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Decided to wrap this up this morning when I was feeling fighty. I’ve been doing fight stories for so long that they get harder and harder to keep original. Probably why I got tired of boxing real fast, with the more limited options in moves available. Catfights were especially popular in my early commission days, so burned through those pretty quickly too. I can still find some fun in the cheesier side of pro wrestling and strange angles of sexfighting, but while it’s hot, it can be hard to come up with original ideas outside of that.

The creation catfight story was a great outlet for that. Two goddesses creating the universe so they have something to catfight in and hit each other with. Choking each other with asteroid belts while shapeshifting and duplicating themselves for some crazy shit. All the classic moves, just at a cosmic scale.

At a point before time, when matter was something of a curious idea to consider, only four things truly existed. There was the mother goddess and father goddess, who existed for all of reality and beyond.

Slightly younger than infinity were their two daughters, Creation and Universe. They were not as powerful as the makers of everything but may as well have been by our mortal understanding. They manipulated their surroundings by will alone and preferred to maintain humanoid shapes compared to the vague presence that their parents preferred. The father god assumed it was them going through a phase and the mother goddess told them they were lovely no matter what form they took, so they were given plenty of freedom with what to do before existence as we knew it came along.

The realm of the cosmos before there was air and distance were beyond our understanding, but this is the best we’ve been able to interpret the most ancient writings:

Creation was floating in the void, lounging on the emptiness that would one day become a couch. She held a form closer to a Greek goddess, looking roughly in her late 20s with tanned olive skin and dark, ornately curled hair that reached her hips. She wore a loose toga, well before togas were created, which was her attempt at being fashionable and ahead of her time. A large bust filled out the front, bobbing and swaying as it pleased with no gravity or physics around to speak of.

Universe came walking through unreality at a brisk pace, her bare feet slapping on the nothingness as she pleased. She had chosen a form that resembled the modern concept of angels; more fair skinned and golden-haired than her sibling with radiant feathered wings behind her shoulders. She wore loose white robes that managed to show off a lot of skin for so much fabric, her lightly freckled cleavage bouncing with each step.

She opened up what should be a fridge to get some essence of flavor and energy, bending over and bumping into Creation with her round ass thrusting out through her robes. The floating brunette goddess floated a short distance away, glaring at her sister’s juicy rear. When there were only so many things in existence, let alone ones with physical form, it became easy to focus your frustrations on one of them.

“Watch it, fatass!” Creation demanded. She pivoted her position and kicked her sister in the rear. Universe gasped and jumped, grabbing her ass as she turned to glare at the brunette entity.

“You’ve got all of infinity and you’ve got take up my space?” Creation ranted on.

“Excuse me! We’re both living here,” Universe protested. “I’ve got every right to be here, at LEAST as much as you do, you lazy bitch!”

The blonde swung her hips and bumped into her sibling again, sending her spinning out of control before she halted herself by will alone. She stood back up on nothing in particular and shoved her sibling in the chest, getting both their breasts bouncing from the aggressive impact.

“Doesn’t mean I have to see your ugly physical form all over it,” Creation complained.

The paler sibling’s face fumed and turned red before she slapped her across the face. Universe’s eyes went wide as she felt the first pain in all the unknown existence.

“You watch your mouth or I’ll unmake it!” Universe threatened, but Creation was just as pissed off now. She reached out a hand and grabbed… something. She shaped reality to her will, creating a simple object; she wanted something thin, fragile and noisy. She made a plain vase and smashed it over the blonde’s head, sending shards of it flying all over.

“Unmake that, bitch!” Creation taunted as the angelic sister gawked at her in shock. The shards melted into nothingness around her hair as she clenched her fists, creating countless shifts in the universe as both cosmic siblings became riled up.

“Oh that is IT!” Uni bellowed. In an instant she was the size of a few galaxies, punching Cre in the face with her star-sized fist. It connected with a massive boom that ripped at space and reality around them, sending Creation’s corporeal body flying lightyears away in seconds.

The brunette reappeared in front of her, looking more furious than hurt. She tackled her sister, Cre and Uni tumbling over each other in the universe’s first catball. They tore at each other’s hair, clawed at their faces, kneed at their groins and bellies and punched at each other’s breasts, quickly learning what caused each other the most pain as they tumbled through time and space.

Cre pinned Universe by the shoulders at last, just for the blonde to teleport through her sister. She grabbed her around the neck from behind and pulled up, choking her until she gagged from the uncomfortable pressure.

“Looks like I finally invented a way to shut you up,” Universe snorted in her ear. Creation snarled and whipped a hand through the air, her godly telekinesis flinging the blonde off of her with a few parting scratches to her neck. They healed over instantly as the girls were left with some space between them, glaring eyes still fixated on each other.

“You ugly bitch!” Universe fumed as she raised her hands over her head. She manifested a planet and threw it at Creation. The brunette ducked under it, just for the angelic sister to redirect it with her mind and smash her in the back of the head. The godly sibling staggered forward and Universe flew towards her, ramming a knee into her stomach.

“You always were the stupid one. I guess that makes you the dumbest thing in the universe!” the blonde gloated.

Creation fell to her knees as she gagged, but she swung an elbow back into her rival sister’s groin. It wasn’t as if she needed air or that there was anything to breathe yet, so her blow hit hard enough to make Universe howl in agony. She cupped her robed crotch and bared thighs as Creation floated over her and grabbed her by the wings. She pulled and spun around to whip her around by the wings, Universe wailing all the way until they popped loose as easily as some loose threads on a shirt. Universe went flying away even without her wings as Creation laughed at her expense.

“Ha! I always hated those useless things!” the brunette laughed. She created a large burning ball of fire beside her and tossed the wings into the flames, incinerating them on the spot as her sister seethed.

“Oh that does it! Eat this!”

The two started creating and hurling planets at each other like a frantic, cosmic-leveled food fight. Some of them connected but more of them whiffed entirely, floating through the air on their own accord as the deities ignored them for now. Others shattered to bits, forming loose debris floating through their newly formed space. They had unwittingly formed their own piece of space for them to continue their petty feud in.

They finally grew tired of throwing things and Creation tackled into Universe, sending them tumbling through the new cluster of planets, stars and asteroids. Universe pulled free and the angelic sister threw out a hand. She summoned a huge flaming sword that she rammed into Creation’s stomach, impaling her and sticking her to one of the larger planets.

“Ow! Quit it,” Creation complained as if she had merely stepped on her toe. She pulled at the sword but it had stuck tightly in place. While she struggled with that, Universe was able to freely punch her back and forth across the face, knocking her silly as she tried to process these new sources of pain.

“You’re right. I should have cut off even MORE!”

Universe summoned a chainsaw into both hands, revving it up before swinging it straight down on Creation’s head. She screamed in pain as it tore through her, neatly cutting through in an instant. There was no blood to speak of, with her form being purely cosmetic, but when she stuck herself back together her toga fell completely off. It had been ripped in half by the cut, leaving her perfect naked body on display.

“What! I just manifested that the other day!” Creation shrieked at her. She held out a hand, grabbing and bending the blade of the chainsaw all the way around at a sharp angle. She pulled on its tip, drawing Universe closer and headbutting her in the face.

“OW!” they both blurted as they staggered back, dropping any of their heavily improvised weapons.

“Okay, that move needs work,” Creation admitted. Universe came lunging at her for revenge when the brunette clenched her fist. She manifested two of the planets in between them, turning them into rocky spikes. The busty angel ran tits-first into them, gasping as her jugs were squashed out of shape and she bounced right back off of them clutching her chest.

“You were always copying me! I invented boobs first!” Creation’s voice shouted from above her.

A second body of hers pounced on Universe from above, both of her forms quickly stomping the angelic sister into what would be the ground. Universe threw out a hand, destroying the one body with her mind while she curled a luring finger. A cluster of asteroids came flying towards her and formed a belt, wrapping around Creation’s neck from behind.

Creation yelled and gagged, pulling on the asteroid belt. She didn’t need to breathe, not that there was any air yet, but having her neck crushed by it was painful enough. She staggered around as Universe rode on her back, keeping the belt cinched tight until Creation snapped her fingers. One of the stars around them burst into a colossal ball of flame, which was to say a small fireball compared to the two deities. Creation bucked backward, knocking the blonde assailant into the scorching ball. She shrieked in surprise as any scraps left of her clothes burned off her in an instant from the intense heat.

“OW! Watch where you put that, you stupid UFF!”

Creation pulled loose and spun around, uppercutting her sister in the jaw. Universe’s head whipped back and Creation grabbed a handful of blonde hair before mashing her face into the heat of the sun. While it didn’t even blemish the goddess’ skin, the angelic Creation screamed from inside its stinging heat.

“Owwww ow ow! Fuck! Dad dammit!” she howled before she swung an elbow into Creation’s tit. She shrieked right back as she backed off holding her boob.

A red-faced Universe pulled her head out of the sun, her cheeks red and sunburned from the center of intense heat. She shook her head, instantly healing back from it as she snarled.

“I’m going to rip you to pieces and leave them in different dimensions for mom to find after your stupid little sun burns out!” she threatened.

She lunged at the brunette but Creation raised a hand, summoning numerous planets in between them. Universe dodged around some of them while smashing through others, furiously pursuing her hated sibling.

By the time she reached Creation, she had manifested a large planet with a ring of debris around it. She lifted the ring off and slammed it down over Universe’s head and shoulders. It fit over her like a too tight hula hoop, binding her arms to her sides as she gave a frustrated growl.

“Oh for fuck’s…” Universe snarled. She teleported behind Creation but she saw the rift in reality coming from a lightyear away. She teleported the ring to stay with her, keeping her stuck as she reappeared in what she hoped was an ambush. Universe gawked as Creation pounced on her, pinning her to a ground-like piece of reality and started pounding her face and tits.

“You like that, cunt?! I’m already inventing new words to describe stupid ugly bitches like you! Twat! Shitty whore! Hooker! Cromdawk!”

Universe couldn’t respond with her face being bashed around, but she thought the latter sounded pretty stupid. She struggled with escaping the ring, teleporting around the infinity of space but her sister stayed right on top of her and moved with her. Fed up with trying the fancier tricks, she pushed at Creation’s hips enough to knee her in the pussy. The massive slam of naked god flesh meeting god flesh boomed through the universe as the brunette screamed. She tried to cup her groin but Universe reached between her legs and gouged her fingernails inside the already aching pussy.

“Say goodbye to your chances at being a fertility goddess!” Universe snarled as she finally shrugged off the ring of Saturn. She gave a vicious yank and Creation screeched at the top of her lungs as her manifested body was pulled on hard enough to remove her pussy from her body. Universe spitefully threw it away, casting it somewhere off into space.

“You bitch! That was my original!” Creation shouted furiously as she floated back and regenerated her bloodless injury over the missing god flesh.

“Not like you were using it anyway, you blessed virgin!” Universe jeered.

The brunette fumed and grabbed a nearby icy planet, swinging it like a rock into the side of Universe’s head. It shattered like glass and made her reel before she created a baseball bat and swung it hard, smashing it into the side of one of Creation’s hefty tits. She gasped and staggered in pain as one jug was knocked into the other.

“OW! No fair! America doesn’t even exist yet!” Creation complained.

“Neither does plastic surgery but your manifested tits still look fake as hell!” her sister spat back.

Creation fumed and leapt back as Universe took a swing at her. She floated into the air and smashed a kick into her face, knocking her a long way through the galaxy. Creation snapped her fingers and a massive black hole opened behind her hated sibling. Universe’s thick ass fell right into it, trapping her flat on her back inside the intense gravity well.

“Hey! No ripping open space! I’m telling dad that you’re breaking his reality!” Universe complained.

“You’ll have to be conscious to do that,” Creation growled. She waved a hand and reality’s first turnbuckle appeared. She hopped on top of it and leapt off in one graceful movement, smashing an elbow drop down on her sister’s stomach. Universe huffed loudly and bucked as she went popping fully into the black hole, screaming as her thick curves and limbs bent to make it fit.

“Ha! You actually fit in there? I guess it’s as loose and easy as your slutty vag!” Creation laughed into the empty black void too deep and powerful for light to escape.

That didn’t stop Universe any worse than tossing her into a trash can. The blonde reached back out and grabbed her sister by the throat. She leapt out and bit into one of her tits, making Creation gag and scream as she stumbled back. The girls rolled all over each other, crossing the universe as they kicked and screamed, smashing and creating things at random as they went. They would occasionally teleport into a hold before snapping back into their continued catballing. Creation made a duplicate of her body, just for Universe to do the same. The blonde clone jumped on the brunette’s back, digging a knee into her spine and pulling back on her arms. Another of Creation sat on Universe’s face, clawing and stretching out her tits to bizarre proportions until she was tying them into a knot. Reality was torn asunder as the goddesses tumble across its entirety.

“Stupid cosmic cunt!”

“Fatass star-fucker!”

“You look like you ate the last reality!”

“You’re so ugly dad didn’t create light!”

The screaming girls crashed into a planet as their powers and alternate forms went wild. Some excess magic ripples across it as Universe got on top of Creation. She pinned her with a hand to her face but the brunette goddess bit her hand and slapped her tits around. Their shouted threats and catty attacks suddenly stopped as they saw something moving. They both froze for a moment to glance at the blue and brown orb that went through a few centuries at a glance.

“Oh shit. What was that?” Creation asked warily.

Universe regarded her suspiciously before focusing her infinite god senses towards the planet. Lifetimes flew past them from their cosmic perception of reality. There was fire, then stone, then cells, then fish, and soon enough there were primitive bipeds banging rocks and sticks together.

“Oh my us,” Universe gasped. “Did we just make life?”

“Kind of,” Creation muttered. “I might have done that on a few other planets by mistake back there, but… not like this.”

The goddesses paused again before they both spoke up, shouting down at the planet.

“Hey! Help me kill this crazy bitch!” Creation blurted.

“No! Fuck her up! Use your pointy sticks and throw them at her slutty ass!”

“Bitch, they’re mine!”

“No I made them. That’s MY creation of man, you slut!”


The sisters froze on the spot. The infinity around them shifted as something existed in the nothing. They went pale as they hastily peeled themselves off of each other’s sweaty bodies.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INFINITE VOID? their father continued. He was beyond a physical form like his children, so his and his love’s words simply happened more than they were spoken.

“We uh… we made a few things?” Creation replied sheepishly.

it’s not an infinite void if there are things in there, now is it? their mother pressed.

“No, mom,” Universe muttered as she healed back her remaining scratches and bruises.


“Yes, dad,” they answered quickly.

and learn to share. you don’t want your species to start arguing and fighting over who’s worshiping who.

“Yes, mom,” the two muttered more begrudgingly. They gave each other dirty looks, already thinking of ways for them to bicker with each other indirectly.


“Yes, dad,” they repeated.

Once their parents’ divine omniscience wasn’t paying attention to them, the sisters glared at each other. Universe pointed at one particular speck of a person.

“I bet my cave person could beat up your cave person,” she grumbled.


“Thus, fellow children of creation and the universe, did the gods infuse catfights and competition into the essence of humanity. Amen. Let our ceremonial mud wrestling begin.”



That was really creative! Interesting to see such brutal things happening when they aren't any worse than a minor nuisance.


oh yea, they'll wipe out a planet by mistake if it means kickin the other in the twat. it was complicated but very rad