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Cowgirls and waitresses. Based heavily on this post  from Debu https://mobile.twitter.com/kdubs_matt/status/1351950746179104769.

I just threw a lot of things together that I liked in here to put together a colorfully horny cast. Anything remotely cow-like, with everything from shortstack to chub to buff bullies. There's some inflation and weight gain tones in the original posts that I kind of skipped over, but I do think that the more you work there, the more uniquely cowgirlesque you get as I hint at a little.

Posted as the poll winner, but could easily be worth a revisit like most of the restaurant franchise stories.


The latest (and some would call greatest) addition to the theme restaurants around the world was Mooters. A simple swap of one letter and a little extra theming had people flocking to the cowgirl-centric locales. Tight blue short shorts and a white, sleeveless shirt made a simple, practical yet revealing outfit. The restaurant logo was written across the front, usually stretched out by the busty waitresses with a cow’s face in the middle, its wide nostrils forming the O’s in Mooters. The fact that they offered some of the best burgers, curly fries and milkshakes in town were a pleasant bonus on top of the chesty staff. The end result was that it kept the bovine waitresses plenty busy.

“Watch it up there! I got a tray of cow tippers I wouldn’t mind droppin’ on your crotch if I get bumped one more OOP!”

Sara-Lyn stumbled as another passing customer unwittingly bumped into her. She went stumbling forward and likely would have dropped her tray of burgers if she didn’t face-plant into the wide butt right ahead of her. The short horned girl hastily righted herself up again as the cow tail attached to the buns tossed idly.

All of the Mooters girls had something big about them. It just came with being a cowgirl and packing all that extra beef. Sara-Lyn was the shortest out of all the servers, but had a massive rack that reached her belly while stretching out her work shirt. The little redhead in a ponytail pushed herself back out of the wide buns and shook her short-horned head.

“Thanks for the save, Kay. Appreciate the airbags,” Sara-Lyn huffed, regaining her balance and trotting off.

“Oh, no problem!” Kayla chirped quickly, lazily waving at Sara as if she hadn’t even noticed her coworker landing between her buns.

Kayla was of middling height but that was the only thing remotely small about her. She was about another half as wide as any human customer, with a gut that hung over the waistband of her shorts. It wasn’t much of a deterrent when she had tits the size of beanbag chairs that overflowed her top at both the neckline and the arm holes. Her thighs bulged at the edges of her tight shorts, her hips more than filling them out. Her hair was long and straight, jet black but with irregular white patches.

“Alright, that’s table for two,” Kayla noted as she scrawled something out on the front podium’s touchpad. “I can find you a seat right this way.”

“Hey, I gotta ask,” a young man following her spoke up. His eyes watched her wide, jiggling ass bob up and down as she walked at her brisk pace.

“With uh… the lapdances and things. Do the chairs ever just uh…?”

Kayla groaned and rolled her eyes. “The chairs are reinforced to hold upwards of three people,” she rattled off.

“You’re perfectly safe from anything like that.”

There was a wet grunting noise from nearby that made the new guests turn their heads. A particularly muscular cowgirl with tan skin was sitting on one of the booths’ benches, her hands braced on it for balance. Her legs were fully extended, showing their large and tight leg muscles bulging as they squeezed around a customer’s neck. Her wild long hair was left to hang over her sidecut temples in a rough, dyed bright pink mane. The pudgy man between her legs was bright red in the face and slapping weakly against her iron-like limbs.

“Is that safe?” the other man following Kayla asked. The pudgy cowgirl shrugged.

“Oh for sure. The ‘crush me mommy’ guys and all ask for it all the time. Bibi does it so much that she knows what she’s doing. Guy probably even asked for it… probably.”

“Y’call that a tip, ya fuckin’ cheapskate!? Six percent my fuckin’ ass!” Bibi barked at her trapped customer with a thick New York accent.

“Or maybe not,” Kayla admitted. “I should probably check on that. Eventually. Meh.”

She shrugged again, making her collection of chubby girls wobble up and down again.

“Anyway, we can sit ya right here. Can I start you two...?”

“Hey, can I get a refill my milkshake over here?” a voice called from nearby.

Kayla breathed a deep sigh and rolled her eyes.

“Fuck it. Forgot about that guy. Aright, let me get you guys covered. Yo, new meat!”

A curvy, blushing girl with round, dimpled cheeks and thick black curls arrived in a flustered hurry. Her large, round boobs bobbed around as she settled to a stop, her narrower waist leaving a tight sway of her thick tits and ass that kept throwing off her balance.

“Hi! Yea! It’s Coco, by the way,” she corrected. She awkwardly picked at the shorts to tug them out from between her round and juicy cheeks.

“Great. Help these two out. I gotta go squeeze out some refills. Shout for Lula if you need anything cuz I got my hooves full tonight.”

“Okay. Thanks! I will,” the new recruit rambled.

Kayla gave her a curt, upturned nod. She was looked at as a kind of big sister to the other recruits, helping keep things moving and picking up the slack with the quirkier cows. Despite her sometimes moody outlook she kept a lookout for them when the managers weren’t around.

“Okay, bud. Which one were you again?” Kayla asked as she went to the nearby table.  The tall, lanky guy sat there staring at her jiggling curves as she took his glass.

“I had the chocolate shake,” he reminded her.

“Got it. Just a sec then.”

Kayla took his cup back behind the counter and emptied some ice chips into the glass. She grabbed one of several small plastic vials left beside it, a mix of liquid and thick powder labeled “Chocolate.”. She chugged the dark brown powder and swished it around her mouth for a moment before gulping it down. Kayla walked back to the customer while she glanced lazily at the clock, muttering a short countdown.

Back at the table, she pulled hard on her top, letting one of her mammoth boobs flop out. She ran her finger readily over her wide areolas, warming up and hardening the nipple in preparation. Finally she hefted her huge jug into the guy’s glass, resting her nipple over the edge as she gave it a squeeze. A steady flow of warm chocolate milk started to squirt out as she played with her flabby jug.

“Shit, I’m getting a text. Mind giving me a hand with this one? I’ll even let you lick the spoon.”

The busty bovine slid a phone out from the depths of her cleavage as she stroked her fingers around her breast. She squeezed and pumped it like a milking udder to drain more out of it until the glass was nearly refilled. Kayla took a thin spoon from the table and stirred it up, quickly making the absurdly fresh milkshake in moments. A chocolatey trickle was still oozing from her hardened nipples.

“Yea, once these naughty girls get going, they can be hard to stop. Help yourself,” she urged with a nod.

Kayla was still on her phone as she slung an arm around her guest’s neck, hugging him against her massive chest. His face was buried in the mound of titty, the warm chocolate milk getting forced into his mouth. She was surprisingly strong for someone so soft and chubby.

The customer braced his hands against her soft belly while he started sucking on her teat. For all the milk there was inside, it molded around at the slightest pressure. Her nipple grew thicker and harder like a large thumb in his mouth.

“Mm. There ya go. Don’t worry about drinkin’ too much there, pumpkin. I can be feedin’ customers all day and still have extra titty milk to go around.”

The human guest groped at her free boob as he drank from the other. His tongue rubbed over her hardened nipple and even flicked at the open slit at its tip. Kayla gave an appreciative little hum at his passionate enjoyment.

“Wow, you’re a big fan, aren’t you? Would you believe this is the closest I get to a break around here sometimes?” she chuckled.

The chubby cow slid into the seat next to him. Her wide butt pushed him over easily as she squashed into place, her gut pushing against the table as she kept her tits facing him. She rubbed a large, warm hand over his crotch.

“So how about we both do a little milking?”

Kayla’s thick fingers popped the button open on his pants, not giving him the time to get his mouth off her tit to answer. The same warm hand wrapped around his erection, the same soft strength pumping him like a handful of warm rubber. Her hand was soon giving off warm sucking noises as his leaking precum filled up her hands to help lubricate her strokes.

“There ya go. Too bad we don’t hire studs here, cuz you look like you got as much cream in ya as some of the girls.”

She had more than a feel for her tits at this point, and while she could pump out milk all day it came in bursts. When she felt her leaking flow start to dwindle, she hefted her customer up into her lap. She sat with her warm belly against his back and her hefty tits resting on either side of his head like the perfect neck pillow as she went on jerking him off.

“That’s it, stud. Let it all out and really work up that appetite,” she purred soothingly into his ear.

She had a way of encouraging both employees and customers with her tender tone. Her customer breathed heavily and leaned back into her tits, letting them envelop his ears as he came into her pumping hand. He shuddered as her firm grasp caught any of his gushing seed, neatly keeping it from any of his food or table. She casually picked up a few napkins and cleaned up her hand in a moment.

“Annnd there. Thanks for makin’ it easy on me, hon,” Kayla chimed. She slid the listless customer off her lap and got back to her feet.

“Got enough milkshake there, right?”

“Yeaaaa…” the human guest moaned back.

“Perfect. Don’t let anybody say we don’t take care of our customers at Mooters.”


“Hey, so I’m Coco. I’m gonna wait… er, I’m your waitress for now. What can I get you? Oh! And the Buster Burgers and the creamy chicken are the specials for today. I’m not sure what makes them special, but they’re pretty good.”

Coco had been training with some of the other waitresses, and while she hadn’t fully gotten over her nerves, she already liked working at Mooters. She just wished that the food wasn’t so strangely filling with her. She’d quickly gained several pounds since she joined the staff, and they were all going to her tits and ass.

The young man and woman placed their orders before eying up her abundant figure.

“And how does it work then?” the male human asked. “Can I just order a blowjob with you now or does it have to be after the meal or something?”

“Oh, uh… no, it can be whenever, I think. Just from what I saw other people doing when I was in training…”

“Great! A BJ whenever you can.”

His partner’s face lit up with an excited grin.

“And I want you to sit on me until I pass out under those big boobs of yours! And if you could spit on me and talk down to me while you do it and then wake me up with your milk, that’d be the best~!”

Coco was cutely awkward about the blowjob, but perfectly willing. The woman’s request got the curly-haired brunette to flush bright red.

“What?! Spit on you? Pass out? I don’t know if I can do all that. I’ll have to check with…”

“Yo. What’s up?”

Bibi appeared beside her, her muscular arms braced against her solid hips. She had an abundance of bills stuffed into her cleavage from her last satisfied (or possibly just bullied) customer.

“AH!” Coco yelped as the smiling but openly rough cowgirl appeared next to her.

“Oh. Senpai. I was actually told to check with Lulabelle if anything came up…”

“So what? Rules are for bitches,” the brash she-bull blurted. “Whatcha need?”

“I um… my customer wanted me to smother her unconscious and uh… be really rude to her.”

“Ah shit! That’s like a specialty! We got those beds installed in the waiting area just because I kept knockin’ people’s asses out,” Bibi crowed confidently. “I put the ‘bull’ in ‘bully,’ don’t ya know. C’mon, I can show you a hell of a headlock that’ll make ‘em squirt every time.”

Bibi shifted behind Coco and wrapped a friendly arm around her neck. It wasn’t squeezing enough to choke her at all, but it still made it abundantly clear that she could, judging by the firm arm muscles resting on her breast.

“That! That’s okay! She wanted to be boob smothered anyway!” Coco blurted out in a hurry.

“Ah yea. That’s the good stuff. Yea, you got the official okay to go nuts on these fuckers!”

Bibi let go of Coco’s neck and gave her a firm pat on the arm. The brunette winced and rubbed her much softer arm.

“Okay… I guess that answers my question,” Coco conceded.

She slid the table out away from her guests. Even with her modest nature, she was a cowgirl and plenty strong enough to move around some furniture. She clearly struggled with some logistics of her positioning before she sat next to the woman, mashing her warm breasts into her face.

“Oops. Uh, sorry. I didn’t…”

She scanned over the human quickly. She had a rather small chest, so she assumed some level of breast envy was involved in her kink.

“I didn’t see you with those… small boobs of yours?” she tried.

She gasped softly as she felt the woman moan beneath her crushing bosom. She ran her hands over the thick E-cups and Coco shuddered, feeling her nipples stiffen and leak at her worshiping attention.

“Yea, um… not like a human could compete with a real moomoo anyway. As for you then, you…”

Coco grimaced a little as she met the man’s eye. He gave an upward nod as he caught her meaning.

“Oh, you don’t have to do the dirty talk with me,” he assured her quietly.

Coco gave a relieved sigh, just to squeak when the woman bit lightly at one of her nipples. Biting when she was already getting horny made it so much worse, and a thick trickle of milk soaked through her top. Employees always had spares in the back, in case anyone leaked through their clothes or managed to grow another cup size on short notice. She hurried through her job and leaned over, clumsily struggling with the man’s pants before he had to help unbutton and lower them for her.

“Thanks,” she muttered sheepishly.

With a wet smack of her lips she leaned over further, popping his cock into her mouth. It dragged her breasts across the woman’s face, who happily slid over to lay on her back in the booth. She moaned as her face was completely enveloped by just one of Coco’s milk jugs. The other tit shifted around fluidly until it settled on the woman’s chest. She shivered heavily as she felt the one tit prove bigger than both of hers together, the hard nipple dragging over her own excited breasts.

“I can stiww bweve by de tob,” the woman mumbled from underneath her tits.

Coco gave another awkward squeak, which just tightened her mouth around the man’s cock. He gave a loud moan, which had her awkwardly trying to manage them both at once. Her squirming proved surprisingly useful as her face nuzzled and suckled on the cock, tugging it around with her lips while she rubbed her juicy tits all over the woman’s face. The female moaned into the unintentional motorboating as the taste of warm flesh and milk flooded her mouth and nose. Coco gave some absentminded flicks of her tongue, tasting the man’s dick more curiously as her arms just fumbled to stay balanced between them. She kept trying not to crush the woman underneath her, then remembering that was exactly what she wanted and letting herself go through with it.

With a soft glucking sound, Coco dipped her head in low enough to slip the man’s dick into her throat. She immediately tensed up and fought her gag reflex by tightening her mouth and throat around him. It was an exciting feeling, trying to control herself as his cock throbbed and pulsed in her mouth. It became a lot harder as the thrashing and moaning woman beneath her started pulling at her top, stripping it down so that her bare flesh was smothering her instead of her top. The woman moaned and buried her face in deeper, sucking hard on the nipple to ensure as much tit got in her face as possible.

“Mmf… uck… careful,” Coco mewled as she drew her face back from the man’s dick.

The last caress of her lisp and tongue were enough to make him burst, spurting hot cum over her face and chest. She gasped as the semen ran down her cleavage and into the suckling woman’s face, making her already sensitive and leaking breasts more of a mess. She moaned and squeezed her chubby thighs together, getting wetter beneath her shorts at the humiliating yet empowering position over the other woman.

Coco’s tits were always so sensitive to begin with that as she gave a few last, passionate bites before blacking out, the pleasant pain shot right down to her clit.


Her moan broke into a full, submissive moo as she came on the spot, squirting hard enough to soak her shorts and drip onto the seats. Her eyes clenched shut as her big body shook and the various spittle and cum from her customers ran down her curves. Her head spun as she swooned from the heavy orgasm, starting to recuperate once the woman’s arms went limp beneath her.

“Oh shit… oh fuck,” the normally mousey and polite cowgirl panted. She licked some drool and cum from her lips as she shifted back up to her knees.

“I can uh… that was nice, huh? Did you like it?” she asked hopefully.

The wide-eyed man smiled and nodded enthusiastically. Coco smiled sheepishly and wiped her mouth off.

“Yea. Me too. Just uh… guess I should wake her up before I clean up, huh?”

Coco lifted one of her bared boobs over the human woman’s head, pinching around her areola until a fresh trickle of white cream dribbled over her face. They said that no two cowgirls gave exactly the same milk, but that may have been a bit of romanticizing over the idea.

The woman was just coming to when a hand patted Coco on the shoulder. She turned to see the beaming, bright-eyed cowgirl looming over her. Her radiantly blonde, almost white hair frame her pretty face and almost hourglass figure, if not for a slight potbelly. Lulabelle was almost seven feet tall, making her the biggest bimbo that Coco had ever met.

“Hey, Coco~! I just saw you doin’ such a gosh dark good job over here. I had to come over and totes say grats!”

She grabbed Coco in a firm hug, and while she was about as busty as the shorter girl it was the perfect height to mash her face into her own round and milky orbs.

“But you probably wanna place their orders before you fuck their brains out, cuz that’s a good time for the kitchen crew to get cookin’. Kay?”

“Right! Sorry!” Coco babbled quickly.

The customers assured her it wasn’t a problem as they regained their wits, but a voice rang out across the restaurant.

“We got ourselves a birthday boy!” Kayla’s voice called in a celebratory whoop. The various cowgirls’ animal ears all perked up.

“Everybody come on over to table 6 for a Birthday Stampede!”

All the current Mooters waitresses trotted over in a mind boggling mess of jiggling tits and ass. One slim, wide-eyed human boy sat back in his chair as all five cowgirls came into view. The chunky big sis Kayla, the shy and busty Coco, the towering bimbo Lulabelle, the shorty Sara-Lynn and the rowdy brute Bibi swarmed over him and the batch of strong and curvy cowgirls got him undressed in no time at all.

The idea of the Birthday Stampede was simple; just dogpiling anyone with a birthday however they wanted. Sara-Lynn didn’t bother trying to go terribly high, using her smaller stature to mash her breasts right around his cock. Kayla was quick to join her as her own mammoth breasts pushed in from the other side, swallowing up his shaft until just the leaking head poked out the top. They beamed at each other and both leaned in, kissing and slobbering all over his dick as their lips playfully brushed together around it.

Bibi grinned as she leaned in behind the boy, squashing her breasts on top of his head. She bearhugged her brawny arms around his chest, squeezing him deeper into her tits as her arms swelled to their full strength. It made the chair creak ominously as she ran her strong hands over his chest and stomach.

“Hell yea! Cow pile!” she barked with a wicked grin on her face.

“Bibi, it’s a treat for the guy. Don’t go killing him,” Kayle reminded her.

“You ain’t the bossa me!”

“Literally am, B.”

The human started to put in his own two cents about living or dying when Lulabelle raised one of her long legs. She raised it almost vertically before mounting her foot against the wall behind him. She had slid out of her shorts just before, so her bare pussy mashed into his face. The tall bimbo ground her hips rhythmically to grind on his mouth.

“Don’t forget your little meat pie~!” she chimed happily. She giggled as his struggling tongue pressed up against her clit as he tried to clear up the air to breathe.

Coco hung back uncertainly, eying up the gathering of thick ladies piling on the lucky customer. Kayla’s eyes darted towards her from around her mouthful of cock, popping it back out.

“Hey, Sara! This must be the new girl’s first Stampede!” she reminded her.

Sara’s eyes lit up and she broke into a sinister smile.

“Oh right! Better break her in with a nice and proper bullriding!”

The girls backed off from the customer’s cock and took Coco by the hands. She mouthed some half-hearted protests out of shyness but they helped her out of her shorts. Her curly black bush matched her hair as her pussy was exposed and they lightly pushed her into his lap. Her hefty weight got a thick grunt out of the human as she mounted him, gasping loudly as she fell right on his cock. It slipped neatly up her pussy, warm and tight for such a hefty girl. Her awestruck face showed how shocked and new she was at this. Her chubby thighs hugged around his lap, keeping her pulled in closer as her boobs mashed into his chest.

“Oh she’s a natural,” Sara-Lynn teased, spanking Coco on the ass.

Her booty jiggled but more importantly, her bovine instincts made her hips buck harder. She panted and drooled as she rode the customer’s cock, sucking him in and out of her tight slit. Her cheeks and tits both clapped together as they jiggled along with her riding, but she let out a high-pitched wail of pleasure as Kayla reached around her. She squeezed Coco’s big and tender boobs, making her pussy immediately soaked with arousal.

“Sometimes the new girls just need a helpin’ hand, right?” Kayla said casually as she groped and milked Coco from behind.

The rookie just moaned and jiggled in place, letting herself get felt up by her coworkers and the customer. Lulabelle started grinding her hips hard enough against the customer’s face that her bubbly butt kept bumping into Coco’s moaning face, making one more thing to bounce her around while turning her on. Bibi slapped at her tits as it became more unclear to her whether they were targeting her or the customer, or just using her as part of their show for him.

Either way, she shuddered as the customer’s dick bumped against her clit one time too many. The pawing at her hard nipples made her eyes cross as she groaned and leaned forward, gushing cum and milk all over the birthday boy. The rest of the girls broke out in cheers and applause, just before the customer came deep inside her. She groaned hard, unable to feel anything beyond her tits and pussy as the thick jizz mixed with her own clear juices.

“Woo! Welcome to the club, newbeeEEEEE! “

Lulabelle suddenly squealed and straightened up. She had forgotten she was still humping the customer’s face and just how good that felt. She bent over and squirted her own heaping helping of cum, coating his face in her orgasm as she clutched his head for balance.

“There ya go! Happy birthday, bro,” Bibi laughed as she sat back up.

“Yup! Welcome to Mooters,” Kayla said, clapping Coco on the back fondly. “Where everywhere is the splash zone.”

“You gotta stop quotin’ commercials, Kay,” Sara groaned, rolling her eyes. “How many friggin’ slogans do we have anyway?”


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