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Threw this together all tonight, but I'd had it loosely in mind all along. I realize the story is kind of the opposite of the Ashley vs the Bullies series I did for commission. It's a girl who's all mouth getting what's coming to her. As much a humiliation story as a fighting one, plus isekai rpg parodies.

Any excuse for big fighting cow tits though! I'll figure out what's next on the menu before I put up a new poll for the next part of it.

The chat’s votes came pouring in on the screen in front of Amanda as the minotaur shopkeepers waited politely. She couldn’t imagine what they were seeing or thinking as they waited on their player waiting for her stream to vote on her fate.

She groaned as the votes remained consistent throughout: a strong lead for her boxing with Moona, the huge and curly blonde cowgirl. Considering that there were no other choices that didn’t involve fighting, she wasn’t sure what she’d expected. It was technically the best she could hope for, considering it was that or face her musclebound husband (or both at once), but it didn’t mean she couldn’t be annoyed by it.

“Great. Let’s get this over with. I don’t imagine I’m a great boxer either, considering I picked the wrestling class,” Amanda grumbled.

The center of the shop was suddenly replaced as a boxing/wrestling ring shot out of the floor. It caught Amanda and Moona perfectly in opposite corners, which were made of thick wood while the ropes were closer to actual chords of rope rather than the more elastic kind used in actual rings. There was a stereotypical mooing noise overhead as the place clearly took on a barnyard-like tone to match her opponent.

The beaming blonde tossed off her apron just as a pair of boxing gloves appeared on both women’s hands. A cow-printed pair appeared on Moona while a pair of blank white ones appeared on Amanda. A color wheel of choices appeared floating over them for her selection.

“Fucking I don’t care! I guess… red. And red again,” she griped.

The plain red pattern appeared over them. She was dressed in her usual tank top and shorts, a bit annoyed that she couldn’t try the new “armor” she’d just bought. Moona was wearing a simple cotton button-up, though it was much too small for her and left most of her massive tits exposed over her jean shorts.

“Standard minotaur rules,” the low voice of her husband explained as he took a seat near the ring.

“Keep on goin’ until one of you’s out cold or down for 10. Round ends every 2 minutes.”

Bully snorted with an indifferently calm look on his face as he kicked back. A bell rang overhead to start the match, but it sounded out in a much more clunky and repeated cowbell noise instead.

“Oh haha,” Amanda commented sarcastically.

She came out of her corner, bumping her gloves together. She wasn’t even sure why, it was just what boxers seemed to do. Moona did the same, even if that made her beanbag-sized tits bounce all around and nearly fall out of her top.

“Okay… easy targets,” Amanda muttered to herself as she moved in. She kept her eyes locked on the cowgirl, which was impressively easy to do. Her gloves’ speckled black and white pattern were a welcome distraction from her huge bouncing udders.

They circled a bit before Moona threw out a punch. Just like Amanda feared, she ducked out of the way and felt a strong breeze blow past her head and whip her hair around.

“And dodge a lot,” she mewled quickly as she backed off in time to avoid another swing.

>Let’s see if she can take a punch

>this is called wrestle quest! Not boxing quiest! Lol

>c’mon, Mandy! Knock her milkjugs around

Amanda wisely kept away as long as she could. The motherly cowgirl was clearly powerful and much bigger than her, but she was slow enough that she could see the blows coming. Moona finally threw too much force into a blow that Amanda leapt at the opening, pelting her in the side with a few quick hooks.

“Ooh! Slippery little thing!” Moona gasped, more surprised than hurt as she jiggled out of control.

She swiped a gloved hand at Amanda but she ducked away again. The human gamer threw all she had into a counter blow, hearing the thick and satisfying thud of her glove connecting with the bovine beauty’s tit. Moona gave another startled yelp as her bouncing boob predictably flew right out of her skimpy top.

“Ha! Just a hit and run boss,” Amanda gloated.

“>this is the Dark Souls of titboxing” one fan commented in the corner of her eye.

Moona fumbled for a moment trying to fix her top, awkwardly attempting to stuff her boob back in the undersized fabric. Amanda smiled wickedly as she lunged in with all she had.

“Time to pound you into hamburger, bitch!” she laughed as the hardest punch she could muster slammed into Moona’s exposed boob. She let out a loud, startled wail as her glove buried in deep enough to hide half of it within her jug meat. Her high-pitched cry was rewardingly startled and… excited?

“Moo-woo~!” Moona moaned noisily as she started to stagger with Amanda’s glove still pressing into her breast.

“Careful, hon. You know you’re still…” Bully started to warn her.

It wasn’t enough to warn Amanda in time either. The pressure made her breast shift and jiggle around until her thick nipple swelled. A sudden spray of a cup’s worth of milk shot right into Amanda’s face. She let out a startled scream as she backed off, wiping at the warm white fluid as she realized what it was.

“What the fuck!? That can’t…”

She didn’t have the time to follow up before Moona landed a massive cross to her face. Amanda realized she’d been right to keep dodging because the one blow alone was enough to make her knees go weak. She barely kept standing as her eyes rolled and her mouth fell open, letting the milk trail down her face and past her lips. The dumbstruck human gawked and staggered in place as Moona wound up again. The slow and heavy blow was just enough that Amanda could flinch out of its way, only for her to realize it was more of a feint. Moona used the leverage to swing her shoulders so that her huge, warm jugs smacked her across the face like a pair of wrecking balls. Amanda saw stars flash before her eyes before she collapsed on the mats.

“Hoo boy! I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun! I thought I was startin’ to get a little rusty,” Moona giggled.

A collection of disembodied voices started counting down overhead. Amanda was dizzy but she knew she had to get up or lose. She clumsily got back to her feet and put up her gloves in what felt like a defensive stance.

“Oh good! I was worried you’d go down in one go,” Moona said with a smile. She tapped her gloves together and started to march towards Amanda when the cowbell rang again.Moona glanced upward before she shrugged, causing one last comical jiggle before she went to her corner.

“Saved by the bell, I guess,” Amanda sighed, trying to get her head to stop spinning.

She looked over to see Moona sit in her corner. A large stool appeared out of nowhere for her as her husband arrived, clearly whispering praises in her ear that made her giggle as he rubbed her shoulders.

“Well excuse me for not thinking to bring a husband or something to be my second,” Amanda grumbled.

“I’m not husband material, but I’m no chopped liver either,” a high and slightly nasally voice said behind her.

Amanda looked back and she saw a familiar face. It felt welcome to her, even if the last time she’d seen Gobby she was kicking her ass and sitting on her face. The blue-haired, geeky-looking goblin was standing on the middle rope, leaning over them to smile at her past her large glasses.

“Dorky goblin!? What the fuck?” Amanda demanded as she approached.

“Well, it’s Gobby, for one,” she corrected, holding up a cellphone much like Amanda’s. “And I dunno. I got a summons that you needed a second for the match, and I figured why not?”

“It can do that? I mean…” Amanda shook her head and sat in the corner, awkwardly looking back to make sure the magical stool appeared for her too.

“I’m surprised you’d never named a second. Otherwise it defaults to whoever’s got the best social link with you,” Gobby explained as she wiped some sweaty, milk-stained hair out of Amanda’s face and handed her a water bottle.

“YOU’RE my best social link? That’s sad,” Amanda scoffed. She still took and drank the water.

“Hey, speak for yourself. I actually beat a human in wrestling. You wouldn’t believe what that did for my social status in the tribe.”

“So you owe me. Great. How do I beat this cow?”

Gobby actually looked across as the pair of minotaurs.

“Wow, they look tough.”

“No shit!”

“I’d say… dodge a lot? Hope she knocks herself out somehow?”

“Yea right! She almost KOed me with one hit!”

“Then maybe you’re underleveled. You might wanna quit.”

“Great! Throw in the towel for me! I’m glad to give up and get out of this bullshit!”

“Can’t,” Gobby tutted, shaking her head.

“Why not!?”

“Look at me, girl!” Gobby raised her arms to show off she was in nothing but her loin cloth and animal skin top.

“Do I look like I own a towel?!”

“Gotta give me something, you little shit!”

“I mean… you try hitting her in the kludge yet?”

“The what?”

Amanda gave the goblin a baffled look. The goblin stared back at her with a disbelieving smirk of her own as she took back the water.

The cowbell rang again and the stool vanished, leaving Amanda standing back up again. She grimaced as she moved back into the ring more carefully. She tried to stay away and keep on defense, but it was clear that wasn’t going to work a second round. Moona rushed her with shocking speed, her long but thick legs covered a lot of ground.

“Bull Rush Punch!” she announced theatrically as her fist smashed into Amanda’s gut. Her lean belly provided zero padding as she huffed noisily, bending double over the glove. Her hands went to try and cover up her stomach, but the cowprint glove was still in her way as it seemed to hold her up. Amanda just gagged as the glove twisted, rubbing the thick leather over her insides and ribs.

“Oh my! I didn’t think I still had it in me,” Moona giggled playfully. She seemed to ignore Amanda’s obviously breathless suffering as she slammed another punch into her face, sending her flying back until she fell into the ropes. Her arms slung across the top to prop herself up like a drunken-looking scarecrow.

“Kludge!” Gobby insisted from her corner in an exaggerated whisper. “Kluuuudge!”

Amanda barely pieced together what she meant with her punchdrunk mind. The chat was apparently loving it in the corner of her eye, their praises of her wide-legging, sprawled out pose apparently a big hit with the pervy donors. She shook her head and forced herself to stand back up as Moona closed in on her. She remembered enough that being on the ropes was a bad thing in boxing, so she decided to go with what seemed to be her only shot. Amanda pushed all her might into her legs, darting in past Moona’s guard and trying to swing low enough to hit her between the legs.

It might have worked if it weren’t for the woman’s ridiculously curvy build. Just as Amanda tried to bend over for an uppercut to the twat, her face smacked right into Moona’s open and warm cleavage. The smell of milk and sweat blocked up her nostrils as her momentum stopped right against the plumply padded woman, her glove landing uselessly against one of the chubby thighs that blocked her path.

“Oh my my! I can’t even remember the last time somebody tried that on me,” Moona giggled as if amused by Amanda’s attempt. Her thick arms wrapped around Amanda’s back, suddenly lifting and squeezing her in her powerful grip. Amanda let out a choking gasp as the bearhug from hell squeezed the life and air out of her and she was surprised that no bones broke, likely only thanks to video game logic.

“Looks like one lucky gal right now, darlin!” Bully laughed from ringside, clapping for his wife.

The minotaur clearly had Amanda trapped in her grip as Gobby winced sympathetically. Amanda’s arms were all but pinned down, and all she could do was swing a few limp-wristed flops of her gloves at Moona. They only made her sides and boobs jiggle, which made them literally like a slap in the face as her big body jiggled against her smothered nose. There was even a loud tearing sound as she squeezed so hard that Amanda’s top exploded off her body, leaving herself as humiliated as she was hurt.

Amanda gasped for air before she realized she’d been suddenly let go. She didn’t realize that the round was almost over and Moona realized she wouldn’t win it this round with this approach. Only that she was suddenly able to breathe and stand on her own two feet instead of being lifted up by the cowgirl.

“But since we’re playing that way,” Moona giggled as if this were all just a game rather than a curse of a showdown. She leaned forward and swung a low hook of her own, blindsiding Amanda with an uppercut to the pussy. Her massive glove had no thick thighs to get in her way as Amanda screamed at the top of her lungs, the blow lifting her two feet off the ground before she landed with her legs shaking in cartoonish agony. She gawked and squeaked a few times before she collapsed on the mats, landing face first with her ass up in the air.

“Oof! Right in the kludge…” Gobby winced.

>noooo! My prime source of gamer girl pee!

The invisible crowd’s count started once again, hitting 7 when the cowbell rang again. The act of mixed mercy spared Amanda for another round, even if she couldn’t bring herself to stand up. She crawled with one gloved hand cupping her pussy as she slithered into her stool.

“Okay, I’ll be honest… not looking like great odds. Especially the part where you didn’t land a single real punch all round…” Gobby said delicately.

“Uhhhhn…” Amanda couldn’t even manage the energy to complain properly. Her face was marked with more milk and bruises from her freshest beating. Her eyes rolled dizzily, which just made Gobby pleased to see they hadn’t swollen completely shut or rolled back into her skull.

“All I can say is… go out swinging?” Gobby advised with a shrug, sneaking a peek down at Amanda’s exposed and sweaty chest.

“You get more gold if you put up at least a little bit of a fight, so you know. Make lemons into lemonade.”

“Thanks, Goopy…” the weary Amanda groaned.

Gobby frowned and unscrewed her water bottle. She took an indignant sip for herself rather than giving Amanda any, but as a second thought, she dumped it over her head. Amanda screamed as the cold fluid woke her right up, even if she had no strength left and it mostly just made her more aware of how sore she was.

“Come on! At least win one fight so I can look even cooler that I beat you. Obviously not this one, but y’know…”

The bell rang once more and Amanda was forced to stand again. She stumbled out, clearly as good as dead on her feet with her gloves barely up. Moon smiled playfully as she circled her, making Amanda struggle to keep up as she snuck in firm blows to the human’s side and belly.

“We really don’t have room for a punching bag in the shop,” Moon noted conversationally as she smacked another spit-slinging blow across Amanda’s face.

“So this is the next best thing. I really can’t thank ya enough!”

Amanda barely saw an especially choreographed punch coming and ducked under it, snapping a hard hook into Moona’s breast. The gave a startled coo as Amanda let out all the frustration she could, wailing on her boobs until they were leaking and her arms were sore. The streamer was covered in sweat and bruises as she wheezed for air, the bouncing orbs becoming harder for her to focus on. Moona finally backed off and she hoped she had done enough damage to buy her some time, just for her to rush back in. She cupped her big cow tits and spread them apart, clapping them together like fleshy cymbals around her head. A fresh squirt of milk gushed over Amanda’s shoulders and back as the minotaur backed off, leaving her standing there and looking ready to fall over from a slight breeze.

Moona clearly had more than that ready for her. She backed off and wound up some precise blow, since Amanda couldn’t even raise her gloves to defend herself. She swung with a practiced care, shouting “Milky PUNCH!” happily.

Moona’s glove smashed across Amanda’s face, enough to knock her out cold with that alone. While her mind was still fading, she saw the huge set of tits flying at her in the same trajectory. The momentum swung one then the other boob across her face, smearing fresh milk over her with the fleshy wallops. Amanda crumbled to the mats in a splayed out position, staring blurrily up at the lights until Moona’s wide, tightly dressed booty blocked them out. The minotaur sat on her face as the bell rang to announce her complete KO over Amanda.

Amanda gasped as she suddenly found herself standing on the floor again. The ring was gone as were her injuries, but she still felt exhausted and warm to her core from all the exertion. Moona was giggling and hugging her husband happily as they smiled back at her.

“Thank ya, dear. Ya rekindled a special something in us today,” the bull blacksmith thanked her.

“Yea, no swe… well, lots of sweat. But whatever. Wasn’t my choice,” Amanda grumbled.

The minotaurs laughed jovially.

“So modest,” Moona giggled. “That’s the way of the chosen hero, ain’t it, hon?”

“Here. Lemme knock a few gold offa that for ya,” Bully offered as the price dropped significantly for all her gear.

Amanda just forced a smile and nodded, making sure the gear was in her inventory before she lurched out of the shop. She saw another couple shops and an inn around town, but she was already feeling wary if the shopkeepers could wrestle her too.

Her phone buzzed again and she checked it. The icon of a winking goblin in glasses awaited her along with the message.

“Watchin’ you get wailed on was pretty fun! Let me know next time you need a second. Maybe a tag team… at least let me see who you’re up against before I commit to anything like that!”


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