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When I first started on Gobtober, the prompt for King felt like it’d be one of the hardest. Then I just sort of figured it as the guy’s that kind of fairy tale royal figure who’s like “Why won’t anyone marry my super fuckable daughters!?” Throw in a little loveable overlord and these comely daughters being a last line of defense as a swarm of horny, and there ya go.

I just threw in that the king’s the most handsome goblin. Yes it’s probably how he got into power, and no it’s not meant to be a David Bowie/Labyrinth reference. Has crossed my mind, though! In my Gobblin’ rpg setting, I don’t officially state it anywhere but I imagine Bowie survived the apocalypse, only to be found by actual goblins. With a bit of makeup and some simple sleight of hand, he convinces them that he’s the real goblin king and builds up a small cult around him.

“Not so fast, Goblin King!”

Carson kicked in the door to the throne room. The handsomest goblin ever known sat upon said throne in said room, looking unimpressed at the knight. He was a little battered but a path of knocked out goblins were left in the wake of his magic and his magic club.

“Your reign of evil’s over!”

The smirking goblin leaned on his fist, swirling a goblet of foul-smelling booze. A lot of it spilled out because he wasn’t used to swishing it around.

“Oh come now. Your idea of evil is just doing what I feel like, and here you are trying to stop me. Who is the TRUE villain here

“Oh stop that bullshit. I beat up your guards. Your days of robbing the local villages is over!”

“Perhaps,” the Goblin King mused. “But you have one last obstacle to overcome, hero!”

The king stood up, dressed in a beat-up old robe, crown and loincloth passed down from the goblin kings before him. He reached into his robe and Carson prepared for him to draw a weapon. Instead, he produced a large, clunky bell.

“First you must get past my army of COMELY YET SINGLE DAUGHTERS!”

“Your what now?”

The king rang the bell rapidly, flailing it around as the rapid sound of footsteps approached. From various halls and behind pillars sprang dozens of goblin girls. They had a spoiled look about them, much cleaner than your normal goblin, but had the same eager, wide-eyed stare as they scampered towards the young knight.

“Ooh! A boy! Thank you, daddy!” a goblin girl with long pink hair and a fairly new-looking dress chimed.

“I get firsties!” another with two stubby blue pigtails added, sprinting forward on all fours.

“The heck you do!” another shot back.

 hey, whoa now!”

Carson conjured some magic into his hand and fired a quick blast at one of the countless goblin princesses. She went flying with a trailing “Wheeeee~!” going after her, and he swept a club to drive a couple more of them away. There was no way he could stop them all as the rest swarmed over him like ants on a sandwich.

“My boy, you must understand,” the Goblin King lectured calmly.

“What a curse it is to be the daughter of the king. Born so naturally beautiful but so high ranked that your fellow goblins are too afraid of their father. I think a nice strong human would be a wonderful husband for one
 heck, maybe for all of them.”

Carson wasn’t listening as he was buried in lonely goblin flesh. He was lucky if he could shove one or two away at a time, but there was always another horny princess ready to leap into her place as they pinned him to the ground.

“Girls, this doesn’t HMFF!”

Carson’s objections were drowned out as a pair of plump green thighs squashed around his face. She had pulled up her skirt so that her bare, soaking wet pussy dropped right over his open mouth. He gave a few muffled noises in protest, but it only succeeded in keeping his mouth open for her musky and bittersweet honey to fall in his mouth.

“Lookit that! That’s high quality breedin’ puss, don’tcha think?” she mounting goblin chimed hopefully.

“Quit hoggin’ all the skin!” an especially busty princess demanded. She jealously elbowed her sister who had straddled Carson’s arm and was messily sucking and licking his hand. Making out with the human’s fingers seemed enough to make her moan and writhe, humping into the crook of his elbow.

“Then let’s make more skin, Gullamina!”

Amidst the tangle of limbs, Carson felt his armor being pulled away followed by his clothes. He flinched out of his adventuring instincts, trying to brace himself for an incoming dagger or the sting of famously clothes-burning acid. Apart from the light tickle of their painted fingernails, the girls were actually quite harmless. In fact, it felt great to have their eager hands pawing and groping as they scrambled to win his attention.

Especially when their nimble fingers found his crotch and started stroking and jerking together.

“Ooh, he’s a biggun,” one of them purred excitedly.

“Real hubby material! One hell of a prince,” another sighed.

“Yea! Real fuckable!”

She traced the flat of her nail along the tip of Carson’s cock where she was already able to sweep up some of his pale precum. The tingling that came with it ran from his shaft up his spine until his mind started to go numb. His every breath came in filtered through a haze of contagiously horny goblin musk, which didn’t help his sense of self control. He moaned as his hips pressed upward, sliding his cock through the princess’ greedy fingers until a few sets of painted lips started to kiss and lick around the tip.

A couple more of the girls bumped the one sitting on his face aside, tearing off their secondhand human garments. Two of the biggest (and definitely greenest) sets of tits popped out in front of him and then on top of him. They shoved their chests into his face and Carson was too wound up not to catch one of their nipples between his lips. He sucked hungrily as the goblin girl moaned appreciatively. Her rubbery jugs bobbed in place until the tit popped free from his mouth, but her sisters were already crammed in their place. The rest of the girls were rapidly pulling or tearing off their clothes to leave them all naked and grinding against his tall and firm body with reckless lust.

“Firsties!” a shrill voice declared from down by his legs.

Carson promptly felt a dense little weight put on his erection as the first princess mounted him. She cooed loudly as her thighs hugged together, balancing carefully on his stomach. His dick was too big for the squat little creature, leaving her suspended on the upper half as she steadied herself with her feet. Her big purple eyes fluttered in a stunned state for a moment. They turned to glance sheepishly at him, catching his eye before she started to bounce on her toes to keep her hips rocking on his cock. Her soft, warm slit rubbed all over his tip, dribbling down the rest of his cock.

Two more she-goblins crowded around the remaining lower half of his dick. They locked their legs around it, grinding on the sides of his shaft to add to his arousing orgy. Their slick slits rubbed their oily pussy juices to lube up his shaft and rub their swollen clits against him as they squeaked and squealed with glee. Another pair of goblins shoved their heads down between his legs, a pair of redheads that each took one of his balls into their mouths and noisily satisfied their obsession with his junk.

The rest of the horny little nobles simply piled onto him, keeping him pinned with their grinding and humping on anything they could reach. Not that Carson was focused enough to try and escape at this point, since he could barely think at all with the heap of busty goblins trying to impress him with their sexual prowess. The oppressive smell and taste of desperate goblin lust smothered him in the raw instincts until he grunted hard, firing off a thick load into and between the cluster of sisters. The princess at the peak of his cock squealed in startled delight, tensing up a little before she wobbled off his shaft. She landed on one of her siblings with a meaty splat as the rest of his seed spurt out like a small fountain over the other gathered goblins.

“Ooh! He’s a messy husband!” one of the girls admired.

“Big mess for our big boy,” another chuckled in a sultry tone.

“Gimme gimme gimme! More seed for me!”

“I get to ride next!”

“FOR YOU SEE!” the Goblin King suddenly declared dramatically.

“I think you’ll find that it was not knives or siege that won this war, young human, but love. For nothing is-”

“Were you still talking?” Carson asked breathlessly in his moment of limited clarity.

“Yes. Of course. Weren’t you listening?”

“Little distracted,” the hero admitted as one giggling goblin princess repeatedly kissed his cheek, leaving it half seafoam green from her lipstick marks alone.

“Ah well. It was a good villain speech too. Since you tallfolk lack the wits of our kind, I’ll make it simple! Wed my daughters and become a prince of the goblins, or you-”


“-leave me no choice but to throw you in the dungeon. Where my torturers will whoa, what?”

“It’s a deal,” Carson repeated, squeezing a nearby princess’ ass. She giggled and shook her jiggly hips back into his hand.

“I was kind of doing this quest just to impress some people and get laid anyway. This kills two

Carson paused to count the heads he could see poking out of the still clingy princesses jockeying for the next ride on his cock.

“Make that thirty birds with one stone.”

“Huh. That was easy. I guess I can give the torturer the day off then
” the Goblin King mused.

“Very well! As Goblin King, king of the goblins, I declare thee wed.”

The girls all stopped their orgy just long enough to break into a synchronized squeal, bouncing or dancing in delight.

 what was your name, kid?”

“Carson,” he quickly reminded the royal goblin before he shuddered from feeling another princess’ smiling mouth latching onto his shaft.

“Prince Carson. You are hereby wed to the Princesses Gullamina, Hogmore, Truska, Murgy, Yulu, Thog, Weskit, Seely, Bintis, Moober, Nuckaline, Bugjug, Leddy, Vim, Coz, Erelesa, Rodin, Helva, Gordeux, Rukuz, Gora, Nawkis, Shabba, Titta-Tat, Volk, Sinty, Murglia, Franscaba, Luggus, Moromi, Keeko, Mabina, and Sleeg.”

The king cleared his throat after his very prompt recital of his daughters.

“Now I have very kingly business to attend to with a bucket of chicken, so you kids go enjoy your wedding orgy! I’m expecting lots of grandkids, and my girls deserve the best, so you’ve got some work to do!”


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