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Last of this month’s commission rewards. Flashing back to the story I wrote and art I had done from the ARMS fight story, it’s more sexy boxing as Twintelle, Min-Min and Ribbon Girl throw down in a triple-threat match.

It was time for another match in the ARMS Midnight League. It was the sexy, after-dark spinoff to the original bizarre boxing league, where the female fighters wore next to nothing and the fighting was dirtier than ever in every sense of the term. The hostess Mittsy Palmer ran through the introductions of the fighters to the special match as they each prepped themselves inside the ring.

The fight was set up as three-way madness, with each of the far-reaching foxy boxers set up in a loose triangle. Their arena was surrounded with its usual forcefields while the ground itself was coated with a thick oil that made their skin and gloves shine. The high-ranking fighters were subject to all sorts of catcalls and whistles from the rowdy crowd admiring their scantily clad figures.

Twintelle ate up the admiration, blowing kisses and shaking her thick hips for the audience. The tanned actress wore the same small eye mask as most of the ARMS fighters, though it was easy to miss between her curvy supermodel figure, her immensely long twintails armed with boxing gloves at the end, and a tiny bikini that was all but falling off her stunning body before the match could even start.

Ribbon girl was in another corner of her own in a skimpy pink thong bikini to match her spiraling arms. When she was in the ring, they were replaced by her namesake ribbons that stretched and struck with their boxing gloves from halfway across the battlefield. Her bobbing blonde hair swayed with her light-footed steps as did her own squeezably soft chest. She had been beaten by Twintelle a number of times in the Midnight Division, so she was determined to capitalize on the three-way chaos to win for once.

The third wheel to the rivals was Min-Min, a martial artist and noodle shop owner. The fair-skinned girl was in a petite orange bikini that hugged her lean figure, leaving plenty of room for her noodly limbs to stretch and maneuver. She balanced gracefully on one leg as she steadied her breathing, trying to focus on the fight instead of the thousands of eyes watching her smaller breasts and tight ass in action. Her blonde and similarly noodle-shaped curls bounced just beside her face as the bell rang and the shout went off to start.

All three fighters sprang into action, their extended arms (or hair, in Twintelle’s case) pulled back and ready to attack.

“Ready for another beatdown, Ribbon sweetie?” Twintelle gloated, her eyes locked onto the peppy blonde. “Just as soon as I deal with this distraction!”

She turned to send a blow towards Min-Min, only to find the ramen fighter already launching a rubbery blow in her direction. Twintelle’s eyes went wide and she huffed as each girl landed an extended blow into one of her breasts, the big rack catching both of their attention right off the bat.

“Not getting off that easily,” Ribbon Girl declared proudly. She moved in for a follow up to her initial blow, but Min-Min’s second fist came rocketing in with a blow to her belly. The blond boxer grunted as the wind was knocked out of her and Min-Min dove in between her stunned opponents. She drew back her arms, only to send them flying in the opposite directions and clocking her opponents again in the face. Their heads flew back and their bodies quickly followed as Twintelle and Ribbon Girl both landed with a splash in the oil.

“You two had better keep on your toes,” the ramen fighter warned. “In fact, let me help you with that.”

She went after Ribbon Girl, stretching out one of her arms to wrap around her body. She forced the opposing blonde back to her feet, Ribbon still looking dazed from the combination head and body blow. The audience’s cheers spiked again as her being propped back up let her flimsy bikini top fall away, exposing her perky tits to her fans.

With her dazed and stood back up, Min-Min let out a hearty shout as she unleashed a barrage of blows with her free hand. They pummeled Ribbon Girl’s face, the thickly padded gloves bobbing her head around like a punching bag.

Min-Min was too caught up with her offensive to notice that Twintelle shook off her battered haze, glaring at the noodle vendor’s back. She took a few splashing steps before launching one of her lengthy pigtails at Min-Min, just to arc it down into the arena floor. It ricocheted back up at a sharp angle, smashing right into the noodle-based fighter’s snatch. Min-Min’s confident expression vanished as she crossed her legs, cupping her aching pussy with her gloved hand.

“You’re still no match for me. You’re a bit undercooked, noodles,” Twintelle chuckled arrogantly. She wrapped one of her pigtails around Min-Min’s neck, briefly choking her as she lifted her off her feet. She hurled her into the air, just to send a punch chasing after her and blasting her even higher up. Min-Min’s wails rang out as her bikini went flying off her in pieces before she splashed back down to the oil halfway across the arena.

Feeling Min-Min’s arm unwrap from around her, Ribbon Girl snapped back into the fight. She saw the smirking Twintelle and dove at her, unleashing a barrage of punches as fast and hard as she could at the unguarded and haughty fighter. Twintelle gasped as her thick ass was pummeled by Ribbon’s punches, tearing her thong off from the force of her blows.

“That’s for spanking me last time, you bitch!” Ribbon Girl declared as her foe turned to face her. Twintelle raised her arms and prehensile hair to defend herself but the punches kept coming. She finally dared to rocket one of her hair-mounted gloves at Ribbon Girl, but the blonde sidestepped around her pink-haired projectile.

“Ha! You won’t get me with UFF!”

Ribbon Girl’s taunting was interrupted by a blindsiding blow. She had her eyes fixed on Twintelle’s hair, ready to stop either of her boxing gloves to maintain her offensive. She had forgotten one clear advantage that Twintelle had, especially in this short range; she had actual hands as well. She had buried her fists into Twintelle’s bare breasts, crushing them back against her chest.

“Looks like those poor little things can’t take much of a beating,” Twintelle gloated, flaunting her oiled, full breasts the color of rich chocolate. She sent a few degrading slaps across the stunned Ribbon Girl’s face before smashing into her jaw with one of her gloves, sending her slamming into the oily floor.

Ribbon Girl groaned as she pushed herself weakly off the ground. She turned to face Twintelle, just to have her view eclipsed by her wide hips. She barely managed a startled shriek before the starlet sat on her face, her naked brown booty stifling her cries and complaints. Twintelle made a show of crossing her legs daintily as she shook out some of her oily hair.

“Looks like you’re still nothing but my throne, Rib,” Twintelle boasted. Her ears picked up on more rapid, splashing footsteps as she frowned, unwilling to be caught off guard again. She turned to see the naked Min-min charging towards her with her arms drawn back and winding up for another set of power blows.

“Tch! Don’t know when to quit,” Twintelle scoffed. She launched her hair out in a long-range blow of her own. Their gloves collided with a heavy clash that rippled back through Min-Min’s arms and Twintelle’s hair. They grit their teeth and unloaded another speedy barrage of blows, connecting here and there with their bare breasts and bellies. Both took shots at their groins but were quick to block or expect the cheap shots from both desperate fighters.

Min-Min kept adjusting the angle of her approach, forcing Twintelle to pivot in place. She wasn’t ready to give up her perch on Ribbon Girl’s face, the panting blonde nearly out now. The noodle vendor finally outmaneuvered her, ducking around one of her hair’s gloves and lunging in. Twintelle raised her hair to block it but Min-Min showed she had her own unorthodox tricks as well; she knew how to kick.

Min-Min’s bare foot shot up, sweeping smoothly through the oil before crashing into Twintelle’s pussy. She gasped and bent over double, her breasts bobbing beneath her before Min-Min let out another battle cry. She launched both of her rubbery arms into a double uppercut, crashing both gloves into Twintelle’s chin. The starlet’s eyes fluttered before falling unconscious into the oil, her legs spread out shamefully wide with her ass still in Ribbon Girl’s face.

“Ugh! Ew! Finally!” the blonde sputtered. Ribbon Girl shoved the KOed body off of her, wiping the oil and booty sweat from her face. She blinked it out of her eyes as she tried to spot her opponent, only to get one last glove to the face before she blacked out.

“The winner iiiis MIN-MIN!” Mittsy announced, getting a burst of cheers from the crowd. Despite her nudity, Min-Min’s pride outweighed her shame as she bowed to the crowd. She waved a gloved hand to them as she made her way backstage, a few stagehands readily toweling the oil off her sleek body.

“That went well,” she sighed to herself as she removed her mask, undoing the advanced technology so that her arms returned to normal.

“Better than you think,” one of the aides pointed out. He held a plain-looking letter out towards her. “I was asked to give you this after the match.”

“Me?” The fighter turned it over, puzzling over the strange red seal on the letter before opening it up. She scanned the letter and raised her eyebrows in interest.

“What’s it say?” one of the nosy helper pried.

“It’s an invitation,” Min-Min said with some surprise to her voice. “And to a much bigger fight than this one…”


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