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Another reward fic of a goblin barbarian warlord facing off with a dragonborn queen. Both wielding magic weapons that make you orgasm on contact.

I should be able to get some steadier writing when my job changes at the end of the month, but got a few more this month to be sure!

Princess Leik was the head of her tribe by virtue of her strength as much as her lineage. The goblin barbarian led the tribes of the north, a small and scattered force that still made for a potent band of fighters. One warrior could take out a small squadron of soldiers from any of the neighboring kingdoms.

And so they did! Leik herself was known to raid caravans or small villages for fun and supplies, but she had bigger plans today. She kicked down the gates to Somerand palace and started swinging the moment a guard got close enough to clobber.

Leik was a small but immensely curvy goblin. She wore a chainmail bikini of sorts, marked with the red and black patterns of her tribe. Her stubby limbs were thick with muscle with a layer of soft shapeliness to her thick thighs. Her plump boobs more than filled her armored top and her thick red hair was tied back in a loose braid.

One of the orcish guards charging at Leik was slammed by her greenstone mace. The weapon slammed hard enough to send her flying, wailing as she was launched several feet away. Rather than reacting in pain, her shouts were quivering and erotic. A streak of cum leaked out from under her skirt-like armor before she landed on the courtyard out cold.

The world was full of greenstone, a unique mineral to their part of the world. It had a magical property that needed only the slightest contact with human flesh to activate and send the person touching it into a mind-blowing orgasm. It was the reason why battles and even wars frequently had so few casualties, and how an especially capable fighter could take on a dozen or more at once.

“That all ya got, ya fancy bitches?!” Leik laughed in defiance.

“Must have been too busy gettin’ soft under your queen’s skirts! Sounds like you’re overdue for a REAL queen sittin’ on that throne!”

The guards rallied to rush at the invading warlord but she was an unstoppable force. She was small and fast and far more familiar with her trusty weapon. Her bloodless assault carved a path through the castle’s crumbling defenses, leaving a path of moaning and quivering guards in her wake that grew with every swing of her mace.

At last, the small and mighty warrior kicked open the door to the throne room. Queen Meryl frowned at her, a tall and shapely dragonborn woman of red scales and a full figure beneath her tight leathers. Two more draconic guards moved in front of her, raising their greenstone halberds in a crisscrossed pattern to protect the queen.

“You’ll go no further,” one of the guards declared as they lunged for Leik.

“I go wherever the hell I please!” the goblin jeered as she rushed in to meet them.

Even the honor guard couldn’t get a clean hit on her. One of their dull blades clipped across Leik’s armored top but it wasn’t enough to even slow her down as she darted past their reach. She swung her mace in a smooth arc that crashed into the first guard’s crotch, sending its erotically-charged force rippling through her loins. The scaly woman’s eyes and mouth popped wide open as she let out a quivering howl, orgasming on the spot and falling to her knees.

The second guardswoman tried to turn her weapon back on Leik but she had already dove between her legs. The goblin whirled around and swung her weapon at full force, swatting it against the dragonborn’s ass. Her tail perked up as her thick ass wobbled from the spanking. Both guards collapsed next to each other, pussies clenching and leaking as their submissively raised tails twitched face down and ass up.

“Impressive for a passing savage,” Queen Meryl noted calmly.

She stood up from her throne, brushing back her robe and setting it back on the throne. It left her in nothing but her form-fitting armor, protecting her curves as much as it accentuated them. Meryl’s finer royal blade was on her hip. For all its finery, it was simply a better sculpted version of the same greenstone as Leik’s mace. It was also every bit as effective in taking out a fighter in a single stroke.

“And you’re a whole lotta talk, even for a queen!” Leik gloated back at her.

“Then I suppose you’re more interested in action.”

“Oh, what proper lady isn't out for a little action?” Leik giggled as she twirled her mace, itching for a showdown with the more regal woman.

Queen Meryl came at her with a swift and well-practiced stroke of her blade. Leik shifted her footing and parried the weapon, only to find it sweeping back towards her. The goblin had to duck low to avoid it nicking her ear.

“Not bad! But you’re still a polished little princess!” Leik taunted.

She swept her mace at Meryl’s leg but she leapt over it, curling her tail protectively back against her hips. A grazing hit was still a hit when it came to wielding greenstone. Leik was impressed to find that the queen was not only a leader but a more capable fighter than anyone she’d run into in a very long time.

They danced around each other, sword and mace bouncing off each other as they sought out each other’s flesh. Leik had never had to work so hard to hit someone, let alone worry this much about defending herself. After countless attempts to land a draining blow, Leik ducked low and swung her mace into a heavy upward swing, looking to bash the blade out of Meryl’s dangerously regal hands. The dragoness took a jab at the handle of Leik’s weapon with the same intention, both of them connecting at the same time. The precision and force of their blows combined sent both weapons flying from the other woman’s hands.

Leik and Meryl stared at the weapons flying across the throne room, taking a moment to realize what had happened. The importance of that moment was lost on neither combatants as they dove at each other rather than risk turning their back to such a dangerous warrior. Meryl tackled into the smaller goblin first with her longer reach, but she had a hard time keeping a grip on the slippery little creature. Leik slipped between her arms, her plump and squishy breasts running down the reptilian queen’s. Her orbs molded out of place and she got between Meryl’s legs, grabbing one and twisting expertly to wrestle her to the ground.

The powerful leaders and warriors quickly became entangled, strong limbs grabbing and clawing at one another. Leik caught the edge of Queen Meryl’s armor by her leg and pulled firmly, trying to gain some leverage. The surprisingly easy to remove armor snapped as a few clasps and straps came loose. It popped away from her hips, exposing the warm pink slit of her pussy despite her draconic appearance on the rest of her body.

“Geez! I thought you could afford something tougher than that!” the goblin snickered.

“Oh that does it, you savage little whore,” Meryl growled as she grabbed at the armored loincloth that was wrapped around the goblin’s hips.

She tore it away with a firm pull. The thick metal coils were built to absorb hits and deflect greenstone, but a grabbing hand with the right angle could pull it off with little effort. Meryl leaned into her opponent and pinned Leik on her belly, making her big green ass stick up in the air.

“You could stand for a lesson in courtly manners and proper swordswomanship,” Meryl scolded her.

“But I think this will do for now!”

She smacked a scaly hand hard on Leik’s ass, making her squeak and bounce beneath her at her repeated spanking. Meryl thought she’d had her trapped but the goblin slipped out from under her with a surprising burst of strength from such a small body. Meryl grabbed desperately at her escaping enemy, but could only catch her armored top. It snapped off her in her grabbing claws as Leik whirled around to leap at her.

“And you could learn when to shut up!” Leik declared.

She leapt high and came crashing down on Meryl’s face ass-first, smacking her down to the throne room floor. The dragoness gave a muffled cry of surprise as the big green cheeks shook in her face, smothering her in her facesit. Leik grinned proudly over her shoulder before she started grabbing Meryl’s armor, quickly tearing off the last of the tight leather garb and revealing her own bouncing bosom.

“How dare you!?” the dragonborn huffed, slamming a punch into Leik’s side and knocking her off again.

The goblin spun on her hip and faced her immediately, unphased by the shoving suckerpunch. She threw a sweeping kick into Meryl’s chest, making her tits wobble but causing little other results. Between Leik’s thick skin from her life as a barbarian queen and Meryl’s soft but firm layer of scales, their unarmed strikes weren’t getting them very far in their duel.

They leapt at each other again, trying to grapple the other woman into submission. Neither could hold the other strong and flexible woman down long enough to get anywhere, leaving them tumbling around the throne room. One could never stay on top for long before getting bucked or thrown off by the other.

Meryl had just shrugged Leik off her back when the goblin felt her hand bump against something. She glanced over and saw the longsword that Queen Meryl had been wielding against her earlier. It was big for her build and not her own weapon, but it was no less effective as a hunk of greenstone. She was only grateful that she had bumped against the handle rather than its crippling tip.

“Not so fast, ya royal slut!” Leik gloated as she grabbed and thrust out with the weapon.

She hadn’t noticed that Meryl had landed by the mace in their disengaging tumble. She had snatched it up just the same as Leik had given the same opportunity, leaving both women already swinging at each other.

The tip of Meryl’s blade struck her clean in the pussy, pushing just past her pussy lips. The strange nature of greenstone meant it could never strike especially hard or cut at all. Its magical aura soaked up most of its momentum to focus on its deeply penetrating tingle.

Simultaneously, Meryl’s swing of Leik’s mace swatted the naked goblin right in the pussy, meeting with a soft splat against her excited genitals. There was a split second for them both to tense up in dread before the magical lust rushed through their bodies. Both women cried out passionately as their eyes rolled back in their heads. Warlord Leik and Queen Meryl both shuddered as huge, messy orgasms gushed from between their legs. Their bodies shook wildly as they barely stayed on their feet long enough to finish before collapsing into each other and blacking out.


Leik opened her eyes, finding (and feeling) that Queen Meryl had already woken up before her. She sat in between the goblin’s legs, tribbing pussy to pussy with her former opponent. The dragonborn had a smile on her face that Leik quickly matched as their warm wet slits embraced and rubbed together.

“I must say, even if you are a wild outsider, I have never faced a worthier opponent. Your strength is commendable.”

 you kick a lot of ass yourself,” Leik complimented, licking her lips as she was slowly roused by the arousing movement of their hips.

The queen nodded wearingly. She may have awoken first, but she was clearly just as drained by their simultaneous orgasm as Leik had been.

“You are a testament to how much skill and strength can overcome numbers. I understand you’d carved through my entire guard before arriving here.”

The dragoness tapped a claw against her lip.

“You know, my northern border has been a bit lacking lately. I could use a strong warrior to defend it. Perhaps a few especially capable mercenaries could handle it.”

Leik grinned as she picked up her meaning. “Oh really? Sounds like a pretty comfortable gig. I’d be up for it under one condition.”

“Do go on,” the queen said politely despite their naked embrace.

“So long as we can have another fun duel like this once a year. I ain’t had to try this hard in gods know how long.”

The queen smiled wider and nodded.

“More often than that, I would hope. As often as I have the time to spare, I’d be willing.”

The goblin grinned and thrust out an open hand.

“It’s a deal! Now enough business and pound that pussy like you were swingin’ that mace of mine.”

“So long as you’re willing to pierce me with that clit of yours like it was my sword.”


The mighty kingdom of Somerand became even more secure and powerful over the coming months. The addition of a small band of goblin mercenaries was used so strategically in covering their northern borders that even common bandits were found and driven out of the lands.

Some said the new Captain Leik was undefeated in combat, much like the queen herself. Others said that Leik had been the only one to defeat Queen Meryl, besting the queen with the warrior’s infamous mace. Still others said she had won with her pussy alone, but they were usually the ones telling the particularly raunchy version of the story.


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