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What if Street Fighters had kids and then timeskip until they’re all 20s or 30s?! Here’s what! A lot of legwork went into this one. Planning and prepping, figuring out who would be the focus and who would fight first and against who and who has what kids, and am I including males in there? A couple, yes, but primarily fight girls.

It’s mostly fighty with some clear sexiness thrown in there. Just about every Street Fighter has a kid, who entered of their own accord, for legacy, because their parents made them or whatever. I’ve got a sizeable list going in the google doc for this, mostly just of names of characters I know and characters I could use in any real capacity.

Writing this story also made me realize a few things about Street Fighter.

#1. I don’t know much about SF lore. I saw the movie and played SF2 when I was a kid. I tried to play the version that was on 360 once, but I learned I suck at fighting games and couldn’t get past 2 fights in Arcade mode. So I just enjoy the porn instead.

#2. There is NOT much to know about the lore. Even raiding wiki articles, it was a LOT of characters who were like “He likes to wrestle. Big happy Russian man” or “Has a dojo. Does karate to make it famous.” The series is a big dumb collection of race wars with Japan juuuust barely trying not to make audacious racial stereotypes (and sometimes failing). So I ran with fun, weird characters with unique styles and slightly different personalities based on their parents.

I just ran with that cheese, didn’t think too hard about anything, and made dumb, crazy flashy fights. 

Oh, and I decided early on I couldn’t do much with him, so made a call that Ryu is too dumb to reproduce. Several consultants I had have agreed that this makes logical sense. I also happened to be working on this before the news about the new game and Ken’s alleged divorce life popped up, so I’m disregarding that.

The World Fighting Championship, better known as the Street Fighter Tournament in some circles, had been going on for decades. It had been organized by different parties and people over time, and had very few consistent rules beyond vaguely frowning upon use of weapons. Still, it was generally regarded as the one competition in the world to attract the strangest and strongest fighters on the planet (and every now and then, somewhere beyond).

Most of the tournament’s competitors had left it far behind them. There were some truly ancient martial artists, but this was over 40 years beyond the times when Ryu and M. Bison were competing. Many had decided that getting punched in the face and doing midair combos wasn’t a great way to spend their senior years. They settled down in their own ways; pursuing their own careers, raising a family, or training their proteges.

It was called the 30th WFC when the latest series of invitations went out. The fighters in question had to compete with some dispatched challengers, but they were beaten handily and they had their roster put together before too long.

There was a definite pattern for anyone who knew what to look for: almost everyone in the tournament was a descendent of a previous competitor, and nearly all of those were their daughters. The Bright Foundation sent out dropships to pick all of them up before bringing the combatants back to their large helicarrier that would serve as the main base of the tournament. It was explained along the short trip that they would be paired up and dropped off for their matches at specially prepared places around the world.

The carrier had a comfortable lounge where the fighters were left free to mingle. A few formal security guards were present in case any trouble broke out, not that there was anything they could do to actually stop such powerful fighters. Despite the formal dining tables and open bar, it was still warriors wielding different martial arts from all around the world. It was still a wildly bizarre mix. From short women in schoolgirl uniforms or martial arts gis to hulking 8 foot figures, short femboys to ladies with red or green skin, the strange ones really did seem to go the farthest.

“No fuckin’ way! Kayla, you made it too!?”

A tall, blonde American with a very athletic build and an enormous chest emerged from the assorted fighters. She was in her mid twenties and wearing a red, white and blue tank top and cargo pants, her hair sheared a couple inches short of being a crew cut. She approached another blonde, though her facial features showed some hints of Asian ancestry. Her hair was longer but neatly combed, and of a more average build than the first. Kayla wore a very small and short undershirt beneath her red karate gi.

“Oh, hey! It’s been a while
 the Guile girl, right?” Kayla offered hopefully.

They had met briefly in the past that she could remember when they were still teens. Kayla was a bit older, but she recognized the strict but rough and tumble army girl quickly.

“Julia Guile. I must not have left that much of an impression for you to forget about a cousin! Not like you, miss Hollywood!”

“I just did a few stunt roles,” Kayla insisted sheepishly. “Some of my Tiktoks got real big and they kept wanting me for guest spots

“More than me! Good on ya, I say!”

“Well I don’t think I’d be here without my dad’s training,” Kayla admitted, smirking all the same. “He said he’s too old to enter but that this tournament thing would be a good experience for me after all that time at the dojo.”

“I get that. I tried following in dad’s footsteps with the army before I punched out a sarge who got my temper going. Kind of hoping this’ll get me back in the family’s good graces if I show I can hold my own here.”

Julia snapped her fingers like she just remembered something.

“Funny thing, that. I’ve been talking to other people in the roster here, and did you know almost all of them have a mom or dad who fought here back when the tournament was in full swing?”

Kayla blinked in surprise, but not at the news. “Why were you talking to everyone? I thought we were supposed to be prepping for our matches

She took another nursing sip of her water bottle.

“Where’s the fun in that?! See that big one over there?”

Guile pointed across the room to where a few fighters were picking at the buffet table. Kayla stared and then shook her head.

“There’s like
 four ‘big ones’ over there.”

“Right. Fair. I mean the one with the scars and no pants on. That’s Zehra. Her dad’s the famous bear wrestler and the Red Cyclone himself, Zangeif. The one next to him who’s kind of chubby but still has abs? Daughter of some famous sumo wrestlers who threw down around here. And there’s no mistaking the green chick’s one of Blanka’s, the wild beastman turned businessman. Apparently everyone’s got a relative who fought in the Street Fighter tournament before.”

Ken shrugged. It made sense to her. Even if you assumed fighting potential wasn’t genetic, having a live-in mentor who was a martial artist, assassin or the like to show you the ropes had to help your odds of arriving in the tournament. It obviously worked for her, being the daughter of one of the world’s most famous martial artists.

“I gotta show you around! You gotta meet the Li twins. There’s a whole lotta girls in this tournament and I keep getting shocked when I run into an actual dude hiding out here among ‘em


There was plenty of time for all the competitors to settle in before they were told to be at the ready. The matches would be televised while also projected live to the waiting fighters. A big and flashy screen blinked past randomized combatants until it settled on its first match.

“KAYLA MASTERS VERSUS NARI HAN! Please report to the dropship area!” an unseen host announced over the speakers.

Kayla nodded and wove through the crowd to the lit up doorway. She didn’t see her opponent, but the name rang a bell. It took her a moment to remember the more insightful and sociable Guile pointing out the Korean girl with long, straight black hair, tight purple leggings, and a rather long and baggy coat she saw delinquents wearing back when she was at school. It wasn’t until she arrived at the ship itself that she turned her head for a moment. Nari was suddenly there, sitting in the seat across from her while disinterestedly poking at her cellphone.

“Reception’s shit up here,” she grunted dismissively.

She was one of the least alert fighters Kayla had seen since she arrived, despite her surprising speed. Kayla cleared her throat as she took her own seat across from the punky brunette.

“Sorry to hear. Kayla Masters,” she said with a small nod. She wasn’t sure if a proper bow was in order, especially given the nature of the tournament. It was uncommon, but apparently people had died in the tournament in the past.

“Nari,” the girl said dismissively.

She didn’t look up from her phone, but she kicked up her bare feet on the arm of Kayla’s chair as a footrest. The blonde thought it most polite not to mention it.

“And you’re Juri’s kid, from what I hear?”

“Yeaaaa,” Nari sighed, rolling her eyes.

“She thought this would be a good way for me to ‘deal with my issues.’ Threatened to take away my phone if I didn’t enter, so what are ya gonna do? At least there’s SOME people that might put up a fight around here.”

“So you’re quite the martial artist, huh?” Kayla pried.

“Nah, that shit’s boring. I can just beat the crap out of everybody in a hundred miles of my school, whether they’re a teacher, student or so-called karate master.”

Nari’s eyes drifted up to glance at Kayla as she smirked. “Heh. Masters. I get it


The dropship landed in their designated arena, opening up to let them both stroll out into the warm street of what appeared to be a Chinese marketplace. Kayla had met with fighters from all over the world in her training, though she couldn’t pick up the exact dialect of the surrounding people. Vendors shouted about their exotic wares and tightly packed pedestrians roamed the sandy walkways. A space roughly 100 feet from one end to another was cleared out, taped off from the public with a few drones recording the scene while keeping them at bay with some kind of faintly glowing forcefields. The obviously dangerous area clearly didn’t keep the locals from cramming in as close as possible, leaning over the tape to see whatever spectacle was awaiting them.

“Fighters! To your positions!” a speaker called from the dropship and the drones.

Two spots were marked with more brightly colored tape. Kayla and Nari went to them, leaving themselves plenty of space between them. Kayla took on a basic, close to the chest fighting stance while her opponent just stuffed her phone into her coat pocket.

“Ready? Fight!”

Kayla started to advance, but she barely got a couple steps in when Nari kicked off from the ground and launched herself at her like more of a long-jump than a sprint. One of the Korean girl’s long legs swept up in an arcing kick that took Kayla by surprise by its sheer speed alone. The blonde American grunted as she took the first hit hard and fast, giving her a bad first impression on the tournament in general.

The crowd around them let out a pained yet delighted “Ooh!” from Nari’s brutal hit. It made Kayla’s legs to rubbery and she nearly toppled over, but she managed a drunken stagger away from her instead. Nari didn’t even need to lower her other leg before she went into an acrobatic leap, twirling in midair and throwing out another missile of a kick. This time Kayla expected as much, seeing the whirling momentum and getting a good guess on when she’d release it. It still stung her arms enough that a few tears appeared on the chest and sleeves of her gi from the erupting force.

“Still too damn weak!” Nari barked as she kickflipped off Kayla’s barking arms.

She barely touched down again as she darted towards the blonde, but Kayla was ready this time. When Nari threw another mighty punch at her, she twisted around and caught her by the arm. She pivoted and hurled her in a shoulder throw that used her own impressive momentum against her. Nari let out a startled yell as she was flung hard enough to hit one of the scifi barriers at the edge of the arena. She smacked against it, splayed out with her coat flaring up and her thick ass cheeks squished against the glass-like forcefield.

Kayla didn’t press her attack just yet. Having someone cornered was usually in her favor, but the speedy brawler was much more raw potential than technique. She didn’t imagine being cornered would make her any more vulnerable considering she’d just come rushing straight at her again.

Nari’s eyes flashed with anger as she hit the ground and hurried back to her feet. The furious expression shifted to a wild grin.

“Oookay! This thing just got actually interesting!” Nari cackled.

The brunette launched herself at Kayla who barely managed to block an incoming punch. Her technique was all that let her keep up with the strong and speedy slacker, and even that wasn’t always enough. Nari managed to snap a firm kick into the side of her knee, breaking her form long enough for her to grab Kayla by the face. A forceful shove slammed the back of her head into the dusty ground, but the blonde was aware and quick enough to counter. She wrapped her arm and leg around the limb and put some pressure on her elbow with a submission hold. Nari’s eyes widened and she grit her teeth against the pain, but she flexed her arm and started to lift Kayla off the ground with it.

Seeing it was a losing battle, Kayla slammed a few firm kicks into Nari’s face. She grunted and her head bucked as some spit flew from her mouth, stunning her enough for Kayla to kick off her face and flip over backward to tumble back on her feet.

“Not getting off that easy! Not until I get off too!” Nari threatened.

Kayla braced herself as Nari went into another swift leap towards her. The blonde fighter cupped her hands together, concentrated, then thrust them out to launch a blazing beam of red ki towards the airborne opponent. With her dad guiding her fighting style, he was sure to teach her the famous Hadoken.

Nari’s flexible body twisted in a sudden reaction, but she wasn’t fast enough to dodge it completely. The burning energy was just shy of her chest, scorching through her top. Her heated up tits popped out from behind, nothing left to hold back their jiggling free.

“What the shit? You’ve got those kinds of moves to throw around too!?”

Kayla clenched her fists, trying to hide that she was flexing and stretching out her fingers. She hadn’t mastered the move, so she couldn’t conjure that kind of energy that rapidly. Plus, having Nari curiously checking out her own tits didn’t help with her concentration.

“That a problem?” Kayla asked, buying herself a bit more time.

“Oh nah! Just reminds me I can go all out in this thing!”

Nari had fallen short of reaching Kayla, dodging around the blast to land by one of the marketplace’s booths instead. In one swift gesture, she grabbed one of the metal poles holding up its canopy and tore it out of the ground. Kayla was too shocked by the strength and speed of the action as she swung it like a ten-foot long baseball bat. It caught Kayla squarely in the stomach, lifting her off her feet and sending her flying through another stand or two before she hit the forcefield. It fizzled a bit from the force of her body smashing into it, like a casual reminder of how hard Kayla had collided with it.

“There you are! Thought you Americans were good at baseball!” Nari laughed in her twisted amusement.

She strolled toward Kayla with the pole propped across her shoulders, licking her lips with anticipation. She hurled the pole, making Kayla roll out of the way at the last moment before it jammed into the ground next to her. It still caught the sleeve of her gi and Kayla quickly decided to abandon it, rolling to her knees just as topless as Nari.

“NOW it’s a party!” Nari laughed, suddenly looming over her.

She went to wrap her long legs around Kayla’s neck for a standing head scissor, but she brought her guard up in time to block them. With a shift of her upper body, Kayla took Nari’s legs out from under her and slammed her face and chest into the ground. Dust kicked up under Nari’s tits as Kayla knelt behind her. She unleashed a barrage of punches, pummeling Nari’s raised and toned ass repeatedly like her cheeks were a pair of punching bags.

“EEEE~! FUCKER!” Nari squealed, thrashing around wildly from the painful and embarrassing attack.

“About time somebody spanked your punk ass!” Kayla laughed triumphantly.

Her assult on her ass kept up until Nari suddenly contorted, slipping out from between Kayla’s legs with some surprising flexibility. She flipped back to her feet faster than Kayla expected, so by the time she got up the Korean girl was lashing out with another wild barrage of punches. Kayla did her best to keep up, holding her ground and blocking what she could while a few snuck past her hands. A hook caught her in the ribs while a backhand went across her face, jarring her but still not moving.

“HA! Finally burned out, karate kid?!” Nari cackled.

She threw a massive roundhouse like it was aiming to take Kayla’s head off. The blonde still didn’t dodge but she threw all her weight into blocking it with one arm, wincing at the rattling force that went through the blocking limb.

“Nah. Just biding my time for another one of those kicks that slow you down!”

Nari’s eyes widened. Kayla had not just blocked but grabbed her leg, holding her balancing on one. She panicked and sprang off her remaining leg, whirling into a flying spin kick. Kayla ducked under it expectantly, and another blazing red energy surrounded her clenching fist.

“Unlucky for you, dad was sure to teach me more than one of his old moves

Her fist became surrounded by fire as she leapt straight into the air. Her rising uppercut went upward right underneath Nari, slamming the burning punch into her crotch. The brunette’s eyes went even wider and she broke into a massive shriek as it seemed to catch her, holding her up by the burning fist for a moment. It quickly crackled through her bottoms, leaving her entirely nude when the impact fully kicked in. It launched her over backward, spiraling through the air as a shrieking, smoking naked woman landed on top of one of the market stalls. She landed in a crumpled heap among the wreckage of wood and fabrics, her eyes glazed over as she laid there like a ragdoll. The only real effort seemed to be her hand clinging to her naked, throbbing snatch.

“KO! Kayla WINS!” the speakers announced.

Kayla gave a relieved sigh, picking up her slightly tattered gi top. She dusted it off and rather than putting it back on, she noticed how much the fans were staring and cheering. She just smiled and winked, flashing them a thumbs up.

“Piece of cake. Who’s next?” she boasted proudly.


An official gathered up Nari’s knocked out body and got her back on the dropship with Kayla. They were taken to a medical wing where Kayla spent a shockingly short amount of time being scanned and sprayed by some medics. Within minutes, she was allowed to return to the gathered fighters for a mix of wary glances and (mostly) enthusiastic congratulations.

It didn’t last for long before the roulette started for the second match. The slim, serious face of a Chinese woman with her black hair pulled back in ribbons into a tight bun was matched up with a busty girl with coffee-colored skin and a bright red and green luchador mask. Dark brown hair dyed with streaks of green was tied in a ponytail behind it.

“XIA-LI VERSUS LA FUEGA! Please report to the dropship area!”

One of “the Li twins” that Kayla had been introduced to strode towards the exit with a determined look on her face. The female one, Xia-Li, was fairly slim and ladylike. She wore a Chinese style dress instead of her brother’s leggings, and the dress hugged her figure tightly while slits up the sides showed off her legs. For someone so ladylike and slender, her legs were astoundingly thick and powerful. The bared limbs shifted with thick, taut muscle with every step and swish of her dress down to her silken shoes. The reputation of Chun-Li as the “strongest woman in the world” had clearly carried on in her genes.

Her opponent was much more lively and festive. Fuega was a Mexican wrestler with all the flair that one would expect to come with that. The daughter of the big-name El Fuerte, she was tan and buff all over. She wore a tight two-piece outfit of red, green and purple, making her stand out from the more practical fighters. She moved with a confident swagger, already waving and posturing for the other fighters on her way out of the room.

The carrier they were on moved incredibly quickly with a lot of range on their dropships. They had to in order to cover so much distance in their varied locations. The ship landed just in front of some decorated Indian temple, with the arena marked off on the large stone platform at the top of its steps. La Fuega and Xia-Li climbed them side by side, neither showing any indication of starting anything before the match.

“Good luck out there, thunder thighs!” Fuega joked jovially. “Don’t be afraid to tap out if it gets too nasty for ya, eh?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m approaching this fight with everything I have, and wouldn’t dare dishonor it otherwise” Xia-Li said properly, barely even glancing at the lucha girl.

The forcefield went up around them and the match started with a dramatic “FIGHT!”

Fuega started to circle with the Chinese martial artist, her lively steps lining up with her long, graceful strides like a ballerina as much as a fighter. La Fuega suddenly sprang from the ground, going into a backflip and kicking off a thick pillar behind her.

“Think fast, chica!” she called out as she launched herself towards Xia-Li with a missile dropkick.

Xia-Li did just that, swiftly sidestepping out of the way. Fuega shifted to land on her feet and tumbled to a graceful recovery, but something instinctively told her to dodge. She threw herself off to one side, ducking and covering as Xia-Li balanced on one leg. With a firm windup, she swung her leg out in a whipping motion and a shockwave tore through the air in front of her. It ripped up hunks of stone and removed a piece of another pillar as the air pressure ripped through their arena. What sounded like a controlled sonic boom finally passed at La Fuega stared wide-eyed at the wreckage that had just missed including her along with it.

“Hm. I should have been quicker,” Xia noted dryly.

She still kept her leg raised like some kind of deadly flamingo, curling it straight into the air before circling it back down to its natural position.

“Quicker than that, she says,” Fuega muttered, shaking her head.

It was obvious what to look out for now. She feinted a charge at Xia-Li before she broke into a circling maneuver.  Xia took the bait and leaned into a half-started palm strike, which was all Fuega needed. She didn’t have air-shredding kicks but she was one of the finest wrestlers in Mexico. She had beaten and outmaneuvered opponents twice her size or in batches of 3 or 4 at a time. She knew how to pick her battles, and if Xia could kick like that, she slipped past her guard and got behind her. The luchadora’s arms hooked under Xia’s and caught her in a full nelson, her biggest breasts resting on either side of her head.

“Aha! Gotcha know, crazylegs!” La Fuerte gloated.

Her clearly thicker and stronger arms flexed, trapping Xia-Li’s tight and hoping to keep her that way to control the fight. She turned herself around, dragging the surprisingly nonplussed Li along with her. She tried to maneuver her to ram her face into the nearby pillar, but she couldn’t get a step in before Xia’s quick and flexible leg stuffed itself between her own. She tripped on it suddenly, but she still didn’t let go of her full nelson.

The new position did leave Fuega vulnerable in other ways. Xia swung her foot back in a reverse kick, slamming her heel into Fuega’s pussy. She gave a harsh grunt and let go to instinctively grab her groin.

“If you’re trying to flirt with me, the nicknames aren’t appreciated,” Xia-Li said in her same stiff and proper tone.

She took a short step away from the stunned Fuega, just to go into a reverse handstand. Her dress flipped up, showing her skimpy underwear right in the luchadora’s face. It distracted her just long enough for those bare, powerful thighs to wrap around her neck and squeeze. Having been in plenty of chokeholds and submissions in her life, La Fuega still gagged as the iron-like legs flexed and cut off her air supply perfectly.

“I’m told plenty of people would love to be in such a position,” Xia-Li said rather coldly, tightening her legs even further as she hung upside down. One hand went up to casually brush some hair from her face.

“They must recognize the incredible power behind my family martial arts and wish to learn from it.”

With her face full of Xia-Li’s pussy and her thick thighs wrapped around her neck, La Fuega highly doubted that was what people meant by that. She pushed and pulled at the legs, even threw a few knees at her, but they were all weak and clumsy moves at best with her air running short. Fuega’s head spun but Xia didn’t seem interested in spending the entire fight upside down. She snapped back and flipped back to her knees, swinging La Fuega along with her. The lucha’s masked head went rocketing down into the stone, bouncing off hard enough to leave several cracks in her wake.

La Fuega staggered to her feet, though it was clear she struggled to stay there. She stumbled drunkenly, holding her head as she saw stars from the leg work she hadn’t seen anywhere in her years in the ring.

“Dios mio
 you’ve got the thighs of a goddess, you know that?” she rambled in her stunned state.

“They are very powerful. I’ll give you that,” Xia-Li admitted, missing her point again.

She came at Fuega again and it took all of her dizzy dodging to avoid some of her swift kicks. She contorted this way and that, flipping or tilting to avoid taking the killer legs head on. She quickly realized she wasn’t going to get anywhere playing it safe like this, so La Fuega doubled down. She dove in as Xia-Li threw out a straight kick, grabbing and bounding off the solid leg like a springboard. She drove a quick knee into Xia’s face, making her grunt and reel back as Fuega planted her hands on her head and sprang off her once again. She grabbed onto a decorative statue on the nearest pillar, holding herself steady to aim her next airborne attack.

“You ain’t the only one with fancy tricks

She sprang off and poured all her energy into a sweeping kick, crackling with a thick green glow sprouting to life. Xia-Li rubbed her face and hastily dodged backward, leaning almost completely horizontal as the burning kick swept across her chest. It cut like a blade, slicing open the front of her dress so that her lacey bra and pale breasts popped out into view. Xia finally showed some surprise on her face as a blush broke across her cheeks and bosom alike.

 oh no!” Xia gasped softly.

Fuega smirked at finally leaving an impression and landing a clean hit on her opponent.

“Ha! Didn’t see that comin’ didja!? Lot more where that came from, ya treetrunk

“My boobies are all over national TV! Now I’ll never get married!” Xia shrieked.


La Fuega couldn’t afford the time to be surprised. Xia went beat red and shifted her weight onto one leg. Even having flashed her underwear to the rest of the world and grinding them into Fuega’s face, apparently that was where she drew some imaginary line about marriage. Xia-Li’s shrill squeak turned to a furious snarl, and her face went red with anger over embarrassment.

 you scandalous BITCH! You’ve RUINED my purity!”

She swung her weight onto one leg and unleashed kicks far faster than La Fuega could see, hammering her all over. She could barely recoil from one before another struck her, making her jerk and dance in place as her face, gut, sides, and even her breasts and pussy were hammered by the lightning-fast strikes. Spit flew from her mouth as a slippered foot went across her face just to redirect and jab right into her tit. The boob flattened out, knocking the wind out of her and nailing her right on the clit with surgical precision. La Fuega couldn’t scream or groan from one before she was reacting to another, leaving her a jerking, drooling mess at the mercy of Xia’s deadly legs.

Xia-Li’s leg swept high into the air, going into another vertical split before slamming down on top of her head. Her masked face smashed into the ground, leaving a crater where she landed with her tightly clad ass sticking straight up and her eyes rolled back into her head. A small pool of sweat and drool formed beneath her in the crater like a tiny lake.


Only then did Xia seem to cool down. She cleared her throat and folded her arm over her exposed chest before she bowed low to the cheering crowd and automated cameras.

“Thank you for honoring my battle,” she said as humbly as she could, avoiding meeting anyone’s gaze. As soon as the forcefields were down, she went hurrying off towards her shuttle as fast as she could while still looking almost proper.


Things went similarly fast and smooth back aboard the carrier. The losers were given more time to recover before they could join the rest but the winners were sped through some highly advanced healing methods. It almost seemed like the Bright Foundation was doing it to show off their advanced medical equipment.

“Thank you, contestants! We’ll be taking a short break while we head towards our next location. But to let our next fighters prepare, let’s get ready forrrr

The host’s voice let it hang dramatically as their portraits flashed by rapidly. A pink-haired, very feminine young man appeared smirking on the screen wearing a commissar hat appeared in the first panel. A beaming woman in a bikini with deep, reddish tan skin and absolutely glistening with body oil posed flexing in the next. The son of Poison and Hugo against the daughter of Hakan, from what the other fighters had gathered.

“Toxicity and Susami! Prepare for your match, as it will be starting shortly!”


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