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Somebody on a discord I'm in mentioned the idea. It was so dumb I had to follow through. Pepsi and Coke both create a synthetic human to fight each other in the ring. It's a huge trashy ad campaign taking full manifestation as two busty ladies beating each other up over sales and soda puns! 

Just imagine those times when Wendys was shit-talking on McDonalds or whatever. It's the whole Republican vs Democrat thing; them having a feud is probably the best business either side could want. It makes their positions seem like the only choices. If Coke and Pepsi could do this, I feel confident they would.

My tastes come through in the end, but really the victor was chosen more on the mascot themselves. I added some twists to both ladies, but they're based on real ad campaigns. Pepsiman was famously memed in Japan, and they did slip in a Pepsiwoman as part of their diet soda campaign. I more loosely based Coke Girl on a commercial they did once back in the 90s or so. I went searching for a female mascot, and searching "Coke Supermom" finds a very loose basis I used for this story. Coke Girl is a little more vaguely artificial in this story than she is, but you get the idea between those two.

The ongoing rivalry between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola was a never-ending series of squabbles, ad campaigns, and contracts with particular restaurants. The feud was more beneficial than it was harmful to their businesses, really, so more and more they started to lean into the feud. When things seemed around their peak and people were starting fights in the streets over the Coke vs Pepsi wars, it gave both sides the same idea. The companies reached out to each other and agreed to hold a publicized match between a champion of each side.

With the stakes that high, the companies went all out on finding the ideal fighter for the match. They went through their employees, but it turned out a bunch of businessmen, shippers and flavor specialists didn’t make for very strong employees. They looked into sponsoring athletes or prizefighters at first, but even that felt like it would enter a stalemate or a bidding war. Their brainstorming finally reached a strange stage on both sides. The idea of using cybernetics and genetic engineering to create their own battle mascot felt like the best way to represent themselves while also hedging their bets with the strongest fighter they could create.

In front of a sold out stadium, both companies debuted their fighters. The company reps were slightly annoyed to find that their rivals had done the same, but it just meant it was another way for them to show that their lab team’s work was superior.

Pepsiwoman was based on a design put together by Pepsi’s Japanese advertising company years ago. Their creation was given life and stood in the middle of the ring, her broad and busty chest puffed out. She was largely humanoid, but she was completely covered in what looked like a silver bodysuit styled after the Diet cans. The red white and blue Pepsi logo was emblazoned across her breast and her head was covered in a thick hood. It gave her head a sleek yellow shape meant to mimic a lemon to go with their added Twist flavor.

Coke Girl was built in a similar fashion. She was a busty and fit humanoid with her body, boots and gloves the iconic dark red of a Coke can, streaked here and there with the matching silvery white patterns. She had slightly more human features to her face, a metallic mouth and nose beneath the sleekly branded bodysuit that went from thigh to head. Some golden blonde hair hung behind her head in a wild mane.

The women’s competitive dislike for each other was built into the very foundation of their programming. They glared at each other with their unseen eyes, built beneath their protective bodies to keep them from being targeted. Pepsiwoman folded her arms across her chest, making her breasts and logo swell as her muscles bulged. Coke Girl gave her a bitter sneer as she planted her fists on her thick hips.

“Alright, ladies! Get ready, and let’s have a good hard fight. The loser is the first to pass out or admit that the other brand is better.”

A random male employee from RC Cola had been called in to act as their fully impartial referee.

“Not gonna happen,” Pepsi huffed confidently.

“Get ready to have your cans crushed, you copycat bitch,” Coke added arrogantly with a toss of her hair.

The ref backed off and the bell rang as the two superhuman fighters flew right at each other. Their sole purpose was to destroy and humiliate the other in front of the crowd and it was clear they were eager to do so.

They traded a few quick blows, testing each other’s bodies with speedy punches. Their logo-covered bodies were not only good advertising (no better place than across an impressive pair of tits), but highly protective from the advanced polymers that went into their bodysuits. The women barely flinched from the body blows, making it clear that they both needed to change tactics.

“How about the cool refreshing taste of my bootheel, bitch!?” Pepsiwoman declared.

She took a short hop back and threw her leg up with alarming flexibility. It crashed into Coke Girl’s jaw with a metallic crunching sound as her head bucked back. The big blonde hair flew with it as a small splash of bubbly brown liquid flew from her lips. Clearly soda, but it functioned as close to blood as the sugar-fueled superheroine was going to get.

Coke staggered back a few paces and rubbed her face. Her blue and silver opponent stood confidently upright again, bracing a fist on her hip and jabbing a thumb proudly at her logo-clad breasts.

“That’s it, you slutty tincan. Why don’t you try the new Coca Cola Cunt Kick!?”

Coke rushed in and gave a soccer kick up between Pepsiwoman’s widespread legs. Her strong thighs suddenly clamped together as the faceless beauty bent over, clutching her pussy and looking as pained as a woman wearing a mask could do.

“Ohhh! Right in the tab!” The referee flinched as the Pepsi mascot was completely stunned by the low blow.

Coke Girl gladly grabbed Pepsiwoman by the back of her head while she was still howling in pain. She ran towards the nearest turnbuckle and slammed her face into it with another metallic crunching sound. Pepsiwoman’s face caved inward from the impact before snapping back into place with her flexible but durable synthetic skin. She moaned as Coke let her go, letting her stumble dizzily backward into the corner with her arms draped over the top ropes.

“Looks like only one of us has the flavor that lasts, because you’re falling flat,” Coke Girl huffed proudly.

She threw a few more swift punches, knocking Pepsiwoman’s head around. She grunted and moaned as more soda flew from her body like sweat and blood, but the blue and silver mascot suddenly blocked one of the incoming punches.

“I’m far too sweet to fail my fans now!” she boasted as she lunged in closer.

Pepsi wrapped her arms around Coke’s midsection, catching her in a bearhug while she was still surprised by the comeback. She grunted loudly and lifted her into a suplex, flipping Coke over her head and smashing her face into the same ringpost. The speeding impact left the synthetic blonde grunting loudly as she slumped back to the mats, landing on her knees in a dumbstruck heap. It seemed that even in her knocked out stupor, the programmers had made her out to be as sexy as possible. Her bodysuit rode up her ass as it stuck out behind her.

Pepsiwoman cupped her breasts and shook them for the crowd, seemingly just showing off with some fanservice. Then she knelt down and grabbed Coke Girl by the hair, forcing her to face her as she hugged her into a breast smother.

“Anytime is a good time for Pepsi. Why don’t you give it a shot?!”

Pepsiwoman hugged her foe tightly in her muscles arms as she activated her dispensers. Where her nipples would be on a human, a pair of appropriately shaped small spouts popped out through her suit. There was a quick fizzing noise as they sprayed out a strong stream of Pepsi into Coke Girl’s face, making her gag and sputter as it shot into her face and mouth. The crowd cheered for the sexy pseudo-lactation that humiliated her foe.

Pepsi shook her head, wriggling out of the drowning breast smother enough to take a breath. Her face was wet with her rival’s dispensed soda as she spat it out of whatever unseen mouth she had. Rather than back away, Pepsi wrapped her arms around her red rival’s waist.

“Time to recycle you, you scrappy slut!” she boasted before she leapt up a solid 10 feet straight into the air.

She swung the shocked Coke Girl around in midair before turning her upside down and piledrove her down to the mats. Coke’s eyes rolled from the devastating impact, giving off a thick grunt and metallic crunching sound along with a gush of soda from her flopping tits.

Pepsigirl rolled back to her feet as Coke Girl crumbled to the mats. The fans were cheering wildly; some for certain sides while most were just enjoying the match itself. Pepsi rose with a quick flex to keep the fans of the brand babe pumped while she grabbed Coke by the legs. She flipped the red woman onto her stomach and sat on her back, bending her thick legs up and back over her shapely ass. Coke screamed out as she was bent into a boston crab.

“Looks like your cheap old flavor can’t compete with the new and sweet!”

Pepsi wrenched back on Coke’s legs, getting a husky howl from the red rival. Her back bend, crushing her big breasts under her chest while her painfully arched legs made her thick ass swell up even more from her abused glutes. Coke Girl’s face twisted in pain before her masked eyes went wide, feeling Pepsiwoman shove her strong fingers pull aside her leotard and shove them into her pussy.

“Feel that? You know your weak-ass sugar water can’t compare!” Pepsi gloated.

She started roughly and rapidly fingering Coke Girl, her hand moving with the force and speed of a jackhammer. The blonde mascot’s voice vibrated along with the speedy sexual move, rocking her whole body until she gave a heated cry. Her thick thighs spread as much as Pepsi would allow as she squirted a huge, sugary orgasm of cola onto the mats.

“What can I say!? Pepsi’s the soft drink that always satisfies!” Pepsiwoman gloated.

She was still boasting over the forced orgasm but Coke Girl wasn’t out from that. Her superhuman endurance included her sexuality as well, even if Pepsi’s attack had really tested those limits. She contorted her upper body enough to palm the back of Pepsiwoman’s head and shove her forward. It mashed her face right into Coke Girl’s still squirting pussy, spraying her with the syrupy drink gushing out of her orgasm.

“Then try a free sample, bitch!” Coke Girl hissed as her rival sputtered and choked on her strong spray of soda.

Her submission hold immediately broke and Coke rose up to her knees, back to back with the blue and silver mascot. She reached back and grabbed her by her hooded head, bending her neck back over her shoulder before she dropped hard to the mats. The stunner made Pepsiwoman cry out and flop to the mats, clutching her neck and shoulders to rub the pain out of them.

Even dripping her orgasmic juices, Coke Girl knew she had some ground to catch up on. She grabbed Pepsiwoman by the neck, lifting her by the collar of her skintight costume. Coke threw her into the ropes and rushed after her at matching speed, giving a loud shout as she leapt into the air. She kneed Pepsi right in the gut as she turned around, driving her hard into the ropes as her arms draped over the top set.

Coke took a step back before whirling into a roundhouse kick. The strong and speedy block smashed right into the side of Pepsiwoman’s tits, smashing one into the other as she let out a loud howl of pain. Her boobs bounced all around, spilling more soda from her nipples as it was beat out of her chest. Coke gladly followed up by leaping into the air and smashing her chest with a double dropkick, crushing both breasts into her chest and stretching the ropes out as they struggled to contain the power between the two superhuman women.

The hooded creation moaned as she rubbed her chest, the leaking only reminding her of the throbbing pain in her abused boobs.

“I’m gonna enjoy beating the fizz out of you,” Coke growled as she cracked her knuckles.

She grabbed Pepsi by the hood and hurled her away again, this time into the nearby turnbuckle. Pepsiwoman moaned as she hit the corner and draped her arms wearily over the top rope, her breasts resting in between them. Coke Girl climbed up the same ropes from the outside, giving the silver beauty just a moment to see her boots before she jumped up, crushing them down onto her tits.

“EEE! MY SUGARTITS!” Pepsiwoman squealed in pain.

She thrashed and kicked as Coke’s crushing pressure sent a strong spray of Pepsi out of each of her teats, splashing over a few front-row fans. Coke just smirked and ground her heels into the crushed melons before hopping off. The storage tanks in her chest quickly refilled, letting her breasts come back to their original busty size, but Coke Girl had already moved behind her. She swung a massive field goal kick up between Pepsiwoman’s legs, smashing into her clit and making her hips buck up and lift her feet off the ground in shocked agony. Pepsiwoman grabbed at her crotch, her unseen eyes rolling as she squirted even more soda in a paingasm all over the mats.

“This is why you don’t fuck with the classics!” Coke Girl boasted as Pepsiwoman dropped to her knees.

Coke Girl saw that she was hurting and wanted to end her in a quick but spectacular manner. She grabbed Pepsiwoman by the neck and forced her across her shoulders, lifting her up in a torture rack. The silvery mascot moaned as her red rival bent her across her back, stomping her feet to drive PW’s side and spine into her flexing shoulders.

“Come on and break, you shitty little copycat!” Coke Girl demanded as she put the pressure on.

Pepsiwoman wailed in pain as she flailed around but couldn’t catch much of any real use. She could get a grazing grip on Coke Girl’s hair but she’d shake her head and lose it in the slippery grip. Both women were damp with soda in several locations between their orgasm and milking leakage, but Coke held on tightly rather than risk another comeback from her opponent.

“Fucking tap out! Admit it! Coke’s better!” the blonde brawler ranted, spraying some brownish spittle over Pepsiwoman’s breasts and face.

“You don’t have an original thing about you!”

 may I recommend
?” Pepsiwoman panted out weakly.

She reached up and raised her mask, just enough for her pouty, silvery lips to be exposed beneath her yellow mask. She took a short gasp of air before she spat out a slightly brighter colored stream of Pepsi, catching Coke Girl right in the face. She flinched from the familiar splash of soda in her face, but her eyes suddenly watered. She started to scream as her eyes burned and she immediately let Pepsiwoman go to clutch her stinging face.

“Try out Diet Pepsi Twist!” Pepsiwoman huffed as she landed awkwardly but rose back to her knees.

“Made with real lemon juice!” she added, pointing out the sting in Coke’s eyes.

“I can’t see! That’s a shitty fucking way to sell your soda! FUCK!” Coke ranted as she pawed at her face, trying to wipe the stinging soda out and clear her vision.

“Samples may not be safe for human consumption!” Pepsiwoman rambled out quickly for legal purposes, even as she lunged at the staggering Coke Girl.

She swung a beefy arm that bashed into CG’s neck, clotheslining her to the mats with a booming thud. The audience started to roar over the sudden comeback as Pepsiwoman caught her foe by her long golden hair. She gripped it tight in both hands and started to spin around, swinging the screaming Coke around by the hair before flinging her straight into the air.

Coke flew helplessly towards the skylights before Pepsiwoman squatted down low. A pair of large soda cans popped out at her ankles as she rocketed herself upward, a blast of frothy soda blasting behind her like booster rockets. She flew past Coke Girl for a moment before grabbing her by the ankles, twisting her around so that she was hanging upside down from Pepsi’s grip.

“Time to knock you flat, you soda jerk!” Pepsi declared.

She draped the nearly balled up Coke over her shoulder and soared down towards the mats. She stuffed her fingers into the red woman’s crotch and ass, delivering a shocker before she hit the ground in a powerful muscle buster. Coke’s body vibrated from the painful impact, and that shook it up enough that her pussy humped the intruding hands. Coke’s eyes rolled back into her head as her jaw dropped open, squirting a thick spray of orgasming cola from her exposed pussy.


Pepsiwoman rose back to her feet, breathing heavily as her body. Both of them were feeling drained, pouring most of their fuel and energy into the match already. Coke shuddered and leaked on the mats as she barely rolled over to lean on her elbows. Both synthetic women were leaking from their breasts and groins, plus a bit around their faces when it had acted more like blood than cum or milk.

Pepsiwoman grabbed Coke Girl by the hair again, kneeling down and dragging her into a chokehold. CG winced as she found her head resting between the silver woman’s tits again.

“Come on, you washed up drug peddler! Submit! Admit that Pepsi’s sweeter and stronger than anything you ever made!”

Coke Girl growled and struggled weakly against the choke, but the last move took a lot out of her. She grit her teeth and pawed around behind her until her fingers found purchase under Pepsiwoman’s mask.

“Guess what
 being sweet doesn’t win matches!”

Coke reached blindly under the lemony mask and raked her nails over whatever she could reach. She managed to scratch at one of Pepsiwoman’s eyes, making her cry out and recoil to clutch her face. Her retreat left Coke Girl still holding her mask, the lovely but clearly metallic face of her foe revealed. Her dark blue eyes (matching her short, dark blue hair) watered as she knelt nearby.

Coke Girl rose up, standing unsteadily as she grabbed Pepsiwoman by the hair. She started to drive hard knees up into her face, knocking her silly as her head bounced around from the harsh blows.

“Looks like you’ve got a glass bottle jaw!” Coke snarled as she landed one more hard hit. It sent Pepsiwoman stumbling back, her pupil-less eyes rolling in her head. With her legs spread out as clumsily as they were, Coke Girl extended a finger as the tip popped off like a bottlecap. She thrust it up between Pepsiwoman’s legs and let loose a strong blast of soda like it was firing fresh from the fountain. Pepsi gave a wavering cry as her body tightened up, and the shower-like stream blasting her clit had her shuddering as she squirted her soda-cum over the mats.

Coke Girl smirked as she backed off. The panting Pepsiwoman was barely on her knees, sweating and leaking as Coke Girl sucked on her finger still coated in her juices.

“I knew it. Still tastes like shit. Time to put you out of your misery.”

Coke Girl clenched a fist and with some mechanical whirring, some metallic coating emerged from her arm. It wrapped around her fist, looking like a hammer at first before it revealed itself as just an oversized Coke can. It even had the seasonal Santa Claus pattern on it.

“Say goodnight, sugar!” Coke Girl threatened as she took a huge swing at Pepsiwoman.

The blue babe shook her head just enough to dodge aside, evading the incoming haymaker. She leaned in close and threw her arms around Coke’s midsection, staying too close for her armored fist to do her any good. Coke grimaced at the maneuver but then cried out as Pepsi squeezed her in a bearhug. The red warrior threw her arms around her as well, matching her hug for hug as they both squeezed with all their might. They grunted and shouted heatedly as their breasts swelled between them, their hard nipples jabbing at each other’s sore tits. Their hips pumped together as well, grinding their overworked pussies as well. Their thighs slid between each other’s legs, grinding at first to turn them on before ramming harder knees into their groins. They moaned and howled but held on tight with their death grip, their leaky tits crushing and rubbing together messily.

“I’m gonna pop your cherry coke like this, you bubbly old bitch!” Pepsiwoman hissed, desperately bitter in her pained state.

“I’m gonna teach you what a proper soda is by drowning you in it, you stale slut!” Coke Girl grunted back, struggling just a smuch.

They held up their stalemate, leaking more and more soda as milk and cum until Pepsiwoman suddenly broke things up. She swung her unmasked face forward, smashing a headbutt into Coke’s. They both reeled from the hit, their metallic skins dented inward but Coke seemed less prepared for it. They both broke out of the hug but Pepsiwoman grabbed Coke Girl by her tits and crotch. She rose up with her fingers buried deep into both ends as she held the red challenger over her head. Pepsiwoman gave a triumphant roar as her listless rival wavered in her grasp like a captured trophy before she dropped to one knee. The other extended and Coke Girl’s back landed perfectly across it. Her metallic frame bent unnaturally around it and CG’s eyes rolled back into her head. She let out a soft gagging noise as some dark brown foam poured from her lips, showing her tanks had run empty.

“Say it!” Pepsiwoman demanded.

She leaned over Coke Girl, pressing her hand into her chin and crotch. Both pushed down hard and her body creaked more noisily, her skin twisting in more clearly metallic angles.

” Coke Girl sputtered out. The faint glow left her eyes, she flopped limp in Pepsiwoman’s grasp. Her power reserves left her and she went into a temporary shut down, clearly losing the match.

“The winner is Pepsiwoman!” the RC Cola rep announced to the shouting fans.

Riots broke out. Wars were declared. Friendships were ended. But the winner had been officially announced when it came to which soda could out-wrestle the other. A medical Dr. Pepper unit came out to recover the loser while Pepsiwoman stood back up. The ref held up her arm in triumph, even as she leaned into him and angrily complained.

“What?! No! Keep the match going! She didn’t admit I was better yet! Let me at her!”

Pepsiwoman struggled to go after her rival but she had already been dragged out of the ring. The metallic champion fumed over the matter, a little unsatisfied even with her victory.

“Sorry if I’m a little bitter
 I should restock on my sugar reserves,” she admitted, taking on a more humble tone with the ref.

She struck a pose, flashing the double peace sign at her countless fans.

“I mean, I’m gonna go celebrate with a Pepsi! Join me, won’t you~!?” she chimed more showily.

Even if she was basically naked and covered in the mixed mess of both fighters’ juices in front of millions of viewers, she was going to push her product. The sexy sight would skyrocket their sales... until the next big product showdown, anyway.


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