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Found some free time to wrap this one up. Yuri Sumo was one of my first on here and it’s just it’s own special brand of crazy. Wrestling, brawling and cosplay being used to help two would-be rivals work out their sadomasochistic love for each other. I’d set up their cosplay wrestling league in the last couple chapters, and Sumomo’s match naturally had to come next. Might dip into them just being private rivals after this for a bit to refresh that, but this Sailor royale was in the cards basically as soon as I figured on the league. I’ve got enough league storylines where this doesn’t need to be the focus but I definitely like it being there to use.

Sakura was quick to flop down on a bed in the backstage area. She was a bruised and sweaty mess after her hardcore wrestling match in a Snorlax onesie, so while her heart was racing, she was pretty exhausted. Not as completely drained as she did after fighting her girlfriend, but it was enough to make her need a good long rest.

Sumomo was already wet from watching her girlfriend take and dish out such an intense beating. She was tempted to sneak and start massaging out the aches and pains… or maybe cause some more of her own while she was vulnerable. But she knew she had to help manage the league and make sure the matches went over smoothly before she went to the ring herself.

For a bunch of barely trained sadists in cosplay, the night went off rather well. The guy dressed as Aang from The Last Airbender blacked out when Korra didn’t break a chokehold, but the refs/medics were able to revive him. The main event was finally announced and the stagehands urged them onstage.

Sumomo came out as the speakers boomed the unforgettable Sailor Moon theme song. She was dressed as the titular character, with emphasis on the “tit.” Even with the plus-sized Sailor Moon cosplay and her hair done up in the fancy pigtails, the skirt rode high on her fat thighs and hips and the top was stretched tight to contain her thick tits and belly.

She posed as she made her way to the ring and squeezed through the ropes. From various entrances and spots around their mini arena, the rest of the Sailor Scouts started to arrive. They had lucked out on having such a varied roster, as a few wigs (all fastened securely enough to still hurt when they were pulled) were all it took to create a ring full of pretty accurate Sailor Scouts. At least the main five. They didn’t want to bother on their debut night explaining the whole thing with the later part of the show with the cousins who were actually lesbians depending on whether you watch the sub or the dub…

Sumomo’s girth was a clear standout difference, but she was one of the league’s famous founders. And as much as they stood for needless violence and rage, the league was very body positive.

The bell rang and Sumomo didn’t have long to think about her target. The other four scouts immediately turned on her and started pounding her into her corner with a comical (but very real) bombardment punches and kicks.

“Stupid glory hog!” Sailor Venus shouted. “This used to be my show!”

“You braindead blonde bimbo!” Mercury hissed.

Sumomo just screamed and curled up behind her arms and legs, soaking up the punishment as best she could. She broke the one-sided stomping by suddenly spearing into one of the thinner girls, tackling her to the mats.

“I’m the star for a reason, bitch!” she shouted down at Sailor Mars.

Sumomo hammered her meaty fists down on her face, each landing with a noisy impact. She was struck silly and pinned beneath the fattest scout until Mercury grabbed and pulled on her pigtails. Sailor Sumomo squealed as she was ripped off her and the thigh high boot flashed past her vision before Mercury’s knee smashed her in the face.

In a small consolation, the other two scouts finally started fighting among themselves. Venus’ cosplayer went after Sumomo as well, but Jupiter slammed her in the back with a double-fisted axe handle swing. Venus shrieked and dropped to her hands and knees clutching her back.

“I’ve been dying to do this, princess!” the tomboy scout declared.

She leapt up and elbow dropped down on the back of Venus’ neck, dropping her to the mats with a noisy thud. She straddled her back, the green scout’s high skirt clearly flashing her thong panties as she grabbed Venus by the chin. She leaned back and wrenched on it, bending her banged up neck and back as the blonde screamed and thrashed beneath her.

Sumomo was seeing stars from the hard face shot when Mercury and Mars teamed up on her. They each grabbed one of her arms and flung her towards the ropes, letting the meatier scout come bouncing back. They both rushed at her for a double dropkick but Sumomo ducked under their incoming boots at the last second. The girls gasped as the beefy blonde palmed their faces and spiked them down harshly into the mats. They landed with a listless flop as they reeled from the brutal impact.

“My show! My ring!” Sumomo shouted down at them in a heated frenzy. She spat a glob of saliva over both their faces in one go before she grabbed and twisted Mercury’s booted foot. She screamed in pain as Sumomo wrenched on it in an ankle-bending hold while dragging her towards a corner where she could have her way with her undisturbed.

Mars started to come to, spotting Jupiter bending Venus in her camel clutch nearby. She decided to slip out of the ring and regroup, rubbing her back after her rough landing at Sakura’s hand. Seeing she’d need to step up her game, she reached under the ring apron and pulled out a weapon specially made for the match: a kendo stick covered in anime stickers and glitter.

Mars rolled back in by Jupiter and Venus, the tomboy still wrenching on her neck and working up a sweat. She smirked up at the approaching brunette.

“Go ahead. Free shots,” she laughed, pulling harder on Venus’ chin. The blonde went wide-eyed to see what was being set up.

“Don’t mind if I do!” Mars shouted.

She swung the bamboo blade to smack Jupiter dead in the face, knocking her off the cute blonde. Jupiter grunted in pained surprise as she tumbled away, leaning into the ropes and dragging herself to her feet. She was too disoriented to stop Mars from rushing in and ramming the hard tip of the weapon up her skirt and right into her crotch, ramming her panties up her pussy. Mars screamed and thrashed around in agony, grabbing at the weapon in question.

Sumomo took Mercury to the random corner, lifting up her trapped leg and slamming the knee into the pole. The blue-haired cosplayer shrieked and spasmed from the jolt of pain, curling up and holding her leg. Sumomo let her writhe as she grabbed the ropes, climbing up to the middle rope and dropping her panties, then dropped her impressive weight down onto Mercury’s head. Her thick body jiggled as she was buried beneath the skirt and the sumo girl’s wide, bare ass. Mercury could only moan as she pawed and pushed at the smothering ass, but it refused to budge beyond some gentle bouncing in place, ensuring that her mouth and nose were filled by her sweaty skin. The blue girl struggled briefly before her eyes rolled and she went completely unconscious.

The big blonde turned back to the others, seeing their painful entanglement still going on. With a heavy huff, Sumomo pulled off her torn and sweaty top and threw it aside. The audience whistled or cheered for her clearly upping the stakes, smacking her broad and chubby chest like she would psyching herself up for a sumo bout. Mars was lifting Jupiter up by the hair, the brown-haired girl bent over and clutching her pussy. They both barely noticed that Sumomo was barreling towards them until she had already thrown herself into the air, body splashing Jupiter and Mars into the nearby turnbuckle. They huffed loudly as the two weakened wrestlers were crushed beneath the topless sumo’s bodyweight.

Sumomo backed off a pace, letting the two slump in the corner. The big blonde gave them each a heavy slap across the face before she grabbed each of their heads, thumping them together roughly. They looked even more dazed as Sumomo turned to face the downed Venus, only to find that she’d spared her enough time to recover. She’d crawled up to her knees and slammed an uppercut into the bigger blonde’s pussy.

“UGHHH!” Sumomo let out a huge, guttural howl, doubling over and clutching her groin as her breasts and belly sagged beneath her.

Venus rose back up, grabbing and pulling down on Sumomo’s hair extensions that made up her lengthy twintails. The thinner blonde pulled down on them at the same time as she drove her knee upward, bashing Sumomo with repeated blows to her face and lips. The crowd got fired up by her comeback as it made the sailor sumo moan. Venus backed up while she was still doubled over and launched an upward kick that bashed into Sumomo’s face, sending her falling flat on her ass against the ropes. Her legs splayed open, exposing her wet, tight panties while fresh blood ran down her nose and lip from the beating.

“You came second and were always second best!” Venus gloated as she stormed after Sumomo.

The others were barely starting to hold themselves up on their own feet, shoving at each other as they seemed to decide whether to work together or tear each other apart. That suited Venus fine as she reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties. She tossed them to the thrilled fans before she charged and leapt, nailing Sumomo with a pussy to the face in a bouncing bronco buster. The chunky girl flopped and wobbled as the pelvis beat and humiliated her already aching face. Venus backed off at last with one graceful bounce, the sumo’s blood staining her skirt and thighs.

“Hey! Let’s get this lazy lump of a leader out of our way already!” Venus called to the others.

Mars and Jupiter shared some wary glances before they nodded, glaring at the downed and dazed Sumomo. She barely got a chubby arm on the middle ropes, pulling herself up when they each came after her. Mars grabbed and pulled one pigtail as hard and far as she could to one side while Jupiter took the other. Sailor Sumomo screamed. Even if they were just clipped onto her real hair, their pulling still stung her real roots where they were fastened in.

Her cries were interrupted as Venus moved in. With Sumomo stuck in place, she started slamming deep punches into her breasts and belly. The blonde sumo huffed as her body kept trying to collapse, just to stay held up by her fellow scouts.

Venus backed off and wound up another harsh high kick, but Sumomo managed to jerk her head out of the way. It tugged painfully on one pigtail but she avoided Venus’ kick, letting Sumomo slam an elbow in between the other blonde’s legs. Venus let out a guttural gagging noise as she dropped to her knees holding her groin like Sumomo had earlier.

“In the name of the moon, I punish your slutty cunt!” Sumomo snarled through her blood-stained lips.

It was a powerful comeback but she hadn’t done anything to stop Jupiter and Mars. They both pivoted in and drove a knee into either side of Sumomo’s face, nailing her hard in the cheek and temple. Her eyes rolled as she staggered in place, looking ready to drop when they grabbed her by the arms. The two slung them over her shoulder while Venus forced herself back up, grabbing Sumomo by her skirt.

“On three! One! Two!” Jupiter ordered.

“Three!” they all yelled, lifting and suplexing Sumomo over their heads. They stumbled around as they coordinated themselves enough to lift and hold her, but they finally balanced it out to drop back and smash Sumomo into the turnbuckle behind them. The big girl let out a short, shrill scream of pain as she connected and bounced off it, landing flat on her face and stomach. A chubby arm weakly rubbed at her aching back. Her skirt and panties had been yanked hard enough that they were stretched out, hanging far down her thigh and exposing her ass and pussy as she writhed on the mats.

“She’s still fucking up?” Mars panted.

She was leaning on her knees and sweating after the massive effort.

“I’m not risking her busting in again. Let’s wrap her up,” Jupiter decided.

The trio had to push hard together to roll Sumomo onto her back. The bloodied and sweaty sumo’s eyes rolled as the three of them sat on her bulging belly, making her groan and cough weakly.

“1! 2!” they counted off again.

This time, they didn’t reach three. Sumomo bucked and thrust up with her hands, clumsily pushing the skinnier girls off her to break the pin.

“Oh bullshit!” Venus huffed.

The threesome rose up and threw a few quick kicks and stomps into the big girl. Jupiter grabbed her by a handful of her natural hair, dragging the big sweaty girl to her feet.

“This time let’s toss her over the ropes. That should put her down for good,” Mars offered.

The girls clambered around Sumomo, grabbing her by her legs and arms. The bloody, chubby girl barely seemed to stay standing, but her breathing grew heavier. What the other scouts mistook for her exhaustion turned out to be her flaring masochism and competitive side blending together in a painful moment of clarity.

“One! Two!” the girls counted down, ready to heave her over the ropes.

“THREE!” Sumomo shouted.

As the girls struggled to lift her, her eyes lit up with a wild and furious look. The sumo came back hard as she reached out and wrapped up all three girls in her arms, squeezing them together in one massive bearhug. They all gagged and panicked, shoving at her face or clawing Sumomo’s tits. Sumomo ignored them and turned sharply, body slamming all three remaining scouts into the corner. They all grunted from the heavy impact, Sumomo’s own bulk combined with their temporary allies being crushed on top of them. Sumomo released them, just to slam a thick forearm into Mars’ face. As the front of the piled up scouts, she grunted and her head snapped back, crashing into Jupiter’s who crashed into Venus in the same way. They all ragdolled from the powerful blows, slumping into limp sitting positions in the corner.

Sumomo backed off, breathing heavily like a raging beast. She threw up a fist and gave a barbaric shout, wearing nothing but her gem-spotted wig. The audience hooted along with the chubby wrestler as she went barging back in and turned around, smashing her huge and sweaty ass into all three girls’ faces. It was big enough to cover up all three of them in a massive hip bump, knocking them silly with her triple booty bump. The flabby cheeks squashed against them, smearing her sweat over them before she backed off. They flopped limply onto the mats, staring at the spotlights overhead. Venus coughed, barely more aware than the others as she recovered from the feel and taste of Sumomo’s incoming ass.

She was also aware enough to see Sumomo loom over them, blocking out said lights as she went into a flying belly flop. Venus couldn’t do a think about it but scream before Sumomo’s big body crashed down on top of them; her tits in Jupiter’s face, her belly over Venus, and her bare, wet pussy over Mars. All three girls flopped as Sumomo let herself rest, panting as her thick curves bobbed over the triple pinned opponents. The audience counted down the triple pinfall, the bell finally ringing to end the match. Sumomo could barely stumble to her knees, but she raised a meaty arm to her fans and gave another savage scream of triumph. They howled right back as a stagehand helped her slip her battered, chubby form through the ropes to leave the ring before gathering up the losers.

“Dammmn! Look at you!” Sakura praised as she got backstage.

She squeezed her equally chunky girlfriend tightly, even if it made both their muscles and their bruises ache. Sumomo giggled and kissed her pink-haired girlfriend back. It was mostly sweet, but they were both fired up from their fights and snuck in a bit of mutual pain. They nibbled at each other’s lips and dragged their fingernails lightly over each other’s belly rolls to share a bit of their latest suffering and triumph with each other.

“You look hot as hell when you’re beat up, you know that? I just wish I’d done it myself,” Sakura purred.

“Give me a half hour and some ice packs and I’ll fight you anywhere, you sexy piglet,” Sumomo sighed, even if it was mostly a lot of big talk after that hard of a fight.

Sakura only stopped to wipe some of the blood from Sumomo’s face after they’d felt each other’s bodies.

“Show’s going great,” Sakura mentioned.

“People are loving our brand of crazy. We may not have factored in how many clothes we’d ruin and have to replace, but it should still be a huge success!”

Sumomo nodded. “That’s great and all, but do we have to wait to the end of show before I can fuck you silly? I’m tasting blood and probably a little concussed, and you know how that gets me…”

Sakura nodded eagerly.

“Oh for sure! Let’s grab a changing room for the next match or two and I’ll wreck that pussy before we need to help wrap things up.”

Sumomo sighed and smiled at the offer.

“Only if I don’t rip your clit off first, you bruised up little piggy.”

“Anytime, you sweaty bloody cow,” Sakura sighed as she stared lovingly into Sumomo’s eyes.


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