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The story was way more popular than I expected, so no surprise when this ruled the polls. First of three art pieces coming in for the month (just cuz I felt like it) with this one by https://twitter.com/milwommike. I left a lot of it open to them beyond the colors and posing, and like what they did with it. Especially loved Brigit's underwear sticking halfway out her shorts. I was never super clear on the actual outfit she wore to the ring, so kind of like the mock-security clothes. Especially since she doesn't pick them, she just keeps waking up wearing them.

Got a part 3 on the way too so look forward to that!

Their story's at https://www.patreon.com/posts/73383026 or https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/luffy316/59378/Five-Rounds-At-Freddis 

“And  tonight! Our returning challenger faces off against the sneaky  scoundrel! The baddest black and white bruiser! The foul player herself,  Dakotaaaa the punk skunk!”

A set of  bright green gloves grabbed the ring ropes and dragged their owner into  the ring. A new animatronic entered the ring, mostly dark purple in its  synthetic skin/fur. Two streaking white stripes ran down from her face,  one from her cheek and another tracing from a tuft of hair hanging in  front of her face. They traced their way down her back before both  running in a double stripe down a thick, puffy tail. Her hair was a  similarly fluffed up style, kept short beyond her longer bangs. The  obvious skunk wore a clingy, dark red sports bra and trunks with a smug  smirk on her face compared to Carolina’s more playful behavior. Dakota  was as tall as Brigit herself but she had a tomboyishly lean and toned  figure to most of her. Some additional padding around her hips and chest  made her femininity more obvious, and she stood a hair taller than  Brigit (mostly because of her actual hair).

“Hey  there, hot shot. Looks like you’re gonna be the newest stain on my  ring,” Dakota laughed in a cocky, slightly gravelly tone.

Brigit  winced. She was already worried about the whole haunted boxing ring  thing, but she had seen enough advertisements and posters around to  recognize the kid-friendly robot. Dakota the skunk was presented as  their mischief maker character. Their heel. Their Hamburglar. 

“Oh screw this. You things want to fight? Let’s go!”

The busty  blonde angrily thumped her gloves together, making her breasts bounce  from the nearby impact. The bell rang overhead and Dakota flashed her a  toothy grin. Her head tilted away, looking to her side at nobody in  particular. 

“Don’t ya love it when they insist on squirmin’?” she asked like she was making a joke to some unseen audience or cameraman.




Ever since I saw this, I wanted to do like a CYOA of a story like this, except the security guard is male and the animatronics are all female.


I know there's CHYOO for those kinds of things, but I lost my password and email for it a while back