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Wrote entirely this morning after a lot of loose brainstorming over discord. I made the joke of sukeban succubus/delinquent demons, and developed into what if succubus didn’t necessarily mean a sex demon? What if it meant they drained some kind of energy from people, which led to them bullying people in different ways? Then there’s some bullying demon girls draining your physical strength, your frustration or anger, your arousal, your phone battery, your intelligence… so obviously, plans for more girls and more chapters.

I’m not sure I’m willing to commit to saying this is canon to the ghetto goblin universe, but it may as well be. It also took a bit of effort to make sure I didn’t just retreat any of the Bully Code girls in designing the succubus sukeban.

Kenji’s dad had transferred to a new part of Japan to work in a small town. He was used to life in the big city, but he didn’t mind adjusting to the more rural life. He was a plain boy with glasses and short dark hair, if a little scrawny in terms of muscle. He was much more bookish than any of the athletes at his school, performing well in his classes. He imagined this new school he was being sent to wouldn’t be too hard to adjust to.

But as they reached the town for the first time, he started to realize why the place was known as “Hell’s Garden” to outsiders. When demons had emerged and started living among humans, the major cities were much too packed and too strict to allow them to stay there. These countryside towns appreciated the extra help, so Kenji started to see his first demons working the fields or shopping in town. He was happy to find that they were entirely polite people, from the imp that delivered their mail (to the sound of flapping little wings) or the kindly woman with a snake tail that brought them some of her extra radishes as a welcoming gift.

That happily accepting outlook changed when he went to his first day of school. It wasn’t the fact that there were so many demons there eying him, but that they were all clearly delinquents. Two winged girls with deep pink skin and cheetah-print tops sat on the school’s walls, whistling and catcalling him as he approached.

“Hey there, mortal-chan!” one greeted flirtily.

“Wanna gimme some of that tasty energy, sweet chi?” her friend purred while the first made kissy faces at him.

Kenji blushed and hurried along politely as he could, just to bounce off the muscular leg of an oni that towered three feet over him. He felt his knees get week, and more than he expected. He nearly collapsed as the huge, charcoal-colored brute scowled down at him, wild white hair hanging down a long coat with the kanji for Hell on the back. A well-used baseball bat the size of a futon was draped over her shoulder.

“Watch it, shrimp,” she snarled through tusked teeth. “Or I’ll drain ya so fast you’ll need a muscle transplant just to walk again.”

“S-s-sorry!” he blurted as he bowed and rushed around her. More and more demons were loitering around the front of the school. They varied wildly, but most of them kept up the same theme: delinquents from literal Hell.

“Oi oi,” a listless voice chimed as someone poked him in the shoulder. Kenji turned to see a sleepy-eyed girl who seemed to be in a constant state of drooling. She licked her lips, just for the string of drool to return a moment later. She was bright blue with black hair down near her ankles.

“Hey, can I borrow your phone? I wanna… I just wanna check somethin’ real quick.”

“I… really shouldn’t,” Kenji tried to deflect.

Another person grabbed him by his other arm. He flinched as he prepared to be mugged or wedgied or worse by whoever caught him next, only to be pulled away from the blue demon by another human boy. He was a bit older than him, if he had to guess, and with scruffy blonde hair that made him look like another rebel but in a much lesser way than the other girls with pierced horns and weapons.

“Hey, there you are, Emitsu!” the stranger greeted him incorrectly.

“I was looking for you. Come on. We’re all waiting.”

Kenji blinked blankly, but managed to nod.

“Right. Th-thanks. I have to go! Sorry!”

He still gave a quick goodbye to the drooling demoness as he was quickly dragged away.

“That was a close one,” the blond guy sighed as he marched Kenji towards the school. “You can’t mess around with all these sukeban succubi going around.”

“The what?” Kenji asked fearfully. “You mean this place is full of sex demons?”

“Hm?” the blonde guy gave him a puzzled look. “Oh! Like from video games? No, these are the real deal, man. They’re a little different. Watch.”

He pointed towards a yellow imp, a winged shortstack and her disproportionately big breasts bound beneath an open jacket. A pair of human boys were arguing near the lockers about the latest manga when she floated by and glared in their direction. The imp floated up behind one of them, plopping her breasts on his head.

“Whatchu nerds talkin’ about?” she demanded as Kenji could see the fiery passion leave their eyes. They blinked blankly a few times.

“Oh. Uh… somethin’. I dunno.”

“Tch! Whatever.” The imp scoffed and beat her broad bat wings to leave.

“Succubus is a kind of demon that drains energy. It turns out there’s all kinds that drink all kinds of energy. There’s some that drain the lust out of people,” the blonde student explained.

“But there’s ones that drink things like electricity, or focus, or even physical strength. Aoi back there was about to drink most of your phone’s battery life back there. They’re color coded to make it easier to track, but honestly, I wouldn’t go pissing any of them off if you’re going to last here. Keep your head low and blend in, right?”

“I… I guess,” Kenji decided, trying to keep up.

“OHOHO! Is that new meat I see?” a low voice purred after the high cackle.

“Gotta go!” The blonde kid patted Kenji supportively on the shoulder before walking away as fast as he could.

The girl approaching him was tall and thin with dark purple skin. A long red braid was draped over her shoulder and narrow eyes seemed to constantly smile at him while also sizing him up like a predator. She wore the usual school uniform of a blouse, scarf and skirt, but kept her skirt short on her long legs. She pushed some narrow glasses up her pointed nose and a curl of her painted red lips bared a few small fangs. Two short, straight horns poked out in opposite directions, one mounted just above each of her pointed ears.

“Oh! Good morning, sempai!” Kenji replied, hoping to placate the stranger quickly.

“Respecting your betters already! That’s a good start,” the purple woman chimed.

She gave a small nod of acknowledgement and held out a hand to shake.

“Murasa from Class 7. Nice to see another human around.”

“Kenji Karamura. Nice to meet you,” he replied nervously. He shook her hand back and it sent a tingle through his skin. The purple girl smiled and gave a small tug on his hand.

“Why don’t we go over here for a while?” she offered as she took his arm in an overly familiar way.

Kenji gulped. He wasn’t sure what kind of succubus she was, but she was definitely doing something to him. He struggled to think of any excuse to stop her, or really any reason not to go with her. It left him walking around a corner with her to a more secluded spot.

“Now I have a little favor to ask you,” Murasa purred. She pressed her body up against him, her round and perky tits pushing into his chest. Kenji was pinned up against the wall, close enough to catch the gleam of green to her beady eyes.

“I have a test later today, and I doubt you’ll be expected to have any today. So why not lend me a bit of that brain power?”

“My… what?”

Murasa ran a hand up his chest, making his heart race. Her fingernails traced along his neck before running up his hair, flashing him a hungry grin.

“Purple succubus,” she reminded him casually. “I feed on intelligence. It’ll grow back like anything else, but I could use a bit of a boost for the exam. Consider it like making you do my homework.”

Even her threatening words came out as flirty teases. Kenji blushed harder as she pressed herself more bodily against him.

“I… I don’t even know how that’d work…”

“It’ll be funnnn,” Murasa chimed. “Because we all know the best way to drain a man dry, don’t we?”

Murasa’s pouty lips pressed into Kenji’s and he felt an even more intense tingling run through his body. He found himself moaning as his body twitched as best it could between the succubus and the locker. The sense of her draining his mental energy had a strangely pleasant feeling, but his moans really came from his rapidly dropping intelligence. He was a bright kid and any kind of planning or focus he had started to fade as the demon’s strong purple tongue forced itself into his mouth, leaving him with little to think of but how good this felt.

“Good boy,” she whispered when she finally parted their mouths. She licked her lips as she ran her hands down his chest.

“You’re packing quite the brain in there. I can feel my intellect consuming yours with a particular appetite.”

The brain bully unbuttoned Kenji’s pants and slid her hand down his pants. Her slender fingers delicately grasped his cock, shooting an even more intense feeling through him. The new boy couldn’t think of anything to do but to enjoy it as he moaned witlessly and slumped against the wall.

“Oh that’s good,” he groaned mindlessly as his eyelids started to droop.

“Eloquently put,” Murasa snickered as she stroked him off.

“I am rather masterful at the carnal arts, given our infernally idealized feeding methods. Even a primitively pea-brained corporeal like yourself should be able to appreciate its fuckable finesse.”

Kenji just nodded. His raging erection wasn’t helping, but he was struggling to keep up with her taunting. Whether it was her growing smarter as she drained him or just more actively mocking his dropping intelligence, she was clearly using more elaborate teasing to flaunt her control over him.

Kenji was too far gone to care. His eyes fluttered as she kept teasing his cock and reached under her skirt, sliding her black panties down around her ankles before kicking them aside.

“Nearly there. Just one more direct deposit in the brain bank,” Murasa chimed.

She stroked his chin and Kenji could barely get his thoughts together let alone an argument. His focus wasn’t strong enough to get past how good it felt when the purple bully rolled her hips into his and swallowed his cock up into her pussy. She hummed noisily in pleasure as she wrapped her arms around his neck. All Kenji could do was gawk at her until he started drooling, his brain absolutely fried as she assaulted his physical and mental senses.

“Oh ho! My poor little cumbrained human,” Murasa purred.

“So primitive that you can’t even keep your own bodies under control. Well let me help you tame that unruly urges of yours.”

Murasa barely had to move to leave Kenji gasping and moaning. Her pussy sucked the mental energy out of him, adding a secondary draining sensation around his cock. It was as if she was sucking him off while she was still riding his dick, making it tingle all over. Murasa just smiled patiently as her narrow eyes curled into a grin as Kenji’s brain gave up completely, making him throw his arms around her and squeeze her ass in a silent plea for more. She loved watching their minds break as their last few brain cells rubbed together just enough to let them breathe and fuck.

The shy boy humped her aggressively enough that she eased her hips back, no longer needing to pin him in place to keep him going. She smiled wider as she slid back just enough to turn herself around, happy to see her brainless prey humping the air even after she’d moved away.

“Poor little thing. Let’s finish you off then, hm?” she purred with a smug grin on her face.

The demon bent over and thrust her hips back into him, helping him fuck her from behind. He cried out wordlessly in pleasure as he bent over her, humping the taller girl like a bitch in heat. His hands hung limply at her sides until she gently picked them up and brought them up beneath her breasts. Kenji latched onto them instinctively, groping her in his mindless humping.

He finally cried out in pleasure, gushing out his orgasm inside her. His eyes went wide and glassy as he slumped against her, shaking as his load shot deep into Murasa’s pussy. She hummed noisily, lips pursed as if she had just eaten an especially tasty piece of meat.

“Mm! Exquisite! Not often we get a fellow intellectual in this school,” she praised as she ate the last of his brainpower.

Murasa slid back at last, letting Kenji flop like a ragdoll back against the wall. He slid down to sit on his ass, his naked cock out and spurting a last glob of cum over his lap. He was utterly drained, but he was starting to feel a bit of his consciousness return.

“I’m sure you won’t remember, but it will come back in time. And the teachers expect everyone to be late sometimes, given how we operate around here,” Murasa assured him as she casually reclaimed her discarded underwear.

“I do need to keep feeding on you in the future, after all. At least whenever I need a quick boost to impress the teacher. So when I call, you best come running to me.”

The lean bully bent far over, smiling right in Kenji’s face. She patted him fondly on the cheek despite her menacing grin full of fangs.

“I do NOT like to have to chase my prey.”

Murasa stood back up, replaced her underwear, and spun on her heel to walk away. She waved over her shoulder as if she didn’t care if he saw it or not while his brain pieced itself back together.

“Have a nice first day~! Hope the other succubi don’t give you too hard a time.”


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