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So this one has a story to it! Mainly that it was initially my fiance’s idea and she asked me to write it. Granted, her original idea was a Christmas-themed magical girl who gained the powers of Santa and turned into a big buff manly Santa Claus. The story was too juicy to pass up on, so I had to put my usual horny spin on things. On the plus side, it sounds like I had a certain artist buddy agree to post and illustrate it, so I’ll get that to you guys as soon as she gives the thumbs up. 

In the meantime, enjoy a horny chick who’s turned into the horny avatar of Christmas to reinvigorate adults’ interest in the holiday.

“Let’s see… got the chocolates for Jane, no nuts cuz she’s allergic. Luke’s game is on the way in the mail, I got the new cookware for mom, I’m paying off that bill for Mr. Williams, I’m sending Vicky the new webcam…”

Chrissy Masters loved Christmas. Everything felt so warm and happy no matter how cold it was outside. People had to go shopping which meant she got to meet and talk to more people. The cute blonde girl strode briskly through the mall, her arms loaded with festive bags, her fluffy coat unbuttoned so her bobbing cleavage rocked between the edges of her zipper. She was plump and curvy with bright blue eyes, and her pouty pink lips smiled all the while as she went over her shopping list.

“That’s just about everyone. Only dad’s left… OMG!” She gasped as she glanced up at The Book Rack, spotting the poster on the glass. “Signed copies of the new Jack Jancy novel! He loves those! It’s perfect!” She hurried inside to wrap up her shopping. As much as she loved the season, her friends and relatives loved her gifts even more. Some said she had a sixth sense for finding their perfect present…

As soon as she touched the book in question, a cool wind blew up her spine. She squeaked and tugged at her coat, finding it securely in place. She glanced around, but there was nobody in the same aisle. She shrugged and chalked it up to a faulty air conditioner, picking the book back up. The wind blew by again, this time a practical tornado centered around her. She gave a shrill shriek, grabbing at her hat to pull it on tighter. She felt it shift away from her fingers as if it were flying away with the wind. She grabbed after it, only to find it much smaller in her hand. She held it out in front of her, finding her fluffy, ear-flapped hat turned into a miniature Santa hat.

“What the…?” she muttered, but it was drowned out by the winds. It whirled around her pants until she suddenly felt the wind on her bare legs. She looked down in time to see them retracting up to her thighs and turning into a red skirt with some puffy white trim. Her thick coat shrank around her, but somehow didn’t constrict against her chest. It turned into a small green vest, like the kind she saw on the mall’s elves that gathered around Santa’s helper. It was much too snug around her chest, laced loosely around her cleavage to even let some of her sideboob show between the tight but wide-set laces. It made her look more like a Christmas-themed stripper than a holiday shopper.

Her blonde hair whipped in the wind, but she watched as it started to change color right before her eyes. She grabbed at it as the strands turned from golden blonde to pure white and red, spiraling around in two tight pigtails.

“What?! Why do I have peppermint hair?!” she yelled to nobody in particular. There was a cartoonish pop below as her trusty old winter boots suddenly turned into polished black workboots. A long red kneesock grew out of one boot, hugging her leg like an overly friendly snake while a green one stretched out over the other leg. The wind tore the hat out of her hands and lifted it high into the air before it dropped down on her head, neatly sticking to her new multicolored hair like it belonged there. 

With that, the wind was gone. The transformed Chrissy stared blankly ahead of her, dropping her book on the floor. She looked around until she spotted a large, glass dome of a security camera and confirmed her suspicions. Her hair and clothes had changed completely, leaving her in the skimpy but Christmasy outfit. Nobody else in the story had even looked up from their conversations or stopped reading in response to the ridiculous whirlwind.

“Oh my gosh… this… this is insane,” she muttered. “This can’t be happening.” She broke into a sprint before she stopped at the end of the aisle. For one thing, she was embarrassed to be seen like this. For another, she had no idea who would believe her, let alone help her. Lastly, she turned back around to retrieve her bags and the book. She scampered awkwardly up to the open register and slapped down a twenty dollar bill.

“Here! Keep the change,” she squeaked desperately, but the cashier caught her by the wrist. Chrissy came to a halt with an obscene jiggling of her chest as she blushed. She tried to shift the bags to cover up her revealing costume. The short woman with a long black dress and long brown hair eyed Chrissy warily over her glasses… then broke into a smile.

“Oh, there’s no need!” the shorter insisted cheerily. “Go ahead and take it on the house.”

“Er… I’m not really cool with that?” Chrissy muttered, just trying to escape the situation and find a place to change.

“Tis the season, right?” the woman chimed. “In fact, why don’t you come in the back for a while? I think I have just the thing for a sweetheart like you…”

“That’s really not necess…” Chris started but the woman snapped her fingers. A burst of glitter exploded around them and with a dull pop, they were suddenly in the back end of the store.

“I insist,” the woman said much more firmly, the warm smile fading from her face. She opened the door to the employee’s only area, revealing a long and narrow room lined with shelves that was far too big for the space it was in. Chrissy gawked at the unnatural sight until the book vendor slapped her on the ass.

“What are you waiting for? Christmas?” she said more sternly as she pushed Chrissy inside. There were all sorts of strange things on the shelves; giant candy canes, swords too big to be wielded by a human being, rune-covered shields, handguns that whispered in soft, demonic voices, oil paintings of landscapes with distant dragons actually flying across its skies…

“So tell me, young lady,” the woman said as she walked ahead of her. It wasn’t until Chrissy followed her (not knowing what else to do) that she saw the black dress dragging very loosely behind her. She reached up to pull it from her shoulders and toss off her wig, revealing herself as a two-foot tall woman floating in the air. Despite her tiny size, a huge pair of breasts and wide hips and thighs bobbed as her tiny, glittery, purple-pink wings fluttered ahead of her, wrapped in a glittery, leaf-green bodysuit from groin to cleavage.

“How much do you know about Christmas?”

“Oh… uh, it’s about giving and presents, and making everyone happy in the chilly season. It’s about magic and loving everyone, and depending on who you ask it’s really about celebrating the solstice or because The Bible…”

“So almost nothing. Got it.” The curvy fairy nodded as she suddenly twirled around. “Well lucky me, I don’t have to tell you about it. I managed to stay neutral in this whole mess.”

“What mess? A Christmas mess?”

“All the big messes are Christmas messes in my world, tall girl. You can call me Sugarplum, and I have the benefit of providing to whatever side can pay up. Which means you get this.”

Sugarplum grabbed and tossed a tiny sack at Chrissy. She caught it against her chest between her already gathered shopping bags, looking no bigger than a softball.

“Thank… you. What’s it do?”

“You pull things out of it. Christmasy things, I guess. All I know  is that’s a high-end conjuration pouch so you better appreciate the craft that went into that thing. Make sure Rudy doesn’t break that thing on ya.”

“Who’s Rudy?”

“The guy who hired me to help find you. And now that I did just that...”

“You’re mine! Welcome to the party, lady!” A scratchy but cheerful voice piped up from behind Chrissy. A fuzzy brown arm reached around her shoulder and groped at one of her breasts, bouncing it around in her top. Chrissy shuddered as it sent tingles across her skin, suddenly feeling a lot more sensitive ever since she transformed.

Chrissy looked at the newcomer and found a tiny reindeer float behind her. The proud-looking caricature was barely over a foot tall, not counting his curling little antlers. Beady black eyes shone like buttons and his round black nose has a polished streak of red across the front.

“Good to meetcha! Name’s Rudy, and I happen to represent a very powerful man. “The reindeer shook her hand with his fingerless hoof, pumping it firmly enough to get her breasts wobbling again. The new outfit definitely encouraged their freedom of movement.

“You mean Santa?” Chrissy asked cautiously.

“Ha! See? She’s a sharp one!” Rudy laughed in his rough voice. “That’s right. The big man himself left me in charge of this project of his.” He prodded his little hoof-hand against her cleavage. “And that means you got a hefty chunk of Christmas spirit granted to you right now.”

“I don’t understand…” Chrissy understated. She shifted her bags in her arms, just for one of them to suddenly shimmer and vanish into the little sack that Sugarplum had given her. She hesitated before reaching in and pulling it back out, just to start stuffing all of her cluttered armload of gifts inside.

“I can give you the short version for now. Christmas spirit’s at an all time low, and that’s the magic that powers Santa and everything within his realm. If that goes away, Christmas goes away. So, since kids are doin’ their best but growin’ up so fast, Santa thought we could do better marketing towards adults too. So while Santa and Rudolf (oh yea, he’s my grandpa, not to brag) handle the kiddos, he wanted to start Operation Triple Xmas; a piece of sexy eye-candy who can turn some tricks and get adults a little more emotionally invested in Christmas.”

“Tricks like… Christmas miracles, right?” Chrissy asked warily. She noticed she didn’t have any pockets on her skimpy outfit, but her snug belt had a loop for her to tuck it into.

“You might call it that,” Rudy shrugged. “Let’s just say you’re a perfect candidate. I never saw anybody score this high before!”

Rudy pulled a clipboard as big as he was out of nowhere and handed it off to her. Chrissy gave the attached chart a puzzled glance.

Gift Giving: 100%

Tits: Great

Ass: Nice!

Leg: Sweet!

Brains: working on it

“Thanks? I think that’s a compliment...” the optimistic girl managed. 

“Exactly. Just seein’ your booty bouncin’ down the street will get people a little more excited for the holidays. So I hereby officially declare you The Silent Knight. An official agent in Santa’s service.”

Sugarplum escorted them back into the mall, where Chrissy was no still confused and embarrassed. She walked briskly through the store while people turned to stare at her strange and skimpy attire. Rudy assured her it was all part of the plan and that she was doing great. He was also trying to explain just what she could do with her newfound magical powers, which were themselves pretty vague.

“Well how do I change back?” Chrissy asked as she finally left the mall. Despite  the chilly winter air, she definitely didn’t feel any colder outside rather than in.

“Are you kiddin’ me? You just transformed and the first thing you wanna do is change back? Talk about boring…”

“Just show me how!” Chrissy ordered with growing impatience.

Rudy rolled his adorable little eyes. “Alright, fine. But you might wanna get somewhere out of sight.”


“You look naked as hell when you’re changing back.” 

Chrissy took his point and scurried around to the side of the mall. She ducked into a corner of the outer building where she was out of sight, double checking that nobody else was there besides the dumpster outside the Chinese food stand.

“So you gotta fill yourself with Christmas spirit to transform,” Rudy explained, floating around in front of his new recruit. “If you focus on containing that spirit, you’ll change back. Simple as that.”

“Okay… here goes…” Chrissy shut her eyes and clenched her fists, but nothing happened. She kept smelling cocoa and hearing Christmas music over the bells of people collecting charity. She was still focusing on that when she sensed something ahead of her. No real sense in particular, but something felt off. Then she heard heavy footsteps approaching.

“Hey, um… sorry, can you give me a minute?” she called. “I’m working through… something…” She grunted and squirmed, trying to trigger her transformation when the creatures appeared. They were short, barely 5 feet tall. They had rough blue skin, pointed ears, and some roughly treated animal pelts wrapped around them in simplistic armor. They snarled with bared, pointed fangs as their slim but muscled bodies moved in on her.

“Ah crap,” Rudy grumbled.

“Crap? Crap what?” Chrissy asked warily. “Also you really should say ‘humbug.’ It’d be a lot nicer…”

“I knew I picked a good one in you,” Rudy snorted. “But them’s ice elves. They musta caught wind of us.”

“Already? What do they want?”

“Not sure, but nothin’ good. Ice elves are the violent idiot cousins of Christmas elves. We try not to talk about ‘em, and they’re supposed to be banished from the mortal world… unless somebody let ‘em out.”

“So what do we do!?” 

“Well, no better time to give you a crash course.” Rudy floated high over her head to sit on the rooftop. “Go get ‘em.”


“Get ‘em. I told ya, you’ve got Christmas powers. Use ‘em.”

The icy creatures moved in on her, four of them  hissing in some unknown language. Chrissy just stared in panic.

“Stay back! I… I have mace! S-somewhere…” she fumbled around, trying to find her pockets that didn’t exist.

With the sound of sleighbells, her gift-giving sack glowed and a silver mace appeared in her hand, tinsel and holly hanging off its large and spiky top. The evil elves froze in their tracks, staring blankly at her for a moment. One suddenly snarled and lunged for her, but Chrissy desperately swung her weapon. It bashed him dead in the face and sent him flying a hundred feet away, wielding her weapon like it was a flyswatter.

“Huh… okay…” she said, a grin slowly growing on her face. “You could have said I’m super strong too!”

“You didn’t ask. You’re magic as shit right now. You can do anything, long as it’s… y’know. Christmasy.”

Another elf tried to grab her but she walloped him into a wall, cracking the brick where he flew into it. The third charged her with some jagged nails outstretched, but she turned around and thrust out a hand towards him.

“Boughs of Holly!” she shouted, and sure enough a spray of leafy branches and wreaths sprayed out of her hands. They swamped the elf as it shrieked and was buried beneath the flood of plantlife. 

Chrissy was just starting to feel proud of herself when the last ice elf flanked her. It grabbed her from behind, wrapping its arms around her and squeezing her breasts. Chrissy gasped again. At first it was from surprise, but the same tingling ran through her skin as it did when Rudy groped her earlier. In fact, she found the creature wasn’t hurting her at all. It pulled down her top, spilling her jiggling breasts out into the frosty air. 

“Waaah! Knock it off!” she wailed, but her voice quivered with excitement. In fact, her body warmed up with pleasure, like her libido was suddenly running rampant. She hadn’t felt so horny since she was a teenager, and she felt her mouth hanging open as she moaned softly. She crumbled to her knees as the elves pulled head force her into a kiss. Her eyelids fluttered as she moaned, pushing her tongue eagerly past his lips.

“Yea, might want to watch out for that,” Rudy warned. “You’re technically immortal, so they can’t really kill you while you have that much power. There’s always ways around immortality, though. That magic’s tied to your devotion to the Christmas spirit, so if you get more focused on something else…”

The tiny reindeer eyed up the scene of Chrissy grinding against the elf’s groping hands. She spread her legs invitingly as its blue fingers vanished up her skirt to start rubbing her dampening pussy.

“Liiiike say cumming your brains out… then your powers can leave you and be taken by anyone else in the area. Seein’ how that’s a huge chunk of Christmas spirit, all sorts of magical creatures would gladly screw you silly just to get their claws on it. So since your powers are going to enhance your sensitive to others (and them gropin’ ya), you might wanna learn to keep it in your pants a little…”

He wasn’t even sure if Chrissy heard him. She turned and wrapped her leg around the handsy ice elf, grinding her hips against his. She pulled him deeper into her kiss, moaning loudly as her breasts mashed against his chest. She lifted him off the ground as she pinned him to the wall of the alley, pulling on his primitive loincloth. The elf looked more surprised than anything as she dropped her panties. Her eyes were shut as her pussy instinctively found its way to the elf’s surprisingly meaty erection, mounting him against the wall as she slapped her juicy hips into his.

The elf gave a low, lusty gurgle as she humped him against the wall. He pawed at her for balance and control but she was hungrily grinding him inside her. She bit her lip with excitement, her eyes widening with a distinct twinkle to them as her lust took over. She cupped the ice elf’s ass as she slammed her pussy into him excitedly, her wet slit swallowing him up to the hilt as he gave a short, hard grunt and clung desperately to her body. Even as he pulled her hair and shot his slick, cool cum inside her, Chrissy moaned and leaned into him, thrusting away as she smeared his cum inside her.

“Ohhh thank god,” she sighed as she finally slid back. “After all that shopping, I needed to vent a little…” She smiled dreamily towards the ground, but the ice elf was vanishing into a flurry of snowflakes. “Whoa! Did I just fuck him to death!?”

“Nah, he’s just flaking out. Ice elves ain’t used to this dimension ever since they got banished, so they just go back to their realm when they get too exhausted. Same thing works with demons.”

“There are demons too!?”

“There’s a lot of things. I just didn’t expect when I picked a generous gift-giver, I’d end up with a generous lover too. That’s just the kinda thing Triple Xmas needs.”

“Generous, but amateur,” purred a woman’s voice. The two of them looked up to see a pale blue-skinned woman with short brown curls standing at the entrance of the alley. She was effectively nude, a few patches of what appeared to be thin, blue ice over her crotch and center of her breasts. She strut towards Chrissy with a wiggle to her hips, her athletic figure defining her every movement while her perky breasts wobbled side to side. She held out her hands as a burst of icy wind shot out of her hands, blowing up Chrissy’s skirt while freezing her feet to the ground with a thick layer of ice.

“Don’t tell me it’s more elves,” Chrissy moaned, rubbing at her crotch. She still had the last elf’s cum leaking down her leg, and she reacted instinctively to the wind despite her immunity to cold.

“Worse. Jaqueline Frost,” Rudy huffed. “An unruly elemental and self-proclaimed Queen of Winter.”

“And the rightful holder of that power you have there, little mortal.” Jaqueline held out a hand, curling her lips into a grin as more ice piled up beneath Chrissy. A large dildo started to form out of the growing mass of ice. “So let’s see how much it takes to make a little slut like you give it up.”

“Eep!” Chrissy squeaked as she grabbed at her pouch. “Um, ummm Chestnuts Roasting!”

She threw a hand out at the ground, a few small orbs of flame connecting with the ice below. It sizzled and melted away as she leapt back to safety. Jacqueline frowned and lashed out at the air, flinging a few icicles her way. Chrissy tossed a few more festive fireballs back at her, melting the projectiles in midair. Only one managed to sail past her attacks, but it seemed to bounce harmlessly off her breast. It did, however, tear away the side of her costume. Her top burst out, the taut chords releasing her breasts in a wobbling display.

“Got you now! Santa’s skank is all mine!” The frosty beauty darted in at remarkable speed, grabbing Chrissy by her breasts. Santa’s helper gasped and blushed as the surge of lust returned to her. She froze up as Jaqueline pushed her knee between her legs, rubbing the damp pussy under her skirt.

“Oh what’s the matter, new girl?” Jaqueline purred. “Did my minions turn you on that bad? You won’t last long, slut.”

Jaqueline Frost caught Chrissy by the wrists, pushing them back into the wall. Their breasts mashed together as she summoned more ice, binding her hands to the wall. Chrissy could barely fight back, enjoying herself too much as her horny body squirmed in her bonds. Her hips bucked out desperately for Jaqueline’s touch, making the ice elemental grin with pride.

“P-please,” Chrissy moaned as her bouncy breasts wobbled around from her thrusts.

“Oh don’t worry. I’m going to make this last. I’m going to milk the Christmas spirit right out of you. In fact…”

Jackie caught Chrissy’s jiggling rack by pinching precisely around her nipples. They were thick and sensitive from all her teasing, so Chrissy gave a long, needy moan. Jackie laughed at her lusty whining, twisting one of her nipples slowly while she lowered her head to the other. One hand strayed down to finger the trapped Chrissy’s pussy, savoring the wet and hungry noises of her soaked pussy lips. Jaqueline grinned up at her, baring her teeth before she bit down on the blonde’s nipple, pulling at it firmly as she stretched out her meaty breast.

“Ohhhh please! I can’t take it!” Chrissy pleaded. “I need it!”

“Ha! I know you won’t break that easily. I’m going to get you so horny your bimbo peabrain melts away. You’ll be so hot you won’t be able to contain that power and cum it alllll out, just for me.”

Jackie sealed her lips around Chrissy’s nipple, sucking noisily as her cool spit ran down the curve of her breast. Chrissy panted and humped against her hands and mouth, squirting a quick but messy orgasm over her fingers before humping for more. Suddenly, a strange flavor suddenly hit Jackie’s mouth.

“Mmf! OW! What the-!?” she blurted, pulling away in surprise. Her gaping mouth was steaming, a distinct shade of brown along her tongue as her icy garments started to melt away. “Not… are you serious!?”

“Hot chocolate!” Rudy laughed nearby. “Even that’ll melt an ice queen like you!”

“Shut up, you mooching little moose!” Jaqueline snarled, but the ice around Chrissy’s wrists had melted away with her swiftly warming body. The ice spirit shuddered as the unfamiliar warmth coursed through her but Chrissy landed back on her feet, cracking her knuckles.

“I need… I need to…” Chrissy mumbled, her disheveled hair hanging over her face. She looked up with a determined (but blushing) expression on her face.


“You what!?” Jaqueline shouted. Chrissy was already right in front of her. Jackie grabbed at her but Chrissy ducked and thrust her palm into the ground. A short but thick Christmas tree grew right beneath Jackie, lifting her off the pavement and balancing her on her back. Jackie yelped in surprise but Chrissy caught her by the legs, keeping her balanced at the peak like a naked crowning ornament. The Silent Knight pulled her legs apart and buried her face into her pussy, loudly and hungrily slurping away at the elemental’s snatch. Her cool clit seemed to melt on contact with her tongue, making Jackie wail and shiver.

“NO! STOP! It’s too hot!” the snow queen wailed, her hips bucking like crazy against Chrissy’s face. She just kept lapping with her long, drooling tongue, her pigtails teasing against Jackie’s thighs. She ran her hands up Jaqueline Frost’s thighs and belly before squeezing her tits tightly, getting the elemental to shudder as she made out with her pussy. She pawed at the air, trying to pull herself free or conjure more ice, but the warming kisses and licks were penetrating too deep into her core. Her mouth hung open and her eyes rolled back as Chrissy ate her out, just for Chrissy to take her hands. She suddenly pulled Jackie up, sitting her upright in her arms. Chrissy hugged her hips against her chest, grinding her plump tits and nipples against Jackie’s hard clit. She kissed her mouthful of pussy juice into Jackie’s lips, making her eyes roll back again and give a huge, noisy grunt as she squirted a fine blue stream of cum over Chrissy’s tits.

Chrissy gently let her go, but Jaqueline collapsed to the pavement. She twitched and steamed, her face frozen in euphoria as she reeled from the mind-blowing orgasm.

“Oh! Jeez, I’m sorry. I can get carried away sometimes,” Chrissy babbled.

“Seriously, how are you still single?” Rudy asked as he floated up to them. “You could finish her off, if you wanted. Take her power. I’m sure Santa would appreciate the gift of this bitch being out of his hair for a while.”

Chrissy looked down at the helpless elemental queen. She was never a mean person, and even after the spontaneous orgy she had to feel a soft spot for her enemies. She held out a hand and mustered up some magic words in her head.

“Do Not Open ‘til Christmas.”

A mass of wrapping paper appeared beneath Jackie, binding her up to her neck like a magical net. A pretty red bow was planted on top of her head.

“There. That should keep you out of trouble for a while,” Chrissy said proudly. “Hopefully until Christmas. Or at least until the magic wears off…”

“What?! Let me go!” Jaqueline demanded.

“We’ll see,” Rudy shrugged. “It’s only 12 days ‘til Christmas, but this might end up bein’ a full-time job if you keep doin’ this good at it.”

There was a blue glow just outside the alleyway as a portal appeared. Another dozen ice elves stepped out from some dark and snowy world behind it, growling as they eyed up Chrissy.

“Get them, you idiots! I command you!” Jackie barked, even as her voice cracked form her orgasmic outburst.

“Oh come on,” Chrissy groaned. “Jingle Bell Rock!”

She threw out her hands and a huge boulder launched towards them, decorated with patches of snow, glitter and tinsel. The elves shrieked as the rock slammed into them, knocking them back into their portal.

“They know we’re here, so we better get a move on,” Rudy grunted. “Here. Hop on.”

“I can’t hop ohhhhh.”

Rudy finally landed on the ground and immediately transformed. He bulked up to a seven-foot tall, bipedal beastman, stuffed with muscle and with antlers that looked like that could tear down a brick wall. He squatted down and lowered his lead, letting Chrissy gingerly climb onto his back.

“You good?” he asked in a deep, gravely voice.

“Y-yea?” Chrissy stammered as she held onto his horns. Rudy leapt into the air, rocketing through the sky as she shrieked all the way. It drew some attention, but people looking up to see a flying reindeer with a scantily clad woman riding on his back on it did exactly what Rudy had been hoping for. People remembered the spirit of Christmas and got a little horny for it.

“This is crazy! All of this is crazy!” Chrissy blurted. “But why didn’t you do this before?!”

“For one thing,” the gruff deer man grunted. “It takes a bit of juice to do this. I can’t maintain this form all the time. Two, it’s way more conspicuous. Harder to hide from mortals. And three… instincts.”

“Instincts?” Chrissy asked as the burly deer man landed on a rooftop. He stooped again, cuing her to climb back off. He sniffed the air and turned to face her with a massive erection sticking out from between his powerful legs.

“Yea. Keeping this in check,” he said bluntly, eying her barely-dressed figure. Chrissy was once again reminded of her missing panties, and how much she had been teased with only a single orgasm for her troubles.

“I could… help with that,” Chrissy offered, running her hand over the warm tip of his cock. “It’s the season of giving and all, so if you wanted…”

Rudy palmed the back of her head and pulled her face down to swallow as much of his reindeer cock as she could in one go.

The North Pole was a bigger place than people gave it credit for. The ice and snow made things fairly fragmented, so there was more than one Santa’s Workshop connected by various portals, tunnels and other methods of dealing with the cold. Back in her private office, Mrs. Claus leaned back in her chair. The busty milf was dressed in her red business suit with white trim, glasses perched in the middle of her surprisingly youthful features. A benefit of marrying one of the most magical men on Earth. She flipped through some papers before she pressed a button at her desk. A tiny, curvy elf hurried into the door and locked it behind her. Shoulder-length red hair bobbed beneath her pointy hat and she adjusted her fluffy, lime green skirt.

“Y-yes, ma’am?” she chirped in her high-pitched voice.

“Tinsel,” Mrs. Claus said coldly. “How are the operations so far?”

“Well, a great success, Mrs. C!” Tinsel piped up cheerily. Claus smirked, but the elf’s smile cracked a little. “For… um… your husband. Project Triple Xmas appeared to be gathering Christmas spirit as expected. And she’s… dealt with your first wave of… sex assassins.”

Mrs. Claus bitterly snapped her tongue behind her teeth. “That lovable oaf. This isn’t what Christmas is supposed to be like! First it was about love and giving, then it became about the presents. Now he’s making it all about sex!”

Tinsel nodded silently rather than try to argue. “Times really are changing, ma’am.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mrs. Claus asked sharply.

“Uh… um… just that… well, with social evolution and consumerism…”

“We haven’t lost this yet!” Claus snapped, getting the elf to try and look tinier than she was. “I didn’t sneak in the paperwork to grant me to the power to un-banish the ice elves for this to fail after the first try! They’re not the only pieces at play here! I’ve hired, pardoned and manipulated more than a couple of frozen Neanderthals! We have Queen Coal on our side. She-Krampus. The Nut Cracker. Even Holly Ween, Miss Valentine and The Thanksgiver will want to muscle in on our holiday territory. We have plenty of cards up our sleeves to bring down my husband’s pet slut.”

“But… is it worth working behind his back? Maybe he’d listen if you-"

Mrs. Claus glared at her and Tinsel’s hopeful tone vanished. The mystical milf crooked a finger to call her closer.


“Yes, Mrs. C?”

“Get me the strapon. The big one, in the back of the closet.”

“Y-yes, Mrs. C…” The elf had barely taken her first blushing step when there came a jolly jingling noise from the desk. Mrs. Claus held up a finger and picked up her cellphone.

“Oh hiiii, sweetie!” she gushed in an overly sweet tone, switching from her scheming bitch face to beaming wife in an instant. “Really?! Oh I’m so happy for you! …yes, I know it’s the season. Almost there! Ha ha! Oh? A new project? That’s soooo interesting. I’d love to hear about it over… oh. Oh my…”

Mrs. Claus blushed and started to pace. “You don’t… hmm. Now? Like… oh. Okay, um… yes, dear. Right away, dear. Love you~!”

Mrs. Claus failed to hide her blush as she cleared her throat and put her phone away.

“I’m ah… you’re excused, Tinsel. I’m off to see my husband. Though before you go… would you fetch me the handcuffs from the closet?” Tinsel nodded and started towards the same spot as before, sighing in relief.

“Oh, and my nipple clamps. And the ballgag and that vibrator I like… and my leather thong so he doesn’t wreck my good underwear. He’s… feeling frisky.”

Tinsel nodded, unphased by it at this point. As controlled as Mrs. Claus acted around the office, she was quick to back down and roll over when the real boss was around. Scheming or not, at least it wasn’t loveless marriage.


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