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The return of Lix Ratita, and posting the art that inspired this fight. Or was it the other way around? But the art came first. 

Messing around with the goblins always being the short ones when there's even smaller girls out there. Lix thinking on her feet and fighting somebody even smaller than her for a change. Fairies in my world are about as magical as they are biological, so it's odd but sensible for one to compete in MMA. They're tiny but they're as strong and tough as a normal human, so nothing to ignore and not someone you can just crush between your fingers like you might hope. It's how they can still fuck humans without just.... popping.

Lix Ratita was on the rise and facing all manner of opponents in the MMMA league. She was a lot more capable than most people expected from a 3’3” goblin, but her genuine skill in a fight backed by her distractingly sexual attitude and her natural ability to steadily regenerate throughout a fight kept her surprising some of the biggest and toughest fighters that came her way.

So it was a surprise when she found herself set up for a match against someone smaller than she was. It wasn’t even by a couple inches but a whole couple feet. She was the only goblin in the league and while they weren’t usually so high ranking, there were several fairies on the roster.

The bout of Lix “The Rat” Ratita and Feyla “Rumblina” Liole was touted as “the biggest little fight” in the promos. The contrast was practically rubbed in when their bout followed the heavyweight cyclops and ogre contenders fighting just before them.

Still riding the high off fucking one of her fanboys in her hotel room, Lix came out to her hiphop theme music. Her tight black sports top and short shorts hugged her surprisingly lean figure for a goblin while still showing off some notable curves. Her red hair was just shy of reaching her shoulders where a small, open hoodie draped over her hair and shoulders rather than a robe. She waved and winked to the crowd before shrugging it off, letting her ogre manager Dara catch it casually as she entered the caged octagon.

The spotlights needed to zero in to spot the foot-tall fairy as Rumblina came to the ring. The purple-skinned sprite wore a similar outfit to Lix, but with a proper robe and purple fighting attire. Her wings were a four-pronged set of psychedelic orange and lighter violet, with darker spots along her legs. Matching colors of stripes were tattooed on her upper arms and dark blue hair was shaggy while shaved at the sides. She flew down to the ring taking some shadowboxing punches at the air she floated through with her chesty dwarven manager right behind her.

Both girls disrobed and took up fighting stances, Rumblina setting her feet back on solid ground to start. While Lix was big rough to punt the smaller fighter, she knew better than to judge by that. There was also the fact that a fairy would, on average, be stronger than a goblin. Despite their tiny size, their strange magic bodies had the general strength and endurance of a teenage human.

The bell rang and the monster ladies both came out quickly but cautiously. Rumblina was the first to strike, making up for her lack of reach by beating her wings and shooting in like a bullet towards Lix’s midsection. The goblin was expecting as much but her intercepting slap was too slow. The goblin huffed as a few tiny but hard fists slammed into her abs before she pivoted in place, swinging her hips to bump the smaller fighter away from her again.

“Packing a pretty big punch there, violet,” Lix said with a quick verbal jab to go with her literal punch. Rumblina zipped back and up to dodge around it.

“Surprised you didn’t go for the short joke,” the pixie smirked back as she threw a floating kick at the goblin’s chest. It smacked into the firmly jiggly pair but Lix lashed a hand out at her. Rumblina tried to dodge but rather than going for her body, Lix had aimed for her wings and cut her off in midair.

“Oh I wouldn’t dare. Been there, and it’s too easy,” Lix purred, emphasizing the later part.

She swung her hand down hard, bashing Rumblina’s back into the mats. Her thicker build had the fae momentarily pinned, but she was still getting used to fighting someone this small yet strong. Feyla grabbed one of the pinning fingers and pushed back, bending it with her shocking strength and getting Lix to yell out in pain.

“Need those knuckles cracked?” Rumblina taunted before wrapping her legs around the finger as she slipped out from under her hand. She twisted and pulled on the digit like it was an arm bar, getting a shriller cry of pain from the bigger shortstack.

Lix’s hand smacked the mats in pain as her coach called after her. “Swat her, rat! Keep her down!” she insisted.

“Sting like a bee, Fey! Twist it off!” the dwarf back in Rumblina’s corner threw in.

Lix focused past the pain and slammed the butt of her palm into Rumblina’s head a few times. Considering it was bigger than her entire head, even the tough fairy had to tumble off her finger with a few heavy hits. She tried to dart back away but Lix’s quick hands caught her again, grabbing her narrow ankles and holding her upside down. Lix got to her knees as the fairy tried flying away, but being stuck in midair made her mobile; not especially solid with leverage.

“Make a wish,” Lix purred with a wicked grin.

She twisted the fairy’s legs together like a crude knot, getting her to cry out in pain. The grip stretched and stung her legs and groin, making Rumblina paw wildly at the air and beat her wings like crazy. The midair submission hold as her kicking thumped clumsily against Lix’s wrists and hands.

Rumblina screamed in pain before she managed to lean up and slam a fist into Lix’s knuckle. Hitting the tough joints made the goblin wince but she just shoved down, slamming the fairy into the mats for a rough landing. She grunted as spit and sweat splashed over the mats, but she palmed the mats to pivot and wriggle her way loose from the delicate hold. Lix crawled after her for another wild grab but Rumblina touched down and swung another side kick into her face. The goblin’s cheek dented inward for a moment before snapping back, her rubbery build taking the brunt of the attack but clearly rattled by it just before the end of round bell sounded.

The girls traded cross but respecting glances before they went back to their corner. Lix took a deep breath, already starting to get over some of her lighter injuries with her goblin regeneration. It didn’t do much for the bigger hits and holds, but her bruises slowed to a crawl and started to fade. The well-dressed ogre in her corner was ready to reach through the bars and towel her off.

“Can’t play your usual games. We talked about this,” Dara warned her. “You gotta bait her and hold her down, like Ginny did that one time.”

“Yea yea,” Lix said with a nod, though her tone was more impatient than dismissive. She kept her eyes on the tattooed fairy as she shook herself out, breathing heavily in her corner to regroup.

The bell rang again and Lix sprang back to her feet, cracking her neck readily. Fey frowned to see her bouncing back so quickly but floated in anyway, buzzing around like a fly to keep the goblin guessing.

Lix just smiled and waited her out, giving an inviting gesture with one gloved hand.

“You hear to beat those wings or beat ass?” the goblin goaded.

Her trash talk (and dirty talk) was legendary in the league and Rumblina took the bait. She shot in like a living dart and spun in midair, snapping a kick across Lix’s cheek. It hit with the force of a human blow and made the goblin stagger.

Rumblina shot through the air, flying like a glittery streak that kept crossing and punching Lix across the face. It kept rocking the goblin’s head around before Lix swiftly raised her arms and hugged around her flying foe.

“Fuckin’... let go!”

Rumblina snapped and drove a couple knees into Lix’s breasts but that wouldn’t work for long. The goblin hugged her into her sweaty cleavage, giving her zero leverage to work with in winding up her short-ranged swings.

“But you just got here! You got any idea how many fanboys would KILL to get in here?!”

Lix arched her back and squeezed tighter, crushing the foot-tall fighter between her toned arms and plump breasts. Rumblina gave a noisy grunt of pain as the grip was painful enough on its own but her short limbs had even less to do than any other trapped fighter. It was clearly taking the fight out of the fairy until she bit down on the nearest hunk of fat green tit.

“Fuck!” Lix hissed, flinching at the sharp pain rushing through her chest.

Rumblina braced herself to break free whenever she let go, but Lix just adjusted her grip. Feyla screamed out shrilly as she drove her knuckles into the fae’s lower back, grinding just below where the wings met her spine to work the tender area.

“If I knew you were into foreplay, I’d have played a lot nicer,” the goblin jeered. Goblins with their thick skin and regeneration meant that they had a much more physical and jostling means of communicating and flirting with each other, and simple stings and distractions were little more than that.

With the fae still locked in place, Lix leaned her weight into one foot and pivoted, making her body slam into the mats with Rumblina right beneath her. The crowd gave a big “OH!” as she crushed the smaller fighter into the mats and squashed her beneath her bulging green breasts. Rumblina beat on her chest like it was a jammed door and had a similar amount of success in breaking out of it.

Rumblina managed to wriggle through enough to pop her head out of Lix’s cleavage, gasping for fresh air as her head spun. Lix was waiting for her like a game of whack-a-mole as she rapidly drove one fist into her, the body-sized glove bashing the tiny foe’s face repeatedly into the mat. The purple woman was clearly seeing stars but she threw up a hand in time to deflect one of the incoming punches. With a sharp beat of her wings, Rumblina launched herself forward enough to bash her small but hard skull in between Lix’s eyes.

The goblin cried out and recoiled, clutching her face as the fairy zipped out and back into the air. Rumblina winced as the damage to her back made her fly slower than she’d like, but she still went zipping in towards Lix in a zigzagging attack pattern.

“Say g’night, gobby,” Rumblina huffed but Lix’s perked up ears had already picked up on her heavy breathing and her struggling beating wings. The goblin snapped out of the dazing headbutt and barely opened her eyes by the time she was lashing out. Rumblina’s incoming blow fell short as Lix creamed her in the jaw instead, sending spit and sweat flying off her tiny body.

Lix belted her with a few more blows while Rumblina was stunned from the heavy hit. When she was good and tenderized, the drooling fae was floating more like a lazy bubble than a buzzing hummingbird as her magic kept her afloat more than her wings. Lix whirled nimbly on one foot and slammed her with a roundhouse kick, smashing Rumblina hard into the cage with her other bare foot.

“Shit! Shit! Bitch, get up!” Rumblina’s manager called from their corner.

“You got this, Lix! Twenty seconds! Wrap her up!”

Rumblina was knocked silly enough that she could barely raise her gloves let alone form a proper defense. Lix was free to unleash her size and power advantage by bashing in a few body blows that took up most of Rumblina’s body. Her floating body jerked against the cage as she was driven into it until Lix grabbed her by her small shoulders.

“We’re in for a rough landing!” Lix taunted as she dragged the lightweight fae straight down, crashing her crotch-first onto the goblin’s extended knee.

It was much too big to just hit her in the groin, so it wasn’t a precise pain at least. Then again, it was less of a low blow and more of getting hit in the crotch by a wrecking ball. Rumblina still gawked and let out a choking groan as her hands struggled to work properly enough to grab at her crotch, but Lix just wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and fell down, driving her face into the mat. Rumblina was clearly done as she was left face down and ass up on the mats.

“Yo! Here’s one for that Golden Kid guy who commented on my gym pics!” Lix shouted out, pointing towards one of the cameras outside the cage.

The goblin brawler slapped a hand on her toned but meaty ass, jiggling through her shorts before tugging them down, flashing some of her buns for the crowd.

“Let’s squash this bug!”

She let her legs give out and dropped her hip down to squash Rumblina, completely burying her in her butt cheeks until the purple fairy was completely unseen.

The referee came over, giving gestures for Lix to move. She rolled back off with a smirk, kneeling nearby as the ref confirmed it. Rumblina was out cold, splayed out on her stomach with her eyes glazed over and barely blinking.

“Fuckin’... fatass
” she mumbled before her eyes shut completely.

The ref waved and the bell rang as the match was called. She raised Lix’s arm the short range it could reach as the sweaty goblin grinned. She winked to the crowd and cupped one of her tits with her gloved hand, blowing a kiss at a random fan for good measure. She rubbed at her face where a few spots still stung from the fairy’s blows.

“You good?” Dara asked as the ogre helped Lix out of the ring and down the steps.

“Yea, yea. Just need the usual,” she huffed, shaking out her head and her short red hair.

“Some headache stuff and a horny fan?”

“You know it.”



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