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Finally putting in a 4th and probably final chapter to this series. Cyberpunk bodyguards/babysitters revealed to be mercenaries working for a kid’s mom. Based on this old pic I never tracked down the source of at https://shorty.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1895.

Gert was the more complicated of the girls to figure out, but she had some of the funnest stories in my original greentext style post. Really leaning into her cybernetics turned out to be the key to keeping her interesting. Especially when our narrator was a kid, having a lady who’s about 50% robot had to be a lot for him to process and get used to. Now that he’s 18 and they’re into fucking, the comfort levels of her exposing where the limbs stop and start are brought into light.

I never really get into the girls’ backstories in these because their merc work isn’t really a part of the story. I still think Gert lost her limbs in action, probably some manner of military woman that went to shadowrunning gang work once she was discharged. She’s definitely more professional and organized than the rest, so would explain a lot.

I stayed up late eating delicious fast food and playing games with Yukiko. We fooled around a little more before I crashed pretty hard. I snapped back awake after the short but super satisfying sleep, just to feel the dead weight of a sleeping troll on top of me.

“Morning, you two!” Aunt Gert called cheerily as I heard the front door shut.

It was early in the day, but Gert was what you called a professional. She wasn’t a typical orc; if nothing else, she wore a suit while not acting as a bouncer or bodyguard. She wore half-moon glasses on her slightly upturned nose, and her dry mud-colored hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. Gert was technically younger than Minerva, but elves aged weird to begin with. Gert was definitely the most mature one of the team, and the first they’d send out to act as their negotiator. It showed in her skirt, tie and partly unbuttoned top as well as some light pink makeup over her full and tusk-baring lips. Her tan skin was too smooth to be the outdoorsy type, simply from her rough and tumble species with a hint of professional tanning.

“Curfy,” Yukiko grunted in my ear, her rock-solid muscles and cushy breasts shifting across my back.

“Your coffee’s right here, meathead. I have to know to bring it when I’m after you just in case you’re drunk. Or bleeding. Or just want coffee.”

“Yea, yea,” the giantess groaned as she sucked some down and climbed back off me. There was a short, gentle hum from our resident orc as two of Gert’s fingers held out another cardboard cup for me.

“They had the cinnamon swirl you like. Couldn’t help but want to spoil you a little,” Gert said with a tusked smirk.

I barely even noticed anymore, but it was hard to ignore her robotic arm when it was right in my face. Much more than that, Gert had both legs replaced with rugged-looking cybernetics. They were clearly professionally done, but they weren’t the subtle type. They were a sheer, practical black, with thin armor plating that made it look like the artificial muscles were being outlined. Thick mechanical thighs supported her while vanishing up under her flirty but business-like skirt.

“Thanks,” I answered as I took a sip of my hot and heavily flavored morning dose of sugar. Her organic arm rubbed over my hair, partly to feel our actual skin to skin contact and partly to keep her metal finger joints from catching in my hair. I’d gotten used to her metal parts a long time ago. At first I thought she kept using her real arm around me because she felt awkward about her cybernetics; I’d later find out she was using it because she didn’t want to accidentally crush me if one of her overdrive functions kicked in on her polysteel arm. Thankfully she’d gotten comfortable enough with them and installed enough regulators to use them more comfortably around a kid.

“Did you get me any steak and egg sandwiches?” Yukiko asked as she slurped her own coffee.

“No,” Gert summed up.

“What? Why not?!”

“Because nobody actually eats steak for breakfast. It’s disgustingly heavy,” the orc chided. “Besides, I thought you already had enough sausage for one day.” She snuck me a knowing wink as Yukiko groaned.

“Fiiine. I’m gonna go carb up on my own then.” My towering aunt finally heaved herself off my completely, the smell of troll sweat left like a souvenir of our night together. She squeezed my shoulder firmly between her powerful fingers.

“Be cool, kid. Seeya next shift.”

Yukiko saw herself out while Gert sat by me. She thumbed her glasses into position on her orcish nose and smiled at me with her full lips and thick tusks.

“Fun birthday, I take it?” she asked as I sipped my own coffee.

“Yea. The team has been really nice,” I admitted. There was no real hiding anything from Gert. She was patient and calculating. I couldn’t hide the time I ate extra cookies from her and I couldn’t hide that I’d just fucked all of my aunts in the last 24 hours. She had interrogated plenty of people, negotiated aggressive contracts (in the stopped hit attempts kind of aggressive) and once convinced me that the sniper rifle she had mounted in our windowsill was a “weather machine” when I was a kid.

“Gotta be pretty drained then. How about I cook you a real breakfast before we shower up? I had to rush over after an early meeting with my tailor, so I haven’t had a proper rinse all morning.”

Seeing where my other aunties had taken things so far, I spoke up with my first thoughts.

“Will you shower with me?”

“Of course. There’s an old dwarven saying: ‘It’s not a proper birthday until somebody’s naked.”


While my other aunts were big on takeout for simple meals, Gert made me a full on dish of potatoes, eggs and bacon. Gert was probably the most versatile of all my mercenary babysitter aunts. They had their assassin, their bruiser, and their hacker, but she sort of filled in whatever they needed at the time. She was smart but approachable and easily the most capable in the kitchen out of the four. She always took care to stay a cut above your average orc; professional, clever and with a little extra care put into her looks.

Just liked I’d asked/wanted, we ate up and went right for the shower. I stripped down while keeping my eyes on Gert. The last couple days were the first times I’d seen them fully naked, short of them casually changing clothes or tinkering with a cybernetic limb. I was excited to see all of them, but Gert was something unique. She shed her glasses and her suit coat before getting to the good stuff.

Gert only had her left arm as still organic. A lot of people had plating that served as a socket and concealer for the actual link between flesh and machine; like a shoulder plate or knee brace on armor. Gert had a thin strip of tightly sealed metal over the brutally black limbs, the skin a slightly paler shade for a half inch after the cybernetics ended. Despite the artificial muscle of the robotic limbs, Gert had some genuine muscle to the rest of her. The discoloration ended at different points on her thighs before leading into some lightly toned thigh stumps and abs. Even her one arm was sporting a bit of bulk.

“It’s ok. They’re waterproof,” Gert said casually. She gave a roll of her shoulder, the barely audible hum of her limbs at work following after it. She still must have picked on my concerned look.

“Lot of people get the extra plating to cover up the scar tissue or the connective receivers,” she explained, tapping around the bonding strap to her thigh. “But I hear they can limit your movement in little ways. Dot can get away with that with hacking but I’d rather keep the mobility than look good with my knickers off.”

Her absolute comfort with her looks was always a surprise to me. I’d seen people with wild paint designs on their robotic parts to show they meant business and knew how to use them while others had overly organic designs to minimize attention. Gert had what looked exactly like three hunks of metal growing out of her, down to the complex metallic toes. Her mention of looking good got me to glance at her curves. Her breasts were plenty big, larger than her head to go with her general orcish bulk. Her abs ended just a bit above a very small and tidy patch of pubic hair, as clean and professional as the rest of her.

“C’mon, tiger,” she said, patting her gently on the arm with her metal one. “Or do you need me to warm up the water for you like the olden days?”

“I’m 18. I can do it,” I said, rolling my eyes and reaching past her to turn the digital dial to my preset temperature.

“You can do all sorts of shit. Just a matter of if you want me to or not,” Gert tutted as she stepped in ahead of me, her toned ass leading the way. She wasn’t as fast as Minerva or strong as Yuki, but she was clearly capable in a fight. If nothing else, I remember coming to her as a kid about a bully at school. Gert told me what to do about it if he messed with me again, which wound up with the other kid in the nurse’s office the next day. They had to call Gert in and ask her where I’d learned a nerve strike only taught in a form of trollish martial arts in the Middle East.

Gert had maintained an absolute poker face, shrugged and went “The stuff they put in cartoons today, huh?” She was cracking up laughing the entire ride home and bought me my first beer to celebrate.

We got into the shower together at last. It was a decent size, so we could fit in comfortably but it was easy to bump into each other. Especially with how hard I was from seeing Gert naked, and doubly so with how busty she was. Her exposed pussy and heavy, bobbing breasts were somehow made even more arousing from the intimacy of seeing where her cybernetics started and finished.

We warmed ourselves up and wetted down for a few seconds before I went for the goal. I leaned in and kissed Gert, which was a memorably sexy experience. She puckered her already pouty lips, protecting mine from her tusks as she wrapped her organic arm around me. I could feel the firmness of her orcish jaw and the slight hardness behind her lips of the waiting tusks, and I couldn’t help but get curious. Emboldened by my other aunts from the nights before, I slid my tongue out past her plush lips. Frenching her drew a moan out of my lowekey bodyguard’s lips, sending a shiver down my spine. Her tusks weren’t sharp or abrasive, but they made for a smooth frame for the tongue to slip through and rub up against while her own tongue moved to meet mine.

I struggled with where to put my hands. I focused on her tight ass I’d been admiring before until they roamed up her muscled back and side. Gert purred seductively and leaned into me, making her warm wet tits slide up my chest until they popped out on either side. They were too huge to be contained.

My apprehensions faded into nothingness when her synthetic hand wrapped around my dick. It was difficult to surprise, but definitely arousing. It was slick as steel in some parts, but there was some more leathery coating around her fingers that she had explained made for a better grip. It certainly did as the slowly warming bits of whatever polymers made up her limbs.

The moans and rhythmic hum of machinery and the smacking her lips and tongue mixed with the soft noises of the water overhead made such a relaxing moment. Her mechanical hand slowed into more gentle strokes as she drew his lips barely away from mine.

“No point in getting the high-end stuff if it can’t handle the gentler parts of life,” she mused in our intimate moment. “Your hardware feeling up for it?”

Her hand drew back from my barely leaking cock, leaving me with an obvious choice. I thrust inside her, shuddering from the minor resistance as I pressed on. Whether it was her robotic limbs or her natural orcish muscle, she barely budged from my insertion. She still moaned as I breached her pussy, her tightly muscular anatomy clenching around my cock.

Pressing up against her came with all sorts of surprising sensations. My thighs and arms rubbing against her prosthetics created a weird contract, keeping my nerves on edge with the different surfaces. My pelvis pushed against her robotic thighs, creating two simultaneous slapping noises as I met with both flesh and metal.

More than that, I got a faceful of her tan and juicy tits. She wasn’t much taller than me, but the pressure between our bodies boosted the wet jugs up to my face. I was still moaning from the first couple pumps of my cock, catching one of her nipples in my already open mouth. Gert bit her lip as I sucked and nibbled hungrily.

“There’s a good boy. Knew we raised you right,” she sighed. The cyborg wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me encouragingly. Her strong as steel legs planted on the shower, never slipping as they rolled with mechanical rhythm and power. That combined with her steadily tensing and squeezing kegel muscles was practically jerking me off inside her. I slumped into her before too long, held in place by her powerful limbs so I could just focus on fucking my hot orc babysitter.

“C’mon, tiger. You can do it. Can’t break your auntie any more than I’ve been already,” she encouraged gently in my ear. She sounded gentle and assuring but with a soft quiver to her voice. Whether it was her letting some passion slip out past her persona or putting on a little extra layer to her performance, I couldn’t tell, but it was too hot to ignore. Either way she was doing it all for me, and that was enough to make me cling to her and gush my seed inside her clenching cunt.

“There’s my big boy,” Gert assured me. She nuzzled her broad nose against me with a sniffling chuckle before slapping her organic hand against my ass. The metal one stayed wrapped around my neck as she kissed me again, parting her lips to let her tongue and tusks brush against me more openly than before.

“Hope I didn’t void the warranty,” I laughed breathlessly. I ran my hands over her hips, my tingling nerves picking up the subtle sensations of going from skin to steel. Gert gave a sweet laugh at my mindless joke.

“Kid, these things have taken bullets before. I void all kinds of shit.” She ruffled my hair with her metal digits, making me blush. I had just cum inside her and she still saw me as the kid she helped raise alongside the rest of my mom and the MILFS.

“You’re all grown up though, aren’t you, kid?” Gert pried, smiling proudly as she slid back and let my softening dick pop out of her. She casually went about washing me out of her pussy. She ran her prosthetic hand through her hair, looking gorgeous without even trying as she touched herself.

“You know, for a kid who had had a bunch of bad eggs like us hanging around you, you really turned out to be a sweet guy.” She smiled and nudged me with her metallic elbow before drawing me closer to the water stream.

“So don’t go growing up into cyber scum like us, okay?” she asked with a grin.

With all the affection and care they showed (and more recently, intense fuck sessions), I couldn’t blame any of them. For all the dirty work they seemed to do outside of my life, they were nothing but good to me all my life. I cuddled up to her and kissed her on the lips, soaking in the afterglow like I had with Yuki, Dot and Minerva.

“I could do a lot worse than ending up like any one of you.”

Gert chuckled again. “Don’t sweat it. You’ve got us, kid, and we’re always fighting on your side.”


Ethan Needham

Love it. Excellent work


As with the others in this series, great work! I really like Gert's personality.