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I threw this together with no good reason beyond someone saying it would be funny. Based on the idea of the Warhammer space marines, ran with the idea of a pervy, all-powerful emperor who reacted a legion of solders/waifus/fetish bait for his amusement. A shortstack army, catgirls, milfs, dominatrixes... I doubt I'll do much with it, but it felt too fun not to share for an afternoon of work.

When The God Emperor rose to power and united all of humanity under his reign, he began to guide them with his wisdom. Among the many laws he created, one of his greatest decrees was that anime is real. In his glory, he began a project to genetically create a clan of waifus that would serve to spread his message. Each was specially created to cater to one of His Majesty’s closeted fetishes and were authorized to create an army in their likeness. Like a great and horny swarm, the 13 chapters of Fetish Marines were released to spread the wrath and glory of The Emperor in their own kinky ways. While The Emperor designed them with his kinks in mind, the factions have evolved with their own cultures and traits revolving around this.

The Iron Meh

Theme: goth

Matriarch: Corvida Wottever

Emblem: a crow with emo bangs

Specialization: overwatch

Power: members of the Iron Meh can trigger a chemical reaction that all but removes any emotional response. This makes them near immune to supernatural corruption or psychic enemies because they’re already bored or corrupted enough.

History: The Iron Meh were dispatched to an unexplored galaxy, wherein they found extremely little to do. There was little to discover, so they adapted to a life of monk-like patience, quiet, and apathy.

Practices: sisters of The Iron Meh have deep camaraderie with one another, but their subtle expressions and curt codewords can make this difficult to perceive. An understanding of music or some means of art is not mandatory, but expected for the long-standing positions of boredom they are often assigned to.

Order of the Bittersweet

Theme: tsunderes

Matriarch: Kiria Ubaka

Emblem: a pot of boiling water sealed within a block of ice

Specialization: frontal assault

Power: imbued with a mystical power source, the Bittersweet can fly into a violent rage at a moment’s notice for the slightest insult, redoubling their strength at the cost of all logic or control. While senior members have better control over this to trigger it at will, younger trainees may often regret this action and become apologetic afterward.

History: the first legion to betray the Emperor, their heretical leader has since been slain. The turmoil and conflict among their troops fueled their ever-vigilant attitudes, eager to find any source of heresy or treachery among their kind.

Practices: the Order of the Bittersweet are an aggressive sort, best directed to the front line to take on obvious enemies. They have a history of dubious cooperation with other units, and tend to compete amongst themselves. Desperate to show no weakness or reason for doubt after their founder’s treachery, they tend to put up stubborn, stoic or even aggressive attitudes that they may not always mean.

The Marching Souls

Theme: feet

Matriarch: Helia Archer

Emblem: a cartoonish demon being crushed under a bootheel

Specialization: mobile unit

Power: The Marching Souls possess highly enhanced strength and durability to their legs. They can kick through tank armor and march for weeks without rest.

History: originally assigned to a galaxy plagued by storms. The unit found their boots to be more harm than help in the sinking mud and sand, so operating barefoot quickly became standard.  They were retrieved and looked upon in great pride for their ingenuity, so well-worn, dirty feet became the pride of their troop.

Practices: The Marching Souls are a highly mobile unit, and refuse to wear footwear in nearly any circumstance. Crushing a foe underfoot is considered a punishment suitable for the worst of enemies. Extremists or especially shamed members may vow not to use their arms or even remove them, doing everything with their toes and feet.

The Ass Eaters

Theme: booty/BBW

Matriarch: Analia Krak

Emblem: two butts smushing together

Specialization: all terrain/heavy weapons

Power: modified taste buds and digestive systems, as well as normal-looking but heavily reinforced teeth. They can consume nearly anything as food with no physical harm or digestive problems.

History: left to a long war in bitter-smelling swampland, The Ass Eaters spent over a generation defending this valuable source of minerals and gasses. Their resourceful nature made them able to consume anything, however foul or poisonous, and many even swear that the taste of ass reminds them of their glorious days of battle. Those desperate times make them eager to eat, putting on weight in case of another dire battle.

Practices: Ass Eaters are expected to undergo put on weight that will allow them to carry their oversized armor and weaponry. Many weapons remain mounted on their backs or rears, with their especially tight or large glutes meant to keep track of their firearms. Gas-based weapons such as tear gas or flamethrowers are commonplace among them. Punishment is often doled out with extended facesits from a commanding officer.

Allmothers of Battle

Theme: milfs

Matriarch: Ara Aramaria

Emblem: outline of a shieldmaiden protecting a small child

Specialization: medics

Power: the Allmothers are masters of healing. On top of their medical training, their naturally produced milk can heal any wounds and proves very filling and nutritious.

History: a defensive unit, the Allmothers contained the first Fetish Marine to ever bear children. They first saw war when defending a planet manned by young male soldiers in training. By the time the extended siege was over, every unit was a mother in some capacity.

Practices: Allmothers put others before themselves at all costs. The are genetically programmed to appear much softer than they are strong, hiding their strength behind a gentle demeanor. Milking is performed daily and either given directly to others. Failing that, it is bottled and shipped to others in need as highly demanded medical supplies.

The Violet Panthers

Theme: catgirls/animal girls

Matriarch: Bastina Nyaal

Emblem: a tearing beast’s paw

Specialization: scouts

Power: Violet Panthers possess traits related to their animal and the ability to read the mind of any beast. They primarily rely on even more powerful reflexes and balance than the other chapters.

History: an adaptable breed of Fetish Marines, the army of catgirls grew as their genes mimicked the wildlife on their jungle homeworld. They keep a druidic attunement with nature whenever possible, and often view their enemies as prey or mere playthings.

Practices: playful, impish and honorable. The Panthers are primarily catgirls, but other mutations of cows, dogs, foxes and such are not terribly uncommon. They are frowned upon for their impure bloodlines and often given more demeaning positions.

Sisters of Swole

Theme: muscle

Matriarch: Leifa Talata

Emblem: a skull shattering between a pair of muscular thighs

Power: Sisters of Swole are naturally among the largest and strongest of the sisters, and their elders said to never tire.

Specialization: melee combat

History: once a lost legion, The Sisters were presumed lost after a cosmic storm cut off their communications. They were recovered after having dutifully following their last order given to them over 50 years ago: “resume physical training.” This has left them all with Amazonian builds, tall and muscular, often with some manner of tan.

Practices: The Sisters are expected to treat their bodies as temples to the Emperor, exercising for the majority of their waking hours. Their commanders will often insist that a marine be able to throw her a missile or bullet faster than their weapon. As such, they are also subject to admiration, worship and anointing in holy oils by their fellow sisters and any willing units nearby. They are very physically affectionate, with hugs, handshakes, wrestling matches, hi fives, and groping commonplace in their conversations.

The Leaders of Cheer

Theme: bimbo

Matriarch: Candy Gigglejiggle

Emblem: a lipstick mark above an infinity symbol

Specialization: diplomacy

Power: regeneration. The Leaders are so full of artificial parts, chemicals and prosthetics that they can return from almost any injury, even if torn apart.

History: a unit who discovered a technologically advanced population of humanity in the far reaches of the universe. The Leaders assimilated with their culture in bringing them into the Empire, bonding with their advanced physical enhancements, surgeries and devices. It gives the troop a rather curvy, ditzy, even slightly plastic look, but this can deceive onlookers from their advanced biology.

Practices: The Leaders of Cheer maintain a strict order to their troops, mostly because they lack the focus to do much else. Their reliance on their technology and implants can make them seem ditzy or absentminded as their powerful computers do the real thinking for them. They are to remain charismatic and pretty to maintain good relations between factions whenever possible, but to bring down their silicone hammers whenever necessary. High morale and good spirits are mandatory and very easily maintained.

Circle of the Hidden Eye

Theme: glasses/geek girls

Matriarch: Lena Sheepish

Emblem: spectacles resting on a tome

Specialization: tacticians/scholars

Power: infocog. Members of The Circle possess short-range clairvoyance and can rapidly absorb information through machines or written word just by touching it.

History: victims of early treachery, The Circle’s first troops were left adrift in space. With little power for lights or engines, they survived with quick-thinking and piercing logic. While they gained an expertise in knowledge and strategy, their eyes were permanently weakened and to this day require enhancements of some kind.

Practices: The Circle of the Hidden Eye believes that a battle is won before it is fought, especially if it can be done with no fighting at all. While they will gladly pummel an enemy to death for The Emperor, blackmail, outmaneuvering or technological superiority is much preferred. Members of the Circle are always found with eyeglasses, possibly replaced some cybernetic or visor.

The Bare Repentus

Theme: ENF

Matriarch: Wah-Kya

Emblem: the tattered remains of a uniform being used as a flag

Specialization: stealth ops

Power: The Repentus are as swift, quiet and flexible as they need to be, making them masters of stealth. Especially potent when not weighed down by their power armor

History: The Repentus’ ancestors were the first ever chapter of Fetish Marines to truly lose a battle. When the Emperor considered their decommissioning, their chapter mistress stripped herself of her armor and swore that she would prove her worth to The Emperor. In an act of redemption, the naked warrior women ran shrieking back into battle and slew the enemies who had shamed them before.

Practices: It has become standard that the Bare Repentus marines own minimalist power armor, and even this is used for ceremonial purposes. They are trained to be comfortable in their nudity, using their unburdened forms to outmaneuver and shock their enemy. The Repentus have sworn to serve The Emperor in self-imposed shame forever, carrying the sins of their ancestors until they prove themselves worthy once again.

The Leather Legion

Theme: femdom

Matriarch: The Mistress

Emblem: handcuffed wrists with a wrap wrapped around the central chain

Specialization: leadership/tactician

Power: the voice of a Leather Legion can reach supersonic or subsonic levels. This can disorient or even overtake the minds of all but the strongest-willed creatures.

History: The Mistress was the first ever member, hand-picked by The Emperor for starting a successful rebellion on a slaver ship. She was uplifted to a Fetish Marine and commands her unit to this day as an impeccable leader. Taking her slave roots to heart, she uses such themes as bondage and humiliation to overpower her enemies’ wills.

Practices: The Leather Legion wears shiny black leathers over their armor and makes the most of their revealing attire. Whips and other intimidating weapons are commonplace among them, instilling fear in their foes before they can even strike a blow. With their enhanced vocal capabilities, foes will cower at their barked insults while allies enter a battle frenzy at her derisive command.

The Hidden Treasures

Theme: traps/futa

Matriarch: Sapriss Underskirt

Emblem: a billowing skirt

Specialization: diplomacy/stealth ops

Power: Hidden Treasures give off a pheromone that makes them appear more appealing to the viewer, regardless of their orientation, race or outlook.

History: claimed to be a happy accident by The God Emperor, The Hidden Treasures are the only chapter to feature male genitalia. Their features tend to be petite, feminine and cute, concealing their true threat and abilities until they have the enemy right where they want them.

Practices: The Hidden Treasures tend to be playful and flirty, enjoying the lives The Emperor saw fit to spare despite their “happy accident.” Pronouns are chosen by the soldiers at will, but many default to female to fit in with their fellow Fetish Marines. The Emperor often keeps their operations a secret. He claims this is good spycraft, but he might just be embarrassed about this one.

The Nemesis Triumphant Regiment

Theme: NTR

Matriarch: Melina Cuckster

Emblem: a shattered throne

Specialization: sabotage

Power: stripped of their powers, the NT Regiment relies on nothing but cruelty and basic Fetish Marine abilities/resources.

History: an envious and treacherous legion. This chapter betrayed the empire early on, believing it to be his greater plan to conquer his own kingdom. Despite orders otherwise, the NTR continues to sabotage and battle the other units.

Practices: the NTR units are trained to be boisterous, gloating, and noisy, mocking enemies and celebrating their own greatness. While The Emperor has disabled whatever resources and powers he can, they use cruelty, tactics stolen gear, and allied enemies to threaten their sister chapters. They can often be heard loudly praising how good their new allies and leaders are.

The Petite Morts

Theme: shortstacks

Matriarch: Gratchian Waisthigh

Emblem: a sword crossed with a mining pick

Specialization: sabotage/demolitions

Power: technically none. The Petite have not been in service as long as their sister chapters, but the fact that they possess similar strength at their tiny size is considered a blessing in itself.

History: a relatively new division, intended to replace the rogue faction of the NTR. The NTR had intended to snatch up an ore-heavy, high-gravity planet before the Empire could get to it but were shocked when they were ambushed by the pint-sized population. Even lacking the training and weapons of a Fetish Marine, the various humans (evolved to small but stocky stature from their high-gravity environment) used their home turf advantage and ambush tactics to undermine the supposed masters of thievery and sabotage. Their all- female army drove off the invaders by the time the Empire’s backup arrived and were hailed as heroes. The Emperor rewarded them by infusing them with the same enhancements that he bestowed upon his original Fetish Marines, welcoming them as his latest chapter/newly discovered fetish.

Practices: lacking the same centuries of discipline, The Petites are a rowdy, cheery, playful bunch. Their camps are closer to keggers than military camps, incorporating their training and exercises into games and contests amongst themselves. They are fiery and fierce characters, making up for their size with raw passion. While their small size makes them ideal for subtler matters, they prefer to enter through stealth and then raise absolute hell for their enemy through explosives and heavy artillery. The Petites famously have a love for oversized weaponry and vehicles (Leviathan tanks, missile launchers, bastard swords, etc.), clearly making up for their lacking height. They are accepting and easygoing with most allies, as their own chapter is made up of several subspecies/mutations of the human race (mostly resembling dwarves, goblins, and the like).


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