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More monster pornstars at a porn convention! You asked, you got em, voters! 

I had magic mostly as a background thing in the setting, but I decided to dabble into what if magic sex? Mainly illusions, but they'd make for some good easy content in stuff like movies or streaming. Shiny's one of those, technically a wizard and a camgirl. I wanted to make her stand out from Kitchin, my gamer girl hooker goblin from Haunted Rose, and think I kept her pretty seperate as more of an art streamer. Already got people asking about who's next, so will definitely do more of these some time.

Mark couldn’t imagine Eroticon going better than it had already. He had only met one of his favorite adult actresses so far and had miraculously ended up sleeping with her. He was careful to keep his hopes from being too high and just remained glad that he was lucky enough for it to happen once.

He had planned ahead, noting his route and when the guests would be available at their tables. He’d left himself plenty of time, even with his detour back to Gilda’s private room, he was still on schedule to meet up with the rest of his to-do list.

While Gilda’s booth had been a simple table of her goods and pictures to sign, there was no missing Shiny Crystalle’s stand. Physically speaking, it wasn’t anything more than the dwarf’s. Shiny was a known and registered sorceress on top of being a camgirl, artist and all around porn starlet. She had thrown together a bunch of basic illusions to put up some glowing, sparkling displays with her logo and general shininess to match her name. It did a lot to spice up her basic, lemonade stand style booth.

Shiny herself was mostly skinny, but with the natural child-bearing hips of most goblins. Her chest made the other usual exception with basketball-sized melons resting on her booth’s countertop. She had chin-length pink hair that was tied up into four short ponytails in the back, bound with stringy yellow hair ties that made them look like natural pompoms on her head. She had a bright, chipper expression, always cute and lively in her videos. She gave everyone a fanged smile and a wink, some bright pink but sparse makeup accenting her dark green skin. The goblin girl wore some tiny shorts and a tank top with the logo for Stackers, the shortstack restaurant she’d worked at for a while. She was known to occasionally bring in old coworkers for the occasional collab/lesbian livestream. She even had a few dirty romance novels that she’d written, familiar with erotic fiction (which many would rightfully consider underrated) as well as art. As a goblin, she was surprisingly professional and productive for their reputation. Some people got so caught up in their infamy as being ready to mate at a moment’s notice that they forgot their natural interest and talent for technology and organizing things for themselves.

Her booth had plenty of passing foot traffic and ogling passerby, but Mark noticed that many of them were there for just that. They’d peek at the wild display or her suggestive prints before moving on. There were photos of herself and horny fanarts of characters from various animated series, known to draw during some of her streams on top of her usual masturbating request streams.

Mark waited behind a couple actual customers before he was face to face with the goblin girl herself. She smiled up at him, her olive-green cheeks dotted with a small heart painted beneath each eye. It was easy to mistake it for a filter when she was online, but actual fans like Mark knew they were a cute little spell she used for temporary tattoos. Actually tattooing a goblin tended to be complicated and apparently involved a mild acid rather than ink due to their rapid regeneration, and her real one was far more intimate.

“Hey there, sugar stilts!” Shiny chimed, leaning over her booth to mash them against the countertop.

“Hi, Miss Crystalle! I’m a big fan,” Mark gushed eagerly.

He’d needed to practice his greetings to get them out so clearly. The shortstack just smiled unbroken as she put her chin in her hands to keep staring at him.

“Oh thanks! I try to put that little extra something into my stuff. And I don’t just mean that time I tried selling gamer goblin bathwater.”

Mark laughed and took out his copy of The Clutches of The Goblin Queen; her saucy novel featuring her on the cover dressed up in some sheer silks and some light illusion magic. It was a fun read, even if he had to take a break periodically to… regroup.

“I’ll take one of your prints with the gnome girls, but I was hoping you could autograph this for me. I really loved reading it last summer.”

“Oh good gravy! That’s super sweet of ya,” she giggled.

She happily took his book and one of the posters, signing the cover with long, spiraling letters. When she finished, she swept a finger across her lips, making them glow before she kissed right above the I in Shiny. It left a sparkling, gently glowing, heart-like lipstick mark behind.

“Sorry if the glow fades after a couple days, but it’ll still glow in the dark after that. In case you need any help with nighttime reading.”

Even after sleeping with the last actress he’d met, Mark blushed and felt his pants tighten at her teasing. He still smiled as he looked over at her things and made sure he wasn’t holding up the  line. He’d lucked out again and nobody was behind him similar to before.

“So uh… the con been treating you okay?”

Shiny gave a little squeak of a noise. One of her high-pitched and slightly nasally sighs that Mark always found cute.

“It’s been ok. It’s still early but I thought I’d make a little more than this at this rate,” she said a bit dejectedly.

“I can’t believe you’re not! You’re so good in all your stuff! Your streams are fun, you have so much production value with your magic, you make the cutest noises when you’re excited… er… and your prices are actually pretty good compared to the other booths I was passing by. Your big posters are the most expensive thing you’ve got, so…”

Shiny gasped at that. She leaned over to the painted cardboard sign she’d propped up on her booth with her prices listed. She gave a couple rapid clicks of her tongue.

“Of course! That’s why! I left out the big seller!”

She waved her hand and more spiraling letters danced across the bottom of the sign to read “Private shows: $30.”

“What’s uh… what’s a private show like?” Mark ventured, blushing already.

“It’s whatever you want it to be, pinky pie,” Shiny said, sticking out her tongue cutely.

Mark swallowed hard. He’d gotten lucky once already (so to speak), so he couldn’t resist trying again. He fished around for a few extra bills and quietly slid them over.

“Such a smart guy,” Shiny giggled as she tucked away her cash.

“Now lemme wrap that poster up so we don’t get it messy.”

Mark expected her to lead them back to the guest area like Gilda had, but she just gestured for him to come behind her booth. The goblin girl gestured as he squeezed in and there was an abrupt silence. Everything sounded distant and muffled, like she’d raised a thick layer of glass between them and the rest of the world.

“I figured you’d want the sound off. Gives us a little privacy. Unless you’re the type to get off on there bein’ a crowd all around us.”

The impish little lady smiled. There was the faint, occasional shimmer of light behind her, indicating that they were within some kind of illusion. She seemed to notice his excited apprehension, so she leaned fully over her booth’s counter.

“HEY! Spoony! Any of you wanna pop my gutters!?” she shouted at a passing pair of orcs. They didn’t even look up.

“There. See? Safe and sound. It just looks and sounds like an empty booth to everybody outside. So… what were we thinkin’?”

Shiny walked back to Mark and ran a hand up his thigh. He shivered at the sudden but affectionate touch, unsure what he wanted out of the sudden offer. It just made the goblin smile wider.

“Ooooh~! REALLY big fan, huh?” she purred.

Shiny rubbed both hands up and down his legs, gently pressing him to sit back in her seat. She didn’t have to push hard for him to obey and give his weakening legs a break. Once he had lowered himself closer to her level, she tapped a little green finger on his lip.

“Don’t worry, shy guy. I’ll take good care of ya.”

Mark was never comfortable going to actual strip clubs, but Shiny started what had to be the most involved and arousing strip tease he could imagine. She leaned in close, running her arms far up his thighs and chest. It rested her big green breasts on his lap, smoothly writhing to emphasize what they were rubbing up against. When she stepped back, she made a quick snapping gesture and a wave of glitter washed over her. As it passed, it replaced her skimpy but tame outfit with full leather dominatrix gear. A tight corset pushed her boobs up even higher and larger, the edges of her areolas peeking out over the top. Even her makeup took on a darker shade, and she carried a full on bullwhip. She even wore thigh-highs with heels that made her a couple inches taller, making Mark even less sure if this was an illusion or a magically fast costume change.

“You just need somebody to whip you into shape? You need a stubby little dommy gobby  mommy?” she cooed.

Shiny bent over, curling an arm under her chest and bouncing her big green tits for him teasingly. She cracked the whip as she stood back up, which certainly sounded real enough to make Mark squirm.

With another gesture, Shiny changed again. The leather and whip vanished for a high-skirted schoolgirl uniform and thick glasses. She pouted and squeezed her hands together, making her arms squash her boobs out until a couple buttons popped on her overstuffed blouse. She hopped into Mark’s lap, grinding her ass against his hardon that seemed to be trying to burst right through his pants.

“Or naughty schoolgirl more your speed? I could use a tutor for that human anatomy class, senpai~!”

She bounced her booty in his lap, leaning forward so that her skirt rode up and flashed the lacey black panties underneath. Mark moaned and shifted in his seat, rubbing up against her plump and squishy bottom. Shiny giggled and hopped back off, shaking out her hair as she faced away from him.

“Of course, if you had any special requests…”

She twirled around, kicking up more smoke and glitter as she altered her illusion once again. This time she grew twice her height, losing much of her curves as she changed into a tall and elegant dark elf. She wore a gothic black dress, an ornate tiara around her temples, and had an overly stylized shortsword on her hip. A low neckline to the formal gown still hinted at some significant bosom hiding just underneath. A spitting image of Yinlis Veneer, a popular celebrity dressed in her role from the Deepcastle franchise.

“I can do a fine impression,” she purred.

The disguised porn starlet raised a leg, flashing some high leggings and a garter as she thumped her high heel into the chair beside his head. Mark was beet red at all the offers in front of him.

“Well… I uh, came here for you. So how about the uh… classic?” Mark offered.

The elven figure smirked before the illusion dropped. It was a lot to take in as the top half of her vanished completely, revealing that the slamming leg had actually been Shiny’s hand.

“Well aren’t you just a sweetie?” Shiny giggled.

She climbed up into his lap, straddling his waist as she pulled up her top. Her big breasts flopped back down, testing the limits of her bra along the way. She leaned in and kissed Mark with a few short, rapid smooches while she undid the clasps in the back. He happened to see where her fingers were missing and reached around to help her out, finally letting the garment fall loose.  She grinned up at him as she peeled it off, curling her cheek hearts up into her dimples and exposing her darker green nipples, both hardened into firm peaks.

“Couldn’t wait to get those big human hands on my gumballs, huh?” she teased.

She straightened her shoulders, thrusting her tits out towards him in a blatant invitation. She beamed and bounced in place, making them bob around while she kept bumping her hips against his clothed erection. Mark found them impossible to resist and took two big handfuls, happy to find that he couldn’t fully grasp them. Shiny’s ears flicked and she let out an excited coo as he squeezed hard enough that the somewhat elastic flesh molded inward, reshaping to fill the space between his fingers.

“OoooOOOOOH~! It’s always the shy ones!” she yipped in delight.

Shiny grabbed Mark’s shoulders to steady herself as he had his way with her bare chest. The lingering taste of her lips started to fade, making him come back for more. He pulled her stubby body in with her tits as handles, kissing her passionately on the mouth. All her teasing and playing came out as she opened her mouth, letting him press past her fangs and bury his tongue into her face. She ran hers around his in kind, smacking their lips as a bit of drool poured down between them. Mark could feel it plop against her breasts and meet his groping fingers.

Shiny moaned and made out with him while standing up on his lap. She kept shifting her weight here and there, but it wasn’t until Mark felt the open air against his hot hardon that he realized what she’d done. Her flexing, dexterous toes had undone and pulled down his pants, freeing his dick as she dropped his shorts around his legs. Her foot rubbed against it, catching his dick between her big and second toes and lightly stroking him. For someone who struggled to get her own bra off, she knew her way around a fanboy’s pants.

Shiny moaned loudly into his mouth. He could feel the short breezes against his face as she sniffed the air, swallowing hard.

“Oh wow… that smell,” she sighed.

She parted her lips from him to speak, but she returned to nibble Mark’s lower lip shortly after. It was no secret how strangely attractive goblin and human scents were to one another, and Mark was finally experiencing it as his cock throbbed against her foot. She swallowed again, her mouth watering as his musk reached her sensitive nose. She rubbed a hand over her own crotch, reaching into her shorts and easing some of her own apparent arousal. The smell of her lust hit him just like everyone described it online; goblin pussy had a pungent mix of rubber and pickles with a honeyish aftertaste.

“Mmmm tell me you’re feeling hungry too,” Shiny moaned as she pushed her chest further into his grip, letting her tits overflow his hands.

“Yea,” he panted breathlessly, precum dripping across her smooth green skin.

“I kinda wanna… taste you…”

“Read my mind!” Shiny blurted.

The goblin porn queen stripped out of her shorts and tossed them onto a nearby table. She had to do a bit more wriggling and pulling to get her panties off; Mark could see that they were soaked through the front, darkening the letters to “I put the suck in succubus” on the crotch. With that she curled up in his lap and latched her mouth around his cock. She slurped noisily, drinking up her drool as it coated his cock. She moaned and grunted loudly, letting her goblinoid sex-starved instincts take control. Mark had seen it in a few of her more heated videos. Her eyes closed like she was navigating by sight and smell, opening them occasionally with a distant but content look in her eye.

Mark would have been content to let her ravenously devour his cock, painting it over with her tongue before drinking it back up. She used her nimble little legs to catch against his chest. The momentary discomfort was nothing to him when he was rewarded by her propping herself against him, hips up in the air. It aimed her jiggly green booty and her overflowingly wet pussy right in front of him, her thick thighs twitching in spastic little humps at his face.

Not wanting to keep her waiting, Mark squeezed her meaty cheeks and buried his face into her pussy. It was a sloppy mess, but a part of him loved it even more for that. He drank her about as much as he licked her, feeling her tight goblin pussy stretch and yield to even just his tongue. Their suspended 69 position had them both feasting on each other, sucking cock and eating pussy in equal measure of thirsty passion. They let themselves grow addicted to each other’s juices, gulping it down eagerly as time went on. The faintly bitter taste surprised Mark at first, but he found himself going back for more and more until he was coating his mouth and tongue with fresh doses as quickly as he could. He nuzzled into the space between her ass and pussy, huffing her alien scent like an exotic drug. She clenched her mouth around his member with the same feral hunger, latching on tight like she was worried it would get away if she let it. They both humped in opposing sync to each other, always pushing one set of genitals into the other before they seesawed back with the other.

Mark ran his hands down her back, brushing between her shoulder blades before he squeezed tightly on one of her ponytails. It was from a surge of intense pleasure as she sucked at just the right pace trying to hold her in place. It turned out to be exactly what she needed, squealing loudly and immediately bending into a submissive position. She buried his cock down her tiny throat, sheathing it deep enough that she had her face up to his balls. She huffed down a deep, musky breath and her eyes started to roll back in her head. She almost seemed to hyperventilate as she sucked in all the cock and human pheromones that she could in the moment as her pussy erupted into Mark’s face. A fierce gush of oily goblin cum squirted out at surprising pressure as her snatch clenched around his tongue. It grasped like it expected it to be a cock inside her to hoard the cum from, her hips shaking violently to grind the sloppy slit all over his face. The strong smell would haunt his nose for days, like he’d somehow gotten some on his brain. The juices attacked his senses so strongly that he couldn’t imagine not cumming to it, reacting to the strong dose of the natural aphrodisiac by cumming down Shiny’s throat. She let out a low, hungry gurgle, bubbling his jizz in her mouth to tickle around his throbbing wet cock. The noise turned into a soft, dizzy giggle, the only way she could piece together to express her wild euphoria. Her tongue ran across his lower shaft, leaving a mess of slick goblin spit and smudged, peppy pink lipstick in her wake.

Her eyes finally seemed to come back into focus as she stared into his lap. She glanced up at him and giggled a bit more consciously, but her eyes turned towards his lower stomach. She saw the small signature that Gilda had left behind on him. Shiny’s eyes lit up and she popped her mouth off his cock, making Mark shudder again from the aftershock.

“I thought I tasted dwarf pussy!” she exclaimed happily.

“Are you collecting signatures down there too?!”

“Well… not on purpose,” Mark admitted.

Shiny grinned up at him as she tumbled off his face and back to the floor.

“Wow, you really are a fanboy. Lemme see.”

Shiny snatched up one of her pens, scribbling out her name before kissing the top of the i. Another glowing lipstick mark was left in its wake as she beamed proudly.

“Thanks, dude. Just what I needed to get me fired up for the rest of the con. Why don’tcha grab another poster on the way out for that little pickmeup?”

She winked at him as she wiggled her hips back into a spare change of panties she’d stashed nearby.

“And if ya feel like picking me up for a little full nelson fuckery later, I wouldn’t complain.”

“I’ll make the time,” Mark squeaked out. “I just have a few other guests I wanted to see.”

“Ohhh, I getcha. Makes sense,” Shiny mused.

“Well don’t let me hold ya up. Go fuck the rest of your dream girls.”

It was weird to have her blessing like that in her cheery little voice, but Mark couldn’t help but feel more motivated. It wasn’t what he’d come to Eroticon for, but he was sure going to try. For Shiny’s sake, at least…


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