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Who’d have thought a cowgirl goblin clown would have been so popular? I would. It was literally a joke pitch from a friend when I realized I could get away with it by toying with hybrids. Then she won the story poll and the art poll… so we’ll see what more I can come up with for her.

Kind of came to realize that while Netty’s trashy enough to fuck for a sandwich, she’s also a sizequeen. She’s stretchy as a goblin and solid as a minotaur, so she knows she can take a big dicking. I sort of toy with that a lot in this one, with her being surprised by a few interesting twists. Also just saying that gorgons give the best oral...

Netty was used to the nomadic lifestyle of the traveling carnival. It was all she ever knew. She rarely left its grounds unless she urgently needed to buy something from the nearest town. Usually, Anastasia (the carnival’s resident strong-centaur) would make supply runs that kept the crew stocked. It still weirded Netty out that people would live outside the caravan and its magical dome of pleasantly sunny weather. Rain sounded like a huge pain in the ass to live with.

As part of the traveling life, she was used to the fickle schedule of her duties. All of her assignments were prone to change as things went awry or extra hands were always needed. The exotic and sexy look to the half-minotaur, half-goblin meant she was often stuck in places where her curves and flirty nature would make customers behave a little more generously. She was more than happy for the treatment; it meant she got out of the actual grunt work more often. She also didn’t mind hooking up with the occasional guest when her urges that predictably came with being a gobotaur became too much of a bother.

“Okay. Next,” Netty droned from her ticket booth. She sipped on the straw to her warm soda. She preferred it that way, actually. Her hybrid nature made her incredibly durable; solid as a minotaur and resilient as a goblin. Heat and cold were rarely any concern to her. Besides, she had acquired the taste after many fond memories of her dad coming back from a day of performing as they finished off the lukewarm drinks left over from the shows. Her minotaur of a mother always pointed out how disgusting it was but never had the heart to stop them.

The small, enclosed wooden structure that was her ticket booth was plenty big for her. She had to stand on a small crate to maintain a respectable height for people to look at. Just high enough that nobody had to strain their necks but low enough that her huge breasts rested on the countertop. She appreciated taking the load off, and customers appreciated her massive milkers presented to them with an eye catching “Big Top” logo printed on her shirt. Her light green skin had patches of darker green, making it vaguely resemble a cow’s pelt. Thick nipples pushed at the fabric of her tank top in a lesser extent to how her bovine ears and horns poked out from her stringy, dark brown hair. Her cheeks were painted with her usual star and diamond as the fashion statement she’d picked up from the local clowns. Frankly, there was a lot to consider when one tried to decide what stood out most about Netty.

A male gorgon stepped up with his wallet out. One of Netty’s bovine ears perked up as she already started to consider her options with him. Technically she had a crush on the new guy Tom that had signed up as their new mime, but she wasn’t made of stone. Gorgons just had a way of always looking hot as hell. So long as you didn’t mind guys in glasses, of course, considering the tinted blue lenses that kept his stoning gaze in check.

“Hey, can I get a pack of ten?” he asked, producing a few bills as he scanned the price guide beside her. Netty flashed him a grin and leaned out a little, taking his cash while ensuring that her plump breasts bumped against his arm. The gorgon kept a pretty straight face, but his eyes darted towards her cleavage for a second. The snake-like growths that formed his hair also shifted in the direction of her tits, an easy tell she’d picked up on. The things weren’t alive, but they reacted pretty instinctively for something so close to their brain.

“Thanks, handsome. You here on your lonesome?” Netty pried as she started to sort out his tickets. Not many people went to a carnival on their own, but some people knew enough about the Merrytyme’s reputation to know that they’d find someone to spend time with if they looked hard enough.

“Nah. I’m picking them up for some friends. Bunch of roller coaster junkies,” the green man explained.

“Then I imagine you’re into ridin’ other things?” Netty teased. She winked and flashed a purple heart she’d painted on the back of her eye as a little surprise. “Somethin’ a little lower to the ground than a coaster?”

The gorgon paused as he considered it for a moment. “Do the sell tickets to those?”

“Little more expensive,” Netty said with a shrug. “But ten bucks’ll make sure you have a good time.”

The gorgon smiled wide and passed her another bill. “So how’s this work then?”

“Swing around the back, Buddy. I’ll let you in once I clear out the line.” Netty called all the customers Buddy (or Babe when they were a lady). When you were only in the same spot for a couple weeks at most, there wasn’t a lot of reason to remember the names of people she didn’t work with.

She briskly took care of the line of customers, and once she was all clear she lowered the small window and slapped up her handwritten sign: “Back in 15 minutes.”

Netty opened the door to the cramped booth, letting the toned, 6-foot gorgon inside. Buddy glanced around it briefly before focusing on the moblin. Her wide hips and low shorts were enough to get his pants tenting.

“Well? Help yourself. Your friends ain’t gonna wait all day for their ride, but you get to go right to the front of the line.”

Netty’s tail flourished and perked up to make room for her to pull her shorts down. She smirked up at him as she caught him spotting her exposed tattoos, reading the “Pitch tents here” and admiring the mix of stars and colorful patterns decorating beneath her belly and along her womb.

“Work of art, ain’t it?” she asked as she stripped off her top. Her breasts dropped out with enough weight that they bounced repeatedly in place, ultimately clapping together with a soft pair of squeaking honks. It was a phenomenon that seemed unique to her, and nobody had much of a reason why. It wasn’t like Netty didn’t have enough reasons for people to stare at her huge and pierced tits, the door knocker-shaped studs dangling like taps to her milk jugs.

With the stripped goblin’s intentions perfectly clear, her gorgon guest hastily dropped his pants. Netty’s eyes lit up to find he was packing some impressive meat. Gorgons usually were basically up to human standards downstairs, but not everyone felt like taking the risk of getting turned to stone in mid-coitous.

“Well ain’t you packin’. Lucky you my auntie was a snake charmer,” Netty purred as she stepped off her stool. She walked right into the gorgon, bending just enough that her huge jugs pressed against his dick. The weight of the heavy, speckled green jugs sloshing against him was enough to make the sensation tingle all the way up his spine.

“Looks like somebody else needs a milkin’ too,” Netty cooed. Her newest hookup (she always just called them Bud) grunted deeply and clutched the sides of her tits, squeezing them for another low, drawn out honk with a subtle slosh of milk inside. After living with them for so long it always turned her on a little to hear the comical noise so close to her greasy little heart.

Netty adjusted her tits to let the hung gorgon pop out through her cleavage. She grinned up at him before nuzzling the swelling head, planting light kisses over it while her nose ring tapped against it. Her tail flicked behind her wide hips as Bud lifted and groped her jugs. His fingers dug into her squishy flesh, making them jiggle around his tightly packed cock. Netty sighed as her nipples swelled slightly and leaked warm milk down the path of her cleavage.

She nibbled delicately at Bud’s cockhead when he shot his load into her face. She jolted in surprise before her thick tongue ran across her lips, hastily cleaning up what she could before latching her mouth onto the pulsing green tip to catch the rest. She rolled her eyes before settling them up towards her latest sexual conquest.

“Holy shit,” Bud gasped, his serpentine hair writhing and coiling before going limp. Netty remembered her relief when she learned that gorgons didn’t have any pubic hair to match the drapes. “Wasn’t expecting you to be that good at it. Worth way more than ten bucks.”

“Sure was,” Netty huffed, snorting past her nose ring as she swept an arm across her chest. It swept away some of the milk from her slowly trickling tits. “Got me all excited over nothin’.”

“Well I’m not exactly a… stamina kind of guy,” Bud admitted. “But if you’re still looking for fool around, I can help make it up to you.”

“Yea? How?” Netty asked incredulously.


“AHHHA!” the stubby green cowgirl squealed in delight. She was laid back on a crate of spare tickets, the gorgon’s face buried between her meaty, fuzzy thighs. His forked tongue lapped at her clit, brushing it between its double tip.

“Ah fuck. Fuck that’s good. Kinda tickles,” she rambled as she bit her lip. “Tell your little friends they can go a little deeper too.”

Bud nodded, which came with its own little tingling of his tongue around her pussy. Netty sighed deeply, just to jolt and coo again as he went on with his added bonus. Netty had seen a lot of types of people in the world, but gorgons must be the only ones who could eat out her ass and pussy at the same time. The snake-like hair curled around her hips and probed in between her thick ass cheeks, rubbing in the way that only an organic tentacle was able to do.

Netty’s hips bounced forward when the snake rubbed around and entered her asshole, which just mashed her pussy into the gorgon’s face. Her jiggly buns settled back down, just to be teased by his snakes again so it felt like she was being taken on both sides of her hips. That mixed with the firm squeezing he was giving her udders had Netty squirming and squealing with glee. He pinched around her dark pink areolas until a long, dense squirt of warm milk coated his fingers. Her moan turned into a moo as she tensed up and squirted her thick and musky cum over his face to go with her milk.

“Myoooo baby!” Netty purred loudly. “Fuck that’s good. I gotta get a medusa in me more often.”

“Maybe try that snake charmer aunt of yours,” Bud suggested as she finally relaxed her stocky legs enough for him to breathe and raise his head.

“Oh that was me bullshitting you,” the slurring cowgirl admitted. “Who goes to see a snake charmer these days? Just a line I like to use to sucker rubes into my sludger.”

She eased herself off the box of tickets and wiped off some random milk and cum stains. The gorgon smiled proudly when he heard a thump from near the window. He hurriedly grabbed his pants while Netty barely even flinched.

“Hey, Netty!” barked a gravelly voice. “Quit fuckin’ whoever’s in there. You’re on rides now.”

The gorgon gave her a surprised look, not expecting them to know what she was up to let alone being so okay with it.

“C’mon, Lee! I got an afterglow goin’ on and everythin’,” she complained. She gave a complimentary wink towards her latest lover.

“Yea, well Vika’s too drunk to operate the Gravitator so you’re next. You got one minute to wrap it up, and I don’t mean a condom.”

“Pff. Condoms,” Netty scoffed. “What year’s he think this is, the fuckin’ barbarian....”


Netty redressed, cleaned up her mess and was soon lazily hanging out around the Gravitator eating a freshly picked out hotdog. The ride was little more than a black, sparkly orb big enough to cram a half dozen people inside. Rides had gotten a bit next level in the last few decades. The classic roller coasters were still around, but for a traveling magical circus, there were all sorts of twists and additions to add on. Simply entering the Gravitator gave a slight feeling of weightlessness mixed in with a mild euphoria magic to create what a lot of people described as a dream-like state.

Operating it was simple enough with the right training. The knobs controlled the flow of gravity and pleasure magic and you just didn’t go too crazy with either of them. There were regulators in there that kept it from floating off the ground or people dying from pleasure heart attacks in there, but some people got too nauseous at the higher levels.

She operated the whole ride with one hand, the other busy with her food or phone. It was an easy if boring gig, which was really what she thought of a lot of the jobs around here. She could only imagine that work in the “real” world was even more boring anyway.

“Hey! You’re Net, right?”

Netty raised a curious eyebrow as she was approached by a pair of boys; one a tall blonde human and a goblin with short pink hair. Sometimes guests knew her name, but it was pretty rare and they only tended to know a couple things about her. She was already deciding if she was horny enough to make time with another guest. The answer, as usual, was yes.

“Netty. It’s Netiz Knothare,” she spelled out. “It’s funny cuz my mom was a literal clown. Whatya want?”

“So we heard you give out free rides?” the human asked.

Netty frowned and nodded at the Gravitator. “Rides are two tickets for five minutes, bro. Nobody rides for free.”

“He means like you’ll scrub with your customers,” the goblin explained more simply.

“Ohhh. Hell yea,” Netty nodded. “Whatever passes the time. So yea, three tickets gets you five minutes.”

The goblin and human traded glances before looking back at the gobbotaur. “How much for both of us?” the blonde asked.

Netty scanned them for a moment. Humans were a safe bet with their infamy for having some massive chiefmakers. Goblins tended to be much more disappointing.

“Call it fifteen and I get to finish off your fries,” the gobotaur decided. “And I get to do whatever until you both nut.”

“Deal,” they decided, handing over exactly what she asked for.

“Alrighty!” she chimed, stuffing a handful of fries into her mouth as she set a timer on the ride. There was always an override on the inside anyway. She dumped the last of the snack into her mouth and threw away the cardboard case.

“Bud? Bro? Your ride’s arrived,” she said before pushing the locked cover over the controls to keep out punk kids. She strut into the padded seating of the dark dome and crooked a finger to lead them inside.

It wasn’t the first time Netty had been with more than one guy. If she had more than just a Bud, she called the other Bro. It was also her discreet ranking system; Bud always got the most attention, like the human in this case. Him bringing his goblin buddy along felt like a favor the bigger guy was doing for him. So the goblin was definitely the Bro of the group.

The pod sealed up and the neon lighting came on, illuminating Netty’s greasy green skin. She licked the salt from the fries from her lips as she snapped her fingers.

“Alright, boys. Let’s get those thumpers out so I can get my main course in.”

Netty strode up to the human first, running her hands over her obvious favorite of the two’s thighs. She leaned up on the tips of her hooves, pressing her tits into his chest while she kissed him with a few light pecks to fire him up. She spared one hand to run over the goblin’s hair and arm, keeping Bro interested while clearly not paying as much attention.

The giggling moblin worked her way down until as the ride kicked in. Its gentle hum came with a slightly  drunken warmth running through them, quickly adding to everyone’s already building libidos. They started to drift gently off their seats just for Netty’s dense weight to keep them down. She plucked at Bud’s fly while she was still teasing a hand over Bro’s lips and chin, making his dick the top of her list.

...at first. Popping out the fleshy pink rod, she frowned to find it was just a few inches long. She gave a small, disappointed snort that made her nose ring flop against her upper lip.

“Huh. Thought you humans were more…”


Netty cleared her throat and shrugged. “Let’s say charismatic. Whatever.” She planted a quick kiss on its tip, teasing it with her nose ring before diverting a bit more attention back to the goblin. His smaller stature and her lack of attention towards him had him floating higher into the air and giggling from the high-inducing magic until she tugged on his leg to hold him back down.

“Easy there, Bro. Down where I can still reach ya.” She yanked him back into his seat before turning around and planting her big booty on Bro’s lap. She wanted her hands free for the human and doubted that the goblin would have anything big enough for her to grab onto with him a few feet in the air.

As she wiggled her ass and tail to get comfortable, she was surprised again. The swelling bulge in the goblin’s jeans caught her off guard as it poked between her cheeks. Her tail curled and stroked its fluffy tip across his lap, gauging what she was feeling there. She left a hand to stroke over the short-cocked human, teasing his warmed up and less interesting toy as she turned to pull on the goblin’s waistband. A thick green cockhead poked out from beneath, getting her to raise her eyebrows again.

“Damn… nice cock, mud buddy. You part human or somerthin’?”

“Nuh uh,” he said, shaking his head.

“Wow. Looks like you won the goblin lottery then, Bud.” She discretely promoted him to a Bro as she unzipped his pants, exposing the 6 inch goblin dick. In all her experience, he was a monster compared to most goblins. He was actually more hung than the human she was paying less and less attention to with her free hand.

“Man, you got the good shit. I’ve had corndogs with less meat than that,” she praised. “Musta stole all the human out of stretch here.”

Netty flashed a teasing grin at the human before going back to her new Bud. She buried her face into his crotch, showing none of the hesitation she did with the taller partner. She snatched his cock up between her lips, sucking wetly and noisily on his slippery dick. It wasn’t the type that would beat up her tonsils, but it when presented right next to the smaller human she couldn’t help but be intrigued.

“Hey, man. Share her a little,” the new Bro urged. Netty held up a finger for him to waist as she sucked more rapidly on the goblin cock. She was starting to enjoy teasing him, and as she extended her tail to rub against the human’s stubby hardon, he seemed to be liking it too. She was more than glad to tease and bully when somebody was into it (and sometimes even when they weren’t, if she felt like having fun).

“I already had my fries. I don’t need another snack,” Netty purred. She smooched her lips around the goblin’s cock as it started to leak out precum. The gobotaur bent over to pull down her shorts, flashing her big green ass and shaking it for the floating human. Whether it was the exciting magic or some closeted fantasy of his, he kept getting harder in between her coiled tail.

“Give it a smack while you can, sugar stilts,” Netty purred. “Cuz this ass’ about to get busy.”

The human swallowed hard and gave her booty a jiggling slap. Netty moaned throatily as she finished stepping out of her shorts, bent over enough to show the human a flash of her oozing pussy. Knowing it was for the goblin in front of her and not himself stirred up mixed feelings of excitement as Netty turned away, tracing her tail along his cock. She plopped her thick ass down on the goblin’s lap, catching his cock between her meaty ass cheeks as she wiggled it in place. It was the same she had been before with him, back when he was still just her Bro, but the bare green skin on skin had a much more raw sensation. Plus her strong scent of goblin and minotaur lust combined hit the unexpecting goblin’s powerful nose, getting him to moan and slump back in his seat.

“That’s right, king. You just enjoy the ride,” Netty cooed as she played with her tits. She raised her hips just enough to let him move, the lesser gravity making him float up. He didn’t even have to move himself to make his cock slide up into her waiting asshole, her bent position making it loose enough to pop right in. She moaned and had to drop her hips to force him in the rest of the way, bobbing slowly in place to jiggle her cheeks on him and bob her breasts around. Seeing them sway in reduced gravity was something not everyone got to see, even if the human was left stroking himself to the sight as his head spun from the magical high.

“I didn’t forget about you, humie,” Netty purred. She leaned further back, pressing her bulky figure into the goblin. Bud moaned as he sniffed rapidly at her shaggy hair, reaching around to paw and grope her honking, leaking tits through her top. She used the extra leverage to extend a fuzzy leg into his lap and rub her hoof across his cock. The split in the front made a surprisingly snug and pleasant fit as he shuddered and moaned from the touch of one of the only hard parts on Netty’s entire body while his friend got her most intimate orifice.

“Mmmm, I know I didn’t crank the pleasure up this high,” Netty hummed as she rode the sloppily leaking goblin cock harder. The lightweight goblin felt even smaller under the larger hybrid of a woman, her jiggling curves always plopping back down on top of him. He panted and shuddered beneath her powerful hips while his human friend moaned and humped her hoof with seemingly matching pleasure. Netty grinned proudly as she played the two just how she wanted while still getting off from the teasing in her asshole. He might not have been big enough to reach her clit the old fashioned way, but pushing past her thick buns was teasing it just right from behind. She wrapped her tail once around his waist like a belt to draw him in, crushing him with her heavy hips as she felt his body squash to accommodate her weight. Netty gave a few excited gasps, putting on more of a show than she needed as she found herself loving the gloating and comparing.

“MMM! Who’d have thought this little guy would be packin’ such a plinker?!” she gushed, running her hands over her body. “Got my greenbean waxin’ over here. Only big boys get this kinda pussy, or somethin’ even better. You wanna get the good stuff from this cowgirl, you gotta come hung. Ain’t no bb gun gonna drop this beast! I need a whole bull, not a little scrap of beef in this a burger, you get me? And if a little green goober’s gonna outclass ya, you better come with a little somethin’ extra, ya hear?”

Her boastful sizequeening seemed to do the trick. The goblin spurted into her asshole, the slick cum oozing back out easily enough. Females and their clingy pussies tended to do most of the work (as with moth things about goblin females in their old culture), so his oily cum slid out rather neatly. Something she actually had to appreciate about goblin cock. The beta human shuddered along with Bud and nutted over her hoof and fur, something she was a bit quicker to wipe off. Once human cum dried up, it would stick to anything, making it a real pain in the ass.

Netty sighed as she came down from her arousal, savoring the warmth and excitement rather than finishing herself off. She had plenty of toys in her trailer for that when she needed it, but a nice long buildup through the day was nice too. She briefly considered making the boys eat her out like the gorgon and his snakes had earlier, but she was never one for having the same thing too often. Hell, she had a crush on a cyclops co-worker and she couldn’t focus on him long enough to do anything about it and started thinking with her greenbean instead.

“Alright, boys. Y’all’re done here,” Netty declared. She raised her hips with a soft, slimy pop before kicking off her bench to reach the override switch. She hit it and landed back on the seats as the moaning boys finally started to put away their cocks.

“But seriously, don’t mind what I said before. I’m only foolin’. Size ain’t everythin’,” she assured them. The human smiled and nodded.

“Yea, just whatever gets you off, right?” he chuckled as he stepped out. The goblin tucked his junk away and went to follow him, but Netty nudged him in the side on the way out.

“But it sure don’t hurt,” Netty winked at him. “Unless you’re packin’ a REAL hammer, and then… well, it’s worth it.”

The goblin blushed a light purple and grinned proudly before stepping the rest of the way out. Netty hopped back out and went back to her controls to unlock them again. A couple people were waiting and seemed none the wiser, apart from being surprised when Netty took over the controls again.

“C’mon up, folks! Two tickets in for a five minute spin! Three tickets and we’re talkin’ a VIP trip with yours truly!” She thought for a moment before holding her hands a few inches apart. “But you must be this tall to ride,” she added with a grin.


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