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Another remnant from Gobtober ideas that was surprisingly popular. Just a traveling monk in the Goblins and Kimonos kind of universe, where a Japanese goblin girl roams around enjoying all the booze and sex she can mooch while spreading the good word of "just chill out and enjoy your self, bitch!" 

It IS kind of my outlook at times... like if you can be comfy and entertained, you shouldn't need much else. Sure, money and food and stuff, but those are all in search of being comfy. It may be why I've always had a real nice vibe with monk characters. Maybe we can all learn a lesson from this one in these tough times... which is fuck more goblins.

Again, sorry for some slow writing. Day job's being a pain, in that they're wanting me to do real work again instead of secretly write porn. So I fit this in when I can by night now. Thankfully, should have some extra reward art trickling in to help cover my ass.

Mae-La woke up in her usual sleeping spot: wherever she’d placed her hammock. Her brothers and sisters from The Order of Red Hills were quite indulgent for monks, but never ones for extravagance. The weather had been fair, so the goblin monk had settled herself on a roof hanging between two chimneys of one of the larger homes in the village. The squat, curvy green woman tumbled neatly out of the simple cloth, catching herself on one hand and unhooking it with her feet. She set it aside while yawning at the rising sun.

“Another holy day,” she observed, squatting on the roof and taking a swig of her gourd of rice wine like a salute. She had slept in her simplistic red robe, slipping her similarly plain skirt, baggy shirt and underwear back on underneath. Her thick, deep green hair curled just above her eyes. Mae took her time wrapping the bandages around her forearms and legs before slipping her sandals, sneaking in fresh drinks from her gourd the entire time she contorted through her dressing ritual.

“Alright, alright,” she mused to herself, fitting her broad straw hat over her head. “I should probably have some food that hasn’t been fermented first. Need a full belly to achieve enlightenment.”


The shortstack monk nimbly descended the roof, balancing her few belongings all the way. She bought some bread and meat for a quick breakfast she could take with her as she wandered the streets. She had landed a tidy amount of coin begging and preaching in the last town, so she didn’t go too heavy handed with her begging bowl. She just picked her teeth with a piece of straw with a satisfied smile on her face.

“Excuse me! Sister?!”

Mae-La raised her eyebrows as she turned to the owner of the voice, taking her time as she heard no envy or anger about a stolen husband. She faced a fairly standard human for the kingdom she was in. Straight dark hair, fair skin, narrow features and nearly twice the size of a goblin. Much like the humans who had raised her in the Red Hills temple. She was dressed in a modest green and white kimono.

“Morning, my big sister!” Mae greeted cheerily. She spat the straw out to the side of the road to let herself bare a full fanged grin. “What can I do to help you love your day a little more?”

“Well… that’s just it, sister. I’m… not sure.”

The human woman’s hand scratched modestly beneath her other arm’s sleeve.

“I have a comfortable life. My father takes care of me with the money from his trade business. But… I do not think I’m happy. And I’m not sure how I can obtain happiness.”

Mae nodded knowingly as she took out a narrow pipe, casually lighting it up. “Aha. Something many struggle with. I’m reminded of a saying from my master in the temple.” She took a puff and let the smoke sift out through her fangs.

“A caged frog won’t shut the fuck up.”

The human woman stared at her vacantly.

“A loosely translated gaijin saying, I believe. Just that no matter how clean and shiny you make your cage, it cannot please a creature that is used to being free. Possessions and confinement are not what our souls desire.”

The robed woman stared and nodded. “I see. Then I should give away my wealth and become a monk?”

“What? Don’t get crazy now,” the goblin quickly urged. “It’s the little things. For example, do you want my lesson on how to make one’s self satisfied?”

The woman nodded eagerly.

“Great. For payment, you can buy me breakfast. I had a hankering for eggs and rice after my sandwich.”

The woman nodded and fished around for the coins in her pouch as they headed towards an inn.

“I see. Is this part of the lesson?”

“Let’s not get hung up on the details just yet. Except for one of course. What’s your name, new best friend?”

“Best…? Er, Akane!” the human answered.

“Lovely. Now let’s learn on a full stomach, shall we?”


“One of the oldest sayings in the Order of Red Hills,” Mae-La recited as she took her bowl and chopsticks in hand. The human and goblin sat across from each other at a modest inn. The monk sat with her plump green breasts resting on the table, swelling and pushing their way slightly past the robes

“Ask yourself ‘Did I cum today?’ If you did not, ask if you indulged in drink. If not, ask if you visited a dear friend. If not, if you made a new one. If you are without a friend, did you enjoy great food today. If all that fails, you may be thankful for the fact that each breath is sacred. Then you are never without blessing.”

She took a deep breath through her pointed nose before starting to wolf down her fried rice. Akane watched her in fascination for a moment before starting to join her in eating much more carefully.

“I have not done many of those in a long time,” Akane admitted in between her tiny bites.

“Terrible shame. Friends, food and fornication are the building blocks of life, big sister,” Mae-La tutted. “At least you made a new friend, though, so your answer is still yes to my mantra.”

Akane smiled and giggled politely.

“Do you know the Order of the Red Hills, friend?” the monk pressed.

“I know some. That you are pleasure seekers who live for utmost satisfaction.”

“And bringing it to others. But yes!” Mae confirmed. “And did you know we have no vow of poverty?”

Akane looked over the loosely dressed monk and shook her head. “I assumed…”

“Oh, Red monks are perfectly free to have wealth. We’re just expected to spend it as fast as possible.”

Mae-La upturned her bowl of rice and swallowed the last of it. She thumped her empty bowl back down and flicked a coin onto the edge of the table.

“A refill, please,” she prompted. “And two sakes.”

The serving girl swept up the coin and dishes to return with more.

“You see? Fill your belly with useless gold and it will only help you sink faster. Find your pleasure before you lose yourself contemplating the symbolism of money.”

Akane did her best to keep up with her lessons as she took another tiny bite.

“Isn’t it a bit early for drinking?” she asked as the waitress dropped off their wide, full cups.

“Another saying: modesty sucks,” Mae-La  summed up philosophically.

“In fact, I won’t teach you any longer unless you finish your rice before I complete mine.”

“What?! But what will people think?” Akane’s eyes darted over the other customers who largely ignored them, though some snuck in glances at Mae’s bulging jugs.

“They’ll think you eat rice really fast. So what? That’s the problem with you humans. You’re too polite. Which means, if you’re being rude and enjoying yourself…” The goblin shrugged and smiled. “They’re too polite to stop ya. Readysetgo.”

Mae-La started shoveling more rice into her mouth. She was tearing through it, even if Akane had nearly finished half of hers before the contest. The brunette’s eyes went wide and she tried to eat her small bites faster. It soon became clear this wouldn’t work and she took Mae’s bait, raising her bowl to her lips and scooping it in as fast as she could. Mae grinned behind her bowl as the girl slammed down her bowl before her, her cheeks tightly packed with food. She swallowed noisily, too caught up with not choking to care about the confused looks she got.

“Very good. Best to wash it down with something,” Mae-La reminded her. She slid Akane’s cup of sake closer to her. She scooped it up and gulped it down, bearing the strong drink with a grimace.

Mae-La beamed proudly as she polished off the last of her food and drink.

“Excellent. Now as far as the pleasures you’ve been missing, that’s another case where losing your wealth can do you good. I happen to know a very discreet and respectable little host club where the men are incredibly charming and polite with these sorts of matters.”

Akane blushed at the suggestion as she drank some water to chase away the aftertaste of sake.

“I’m not sure I could manage that…”

“Of course, if money’s an issue, there’s also ‘Big Scar’ Jiro off in the back alleys. He’s always good for a quick ride…”

“Maybe!” Akane interrupted quickly. “We can see those hosts after all…”


Akane and Mae-La cried out together. The human had been sheepish about losing her robes at first, but true to Mae’s word, the men of the club were very good at making her feel welcome. Some light massaging had led to kissing and caressing before they led her to a private room. It wasn’t completely private, as Mae had no such needs for the comforts and assurances. The goblin was already bare naked and on her back with a muscular human fucking her with what sounded like the force of a bull. Her thick green curves jiggled wildly but she still spared the time to catch Akane’s eye with a friendly “told you so” glance.

The girls writhed on their beds together as the men groped and kissed them. Mae-La squeaked shrilly as her ears folded back and her back arched briefly, splattering a sticky goblish orgasm over her rented lover’s cock. Her lips pursed into a tight smile as she shut her eyes and nodded, encouraging him to continue.

Akane dared a quick look across their comfortable futons, blushing a bit darker to see the messily and noisily appreciative goblin. Her closed eyes opened just enough to glance back at her disciple of the day, breaking into a small, fanged grin.

“Sharing brings its own rewards,” Mae purred as she reached for her discarded clothes. She fished a coin from inside her straw hat and passed it to the man still plowing her sloppy goblin pussy. She crooked a finger to draw him closer, and as he rested his fit chest against her big green orbs she leaned in to whisper something into his ear.

Her manwhore gave some gesture to his coworker and Akane felt herself taken by the hips. The man who was treating her far gentler before suddenly moved her to stand on all fours on the comfortable futon, set in place like a fussy pet dog. It was embarrassing on her own to be position naked like this, but when he thrust his cock into her from behind it all made some intense new sense to her. The firm shaft sliding into her pussy lips and pushing into the back of her clit was completely new to her but she suddenly wondered how she’d ever lived without doggie style.

When she came to her senses, she realized that Mae had been turned to face her in a similar position. She was small enough that her prostitute had lifted her completely off her feet to impale her on his cock, pulling on her meaty hips so that her fat green ass cheeks slapped repeatedly against his abs. While her eyes and mouth shifted as her slim green stomach stretched to fit the human cock inside her, she clearly showed some smug delight at the sight of her friend.

Akane seemed briefly flustered to be face to face with her new friend and guide to the pleasures of life. She covered her mouth sheepishly as her sweaty hair swayed around her, but Mae took her hand and gently lowered it again.

“No need to be decent here,” the goblin assured her softly, pausing to shut her eyes and relish an especially precise thrust from her partner.

“You can let it out. We’re out of the way and I can attest that the walls are plenty thick. And there’s little honor greater than showing such gifted craftsmen how much we appreciate their… MMF! Oh, Hideki, you fucking master… ahem. How much we appreciate their talents.”

Akane’s meek expression broke as her eyes went wide. A light pull on her hair from the man behind her drew him in firmer and deeper, overpowering her sense of modesty. She let out a high-pitched cry as her eyes glassed over. Mae leaned in closer and stroked her face lightly with her nimble fingers.

“Don’t fight it, dear. Get lost in it. Everything people do is to seek a fraction of the pleasures you know now. Just let yourself appreciate it.”

Akane’s mouth hung open, panting at her mentor’s advice. Mae-La’s hand roamed down to tease one of her breasts while the man fucking her felt up the other. The human’s gaping expression drooled as she clearly took AKane’s tip to hear and seemed struck blissfully dumb in her moment of lustful weakness.

“Good girl,” Mae purred before pressing her lips and tongue into Akane’s mouth.

The human grunted and moaned, licking and kissing amateurly back at her. Their shared saliva trickled down between them while the pungent smell of goblin cum both offended and aroused her nose. Its rumored aphrodisiac qualities were clearly true as the sheepish girl made out with her new mentor and found her hips bucking on their own, riding the prostitute’s cock more aggressively. She felt Mae smile approvingly as their mouths opened further, sucking and licking each other more thirstily. Their openly horny vibes were shared deeply enough between them that their bodies both tensed up. They shivered in unison as they orgasmed together, squirting over the men’s dicks between Akane’s quivering trickle of warm juices and Mae’s noisy gushing of her sludgy cum.

“Mmmm, fuck yea,” Mae-La sighed deeply. She wiggled her juicy hips back against her partner as she waved a hand up at him.

“Finish me up with the special, won’t you? Turnabout’s fair play and all.”

She cooed in delight as the man took her point, clutching her tits tightly and fucking her sloppy green slit like a sex toy. The suspended goblin jiggled up and down before her eyes rolled back, rolling out her tongue with delight as the human jizz gushed and warmed her insides. Her greedy goblin folds clutched and drank up all they could but her loosened lips were leaking some of him out.

“I… me too?” Akane panted softly.

“That’s the spirit. Mighty generous of you,” Mae-La sighed as Akane felt her body rocked by another vigorous burst of fucking.

She gasped as her overly sensitive pussy was pumped full again, sliding smoothly from her creamy juices. His primed and swollen cock had her twitching and squeaking as she tried to handle the afterglow of her first orgasm in longer than she could remember.  It seemed to make it stay longer as he kept using her for his own pleasure after granting her so much, and the fact that he enjoyed it enough to spit out a thick stream of jizz inside her made her bite her lip and her eyes water.

The two cum-soaked girls were eased back down to their beds with a few affectionate kisses to their necks. Mae folded her arms under her chin, resting them on her plump and overflowing boobs that wouldn’t stay completely beneath her.

“I have… learned so much today,” Akane panted breathlessly.

“Thank you so much, sensei. I cannot show my appreciation… ahh~! Enough...”

“Generosity is its own reward,” Mae-La insisted with a dismissive wave.

“And my order’s not one for much money. We’d spend it all on pleasures just giving it away anyway. Which reminds me! How about another go? This one’s on me!”


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