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Took me all month to do this top-voted piece!

I’ve said in a few places, I rarely think to do gay or furry pieces. They’re not a focus of mine, but I’ve done them. It just doesn’t come to mind to me, but they can be fun to break out sometimes. Someone just mentioned what if a shortstack rabbit and ran with it by throwing in some accent play. Messed around with rabbit traits and some super strong legs. Definitely has some mild goblin energy but more horny country tough girl stuff.

I kinda like how I handle my take on “guess there’s animal people” too. That they’re there but they’re the weirdos who live outside of the major towns.

“Hey, y’all! Name’s Honeybun, and welcome to the farm. A real big welcome to ya too, ya tall drink’a water!”

Tom had lived in the city all his life, meaning he had rarely come into contact with animal people. Anthros, as some people expected them to be called, but most were content to call them tiger guys, shark boys, catgirls and so on. Or just “furries” if you were feeling lazy. They didn’t venture into the tighter urban areas too often. You got occasional housepet-based ones that would move in with a roommate or partner, but most of them preferred the fresh air and open land where they could fit in while fending for themselves.

When Tom couldn’t get a job in the main city, he ventured out to Green Valley Agriculture. It turned out to be little more than a farmhand position, but he took what he could get. He just didn’t imagine his boss would be a thicc little shortstack of a bunnygirl.

She was barely over 4 feet tall with sandy blonde fur. He had to wonder if a name like Honeybun was from the coloration of her fur. Then again, he had to wonder if her name was real before even considering that. He kept hearing that anthros had all kinds of weird names. She had some short fur all over her body and a shallow muzzle barely poking out from her face. Honeybun’s actual hair was a few inches longer than the rest of her fur, curling out just above her shoulders. She wore a tight pair of jeans and a flannel shirt with a few of the top buttons undone. She went barefoot, which was not uncommon among the anthros with their thicker skin and paws. It made particular sense for someone with feet as large and long as Honey’s.

Most notably (beyond being a bipedal talking rabbit), she was short but big everywhere else. She had a large set of droopy ears, hanging down over each shoulder like they were a huge pair of built-in earrings. Big blue eyes stood out over her cute little nose and smile, and a wide set of hips filled out her especially roomy jeans. A cottony tail of brown and white especially big to match her thighs and booty that were twice as wide as the rest of her. The open buttons on her shirt seemed more and more like they were busted loose out of necessity, exposing some plump and fluffy cleavage sticking out of the top of her work shirt.

“Hey, ma’am. I’m Tom, your new guy.”

Tom held out a hand. He was a fairly middling guy with short brown hair. Pretty forgettable for a human. Scrawny for a hippo or a bull, but pretty big in the eyes of a mouse or a bunnygirl. Probably the main reason why he got hired in the first place. Bigger and stronger than they were, but not so much that he’d trample them by mistake.

The bottom-heavy bunny grabbed his hand, squeezing it in a firm grip for such a little lady. She was clearly a country girl, if not for the twang of her accent than the strength in her handshake.

“Oh, heck! You can just call me Honey all ya like, sugar!”

Honey pulled his arm, yanking him into her and drawing him into a big hug. It was a surprise above all else, making Tom blush as her thin but warm fur pressed against him. The notable squish to her breasts and thighs followed right after as she squeezed around his waist. His face turned but still nuzzled a plump cheek up against his stomach.

“Oh. Uh, right. Thanks, Honey,” Tom finally replied once he got used to the hug.

“Think nothin’ of it, hon. Been needin’ a big strong man like you around here for a while now. Been managin’ this place a spell but it’s just plain too much for a gal to handle. Nothin’ like havin’ an extra set of hands around to help with a lady’s needs, huh?“

Tom nodded. He imagined whatever the rabbitgirl would need, he could handle.

“So what exactly will I be doing around here? Just helping pick carrots?” he asked witlessly.

Honey gave a surprisingly loud and sudden laugh.

“Carrots! That’s a good’n, sug. We put out a lotta corn an’ eggs for the area ‘round here. Send a bird out for a slaughter once in a while, but I was never big on that maself. You’ll be helpin feed the hens an’ work on the waterin’ every now and then.”

“And by hens… what kind of birds do you have here?”

Honeybun shrugged. She gestured down around her knee.

“Just about yay high. Not sure they got breeds or nothin’. Family raised ‘em off a couple they got back a few counties over.”

Tom nodded along again. He just wanted to make sure they were actual chickens. He had no idea on the details, but apparently anthros had zero issue with regular animals. He tried to imagine it as a human looking at a monkey in a zoo, but that didn’t quite work when there were also monkeygirls visiting the zoos. He guessed they were just as fine with the idea that if it talks, you don’t eat it.

“C’mon. I’ll give ya a tour and I’ll give ya a good look at the goods,” Honey said with a quick little wink.

The first flirty innuendo could have been a coincidence. The fourth or fifth one during his first day tour couldn’t have been a mistake. And that was just on her tour! Tom was beyond skeptical when she showed him what she’d called “the breedin’ barn” considering that she only seemed to raise corn and chickens. She’d been winking up at her taller visitor like she had something in her eye all day.

“But I think that’s about everythin’,” Honey summed up cheerily.

“Just head on back to Mason and he’ll show you how to handle the tractor and all the finer bits. But if y’all need anythin’, I wouldn’t mind if ya gave me a holler anytime ya need.”

“I will. Thanks,” Tom said, nodding along with the offer.

Honey’s droopy ears wiggled, presumably a sign of excitement to go with her big smile as she trotted off. Tom went back towards the garage that she’d shown him earlier, where he’d waved at a squat and bored-looking badger man working on an engine. Mason, as he’d been introduced, just nodded up at Tom and wiped off his hands, starting to talk him through the details of the machines and farming equipment around them.

“The shift sticks a little, but y’shouldn’t get ‘er outta second on most days. Any questions?”

“I guess I have one… is Miss…”

Tom hesitated. He couldn’t remember being given her last time.

“Is Honeybun kinda… friendly with everybody?”

“Sure,” Mason shrugged, making his multicolored fur and greasy overalls shift around.

“Happy as a pig in shit, most of the time. …just don’t go tellin’ Jimbo I said that.”

“Cuz he’s a pig. I get it,” Tom quickly caught on.

“I mean, is she like… flirty with everyone? She was winking and complimenting and hinting at stuff…”

Mason pursed his lips and thought hard.

“Don’t think so… was her tail twitchin’ when she talked to ya?”

It had been hard to miss. It was a struggle not to stare at her wide ass bobbing in front of him.

“It might have been the jiggle, but yea.”

“Then she’s either mad with ya or she’s in the mood. Probably the latter since she just met ya. If ya ask me, she’s had a thing for tall fellahs. Tends to get that way when we get a visitor who’s a biggun like you. Never batted an eye at most of us like that, but getcha a bear or an elephant out her and she gets a little extra sunshine to ‘er. But she’s too caught up in workin’ the farm to make a move. ‘Course, with you workin’ here, it’d be easy enough for you two to shack up and finally let her get that outta her system.”

Mason took out a well-used handkerchief and polished some engine grease off his paws. He looked at Tom with his usual half-lidded, vacant expression.

“But that’s just my opinion. Don’t you mind ol’ Mason.”


After his shift, Tom caught up to her back at the farmhouse where Honey actually lived. It was outlandishly easy to ask Honey out for drinks. Tom barely had to bring it up when her big heavy ears perked up a few inches higher.

“Boy howdy, yes!” she agreed with a wide smile.

“Lemme slap on my Sunday best and I’ll give ya a ride!”

It was a short wait before Tom found out her ‘Sunday best’ was a fresh, clean flannel shirt and a pair of jean shorts. The regular pants had hugged her hips, but the tight cutoffs just made her ass look even bigger. Since Honey knew the area best, she drove the human into town in her pickup truck. It was a little cramped but not as tiny as Tom expected in the cab of her truck. Her seat and windows were lower to the ground but the interior seemed built to hold whatever size in the passenger seat.

Tom ended up having a strange but pleasant meal with his new boss. Duster’s was a lively bar and grill place with a variety of animalfolk working and eating there. Honey seemed to know everybody, judging by all the waves and smiles she dished out, but her real attention always stayed on Tom. While a polar bear delivered them beer, steak sandwiches and wings that Honey swore would “melt your ___ off,” she was playing footsie under the table and breaking into cute little smiles whenever she met his eye.

Loosened up and bolstered by the alcohol, they left the bar together. Honeybun twirled her keys on her finger.

“Need a place ta crash t’night? Got some guest rooms at the house, if yer not up for drivin’,” the short hare offered.

It was the perfect opportunity.

“I probably should. Are you okay to drive?” Tom asked as he waited for her to unlock the truck. He was buzzed, but he remembered all the old PSAs warning against it.

“From that pisswater? I could fix the dang roof after a few rounds of the stuff. Now hop on in.”

Honey had been confident and flirty since she’d met him and indeed, the drinking barely seemed to phase the thick little hare. As their short drive closed in on the farm, Tom took his shot.

“Hey, did you want to hang out in the barn?” he offered bluntly.

Blunt seemed to be the shortstack bunny’s language. She raised her eyebrows up at Tom.

“Oh that barn? Might you be talkin’ about the breedin’ barn?”

“I suppose it is,” Tom confessed. “I just thought that on a starry night like this, it might make for a nice view with the right company?”

Honey batted her eyes up at the taller human.

“And would I make for the right company, Tommy?”

He looked down at the thick and curvy rabbit sitting next to him.

“The absolute best.”


Rather coincidentally, Tom was right. They climbed up into the hayloft and they had a better view of the stars and the few acres of land that made up the farm. Honeybun went behind a few stashed barrels and sat next to him on a hay bale. She held up a bottle of stronger alcohol than they’d been drinking at the bar, stashed away in the loft with a couple glasses.

“I didn’t think getting shitfaced at high altitude was a bright idea, but here we are.”

He shrugged as she poured them each a small dose of liquor.

“Darlin’, if we all played things safe, people woulda never made it off all fours,” Honey chided.

She took her drink in a swift gulp, breaking into a large but wincing smile. Her curvy little body tensed up and Tom felt her thick ears twitch, gently slapping against his side a few times. He downed it with significantly more difficulty and coughing, but he kept it down. They sat there together a while, making rambling small talk and enjoying the view while sneaking in tastes of the stronger stuff. Before long, Honey had shifted next to him. At first it was close enough that her ears and swelling out ass cheeks were brushing against his side. It became her leaning her head on his side, tucking herself under his arm when he had barely raised it to consider putting it over her shoulders.

“Thanks for the job. And the meal and the night in general,” Tom spoke up at last to address their situation.

“Ain’t nothin’, cityboy. You humanfolk are aright! Better’n aright in some parts, I hear.”

The hare ran a warm palm over his thigh. The gesture spurred on his general excitement to manifest into a proper erection in his pants.

“Now how’s about you an’ me turn this here breedin’ barn to good use? That sound good to you, stretch?” his short boss purred.

“Anything you say, ma’am,” Tom quickly agreed.

The assertive little lady tugged on his shirt collar, getting him to bend over and press his face close to hers.

“I told you to call me Honey. Or somethin’ nastier, if you’re gonna be a good boy,” she intoned.

A sweet firmness to her voice made Tom’s cock spring to attention like her obedient pet. Honey pressed her lips to his, forcing her surprising tongue into his mouth. She was smaller than he was in everything except her hips and tits, but she knew how to use her weight to steer him around how she wanted. She was also a bottomheavy farmgirl, so she had no problem keeping him stooped over at her beck and call.

Not that he wanted to leave her grip anyway. Tom wrapped his arms around her shoulders, squeezing her closer into their embrace. They made out as his tongue rubbed around the country girl’s mouth, feeling their way around the small space and her larger than normal teeth. She only seemed interested in biting his lower lip anyway so he quickly worked his way around it. He was paying more attention to his roaming hands, feeling out her swishing puffball of a tail and squeezing her thick ass. It was even softer and meatier than he’d imagined, and couldn’t help but send his hands down her shorts. Honeybun just moaned and leaned in closer to him, mashing her tits against his chest as she started pulling at his shirt.

Tom was about to help shrug out of his top when Honey lunged forward. She pinned the human flat on his back, straddling his hips with his hands still glued to her hips. Her shorts started to slide down her wide behind, so he sheepishly started slipping them the rest of the way down. He took a curious care in not catching them on her tail as she pulled his shirt off herself. She sat up and unbuttoned her top, smiling down at him as she ground her warm crotch and strong thighs on his lap.

“Love you big an’ tall softies. Been hankerin’ for a humie just like you, big fellah,” Honey purred.

She ran a hand over Tom’s chest, and the warm, fuzzy digits with the soft pads at the fingertips sent a strange but exciting sensation through his body. He shivered under her, which made his erection grind against her crotch. He could see her eyelids lower slightly as she smiled knowingly at him.

“My my my… didn’t know we had a new stud on the farm. Thought I’d locked up all the cocks in the henhouse for the night,” she purred as she finished unbuttoning her top with her free hand.

“You know… you really don’t have to keep making puns,” Tom assured her politely.

Honeybun giggled and leaned over, pressing a soft finger to his lips. Her breasts spilled out over the top of the unbuttoned shirt, their hard nipples and fat, warm flesh resting on his bare chest.

“That was never part of the deal, sugar. You want the Hon, you get the puns.”

Tom broke into a nervous snicker and Honeybun giggled again. Her laughter alone made her breasts bounce and wobble against him, popping the last couple buttons loose from her top. She gave a more sheepish smile but shrugged out of her top completely. Her plump tits were incredibly soft between the juicy flesh and the plush fur. Tom let his hands run along her sides to rub and cup her tits, having to press beneath a half-inch of fluff to feel her aching hard nipples.

Toying with her tits really got Honey going. She hummed and shut her eyes as her heavy hips started grinding harder. His erection was hard enough that it felt like it was trying to bust out of his pants, but the bunnygirl got them off before he could test that theory. She tugged off her panties as well, giving a firm kick of her thick leg to toss them aside. When she pinned him back to the hay bale, it came with a roll of her hips that brought her fluffy crotch right up against his cock. The fur was soaked with her horny juices, brushing across his dick like a paintbrush before she brought her hips pressing firmly back down.


The horny hare had a strong reaction right away. Tom let out a deep gasp of his own but Honeybun was outright shameless about it. She arched her back, thrusting out her wobbling tits for him like an appreciative offering. Tom groped at them unconsciously, squeezing them while peppering them with kisses. Her thick thighs squeezed tightly around his hips, drawing him deep inside her and cradling it tightly in her pussy.

“That’s it, stud. Gimme some sugar,” she grunted as she started humping more vigorously.

Much more vigorously. Her thick hips and strong legs were much more effective than Tom was expecting at riding his cock. The long-eared country girl started bouncing on his cock rapidly, just to break into what seemed like a full fledged sprint of a ride. Tom had seen girls pick up their pace in porn during a climax, but Honey was moving roughly triple the fastest he’d ever seen. It was equally overwhelming and erotic as he saw her curves jiggling, her plump ass and thick thighs slapping against his hips as she took his dick faster than he could process. He could only thrust up instinctively in the heat of the moment as the rapid-fire jackhammer of Honey’s pussy went wild on his shaft. Her breasts wobbled and slapped audibly against his hands as Tom took a clumsy slap at her ass, catching one of her wobbling cheeks by luck alone.

Honey’s thick front teeth bit on her lip as she shut her eyes. Her moans and cries broke through anyway, making her mouth hang open in mind-numbing arousal. She pumped away at her incredible turbo humping before she leaned her hands on his upper stomach, pivoting around quickly. She planted her fat ass and fluffy tail on his abs.

“Ears,” she panted out breathlessly.

“Huh?” Tom spared a few brain cells to remember how words worked.

“Take the ears,” Honey insisted more clearly, shaking her head.

It made her long, floppy ears and shaggy hair toss about in front of him. Deciding not to question it, Tom grabbed both of them like thick handlebars. Honey immediately cried out and went back into her overdrive humping, bouncing in place even quicker with him holding her in place. The ears worked like reigns, sending small surges of exciting pain into her scalp while pulling her back down harder on his dick. She rode him in her aggressive reverse cowgirl position, leaning forward slightly to keep his grip on her tight and to keep his dick pounding into her clit. It was hard to tell from his angle but given how much bigger he was than her, he thought he could see the outline of his dick’s head bulging at her belly. It must have just been the rapid jiggling going on from her constant bouncing and grinding on his dick.

Tom couldn’t handle it for long. He soon grunted and thrust out into her, pressing into the depths of the bunnygirl’s pussy. Honey moaned and had to brace her hands on his thighs, doubling over as his pulpy orgasm gushed into her. It dripped out, oozing over her furry thigh. Her rapid thrusting had her finally lose control, pulling back suddenly enough that Tom’s cock popped out of her. It sputtered a few creamy globs onto her tits and stomach as her mouth hung open, shivering place as her pussy bumped against his dick’s tip. The last few pumps seemed enough for her as she violently orgasmed over his crotch, squirting heavily through her pubic fur. She let out a long, quivering howl before she flopped down on top of him, a sweaty bundle of cum-stained fur. Even laid out on a heap of hay, Tom’s head spun with pleasure. He ran his hand over her furry head and back, nuzzling his face into her hair fondly.

“Now that’s some old-fashioned country lovin’,” Honey sighed, letting her plump body relax on top of Tom’s.

“I was gettin’ worried I’d have to start comin’ on a little strong if you didn’t pick up what I was layin’ down.”

Tom laughed, struggling to imagine that Honey thought she was being subtle with him before. She’d have to have pulled out her tits or grabbed him by the dick to make it any more obvious.

“I’m just a sharp one like that,” Tom dismissed instead.

He itched his fingers around her hair, enjoying watching the relaxing bunnygirl curling up in his arms.

“So is this a one time thing, or are we…?” Tom ventured after they managed to catch their breath in the sweat and sex-smelling barn.

“Oh! Anytime!” Honey insisted.

“Long as I ain’t workin’... heck, maybe even then. But my door’s always open, y’here? If it means a dose of humie dick on the other end of it, anyways. I wouldn’t mind keepin’ a farmhand around as the new stud of the place.”

She smiled and wiggled her hips, grinding her still-hard clit on his dick.

“And lemme tell ya, anythin’ you heard about us rabbits and multiplyin’... it just gets wilder when we’re people-sized. I plan on ridin’ you more’n the family pony, y’hear? I tend t’get a little attached once I get involved with a fella.”

She planted a sweet kiss on his lips, her eyes filled with a mix of deep affection and even deeper arousal just beneath the surface.


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