/11.”

Martin just nodded politely. She had taken to calling her posse of gal pals as her “pack.” He wasn’t sure if it was a modern kid thing, but it felt safe to assume it was something her mother taught her and her friends had latched onto it (though she’d still asked for a pet wolf every so often). Unlike her sister, Laumni had no problem fitting in at school
 though it was more correct to say she stormed in and refused to be anything but confident and powerful, which forced everyone to readjust themselves to her.

“And when you say hunting

“For their new cheesy flatbreads,” Laumni confirmed.

“Melissa said she doesn’t know how to pick up guys. Laumni tell her that it’s easy. A puny manthing walked by and said Laumni could pick him up any time, so Laumni did. He wasn’t even 200 pounds, so Laumni could dangle him by the ankle

“Oh boy

“Laumni didn’t even throw him! The cashier saw it and thought we were starting a gang war out there. But it was totally cool! He said Laumni could, and he had mighty, raging

“Obviously!” Martin cut her off. “I’ve been there. But you really should be more considerate about other people when you do things in public like that. Like when you marked that boy you thought was cute?”

Laumni bit one of her pouty lips.

“Not Laumni’s fault manlets bruise too easy,” she muttered more sheepishly.


She grabbed them both, one in each bodybuilder level arm and squeezed them against her mother’s bosom with a hug that might have broken a lesser man’s neck. Their bones and muscles creaked as the three amazons of varying degrees hugged each other. Martin let them settle in before joining them, hugging his daughters from one side.

“I know you’re both strong and capable young women. You’ve already accomplished a lot. But you don’t have anything to prove to anyone just because you and your family are from somewhere else. We want you to be proud and capable, but you don’t have to slam dunk it into peoples’ faces.”

“Laumni know,” the taller daughter sighed.

“I’ll do my best
 I think the jerks who started it got in bigger trouble than us, so they’ll probably back off anyway,” Ganyi conceded.

Tanja gave a soft, stern grunt as she eyed her youngest.

“Annnnd if they don’t, I’ll beat them up with my bare hands and hold their broken bodies over my head in offering to the goddess sisters of battle,” she droned.

Tanja beamed with so much pride that her eyes watered a little. She gave her girls another firm squeeze of her hug before letting them go. She patted them on the shoulders.

“You both make tribe very proud. Tanja have love like mountains for you all. Consider your honor debts to tribe repaid.”

“Soooo can I go play Ringguard with Alison? She needs my tracking skills on tonight’s raid

Tanja looked to Martin with a furrowed brow.

“It’s the one with the guns and violence.”

“YES! Raid on, little one!” Tanja encouraged heartily.

“Whatever. Laumni will go cam chat with friends. Let Laumni know when dinner’s ready.”

The girls went off to do their own thing while their parents stayed in the kitchen. They started on dinner, with Martin setting a pot of water on the stove for the pasta in tonight’s dinner. Tanja hefted a hunk of very fresh boar carcass out of the freezer and promptly had it butchered and tossed onto her giant barbecue grill. She wiped her hands off at the sink before glancing back at Martin.

“Martin and Tanja do good?” she asked simply, as if she had any other way of asking anything.

“I think we did a good job tonight,” Martin agreed. “We were firm but fair. It’s a fine line for an amazon to grow up in a modern world. You know that better than anybody.”

Tanja nodded ponderously.

“And despite it all, you’re a great mom and an even better wife. You’ve given me two beautiful daughters and I couldn’t be happier with them.”

Tanja’s normally stoney expression softened as she tilted her head, gazing at him.

“You right
 you want make more?”


“No. Daughters.”

Tanja’s heart full of pride in her family, she turned sharply and pinned Martin against the wall with her body. He was powerless to stop her, but that was assuming he’d ever want to. He was surprised but promptly ran his hands up her firmly muscled sides and breasts. Her muscles pulsed and twitched beneath his touch appreciatively. Few things made an amazon prouder than her strength and ability to breed. Tanja purred and lowered her head enough to kiss her husband’s lips, firm and hungry.

“I did just put the water on boil
” Martin warned her quietly.

Tanja took his hand and pressed it firmly against her crotch. It radiated heat of its own and he could feel the humidity turning into genuine moisture.

“Tanja be fast,” she assured him in a low and husky voice.

She pressed harder against him, her breasts squishing out like two weighted pillows. She took Martin by his legs and lifted him off his feet, keeping him suspended with her pleasantly firm tits alone. It suspended him eye to eye with her as she kissed him firmly and rapidly. She bit his lower lip and tugged it as she tasted his flesh more aggressively, grinding her rock-hard pelvis against his bulge while he was left trapped between her hips and the wall.

Martin kissed her back, grabbing her thick hair and pulling her into a deeper embrace. Tanja grunted deeply, expecting some roughness from her much weaker husband at this point. He rubbed his tongue against her own oral muscle while his free hands cupped her tits through her sweater. Her thick nipples hardened at his touch. Her pecs tensed, rubbing them and her nipple ring against his fingers. Her body pulsed with a low and hungry growl as he fed her appetites.

With the kids busy and dinner prep started, the couple hurried on with their evening quickie. Tanja tore open her husband’s pants, nearly ripping the entire fly off before she yanked them down. She caught his erection between her muscular thighs, flexing them to hold it steady for her to grind up against. Even his throbbing cock could feel the lust heating her loins through her moistening leggings. Martin moaned into her mouth as he slid his hands up under her sweater, kneading her big breasts through the softness until he was massaging the muscles underneath. Tanja let out a shrill, muffled whoop of a cry that he was glad to stifle so as not to give themselves away. He smacked his lips and withdrew from her mouth, letting her noisily slurp up their mixed drool as she started wriggling out of her leggings without letting go of him. Her thong was audibly soaked as she stepped out of it.

“You’re such a good mate
 breeding strong and beautiful young. And feeding them with your big powerful milk,” Martin cooed to her.

He could almost see the fires lighting in her eyes at the primitive praise that drove her crazy in bed. Tanja’s muscles bulged as he felt a burst of hot air blow from her nostrils. It would have come out as steam if it were possible for her to accomplish. She settled for grabbing his legs and wrapping them around her waist as she thrust against him. Her mighty hips hit Martin hard enough to make his ass thud against the wall behind him. She rammed his cock inside her with a primal, satisfied grunt.

 fertile husband so good,” Tanja growled, baring her teeth as she shut her eyes from her intense arousal.

Her husband only had to brace himself as her mountainous body ground against him. Martin lifted her sweater enough that he could guide one of her breasts up to his mouth, sucking on it roughly to try and match Tanja’s horny appetites. The anazonian milf gave a short, high wail as he bit around her tattooed areola until some of her warm, maternal milk leaked into his tongue.

Her pinning body was enough to hold him steady by her solid bulk alone and her heavy breathing made her chest heave against him. It made him feel like he was being fucked and cornered by a savage beast, if one that loved him with all her mighty heart.

“Mate make beautiful baby,” Tanja grunted as she palmed Martin’s head.

She tilted him to one side and latched her mouth onto his neck. She moaned and sucked noisily on his flesh, smelling and tasting her husband in a sensory frenzy. It all spurred the horny huntress’ instincts to fuck him even harder amd deeper. Her wall-shaking thrusts kept absorbing his cock into her powerful pussy, flexing around him like a soaking wet fist.

With her piledriving pussy and his rough teasing, Tanja kept her promise to be quick about it. She rode Martin hard and fast to milk his cock deep into her. As soon as she felt his seed hit her insides, her many muscles clenched and bulged. She threw her head back in an orgasmic wave of blonde hair washing over her shoulders. She let out a husky, primal grunt as her cum squirted onto his lap. It was as much restraint as the noisy lover could manage in her passionate throes and with her painted lips still sucking and kissing at his throat. She let out a deep growl that eased into a purr as she relaxed once again, letting him slide down the wall as she softened her grip.

“Husband make good breeder,” she muttered as she finally stepped back, sliding his dick back out of her.

Martin sighed as he cooled down from his own orgasm and got used to standing on his own two feet. He pulled his pants back up, and had to hold them up after the battle damage they’d taken. He went to the closet and got one of his pairs of emergency sweatpants for when Tanja got in heat like this.

“Right. Breeder. You HAVE been taking your pills, right?” he checked.

Tanja gave a small, annoyed grunt.

“Yes. Husband is such ruthless slayer of fun.”


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