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More of patreon.com/amagato's works I’ve had this idea in mind for a long time, back when I was jotting down every idea for the Amagato fics. I was always big on Cash and Milk (aka Milk Money), just for their looks and attitude. I also liked how they were friends before they got the job, and the contrast that goes with them. Plus goths, bbw and cowgirls all are easy triggers for me, so why not mush ‘em together where I can? Even if Milk ditched the bangs look eventually and lost a set of four...

I also ended up starting a similar story for Goth and Bimbo BFFs around the same time, but there’s already an old sketch supporting this idea from Gats and I think the BFFs story was mostly just to design what if Brittany dressed as a goth raver. I’m sure I’ll find some new direction for it.

It was also tricky to convince myself write this when I’d just done a Cash lesbian fic for a patron, so there’s a bunch of other elements at play. Keep an eye out for a subtle early cameo as well.

Cash and Milk had spent the afternoon doing each other’s makeup for their special night. Between the two of them, they had picked up enough tricks from Tips to help each other out. They dressed up for the occasion, each of them glad to see the other looking fresh in a new change of clothes they didn’t often get to use. Milk called in a ride since they knew they’d be drinking to celebrate their once in a lifetime date.

“FUCK YEA, BOULDERRRR!” Cash vented, hooting and drumming her fists on her thighs.

“This’ gonna be the shit!”

“Take it easy, would ya?” Milk laughed, even as she smiled and shared much of her girlfriend’s enthusiasm.

The big country girl was much later in discovering the hardcore metal band, but she had gotten hooked after learning about them through Cash.

It was why the two were dressed for the occasion in their all-black outfits. Cash’s dark blue hair and some pieces of shiny silver or metal were the only other color on the thin and pale punky girl. She wore tight, hip-hugging black jeans and a belly-exposing Boulder shirt, with some high leather boots, wrist bands and a choker lined with some chrome studs. She and Milk had both gone heavy on the eyeliner plus a thin layer of black lipstick for good measure.

Milk was in much of the same, give or take a few pieces. The plump and coffee-colored cowgirl beamed with her hair tied back in its usual thigh braid. She had a matching (if slightly newer) shirt to Cash’s, with the messy white lettering hailing the band performing tonight. She’d gone with an obsidian nose ring to try and follow Cash’s lead on the edgy makeover, but had turned down the offer to dye her hair black as well. She had opted for a leather skirt that just reached her juicy thighs.

“Ah, I don’t mind. Goin’ to the show tonight, huh?” their messy-haired and odd-smelling driver asked conversationally over her shoulder.

“Yea. Obvious enough?” Milk chuckled, pulling on her shirt to further stretch out the lettering on her huge chest.

“Heh heh. Nice. Hear some wild shit happens at Boulder shows.”

“Half the fun, really. These guys are way hardcore,” Cash confirmed.

“And they’re finally back from their Hell or High Water tour! I’ve been waiting for this one for so damn long!”

“You weren’t even old enough to go last time they were here,” Milk reminded her.

“I would have been old enough to sneak in,” Cash insisted.

Milk just squeezed her hand as they were dropped off by the bustling parking lot of Kingly’s Stadium. Scalpers and pre-gaming fans clustered together, most of which were in similarly dark and punky attire. Cash was uncharacteristically excited for the night, squeezing Milk’s big soft arm tightly as they navigated the crowds.

“This is so fuckin’ wild,” Milk squealed as they went through the line for premium seating. She squeezed Cash tightly in a hug, lifting her off her feet and kissing her cheek.

“I knowwww,” Cash chimed in. “We’re gonna be so close you can feel Vicky Danger’s tit sweat!”

“Well, gross. But also YESSSS!”

“I have drunk all sorts of things at work. No way you’re grossing me… ooh!”

She held up her badge and let the large bouncer scan them in.

“Alrighty. You’re cleared to…” The big bald security guard heard a crackle over his walkie talkie and raised it to his ear. He nodded and held up a hand in front of them.

“Actually, ladies, need you to sit tight for a few.”

“What? Why now?” Cash asked, frowning slightly at the break in her excitement.

“Couple fans partied too hard. They’re breaking up an orgy at one entrance and a brawl on the other. We’re gonna need another fifteen minutes or so.”

“If it helps keep things moving,” Milk offered. “We can use the orgy entrance to get to our seats. It’s nothing we haven’t seen before.”

“Best not for safety, ma’am,” the gruff man refused. “Can’t have you slippin’ on uh… stuff.”

Cash groaned while Milk bit her lip. There was a similar echo through the back of the otherwise quick-paced line.

The slimmer of the fangirls raised a pierced eyebrow curiously. She nudged Milk in the side and leaned in closer, mashing her breasts against the brawny bouncer’s chest.

“You know… we wouldn’t have to tell anyone if you let us through. We know how to keep a secret,” she said with a wink.

Milk quickly caught on and added her own busty chest to the mix, the combined weight of their tits pushing him back slightly.

“Right! We’re such big fans and we need to get a nice meaty snack in before we settle into our seats.”

The bouncer squared his jaw and grunted.

“Maybe we can even help…”

“Let me stop ya right there, ladies,” the gruff guard interrupted. Their seductive glances swapped back to normal.

“I swing the other way, if ya get me, so no sweet talkin’ past me.”

“Ah…” Milk conceded.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m not a wingman for a bro. Hey, Cliff!” he shouted over his shoulder.

“Yo!?” a broader and more heavyset security guy asked nearby.

“You still doin’ the fuck for favors thing!?”

“Oh, hell yea!”

The closer guard pointed two fingers at Milk and Cash and they could see the other guard’s eyes light up. The big and dark-haired employee rushed over as Cash quietly pumped her fist.

“Welcome to the show, ladies. If anybody asks, you’re road crew. Got it?” he checked in.

“Oh, anything to help a fellow fan,” Milk chimed.

She snuck Cash a quick fist bump as they followed Cliff behind some equipment.


Once they were tucked away in the shadows, the girls readily got on their knees. Cliff didn’t even have to prompt them as they showed their horny gratitude by sliding down his pants. His massive member emerged and quickly became the latest target of their pent-up excitement as both of their mouths latched onto it. He groaned noisily and braced a hand against a heap of backup sound equipment.

“Holy shit. You two really know what you’re doin’,” Cliff moaned.

“Lots of practice,” Milk purred softly.

She licked underneath the head of his cock, rolling her tongue at just the right angle to pass it off to Cash. She caught it promptly in her black-painted lips, wetting them before sealing her mouth around the meaty dick. She softly popped her lips back to leave the black, oily stain of her lipstick like a ring around his dick before the girls went back to kissing over and around his erection like the pros they were.

Cash and Milk split up with surprising coordination, having done this sort of thing plenty of times together. Cash went high and Milk went low, licking all the way up or down. Cash was a bit taller and her tits wouldn’t eclipse her girlfriend’s head the way that Milk’s would, so she moved her head up and loosened up her throat and cheeks before taking most of Cliff’s cock into her mouth all at once.

Meanwhile below, Milk tongued around his balls before similarly gulping them into her mouth, flexing her tongue to roll the musky orbs around. The girls’ soft chuckles made him twitch inside them, tensing at what little of his junk wasn’t between their lips already. Cash gave Milk a small quirk of her pierced eyebrow, letting her know they should go in for the kill.

The thots pressed themselves further until their lips touched where Cliff’s cock and balls met. They moaned and sloppily kissed with what little of their tongues and lips they could spare around his junk. The security guard groaned and shuddered as he gripped the sound equipment. Milk could feel his balls briefly swell before releasing, giving an especially high moan to tip Cash off. The blue-haired beauty drew her head back just enough to add one last burst of pleasure to his orgasm before letting him squirt a thick load down her throat. Cash gagged quietly on the thick strands of jizz before she gulped noisily and tipped her head back.

“Fuck that’s the good shit,” Cliff sighed wearily.

“Usually charge a pretty penny for that,” Cash pointed out as she wiped her mouth. They’d left a mess of black smudges on the guard’s cock, particularly the two solid rings around the base of his dick and balls.

Milkbar already had a small mirror out, checking her lipstick and tidying up a few of the edges with a fingertip. She snapped the mirror back shut and produced a stick of gum to pass off to Cash. The orally fixated goth whose mouth currently tasted like dick gladly popped it into her mouth. Not the worst flavor in the world, in her opinion, but not as good as cherry.

The girls were taken to their seats early, nearly as close as they could get to Boulder besides the small but tightly packed mass of fans standing at the foot of the stage. Milk smiled to see the normally low-energy Cash this excited just to be moments away from one of her favorite bands performing. It almost made her forget how excited she was herself.

Then some Boulder music started to play and everyone broke into rowdy cheers. The long intro to Big Style fired everyone up until the band started walking out one by one to join in the song. Marky Rampage had just taken to the stage when Cash and Milk both leapt out of their seats to scream their heads off with the rest of the crowd, chests jiggling as they bounced in excitement. The hardcore band was a lot of dyed hair, wild clothes, and piercings to go with their deep and rapid tunes. They went through their first song with some extra hyping up of the crowd tossed in before driving home the last note. They clearly settled down for a few seconds between songs, so Cash and Milk got a chance to rest their jumping and jiggling to the beat.

“I see why you like these so much,” Milk admitted, already working up a sweat.

She had to adjust her shirt to settle it back over her tits.

“Right?! It just gets so fuckin’ loud and crazy, and the bass is vibrating through your bones and you know everyone else is there feeling it with you. I love this shit!”

Boulder did another couple songs before Jackie Blast started thundering away rhythmically in an extended drum solo. The swarm of fans fired up again as a visible shift began in the mob of people out front. Some shifted closer while others left to stand behind the guard rail, adjusting themselves like a tide while some new visitors went slipping in. Security seemed to turn a blind eye to them for now.

“What’s going on?” Milk asked over the booming drums.

“Oh, check it. That’s the intro to Free For All. They’re starting up the mosh pit for the next song.”

“Ooh. I could go for one of those right now.”

Milk rose eagerly and thumped her thick farmgirl fist into her palm.

“Whoaaaa, hold on, babe. Before you kill a dude like I know you can (and totally love you for it), this isn’t the usual kind of mosh pit. Not with Boulder. They do it their own kind of hardcore.”


Milk nodded knowingly. “You might say it’s a Queen’s Beach style mosh pit?”

“You got it.”

“Well we want the full concert experience, don’t we?”


Cash and Milk reached the mosh pit right as it started turning into the orgy it really was. Fans were pulling off their shirts while some just tore them off as Free For All reached its chorus. People in the crowd latched onto anyone nearby and fucked them however they could manage.

The thots managed to squeeze their way through the tightly packed and moving bodies until they were somewhere near the middle. They could still see Boulder who seemed too caught up in their music to care about the tangled mass of limbs and sex organs, only adding to the spectacle while not missing a beat like the pros they were.

“Good a spot as any!” Cash called to Milk as they reached a manageable spot.

Bodies bumped against them from all sides so Cash grabbed the nearest person by their shoulders. She spun the pierced and androgynously skinny boy around and locked lips with him, grinding her hips against his bulge through their pants.

Milk already had some curious hands rubbing over her, so she thrust her hips back into the hands on her ass with a playful smile. She started to grind and twerk to the beat until she was grinding her wide booty on a swelling dick of her own. She raised her hips enough to slip it under her skirt and rub it between her cheeks through her panties, using her freed hands to grab and pull down the shorts of another girl. She leaned over and shoved her face into the tattooed blonde’s crotch, noisily moaning as she ate her out while pressing her ass tighter against the dick behind her.

The eager thots quickly became the center of attention of those around them. Cash stuffed their stripped off shirts under her arm as she mounted the pale femboy, bouncing on his cock as her perky tits bobbed from her rapid humping. She turned and planted a black-lipped kiss over a hefty pair of pierced udders from her kneeling position and jerked off a cock beside her. She moaned loudly as the cock quickly shot off, coating her cheek and half the busty woman’s cleavage.

Milk had ended up with a muscular punky guy and a surprisingly hung woman paying extra attention to her. They each had a thick cock up her ass and pussy while the strong man held up her meaty thigh. Milk’s eyes were wide and she panted with pleasure, particularly with the two kneeling fanboys squeezing and sucking on her sensitive tits. Her eyes rolled as she let out a husky moan, gushing a messy orgasm over the two lovers at her hips and an intense squirt of milk onto the nursing pair.

Cash’s thin body shuddered, moaning as she came while she hugged her face into the sweaty cleavage beside her. Her eyes fluttered as she instinctively reached out and caught a random cock from nearby. She stuffed it into her mouth in the blind, orgasmic frenzy drooling mindlessly over it as she rubbed her clit and kept riding on the pinned boy from earlier. Her sloppy deepthroating had her milking him empty in no time, but the taste of pussy around his cock told her it wasn’t the first he’d had today. She moaned as his milky load spilled into her mouth, her eyes darting towards Milk.

The dark-skinned cowgirl was a panting mess, with several men having clearly jizzed all over her tits and face while she was being railed from behind. She licked her lips with a dreamy look on her face, as even a party’s worth of guests rarely fucked them all so much at once. Their eyes met and they shared the overwhelmingly sexual and intense moment together, leaning in and embracing deeply. Milk’s hefty tits swung over to wetly slap against Cash’s, and the blue-haired girl’s tongue met her girlfriend’s to swap their mouthfuls of cum between each other. The intimately dirty moment had them howling in pleasure into each other’s mouths, crying out as they savagely squirted all over their orgy mates.

With a few last, hard drumbeats, the song finally ended. A few fans got in some finishing humps but the orgy pit was clearly breaking up.

“Wet wipe?” the tattooed woman with the huge cock asked, offering the cummy couple a case of cleaning wipes.

“See?” Cash said as she gestured towards her with a smile. She gladly picked up a few and quickly tidied herself up.

“Lot of people say don’t get involved in the fanbase, but Boulder fans know what’s up.”


The girls shuffled back to their seats while the less horny front row fans moved back into the emptied space. They were still hot and sweaty under their shirts, but the afterglow of their orgy orgasms just made them even more into the mindless enthusiasm of the concert. Near the end of the concert, their cheeks hurt from smiling and their throats were raspy from screaming or singing along.

Boulder went into their song Vandal, one of their slower tunes that gave the girls a bit of a break. Cash leaned in behind Milk, squeezing her around the middle to gently wrap her hands together on her belly. She swayed more calmly to the song and rocked her beefy girlfriend along with it.

“Love this song,” Cash sighed, drumming her fingertips to the tones.

“Mm,” Milk sighed calmly. “You were playing it on our first time we were knockin’ boots.”

Cash snickered behind her.

“You’ll have to whittle that one down a lot. Cuz we’ve done it a lot of times, and I’ve played this song a LOT…”

“First time as a couple,” Milk giggled, giving Cash a playful elbow in the ribs.

Cash sighed again and nodded, bobbing her head against the back of Milk’s.

“Yea. I was so used to you being all shy and awkward. Then you had the actual guts to take us to the next level and it was like I was seeing the old you and the new you all at once… and both are beautiful, y’know?”

Cash kissed the back of Milk’s neck, one of her favorite and subtler sweet spots. She felt Milk’s big body sigh and settle in front of her. Cash slid a hand up her front, rubbing over one of her thick jugs. It didn’t take much after the orgy to fire her back up, and her hard nipple leaked a bit through her top.

“Ohhh… don’t ruin the shirt,” Milk mewled softly.

She still pushed her hips back, grinding her wide and meaty ass on Cash’s crotch to encourage her along. Cash kissed her neck again before going along to her cheek. Milk batted her painted eyes back at her and turned her head enough to kiss her, black lips to black lips. They breathed softly and shared the quiet, intimate moment among the softer part of the concert, feeling their hearts race together in time with the drums.

Cash reached down Milk’s skirt and wiggled her fingers past her panties. Milk gave a soft moo that cued that she was really in the mood as her chubby thighs squeezed together. She wriggled in Cash’s grasp, subtly getting fingered in the middle of the focused crowd. They likely weren’t the only ones, given the audience and this being Queen’s Beach, but it felt too good for Milk to want to stop. Cash’s delicate and painted fingers curled inside her damp pussy, rubbing the warm insides around before stroking her juices across her clit. Milk’s mouth hung open, softly panting as her girlfriend got her off with plenty of experience on her side.

Cash gently pressed her fingertips together on either side of Milk’s swollen clit. The subtlest of pressure had her arching her back and wailing softly, her eyes half-lidded and mouth stuck open in sensual shock. Cash chuckled softly as she ground her hips against her ass commandingly, pushing Milk’s hips forward to hump against her fingers. They stroked around her moistened, hardened clit and nipples until Milk broke into a string of frantic cursing. It broke into an unsteady cry as the big girl quivered and jiggled in her partner’s grasp. Cash held onto her tight enough that she wouldn’t topple over but the big girl would go where she pleased if she really wanted to.

It turned out where she wanted to be was right in Cash’s arms. Milk sat back and plopped her booty onto Cash’s lap, pinning her back into her seat. Cash gave a soft grunt but was content to feel their bodies pressed together again, rubbing over her girlfriend and best friend’s thick hips, chest and belly.

Boulder took another brief water break before they went into a couple more songs. As they started up their finale, another large security guard leaned towards them down the aisle. He gestured for their attention.

“Could you two come with me?” he asked over the music.

“Ah well. Guess you can only fuck in public for so long before you get kicked out of somewhere. Even in QB,” Cash sighed as she stood up.

“Actually, Miss Danger asked to see you two backstage. They’ve got a busy schedule, so they wanted to invite you back during the finale.”

For all the sex, orgies and orgasms they’d gone through in the last few hours, their girls’ eyes went wider than ever as their hearts skipped a beat. They squealed and rambled to each other excitedly as they were escorted backstage to where they could see the band performing up close from just offstage. It wasn’t the best view, technically, but the exclusive moment made the night even more of an incredible experience.

The band stepped offstage, passing some of their instruments to various assistants. The mature, tan-skinned redhead that was Vicky Danger, rhythm guitarist of the band, nodded towards them with a small smile that made the girls fangirl out. She gestured for them to follow them to the green room and Cash and Milk found themselves shaking with excitement alone with Boulder themselves.

For a hardcore metal band (because Boulder was too big to be rock), the room was surprisingly underwhelming. The group’s pierced and wild appearance quickly became much more relaxed backstage. Jackie Blast tore open a fresh fig bar while Marky went right for his phone. He picked it up and promptly called someone that started with “Hi, pumpkin. Put mommy on for me.”

“Hey! Thanks for coming,” Vicky said with a smile.

She approached the girls and shook Milk and Cash’s hands firmly. They were surprised by how quiet and mellow the band was in their private room.

“You girls want some tea? Got some vitamin water, cuz I know you need to hydrate at these things.”

“Right… sure…” Cash muttered, still processing the sudden shift.

Vicky smiled and grabbed them each a bottle.

“Cool. If you want some swag, go ahead and help yourselves. Got more than we know what to do with back here. Just figured we’d give somethin’ back to the fans,” she added, nodding towards a box left out on a table.

“Thanks! Sorry, HUGE fans. But it’s just… not what we expected back here,” Milk explained as she took them all in.

Vicky nodded as she sipped some tea left out for her.

“Yea, well it was good crazy metal band fun for a while,” Jackie said as she started playing on a handheld videogame.

“But doctor said to watch my cholesterol, and you know that meant quitting the drugs and booze. Ricky was underweight for a while and you know Rampage and Vicky’ve got kids to look out for now, so they’re not as big on the backstage orgies we used to. Just can’t go with the real fucked up shit anymore these days.”

“I guess so,” Cash said, nodding slowly.

“But we still love the fans and the energy you guys bring. We wanna match that, and that means keeping in shape and going strong for you all,” Vicky insisted.

“And you two looked so cute out there. Cuddling up and fangirling out together, and that cute look you gave each other during the orgy. Totally support an open but loving relationship like that.”

“No, babe. Don’t worry,” Rampage told the phone, nodding in approval at the girls. “They’re not talking about me. How’re you and the kids liking Disney?”

“That’s… weirdly cool of you. Thank you,” Milk laughed at last.

She squeezed an arm around Cash’s waist. Cash ruffled Milk’s hair in return of the playful gesture as the band complimented them.

“It sort of comes from working at The Thot anyway,” Cash admitted.

Jackie’s eyes went wide as she pointed at them.

“Wait! I remember you!” she said suddenly. The thots gave him a confused look.

“Pizza Thot! We stopped by there when you guys were first opening! Good to see you’re still open!”

“Oh you haven’t been?” Cash asked, a small smirk crossing her face as she glanced at Milk.

“I guess you all wouldn’t with the clean living wife and kids stuff, but we’re thriving. Bigger than ever.”

Milk fished out her phone while Cash went on.

“In fact, we kind of thought this was going to turn into another orgy. But if you guys wouldn’t mind a quick selfie, I think this’d make this awesome night perfect…”


Between being posted on social media and Thot Bubble, the picture got tons of attention. Cash and Milk had posed kneeling while throwing up the horns. Cash beamed a huge smile while Milk stuck out her tongue in an overly metal pose. They were only up to the band’s waists but their outfits and the Boulder swag around in the background made it clear where they were to any fan. Ricky’s dick was poking Cash in the cheek and the others were in various states of undress around them.

“Another wild night at the #Boulder concert! Still too big to be rock!” Cash had posted. It got a similar shoutout from the band’s account, which brought another fresh wave of fans to their already booming restaurant. Even if nothing really happened backstage, it was a nice little boost to both parties’ reputation anyway.


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